Spontaneous hematoma

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: The presentation of spontaneous hematomas remains different between all affected populations, but advanced age and use of anticoagulants are common risk factors in the majority. The progression of the hematoma may require some time to be detected; however, it can prove fatal if it reaches a significant size. A spontaneous calf hematoma can be mistakenly diagnosed as deep vein thrombosis, and the management of both conditions is varying.
    METHODS: A 26-year-old man had recently undergone multiple left lower limb surgeries and was using Rivaroxaban for deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis. He presented with a painful contralateral calf swelling for a duration of one month, which was later diagnosed as a spontaneous chronic calf hematoma. Despite the fact that blood tests were within the normal range, imaging confirmed the diagnosis. After extensive discussion among multidisciplinary teams, a surgical exploration was conducted, resulting in the complete evacuation of the hematoma. Subsequently, a meticulous monitoring of the re-administration of anticoagulant was conducted. CLINICAL DISCUSSION: spontaneous calf hematoma is not common pathology and affecting elderly and presentation in young is unique and diagnosis will not be reached easily especially in chronic case.
    CONCLUSIONS: A spontaneous calf hematoma can occur in a young, fit population with coexisting anticoagulant administrations. A thorough history, examination, and imaging must be applied urgently in order to reach a diagnosis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Frequently misdiagnosed, the clinical condition of soft tissue hematoma typically emerges following blunt abdominal trauma and/or anticoagulant medication usage, with spontaneous occurrences being infrequent. In this case report, we present a spontaneous rectus sheath and iliopsoas hematomas without obvious classical risk factors. The purpose of presenting this case is to bring attention to this unusual clinical condition and emphasize the role of thorough history and physical examination in determining the suitable course of treatment.
    METHODS: A 50-year-old woman with no medical history presented at the emergency room due to sudden asthenia and abdominal pain. Physical examination revealed a painful 20 cm hypogastric mass and left lumbar swelling causing leg bending. Lab tests indicated anemia and normal coagulation. CT scans showed significant hematomas in the left rectus and psoas muscles. Intensive monitoring and supportive measures stabilized her condition without resorting to surgery.
    UNASSIGNED: Soft tissue hematomas, notably in the rectus sheath or iliopsoas muscle, are rare but potentially severe conditions. Their pathophysiology is not fully understood, and risk factors include age, anticoagulant use, and comorbidities. Diagnosis involves abdominal examination, anemia, and CT findings. Management varies based on symptom severity and blood loss, ranging from conservative approaches to surgery or embolization.
    CONCLUSIONS: Swift identification and effective handling of soft tissue hematomas hold utmost importance. The thorough history-taking and comprehensive physical examination play pivotal roles within this protocol. While supportive care constitutes the primary mode of management, instances arise where surgical intervention or vascular embolization becomes imperative for hematomas unresponsive to treatment and presenting hemodynamic instability.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Spontaneous hematoma of the iliopsoas is a rare pathological circumstance; in the majority of cases published in the literature, it is associated with disorders of hemostasis due to anticoagulant treatment or coagulopathies. We present a case of a 64-year-old man on acenocoumarol, an anticoagulant of the vitamin K antagonist family, for atrial fibrillation, who presented with a severe left hip and flank pain with a huge ecchymosis on the left flank and a partial inability to extend the left thigh. A CT scan confirmed the diagnosis of iliopsoas hematoma. Given the hemodynamic stability of the patient, he benefited from a conservative treatment with a favourable evolution. This case highlights the underlying conditions, diagnosis, and treatment of this uncommon complication.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    To investigate the results of therapeutic and prophylactic endovascular hemostasis of spontaneous bleeding into soft tissues of abdominal, chest wall and retroperitoneal space in patients with COVID-19.
    We retrospectively studied 35 patients with COVID-19 complicated by spontaneous bleeding into soft tissues of abdominal, chest wall and retroperitoneal space. According to CT data, the volume of hematoma was 1193.4±706.1 ml. In all patients, CT signs of ongoing bleeding were detected. Moreover, contrast agent extravasation in all phases of examination was established in 15 patients. In other ones, extravasation was detected in late phases or study phase was not identified. All patients underwent angiography. Ongoing bleeding was detected in 12 (34.3%) patients (group 1). They underwent embolization of the target vessel. In 23 patients, bleeding was not established during angiography. Of these, 13 ones underwent prophylactic embolization (group 2). No embolization was carried out in 10 patients (group 3). All groups differed in hematoma localization and COVID-19 severity.
