Surrogate virus

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Surrogate viruses theoretically provide an opportunity to study the viral spread in an indoor environment, a highly needed understanding during the pandemic, in a safe manner to humans and the environment. However, the safety of surrogate viruses for humans as an aerosol at high concentrations has not been established. In this study, Phi6 surrogate was aerosolized at high concentration (Particulate matter2.5: ∼1018 μg m-3) in the studied indoor space. Participants were closely followed for any symptoms. We measured the bacterial endotoxin concentration of the virus solution used for aerosolization as well as the concentration in the room air containing the aerosolized viruses. In addition, we measured how the bacterial endotoxin concentration of the sample was affected by different traditional virus purification procedures. Despite the purification, bacterial endotoxin concentration of the Phi6 was high (350 EU/ml in solution used for aerosols) with both (two) purification protocols. Bacterial endotoxins were also detected in aerosolized form, but below the occupational exposure limit of 90 EU/m3. Despite these concerns, no symptoms were observed in exposed humans when they were using personal protective equipment. In the future, purification protocols should be developed to reduce associated bacterial endotoxin levels in enveloped bacterial virus specimens to ensure even safer research use of surrogate viruses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In South Korea, testing disinfectants against foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) that are contagious in livestock or that require special attention with respect to public hygiene can be manipulated only in high-level containment laboratories, which are not easily available. This causes difficulties in the approval procedure for disinfectants, such as a prolonged testing period. Additionally, the required biosafety level (BSL) in the case of FMDV has hindered its extensive studies. However, this drawback can be circumvented by using a surrogate virus to improve the performance of the efficacy testing procedure for disinfectants. Therefore, we studied bacteriophage MS2 (MS2) and bovine enterovirus type 1 (ECBO) with respect to disinfectant susceptibility for selecting a surrogate for FMDV according to the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency (APQA) guidelines for efficacy testing of veterinary disinfectants. Effective concentrations of the active substances in disinfectants (potassium peroxymonosulfate, sodium dichloroisocyanurate, malic acid, citric acid, glutaraldehyde, and benzalkonium chloride) against FMDV, MS2, and ECBO were compared and, efficacies of eight APQA-listed commercial disinfectants used against FMDV were examined. The infectivity of FMDV and ECBO were confirmed by examination of cytopathic effects, and MS2 by plaque assay. The results reveal that the disinfectants are effective against MS2 and ECBO at higher concentrations than in FMDV, confirming their applicability as potential surrogates for FMDV in efficacy testing of veterinary disinfectants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In South Korea, despite the increase in emerging viral pathogens in the veterinary industry, only efficacy-tested, virus-specific disinfectants are allowed to be used. Moreover, domestic testing of disinfectants for their virucidal efficacies against foreign, malignant, infectious pathogens that are unreported within the country and/or contagious livestock diseases that require special attention regarding public hygiene are legally restricted. Therefore, the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency (APQA) designed a study to select a potential biosafety level 2 surrogate of African swine fever virus (ASFV) for efficacy testing to improve the disinfectant approval procedures. For this, the modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) was compared to ASFV in terms of its susceptibility to disinfectants. Effective concentrations of active substances of disinfectants (potassium peroxymonosulfate, sodium dichloroisocyanurate, malic acid, citric acid, glutaraldehyde, and benzalkonium chloride) against ASFV and MVA were compared; similarly, efficacies of APQA-listed commercial disinfectants were examined. Tests were performed according to APQA guidelines, and infectivities of ASFV and MVA were confirmed by hemadsorption and cytopathic effect, respectively. The results reveal that the disinfectants are effective against MVA at similar or higher concentrations than those against ASFV, validating the use of MVA as a potential biosafety level 2 surrogate for ASFV in efficacy testing of veterinary