Stable carbon isotope

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The elemental composition and carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes of sedimentary organic matter (OM) are vital geochemical tools for understanding environments, physical and biogeochemical processes, and even paleoclimatic conditions on Earth. Given that the Antarctic Peninsula region is one of the few areas that remain relatively preserved compared to many other regions on Earth, sensitive to climate change, and yet remains the least explored continent, this study aimed to characterise the elemental (total organic carbon and total nitrogen) and isotopic (δ13C and δ15N) composition of marine sediments from various regions of Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica. This was done to assess potential sources of OM. The sampling included: (i) 17 surface sediment samples collected across the bay in January 2020; (ii) surface sediment samples collected during the 2009-2019 period at three specific inlets of Admiralty Bay; and (iii) three sediment cores collected from each inlet in 2007-2008. TOC and TN varied from 0.09 to 0.99 % and 0.02 to 0.18 %, respectively. The δ13C values ranged from -25.9 to -18.4 ‰, while the δ15N values varied from -12.4 to 22.7 ‰. The C/N ratio values were from 2.5 to 19.3. OM in sediments from Ezcurra Inlet primarily originates from terrestrial plants prevalent in Antarctica, such as mosses and lichens, alongside aquatic plants like algae and phyto- and zooplankton. Similarly, Mackelar Inlet is characterised by substantial contributions from these abovementioned sources. In contrast, Martel Inlet exhibits diverse sources, predominantly influenced by various marine mammals and seabirds and their excrements, in addition to the signals from mosses and lichens. Recent sediments sampled post-2008 in Martel Inlet show a decreased contribution from animal sources, with mosses and lichens emerging as the predominant contributors, corroborating patterns observed in the other inlets. Our findings suggest that climate change is expanding ice-free areas, promoting the growth of terrestrial vegetation, and altering the composition of sedimentary OM in Admiralty Bay, indicating changes over the studied time scale.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Ulva prolifera bloom is considered one of the most serious ecological disasters in the Yellow Sea in the past decade, forming a carbon sink in its source area within a short period but becoming a carbon source at its destination. To explore the effects of different environmental changes on seawater dissolved carbon pools faced by living U. prolifera in its originating area, U. prolifera were cultured in three sets with different light intensity (54, 108, and 162 μmol m-2 s-1), temperature (12, 20, and 28 °C) and nitrate concentration gradients (25, 50, and 100 μmol L-1). The results showed that moderate light (108 μmol m-2 s-1), temperature (20 °C), and continuous addition of exogenous nitrate significantly enhanced the absorption of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in seawater by U. prolifera and most promoted its growth. Under the most suitable environment, the changes in the seawater carbonate system were mainly dominated by biological production and denitrification, with less influence from aerobic respiration. Facing different environmental changes, U. prolifera continuously changed its carbon fixation mode according to tissue δ13C results, with the changes in the concentrations of various components of DIC in seawater, especially the fluctuation of HCO3- and CO2 concentrations. Enhanced light intensity of 108 μmol m-2 s-1 could shift the carbon fixation pathway of U. prolifera towards the C4 pathway compared to temperature and nitrate stimulation. Environmental conditions at the origin determined the amount of dissolved carbon fixed by U. prolifera. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the changes in marine environmental conditions at the origin of U. prolifera, providing a basis for scientific management of U. prolifera.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In order to fully understand the carbon emission from different fuels in rural villages of China, especially in the typical atmospheric pollution areas. The characteristics of carbonaceous aerosols and carbon dioxide (CO2) with its stable carbon isotope (δ13C) were investigated in six households, which two households used coal, two households used wood as well as two households used biogas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), from two rural villages in Fenwei Plain from March to April 2021. It showed that the fine particulate matter (PM2.5) emitted from biogas and LPG couldn\'t be as lower as expected in this area. However, the clean fuels could relatively reduce the emissions of organic carbon (OC) and element carbon (EC) in PM2.5 compare to the solid fuels. The