Species checklist

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigated the Culicoides fauna in Turkey during the years 2016-2019 in the process of entomological surveillance for arboviral diseases. The entomological survey was conducted at 104 sampling stations in 51 provinces in Turkey during four consecutive years. There were approximately 450,000 specimens and 59 identified species collected during the surveillance. Ten species were newly recorded for Turkey: C. chiopterus, C. grisescens, C. paradoxalis, C. santonicus, C. poperinghensis, C. sergenti, C. tbilisicus, C. comosioculatus, C. haranti, and C. univittatus. Identification of C. chiopterus and C. grisescens was confirmed using species-specific PCR and DNA sequencing. With our recent findings, previous data were critically reviewed and updated, and the number of Culicoides species has been increased to 71 for Turkey. The presence of C. chiopterus has particular importance due to its potential vector status for bluetongue virus (BTV) and Schmallenberg virus (SBV). This study presents result of the first large-scale integrated faunistic survey on Culicoides species in Turkey.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: There have been several recent checklists, books and publications about Indian moths; however, much of this work has focused on biodiversity hotspots such as North-east India, Western Ghats and Western Himalayas. There is a lack of published literature on urban centres in India, despite the increased need to monitor insects at sites with high levels of human disturbance. In this study, we examine the moths of Delhi, the national capital region of India, one of the fastest growing mega-metropolitan cities. We present a comprehensive checklist of 338 moths species using 8 years of light trapping data (2012-2020) and examining about 2000 specimens from historical collections at the National Pusa Collection of ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi (NPC-IARI) spanning over 100 years (1907-2020). The checklist comprises moths from 32 families spanning 14 superfamilies with Noctuoidea (48.5%) and Pyraloidea (20.4%) being the the two most dominant superfamilies. We provide links to images of live individuals and pinned specimens for all moths and provide detailed distribution records and an updated taxonomic treatment.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is the first comprehensive annotated checklist of the moths of Delhi. The present study adds 234 species to the biodiversity of moths from Delhi that were not reported previously, along with illustrations for 195 species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) were collected throughout Finland between 2013 and 2018 to determine species distributions. During the course of molecular identifications of specimens belonging to the Anopheles maculipennis complex, ribosomal internal transcribed spacer 2 sequences and link-reared specimens revealed the presence of Anopheles daciae Linton, Nicolescu & Harbach (n = 37), a new country record, as well as Anopheles messeae Falleroni (n = 19) in the collections. Although the sample size is low, distinctions are apparent in the distributions of these two species, with An. daciae present in south-eastern and central Finland, including the regions of Kanta-Häme, Pirkanmaa, Pohjois-Pohjanmaa, Päijät-Häme and Satakunta, and An. messeae present in the southern and south-eastern regions of Åland (Ahvenanmaa), Etelä-Savo, Kanta-Häme, Kymenlaakso, Päijät-Häme, Satakunta, Uusimaa and Varsinais-Suomi. All reports of An. messeae in Finland prior to 2018 should therefore be recognized as potentially being either An. messeae or An. daciae. Because these species are potential vectors of malarial protozoa, it is important to have full knowledge of their distributions across Europe, particularly in the face of climate warming.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most information about the systematics and bioecology of Belgian mosquitoes dates back from before 1950, and only scattered information was produced during the last decades. In this paper we review and update the list of mosquito species recorded in Belgium, from first report (1908) to 2015. Six genera and 31 species were recorded so far, including 28 autochthonous species and three invasive alien species recently recorded in Belgium: Aedes albopictus (Skuse 1894), Ae. japonicus japonicus (Theobald 1901), and Ae. koreicus (Edwards 1917). The six genera are Anopheles (five species), Aedes (sixteen species), Coquillettidia (one species), Culex (four species), Culiseta (four species), and Orthopodomyia (one species).