    Fourteen (40%) patients died in postoperative period. Mortality was similar in all groups. The most common cause of death was progressive respiratory failure following pneumonia. The last one was established by autopsy in 10 (71.4%) patients.
    Angiography confirmed MR signs of contrast agent extravasation in 34.3% of patients. In case of extravasation in all CT phases, ongoing bleeding was confirmed in 66.7% of patients. Endovascular embolization is effective for arterial bleeding into soft tissues. However, large-scale studies are needed to assess the effect of this technique on survival.
    Исследовать результаты лечебного и профилактического эндоваскулярного гемостаза спонтанных кровотечений в мягкие ткани брюшной, грудной стенки и забрюшинного пространства у пациентов с COVID-19.
    Проведено ретроспективное исследование результатов лечения 35 пациентов, у которых течение COVID-19 осложнилось спонтанными кровотечениями в мягкие ткани брюшной, грудной стенки и забрюшинное пространство. Объем гематом, по данным МСКТ, составил 1193,4±706,1 мл. У всех пациентов выявлены МСКТ-признаки продолжающегося кровотечения, из них у 15 экстравазация контраста установлена во все фазы исследования. У остальных экстравазация выявлена в поздние фазы или фаза исследования не была идентифицирована. Всем пациентам проведена рентгеноконтрастная ангиография, при которой продолжающееся кровотечение выявлено у 12 (34,3%) пациентов (1-я группа). Им произведена эмболизация целевого сосуда. У 23 пациентов продолжающееся кровотечение во время ангиографии не установлено. У 13 из них с профилактической целью выполнили эмболизацию (2-я группа), у 10 — эмболизацию не выполняли (3-я группа). Группы различались по локализации гематом и тяжести COVID-19.
    В послеоперационном периоде во всех группах наблюдения умерли 14 (40%) пациентов. При анализе летальности статистически значимых различий в группах не выявлено. Причиной смерти большинства пациентов была прогрессирующая дыхательная недостаточность на фоне пневмонии, которая установлена при аутопсии у 10 (71,4%) пациентов.
    Экстравазация контраста, выявленная при МСКТ, на ангиографии подтверждена у 34,3% пациентов. При экстравазации контраста во все фазы МСКТ продолжающееся кровотечение подтверждено у 66,7% пациентов. Эндоваскулярная эмболизация эффективна для остановки артериальных кровотечений в мягкие ткани, однако для оценки влияния методики на выживаемость пациентов необходимо проведение более крупных исследований.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: The frequent occurrence of thromboembolic events in patients infected with the severe acute respiratory syndrome CoV2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus is a well-recognized fact in the medical literature, but less data is available about possible hemorrhagic incidents. Methods: We report the case of a 76-year-old patient who suffered from a mild COVID-19 infection in September 2021 and after four weeks, experienced a completely spontaneous popliteal hematoma followed by deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Therapy with low molecular weight heparins (LMWH) was started, but subsequently, the patient developed a massive sub-pectoral and calf hematoma leading to moderate post-hemorrhagic anemia and acute kidney injury. This patient was treated completely conservatively. Conclusions: Considering the continuous spread of the infection with various, continuously evolving strains of this virus and the extended use of LWMH in clinical practice, such cases were seldom described in the medical literature, but should be considered as a potential cause for hemorrhagic events.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: The acute onset of a spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma (SSEH) is an uncommon cause of spinal cord compression. Early diagnosis and treatment are critical to avoid significant residual postoperative neurological deficits.
    METHODS: A 15-year-old male presented with the sudden onset of a hemiparesis which recovered (4/5 weakness). The brain MR was negative, but spinal MRI revealed a dorsolateral extradural lesion extending from C7 to D1. At surgery, this proved to be a hematoma that we readily removed.