pyrolyzed carbon (OP) accounted more total carbon (TC) in coal than the other fuels use households, indicating that more water-soluble OC existed, and it still had the highest secondary organic carbon (SOC) than the other fuels. Meantime, the coal combustions in the two villages had the highest CO2 concentration of 527.6 ppm and 1120.6 ppm, respectively, while the clean fuels could effectively reduce it. The average δ13C values (-26.9‰) was much lighter than almost all the outdoor monitoring and similar to the δ13C values for coal combustion and vehicle emission, showing that they might be the main contributors of the regional atmospheric aerosol in this area. During the sandstorm, the indoor PM2.5 mass and CO2 were increasing obviously. The indoor cancer risk of PAHs for adults and children were greater than 1 × 10-6, exert a potential carcinogenic risk to human of solid fuels combustion in rural northern China. It is important to continue concern the solid fuel combustion and its health impact in rural areas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Floods in global large rivers modulate the transport of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and estuarine hydrological characteristics significantly. This study investigated the impact of a severe flood on the sources and age of DOC in the Yangtze River Estuary (YRE) in 2020. Comparing the flood period in 2020 to the non-flood period in 2017, we found that the flood enhanced the transport of young DOC to the East China Sea (ECS), resulting in significantly enriched Δ14C-DOC values. During the flood period, the proportion of modern terrestrial organic carbon (OC) was significantly higher compared to the non-flood period. Conversely, the proportion of pre-aged sediment OC was significantly lower during the flood period. The high turbidity associated with the flood facilitated rapid transformation and mineralization of sedimentary and fresh terrestrial OC, modifying the sources of DOC. The flux of modern terrestrial OC transported to the ECS during the flood period was 1.58 times higher than that of the non-flood period. These findings suggest that floods can modulate the sources and decrease the age of DOC, potentially leading to increased greenhouse gas emissions. Further research is needed to understand the long-term impacts of floods on DOC dynamics in global estuaries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The compound-specific determination of δ13C values [‰] by gas chromatography interfaced with isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-IRMS) is a powerful analytical method to indicate minute but relevant variations in the 13C/12C ratio of sample compounds. In this study, the δ13C values [‰] of individual sterols were measured in eleven different oils of C3, C4, and CAM plants (n = 33) by GC-IRMS. For this purpose, a suitable acetylation method was developed for sterols. Nine of the eleven phytosterols identified by GC with mass spectrometry (GC/MS) could be measured by GC-IRMS. The δ13C values [‰] of individual sterols and squalene of C3 plant oils were between 3‰ and >16‰ more negative (lighter in carbon) than in C4 and CAM oils. We also showed that the blending of C4 oils into C3 oils (exemplarily conducted with one olive and one corn oil) would be precisely determined by means of the δ13C value [‰] of β-sitosterol.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Chinese fir in China are generally inefficient plantations with single species, unreasonable stand density, and low productivity. The introduction of broadleaved species is usually adopted as a strategy to improve Chinese fir plantations. Taking the pure forests and mixed forests of the Guanshan Forest Farm in Jiangxi Province as example, we quantified the intrinsic water-use efficiency (iWUE) of trees based on the stable isotope carbon method, as well as its response to meteorological factors, and investigated the improvement of stand quality after introducing Phoebe zhennan into Chinese fir plantation. The results showed that the basal area increment was 0.23 cm2 in pure forest, being higher than that of 0.19 cm2 in mixed forest. The δ13C and iWUE of pure forest were -27.4‰ and 52.9%, respectively, being lower than those of -26.7‰ and 62.8% in the mixed forest. Tree δ13C in pure forest was more sensitive to changes in mean annual precipitation and mean annual relative humidity, while that in mixed forest was not significantly correlated with meteorological factors. Pure forest iWUE was positively correlated with mean annual temperature, mean annual atmospheric CO2 concentration, and mean annual maximum temperature, and negatively correlated with mean annual precipitation and mean annual relative humidity, while mixed forest iWUE was positively correlated with mean annual atmospheric CO2 concentration only. Our results indicated that pure forests was more sensitive to climate than mixed forests.