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The incredible mosquito species diversity in the Neotropics can provoke major confusion during vector control programs when precise identification is needed. This is especially true in French Guiana where studies on mosquito diversity practically ceased 35 yr ago. In order to fill this gap, we propose here an updated and comprehensive checklist of the mosquitoes of French Guiana, reflecting the latest changes in classification and geographical distribution and the recognition of current or erroneous synonymies. This work was undertaken in order to help ongoing and future research on mosquitoes in a broad range of disciplines such as ecology, biogeography, and medical entomology. Thirty-two valid species cited in older lists have been removed, and 24 species have been added including 12 species (comprising two new genera and three new subgenera) reported from French Guiana for the first time. New records are from collections conducted on various phytotelmata in French Guiana and include the following species: Onirion sp. cf Harbach and Peyton (2000), Sabethes (Peytonulus) hadrognathus Harbach, Sabethes (Peytonulus) paradoxus Harbach, Sabethes (Peytonulus) soperi Lane and Cerqueira, Sabethes (Sabethinus) idiogenes Harbach, Sabethes (Sabethes) quasicyaneus Peryassú, Runchomyia (Ctenogoeldia) magna (Theobald), Wyeomyia (Caenomyiella) sp. cf Harbach and Peyton (1990), Wyeomyia (Dendromyia) ypsipola Dyar, Wyeomyia (Hystatomyia) lamellata (Bonne-Wepster and Bonne), Wyeomyia (Miamyia) oblita (Lutz), and Toxorhynchites (Lynchiella) guadeloupensis (Dyar and Knab). At this time, the mosquitoes of French Guiana are represented by 235 species distributed across 22 genera, nine tribes, and two subfamilies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The scientific names of plants and animals play a major role in Life Sciences as information is indexed, integrated, and searched using scientific names. The main problem with names is their ambiguous nature, because more than one name may point to the same taxon and multiple taxa may share the same name. In addition, scientific names change over time, which makes them open to various interpretations. Applying machine-understandable semantics to these names enables efficient processing of biological content in information systems. The first step is to use unique persistent identifiers instead of name strings when referring to taxa. The most commonly used identifiers are Life Science Identifiers (LSID), which are traditionally used in relational databases, and more recently HTTP URIs, which are applied on the Semantic Web by Linked Data applications.
    RESULTS: We introduce two models for expressing taxonomic information in the form of species checklists. First, we show how species checklists are presented in a relational database system using LSIDs. Then, in order to gain a more detailed representation of taxonomic information, we introduce meta-ontology TaxMeOn to model the same content as Semantic Web ontologies where taxa are identified using HTTP URIs. We also explore how changes in scientific names can be managed over time.
    CONCLUSIONS: The use of HTTP URIs is preferable for presenting the taxonomic information of species checklists. An HTTP URI identifies a taxon and operates as a web address from which additional information about the taxon can be located, unlike LSID. This enables the integration of biological data from different sources on the web using Linked Data principles and prevents the formation of information silos. The Linked Data approach allows a user to assemble information and evaluate the complexity of taxonomical data based on conflicting views of taxonomic classifications. Using HTTP URIs and Semantic Web technologies also facilitate the representation of the semantics of biological data, and in this way, the creation of more \"intelligent\" biological applications and services.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Forest ecosystems play an important role for the conservation of biodiversity, and for the protection of ecological processes. The Po plain woodlands which once covered the whole Plain, today are reduced in isolated highly threatened remnants by modern intensive agriculture. These close to natural floodplain forests are one of the most scarce and endangered ecosystems in Europe. Saproxylic species represent a major part of biodiversity of woodlands. The saproxylic insects are considered one of the most reliable bio-indicators of high-quality mature woodlands and have a very important role in regard to the protection and monitoring of forest biodiversity due to their highly specific living environments. As a result of the dramatic reduction of mature forests and the decreased availability of deadwood most of the saproxylic communities are greatly diminishing. The study was conducted in the Ticino Valley Regional Park and the aim is to contribute to the expansion of knowledge on the saproxylic beetles of Lombardy. We investigated 6 sampling sites belonging to alluvial and riparian mixed forests. For each forest we selected 12 trees. For beetles\' collection we used two different traps: Eclector Traps and Trunk Window Traps (total of 72 traps and 864 samples collected). We determined 4.387 beetles from 87 saproxylic species belonging to 21 families. Of these species 51 were not included in the previous checklist of the Park. By comparing the two different techniques used for catching saproxylic beetles, we found a significantly high difference in species richness between Window Traps (WT) and Eclector Traps (ET) with a higher number of species captured in the Window Traps. However, the combined use of two different types of traps significantly expanded the spectrum of insects captured Among the species reported as Least Concern in the IUCN Red List, we found interesting species such as the ElateridaeCalambusbipustulats, the EucnemidaeMelasisbuprestoides and the following species never previously found in the Park: CerambycidaeXylotrechusrusticus, the CetoniidaeValgushemipterus, the ElateridaeLaconpunctatus, the MycetophagidaeMycetophaguspiceus, Litargusconnexus. