Stress markers

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Natural populations of Arabidopsis thaliana exhibit phenotypic variations in specific environments and growth conditions. However, this variation has not been explored after seed osmopriming treatments. The natural variation in biomass production and root system architecture (RSA) was investigated across the Arabidopsis thaliana core collection in response to the pre-sawing seed treatments by osmopriming, with and without melatonin (Mel). The goal was to identify and characterize physiologically contrasting ecotypes.
    RESULTS: Variability in RSA parameters in response to PEG-6000 seed osmopriming with and without Mel was observed across Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes with especially positive impact of Mel addition under both control and 100 mM NaCl stress conditions. Two ecotypes, Can-0 and Kn-0, exhibited contrasted root phenotypes: seed osmopriming with and without Mel reduced the root growth of Can-0 plants while enhancing it in Kn-0 ones under both control and salt stress conditions. To understand the stress responses in these two ecotypes, main stress markers as well as physiological analyses were assessed in shoots and roots. Although the effect of Mel addition was evident in both ecotypes, its protective effect was more pronounced in Kn-0. Antioxidant enzymes were induced by osmopriming with Mel in both ecotypes, but Kn-0 was characterized by a higher responsiveness, especially in the activities of peroxidases in roots. Kn-0 plants experienced lower oxidative stress, and salt-induced ROS accumulation was reduced by osmopriming with Mel. In contrast, Can-0 exhibited lower enzyme activities but the accumulation of proline in its organs was particularly high. In both ecotypes, a greater response of antioxidant enzymes and proline accumulation was observed compared to mechanisms involving the reduction of Na+ content and prevention of K+ efflux.
    CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to Can-0, Kn-0 plants grown from seeds osmoprimed with and without Mel displayed a lower root sensitivity to NaCl-induced oxidative stress. The opposite root growth patterns, enhanced by osmopriming treatments might result from different protective mechanisms employed by these two ecotypes which in turn result from adaptive strategies proper to specific habitats from which Can-0 and Kn-0 originate. The isolation of contrasting phenotypes paves the way for the identification of genetic factors affecting osmopriming efficiency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent studies have exhibited a very promising role of copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) in mitigation of abiotic stresses in plants. Arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi (AMF) assisted plants to trigger their defense mechanism against abiotic stresses. Arsenic (As) is a non-essential and injurious heavy-metal contaminant. Current research work was designed to elucidate role of CuNPs (100, 200 and 300 mM) and a commercial inoculum of Glomus species (Clonex® Root Maximizer) either alone or in combination (CuNPs + Clonex) on physiology, growth, and stress alleviation mechanisms of E. sibiricus growing in As spiked soils (0, 50, and 100 mg Kg- 1 soil). Arsenic induced oxidative stress, enhanced biosynthesis of hydrogen peroxide, lipid peroxidation and methylglyoxal (MG) in E. sibiricus. Moreover, As-phytotoxicity reduced photosynthetic activities and growth of plants. Results showed that individual and combined treatments, CuNPs (100 mM) as well as soil inoculation of AMF significantly enhanced root growth and shoot growth by declining As content in root tissues and shoot tissues in As polluted soils. E. sibiricus plants treated with CuNPs (100 mM) and/or AMF alleviated As induced phytotoxicity through upregulating the activity of antioxidative enzymes such as catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) besides the biosynthesis of non-enzymatic antioxidants including phytochelatin (PC) and glutathione (GSH). In brief, supplementation of CuNPs (100 mM) alone or in combination with AMF reduced As uptake and alleviated the As-phytotoxicity in E. sibiricus by inducing stress tolerance mechanism resulting in the improvement of the plant growth parameters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: By studying Cistus albidus shrubs in their natural habitat, we show that biological outliers can help us to understand the causes and consequences of maximum photochemical efficiency decreases in plants, thus reinforcing the importance of integrating these often-neglected data into scientific practice. Outliers are individuals with exceptional traits that are often excluded of data analysis. However, this may result in very important mistakes not accurately capturing the true trajectory of the population, thereby limiting our understanding of a given biological process. Here, we studied the role of biological outliers in understanding the causes and consequences of maximum photochemical efficiency decreases in plants, using the semi-deciduous shrub C. albidus growing in a Mediterranean-type ecosystem. We assessed interindividual variability in winter, spring and summer maximum PSII photochemical efficiency in a population of C. albidus growing under Mediterranean conditions. A strong correlation was observed between maximum PSII photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm ratio) and leaf water desiccation. While decreases in maximum PSII photochemical efficiency did not result in any damage at the organ level during winter, reductions in the Fv/Fm ratio were associated to leaf mortality during summer. However, all plants could recover after rainfalls, thus maximum PSII photochemical efficiency decreases did not result in an increased mortality at the organism level, despite extreme water deficit and temperatures exceeding 40ºC during the summer. We conclude that, once methodological outliers are excluded, not only biological outliers must not be excluded from data analysis, but focusing on them is crucial to understand the causes and consequences of maximum PSII photochemical efficiency decreases in plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polyamines play an important role in growth and differentiation by