    CONCLUSIONS: Spontaneous epidural hematomas are rare. They should be diagnosed promptly with MR, and typically warrant urgent/emergent surgical excision. Further, cases of SSEH resulting in hemiparesis may occasionally be misdiagnosed as attributed to a stroke or transient ischemic attack.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Vitamin K antagonists (VKA) based oral anticoagulation, is widely used for the prevention and treatment of thromboembolic disease. The major complication of this therapy is bleeding, and sometimes it can occur in unsuspected areas. Spontaneous pectoral hematoma is one of the rare complications due to over anticoagulation by VKA therapy, with only a few cases reported in the literature. Concomitant use of this therapy with commonly used antibiotic, especially in the elderly with multiple comorbidities, can increase the risk of bleeding. Herein, we report a case of a 72-year-old woman under VKA for the treatment of atrial fibrillation, who presented with a spontaneous massive pectoral hematoma, while using antibiotic to treat a respiratory tract infection, who was successfully managed.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    We report the case of an 86-year-old man presenting with a spontaneous hematoma in the left iliac muscle and previous diagnosis of colon cancer in 1998 (stage pT3N0M0) treated with transverse colectomy and considered in complete remission. After a complete study, it was possible to identify the presence of Factor VIII inhibitors antibodies that confirmed the presence of acquired hemophilia. During hospitalization the patient presented a lower gastrointestinal bleeding leading to the diagnosis of recurrence of a previously treated colorectal adenocarcinoma. He responded to initial therapy with systemic corticoids and anti-inhibitory coagulant complex which includes activated VII Factor [FEIBA].
    Presentamos el caso de un varón de 86 años con un hematoma espontáneo en el músculo ilíaco izquierdo y diagnóstico previo de cáncer de colon en 1998 (estadio pT3N0M0), tratado quirúrgicamente mediante colectomía transversal, considerado en remisión completa. Tras realización de estudios complementarios se demostró la presencia de autoanticuerpos inhibidores del Factor VIII que confirmaron el diagnóstico de hemofilia adquirida. Durante el ingreso el paciente presentó un sangrado digestivo bajo que conllevó al descubrimiento de recidiva del adenocarcinoma colorrectal tratado previamente. Respondió de forma favorable a la terapia inicial con corticoides sistémicos y el complejo coagulante anti inhibidor que incluye el Factor VII activado [FEIBA].






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: First characterized in the 19th century, spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma (SSEH) is known as the idiopathic accumulation of blood within the spinal canal\'s epidural space, causing symptoms varying from general back pain to complete paraplegia. With varying etiologies, a broad spectrum of severity and symptoms, a time-dependent resolution period, and no documented diagnosis or treatment algorithm, SSEH is a commonly misunderstood condition associated with increasing morbidity. While SSEH can occur at any vertebrae level, 16% of all SSEH cases occur in the cervical spine, making it a region of interest to clinicians.
    UNASSIGNED: Herein, the authors present two case examples describing the clinical presentation of SSEH, while also reviewing the literature to provide a comprehensive overview of its presentation, pathology, and treatment. The first case is a patient with nontraumatic sudden onset neck pain with rapidly progressing weakness. The second case is a patient with painless weakness that developed while taking 325 mg of aspirin daily.
    UNASSIGNED: Clinicians should keep SSEH in their differential diagnosis when seeing patients with nontraumatic sources of weakness in their extremities. The appropriate steps should be followed to diagnose and treat this condition with magnetic resonance imaging and surgical decompression if there are progressive neurological deficits. There is a continued need for more extensive database-driven studies to understand better SSEHs clinical presentation, etiology, and ultimate treatment.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Background  Broad ligament hematomas are rare in the setting of vaginal delivery. When they do occur, patients typically present with acute hemodynamic instability. No cases of infected broad ligament hematomas have been reported. Case  A 22-year-old G2 P1011 status post vaginal delivery complicated by chorioamnionitis and pre-eclampsia presented 5 days postpartum with subjective complaints of fever, vomiting, and increased vaginal bleeding. She was treated with antibiotics and uterine evacuation was planned for presumed retained products. After dilation and curettage, the patient was transferred to our facility, as her clinical status did not improve, and was later found to have an infected broad ligament hematoma requiring hysterectomy. Conclusion  Though uncommon, broad ligament hematomas should be considered in postpartum women presenting with anemia and vaginal bleeding, even without hemodynamic instability. Recent intrauterine infections may predispose to hematoma infection.