    我国现存的杉木人工林普遍是树种组成单一、林分密度不合理、生产力低下的低效人工林,在改善低效人工林方面通常采取引入阔叶树种的营林措施。本研究以江西官山林场杉木纯林和杉楠混交林为对象,基于树轮δ13C稳定同位素方法量化植物内禀水分利用效率(iWUE)及其对气象因子的响应,分析引入楠木对低效杉木人工林林木质量的提升效应。结果表明: 纯林中的杉木断面积生长量为0.23 cm2,高于混交林杉木的0.19 cm2;杉木纯林树轮δ13C和iWUE分别为-27.4‰和52.9%,低于混交林的-26.7‰和62.8%。杉木纯林δ13C对年均降水和年均相对湿度的变化更敏感,杉木混交林δ13C则与气象因子的相关性不明显;杉木纯林iWUE与年均温度、年均大气CO2浓度和年均最高温度呈正相关,与年均降水和年均相对湿度呈负相关,而杉木混交林iWUE仅与年均大气CO2浓度呈正相关。表明杉木纯林对气候的响应较杉木混交林更敏感。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study examined the influence of fireworks on atmospheric aerosols over the Southern Indian city of Hyderabad during festival of Diwali using mass closure, stable carbon isotopes and the EPA-PMF model. Identification of chemical species in day and night time aerosol samples for 2019 and 2020 Diwali weeks showed increased concentrations of NH4+, NO3-, SO42-, K+, organic carbon (OC), Ba, Pb and Li, which were considered as tracers for fireworks. PM10 source apportionment was done using inorganic (trace elements, major ions) and carbonaceous (organic and elemental carbon; OC & EC) constituents, along with stable isotopic compositions of TC and EC. K+/Na+ ∼1 and K+nss/OC > 0.5 indicated contribution from fireworks. High NO3-, NH4+, Na+, Cl- and SO42- suggested the presence of deliquescent salts NaCl, NH4NO3 and (NH4)2SO4. TAE/TCE >1 suggested H+ exclusion, indicating possible presence of H2SO4 and NH4HSO4 in the aerosols. Ba, Pb, Sb, Sr and Fe increased by 305 (87), 12 (11), 12 (3), 3 (2) and 3 (4) times on Diwali nights, compared to pre-Diwali of 2019 (2020), and are considered as metallic tracers of fireworks. δ13CTC and δ13CEC in aerosols closely resembled that of diesel and C3 plant burning emissions, with meagre contribution from firecrackers during Diwali period. The δ13CEC was relatively depleted than δ13CTC and δ13COC. For both years, δ13COC-EC (δ13COC - δ13CEC) were positive, suggesting photochemical aging of aerosols during long-range transport, while for pre-Diwali 2019 and post-Diwali 2020, δ13COC-EC were negative with high OC/EC ratio, implying secondary organic aerosols formation. High toluene during Diwali week contributed to fresh SOA formation, which reacted with precursor 12C, leading to 13C depletions. Eight-factored EPA-PMF source apportionment indicated highest contribution from residue/waste burning, followed by marine/dust soil and fireworks, while least was contributed from solid fuel/coal combustion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Black Sea is a permanently anoxic, marine basin serving as model system for the deposition of organic-rich sediments in a highly stratified ocean. In such systems, archaeal lipids are widely used as paleoceanographic and biogeochemical proxies; however, the diverse planktonic and benthic sources as well as their potentially distinct diagenetic fate may complicate their application. To track the flux of archaeal lipids and to constrain their sources and turnover, we quantitatively examined the distributions and stable carbon isotopic compositions (δ13 C) of intact polar lipids (IPLs) and core lipids (CLs) from the upper oxic water column into the underlying sediments, reaching deposits from the last glacial. The distribution of IPLs responded more sensitively to the geochemical zonation than the CLs, with the latter being governed by the deposition from the chemocline. The isotopic composition of archaeal lipids indicates CLs and IPLs in the deep anoxic water column have negligible influence on the sedimentary pool. Archaeol substitutes tetraether lipids as the most abundant IPL in the deep anoxic water column and the lacustrine methanic zone. Its elevated IPL/CL ratios and negative δ13 C values indicate active methane metabolism. Sedimentary CL- and IPL-crenarchaeol were exclusively derived from the water column, as indicated by non-variable δ13 C values