regulating numerous physiological and biochemical processes at the cellular level. In addition to their roborative effect, their essential role in plant stress responses has been also reported. However, the positive effect may depend on the fine-tuning of polyamine metabolism, which influences the production of free radicals and/or signalling molecules. In the present study, 0.3 mM hydroponic putrescine treatment was tested in wheat, maize, and rice in order to reveal differences in their answers and highlight the relation of these with polyamine metabolism. In the case of wheat, the chlorophyll content and the actual quantum yield increased after putrescine treatment, and no remarkable changes were detected in the stress markers, polyamine contents, or polyamine metabolism-related gene expression. Although, in maize, the actual quantum yield decreased, and the root hydrogen peroxide content increased, no other negative effect was observed after putrescine treatment due to activation of polyamine oxidases at enzyme and gene expression levels. The results also demonstrated that after putrescine treatment, rice with a higher initial polyamine content, the balance of polyamine metabolism was disrupted and a significant amount of putrescine was accumulated, accompanied by a detrimental decrease in the level of higher polyamines. These initial differences and the putrescine-induced shift in polyamine metabolism together with the terminal catabolism or back-conversion-induced release of a substantial quantity of hydrogen peroxide could contribute to oxidative stress observed in rice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Together with other abiotic stresses such as drought and high temperatures, salt stress is one of the most deleterious environmental factors affecting plant development and productivity, causing significant crop yield reductions. The progressive secondary salinisation of irrigated farmland is a problem as old as agriculture but is aggravated and accelerated in the current climate change scenario. Plant biostimulants, developed commercially during the last decade, are now recognised as innovative, sustainable agronomic tools for improving crop growth, yield, plant health and tolerance to abiotic stress factors such as water and soil salinity. Biostimulants are a disparate collection of biological extracts, natural and synthetic organic compounds or mixtures of compounds, inorganic molecules and microorganisms, defined by the positive effects of their application to crops. The growing interest in biostimulants is reflected in the increasing number of scientific reports published on this topic in recent years. However, the processes triggered by the biostimulants and, therefore, their mechanisms of action remain elusive and represent an exciting research field. In this review, we will mainly focus on one specific group of biostimulants, protein hydrolysates, generally produced from agricultural wastes and agroindustrial by-products-contributing, therefore, to more sustainable use of resources and circular economy-and primarily on the consequences of their application on the abiotic stress resistance of horticultural crops. We will summarise data in the scientific literature describing the biostimulants\' effects on basic, conserved mechanisms activated in response to elevated salinity and other abiotic stress conditions, such as the control of ion transport and ion homeostasis, the accumulation of osmolytes for osmotic adjustment, or the activation of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant systems to counteract the induced secondary oxidative stress. The collected information confirms the positive effects of biostimulants on crop tolerance to abiotic stress by enhancing morphological, physiological and biochemical responses, but also highlights that more work is needed to further establish the molecular mechanisms underlying biostimulants\' effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to investigate how introducing halophilic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SOB) Halothiobacillus halophilus to the growth substrate affects the physiological and biochemical responses of the halophyte Tripolium pannonicum (also known as sea aster or seashore aster) under salt and cadmium stress conditions. This study assessed the plant\'s response to these stressors and bacterial inoculation by analyzing various factors including the accumulation of elements such as sodium (Na), chloride (Cl), cadmium (Cd) and sulfur (S); growth parameters; levels of photosynthetic pigments, proline and phenolic compounds; the formation of malondialdehyde (MDA); and the plant\'s potential to scavenge 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). The results revealed that bacterial inoculation was effective in mitigating the deleterious effect of cadmium stress on some growth criteria. For instance, stem length was 2-hold higher, the growth tolerance index was 3-fold higher and there was a 20% increase in the content of photosynthetic pigments compared to non-inoculated plants. Furthermore, the SOB contributed to enhancing cadmium tolerance in Tripolium pannonicum by increasing the availability of sulfur in the plant\'s leaves, which led to the maintenance of an appropriate, about 2-fold-higher level of phenolic compounds (phenylpropanoids and flavonols), as well as chloride ions. The level of MDA decreased after bacterial application in all experimental variants except when both salt and cadmium stress were present. These findings provide novel insights into how halophytes respond to abiotic stress following inoculation of the growth medium with sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. The data suggest that inoculating the substrate with SOB has a beneficial effect on T. pannonicum\'s tolerance to cadmium stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Oxidative stress refers to an imbalance between oxidant and antioxidant activity and accumulation of reactive oxygen species, which can have detrimental effects on animal health. Annual fluctuations in oxidative stress status can occur, increasing disease susceptibility during certain time periods. However, a full understanding of factors related to oxidative stress in Asian elephants and how to mitigate the negative consequences is lacking.