disinfectants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neutralizing antibodies are key determinants of protection from future infection, yet well-validated high-throughput assays for measuring titers of SARS-CoV-2-neutralizing antibodies are not generally available. Here, we describe the development and validation of IMMUNO-COV v2.0, a scalable surrogate virus assay, which titrates antibodies that block infection of Vero-ACE2 cells by a luciferase-encoding vesicular stomatitis virus displaying SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoproteins (VSV-SARS2-Fluc). Antibody titers, calculated using a standard curve consisting of stepped concentrations of SARS-CoV-2 spike monoclonal antibody, correlated closely (P < 0.0001) with titers obtained from a gold standard 50% plaque-reduction neutralization test (PRNT50%) performed using a clinical isolate of SARS-CoV-2. IMMUNO-COV v2.0 was comprehensively validated using data acquired from 242 assay runs performed over 7 days by five analysts, utilizing two separate virus lots, and 176 blood samples. Assay performance was acceptable for clinical use in human serum and plasma based on parameters including linearity, dynamic range, limit of blank and limit of detection, dilutional linearity and parallelism, precision, clinical agreement, matrix equivalence, clinical specificity and sensitivity, and robustness. Sufficient VSV-SARS2-Fluc virus reagent has been banked to test 5 million clinical samples. Notably, a significant drop in IMMUNO-COV v2.0 neutralizing antibody titers was observed over a 6-month period in people recovered from SARS-CoV-2 infection. Together, our results demonstrate the feasibility and utility of IMMUNO-COV v2.0 for measuring SARS-CoV-2-neutralizing antibodies in vaccinated individuals and those recovering from natural infections. Such monitoring can be used to better understand what levels of neutralizing antibodies are required for protection from SARS-CoV-2 and what booster dosing schedules are needed to sustain vaccine-induced immunity. IMPORTANCE Since its emergence at the end of 2019, SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19, has caused over 100 million infections and 2.4 million deaths worldwide. Recently, countries have begun administering approved COVID-19 vaccines, which elicit strong immune responses and prevent disease in most vaccinated individuals. A key component of the protective immune response is the production of neutralizing antibodies capable of preventing future SARS-CoV-2 infection. Yet, fundamental questions remain regarding the longevity of neutralizing antibody responses following infection or vaccination and the level of neutralizing antibodies required to confer protection. Our work is significant as it describes the development and validation of a scalable clinical assay that measures SARS-CoV-2-neutraling antibody titers. We have critical virus reagent to test over 5 million samples, making our assay well suited for widespread monitoring of SARS-CoV-2-neutralizing antibodies, which can in turn be used to inform vaccine dosing schedules and answer fundamental questions regarding SARS-CoV-2 immunity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The presence of coronaviruses on surfaces in the patient environment is a potential source of indirect transmission. Manual cleaning and disinfection measures do not always achieve sufficient removal of surface contamination. This increases the importance of automated solutions in the context of final disinfection of rooms in the hospital setting. Ozone is a highly effective disinfectant which, combined with high humidity, is an effective agent against respiratory viruses. Current devices allow continuous nebulization for high room humidity as well as ozone production without any consumables.
    OBJECTIVE: In the following study, the effectiveness of a fully automatic room decontamination system based on ozone was tested against bacteriophage Φ6 (phi 6) and bovine coronavirus L9, as surrogate viruses for the pandemic coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.
    METHODS: For this purpose, various surfaces (ceramic tile, stainless steel surface and furniture board) were soiled with the surrogate viruses and placed at two different levels in a gas-tight test room. After using the automatic decontamination device according to the manufacturer\'s instructions, the surrogate viruses were recovered from the surfaces and examined by quantitative cultures. Then, reduction factors were calculated.
    RESULTS: The ozone-based room decontamination device achieved virucidal efficacy (reduction factor >4 log10) against both surrogate organisms regardless of the different surfaces and positions confirming a high activity under the used conditions.