that are identical to those in the chemocline and by the low BIT (branched isoprenoid tetraether index). By contrast, in situ production accounts on average for 22% of the sedimentary IPL-GDGT-0 (glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraether) based on isotopic mass balance using the fermentation product lactate as an endmember for the dissolved substrate pool. Despite the structural similarity, glycosidic crenarchaeol appears to be more recalcitrant in comparison to its non-cycloalkylated counterpart GDGT-0, as indicated by its consistently higher IPL/CL ratio in sediments. The higher TEX86 , CCaT, and GDGT-2/-3 values in glacial sediments could plausibly result from selective turnover of archaeal lipids and/or an archaeal ecology shift during the transition from the glacial lacustrine to the Holocene marine setting. Our in-depth molecular-isotopic examination of archaeal core and intact polar lipids provided new constraints on the sources and fate of archaeal lipids and their applicability in paleoceanographic and biogeochemical studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The process of atmospheric organic carbon (OC) entering the ocean through wet deposition plays a crucial role in the global carbon cycle. To gain insights into the biogeochemical dynamics of OC at the land-sea margin, we conducted an extensive four-year investigation on precipitation OC in Jiaozhou Bay (JZB). The results showed that the volume-weighted mean concentration of particulate OC (POC) and dissolved OC (DOC) in precipitation were 0.38 and 2.06 mg C L-1 with an average wet deposition flux of OC for 2666.5 mg C m-2 yr-1. The source of POC in precipitation is predominantly by the C3 plant emission and burning and fossil fuel combustion. Wet deposition contributed 986.6 t yr-1 of OC of which 506.3 t yr-1 of bioavailable DOC, which could have significant implications for carbon cycle in the JZB. This study could enhance the understanding of the marine atmospheric OC in coastal areas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A portion of carbon produced from shellfish and kelp cultivation is buried in sedimentary environment, and mariculture carbon sequestration potential is an important part of marine carbon sink and has attracted worldwide attention. Total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) and their stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N), as well as the mass distribution of these size-fractionated particles were determined in order to study the distribution and sources of TOC in Sanggou Bay. Results showed that sediment organic matter has complex sources from kelp (30.4 %), marine phytoplankton (25.6 %), shellfish (23.7 %), terrestrial input (20.3 %), and mariculture activities of shellfish and kelp was the major component in surface sediment. Approximately 44-69 % of TOC was associated with the 16-32 μm fraction. Low δ13C (-22.1 to -15.1‰) and high δ15N (5.0-5.7‰) were observed in fine particles (<16 μm), indicating relatively high contribution of marine phytoplankton and mariculture derived organic carbon. On the contrary, relatively higher δ13C (-20.2 to -9.2‰) and lower values δ15N (-4.7 to 5.2‰) in coarse particles (>32 μm) suggested that sedimentary organic carbon might be influenced by some additional sources from terrestrial input or seaweed. The mass distribution, δ13C and δ15N of size-fractionated particles in sediments indicated that sediment was obviously redistributed under the condition of mariculture, and further suggested that mariculture derived organic matter have modified the distribution and sources of sedimentary organic matter. This study provided great insight into distribution and source of sedimentary organic carbon from the perspective of size-fractionated particles in mariculture area.