    UNASSIGNED: This study measured six serum oxidative stress markers [reactive oxygen species (ROS), malondialdehyde (MDA), 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), albumin, glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and catalase] and two stress markers [serum cortisol and fecal glucocorticoid metabolites (fGCM)] in 23 captive Asian elephants in Thailand over a 12 months period to examine relationships with age and season.
    UNASSIGNED: Seasonal variations were observed, with several markers exhibiting significantly higher concentrations in the summer (ROS, MDA, 8-OHdG, albumin) and lower values during the rainy/winter seasons (MDA, 8-OHdG, albumin, catalase). By contrast, GPx was the only marker to be highest during the rainy season. For the stress markers, higher fGCM concentrations were noted during the rainy season, which contrasts with earlier studies showing more activity in the winter (tourist season). Positive correlations were found between the temperature-humidity index and ROS, GPx, and fGCM, while a negative correlation was observed with serum albumin. Elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus (EEHV) shedding events were associated with higher concentrations of ROS and MDA. A moderate negative correlation was observed between 8-OHdG and the PCR threshold cycle of EEHV shedding (Ct), indicating DNA damage may be involved in EEHV shedding in elephants.
    UNASSIGNED: Results revealed significant age and seasonal effects on several oxidative stress markers, indicating those factors should be considered in study design and data interpretation. There also may be physiological adaptations in oxidative stress conditions in relation to environmental changes that could impact health outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Waterlogging and drought disrupt crop development and productivity. Triticale is known to be relatively tolerant to different stress factors. In natural conditions, plants are rather subjected to multiple environmental factors. Serrate® (Syngenta) is a systemic selective herbicide suitable for cereal crops such as triticale and wheat to restrain annual grass and broadleaf weeds. Triticale (×Triticosecale Wittm., cv. Rozhen) was grown as soil culture under controlled conditions. Seventeen-day-old plantlets were leaf sprayed with Serrate®. The water stress (drought or waterlogging) was applied after 72 h for 7 days, and then the seedlings were left for recovery. The herbicide does not provoke sharp alterations in the antioxidant state (stress markers level, and antioxidant and xenobiotic-detoxifying enzymes activity). The water stresses and combined treatments enhanced significantly the content of stress markers (malondialdehyde, proline, hydrogen peroxide), non-enzymatic (total phenolics and thiol groups-containing compounds), and enzymatic (activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, guaiacol peroxidase, glutathione reductase) antioxidants, and xenobiotic-detoxifying enzymes (activities of glutathione S-transferase, NADPH:cytochrome P450 reductase, NADH:cytochrome b5 reductase). These effects were more severely expressed after the drought stress, suggesting that this cultivar is more tolerant to waterlogging than to drought stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cold stress is among the most important environmental factors reducing the yield of crops. The present study aimed to investigate the impact of increasing cold stress conditions on winter oilseed rape polyamines, proline, and ethylene metabolism in acclimated and non-acclimated winter oilseed rape. This study was carried out under controlled conditions in the laboratory. The winter oilseed rape hybrid \'Visby\' was used in the experiment. Acclimated and non-acclimated plants were subjected to a two-day-long increasing cold (from -1 °C to -3 °C) treatment. HPTLC, RT-qPCR, spectral analysis, and gas chromatography methods were used to analyse the levels of polyamines, gene expression, proline, and ethylene, respectively. This study showed a decrease in putrescine, spermidine, and spermine content during cold acclimation and a decrease in putrescine and spermidine levels at sub-zero temperatures. There were intensive changes in ADC2 gene expression, proline, and ethylene levels in non-acclimated plants: a substantial increase after exposure to -1 °C temperature and a sharp decrease after exposure to -3 °C temperature. The changes in these parameters were lower or absent in acclimated plants. The phenomena observed in this study add new insights to the knowledge about the plant stress response and suggest questions to be answered in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Offshore renewables are expanding, yet more information is required to understand their possible impacts on the environment. Little is known about the effects of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) from subsea power cables on marine life. This study simulated an EMF of 500 μT, as modelled for an export cable over a rocky shore, where the industry standard cable burial would not be possible. Righting reflex, refractive index of haemolymph/coelomic fluid, and total haemocyte/coelomocyte counts were measured for four coastal invertebrates (Asterias rubens, Echinus esculentus, Necora puber, and Littorina littorea). No significant differences were found in either behavioural or physiological responses. This was the first study to investigate EMF exposure on righting reflex, and the first ever EMF study on edible sea urchins and periwinkles, and only one of a couple for common starfish and velvet crabs. It therefore, provides valuable data for environmental impact assessments, marine spatial planning, and commercial fisheries.