    CONCLUSIONS: Ozone is highly active against SARS-CoV-2 surrogate organisms. Further investigations are necessary for a safe application and efficacy in practice as well as integration into routine processes.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As the novel SARS-CoV-2 was detected in faeces, environmental researchers have been using centrifugal ultrafiltration, polyethylene glycol precipitation and aluminium hydroxide flocculation to describe its presence in wastewater samples. High recoveries (up to 65%) are described with electronegative filtration when using surrogate viruses, but few literature reports recovery efficiencies using accurate quantification of enveloped viruses. Considering that every single virus will have a different behaviour during viral concentration, it is recommended to use an enveloped virus, and if possible, a betacoronaviruses as murine hepatitis virus, as a surrogate. In this review, we show new data from a newly available technology that provides a quick ultrafiltration protocol for SARS-CoV-2. Wastewater surveillance is an efficient system for the evaluation of the relative prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infections in a community, and there is the need of using reliable concentration methods for an accurate and sensitive quantification of the virus in water.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ensuring the successful inactivation of select agent material is critical for maintaining compliance with federal regulations and safeguarding laboratory personnel from exposure to dangerous pathogens. Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV), naturally transmitted by mosquitoes, is classified as a select agent by the CDC and USDA due to its potential to cause significant economic losses to the livestock industry and its demonstrated potential to emerge into naïve geographic areas. Herein we describe several effective inactivation procedures for RVFV infected mosquito samples. We also demonstrate the vaccine strain MP-12 can be used as an appropriate analog for inactivation testing and describe a method of validating inactivation using Amicon filters. Briefly, we show the following inactivation methods are all effective at inactivating RVFV and MP-12 by following the manufacturers\'/established protocols: 4 % paraformaldehyde, Trizol LS (ThermoFisher Scientific), MagMAX™-96 Viral RNA Isolation Kit (ThermoFisher Scientific), and Mag-Bind® Viral DNA/RNA 96 Kit (Omega Bio-Tek).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this research is to evaluate eluents for recovery of an enveloped bacteriophage, Φ6, using whole-hand sampling.
    RESULTS: Virus was applied to the hands of volunteers and sampled by the glove juice method with 1.5% beef extract (BE), phosphate buffered saline (PBS), 0.01 and 0.1% Tween 80, tryptic soy broth (TSB) and 9% NaCl. Each volunteer underwent multiple rounds application and hand sampling. Mean log10 virus loss across trials was 2.6 for BE, 2.8 for PBS, 2.4 for TSB, 3.8 for NaCl, 3.0 for 0.1% Tween 80, and 2.9 for 0.01% Tween 80. Within each volunteer, there was a decline in viral loss from the first to last trial.
    CONCLUSIONS: These eluents can recover Φ6 from hands with approx. 2-3 log10 loss, comparable to recoveries previously reported for influenza. Protein and detergent-based eluents may have similar recoveries, but recovery may still vary across repeated sampling.
    CONCLUSIONS: Based on current work, protein-based eluents such as beef extract can maximize recovery of enveloped viruses during hand sampling, providing methods for evaluating survival and transmission of enveloped viruses on hands. Further exploration is needed of the effect of repeated sampling on recovery from whole-hand sampling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to the lack of an efficient cultivation system, little is known about the stability and inactivation of hepatitis E virus (HEV). In addition, there is a lack of information on which cultivable virus(es) are suitable as model or surrogate viruses for HEV. Murine norovirus (MNV) and F-RNA coliphage MS2 are potential surrogates and F-RNA coliphages are a potential indicator for enteric viruses. However, the numbers of F-RNA coliphages excreted by swine are relatively low. In contrast, Porcine teschovirus (PTV) is cultivable and is excreted abundantly. PTV is readily detected on swine carcasses and the potential of PTV as a viral indicator of fecal contamination on hog carcasses is currently being explored, however, there is no information on the environmental stability of PTV. The survival of PTV was determined on vacuum packaged pork chops during storage at 2°C using cultivation and molecular techniques and compared to published data on the survival of MNV and MS2 under similar conditions. Viable PTV was reduced by ≥1.8log units compared to a reduction of 0.6 log genomic copies after 7weeks. The viability data indicates that PTV is less stable than MS2 and MNV during storage at 2°C whereas similar reductions in genomic copies were observed for all 3 viruses. This study provides data on the survival of PTV on pork and insight on the potential of PTV as a surrogate for HEV in the pork processing chain.





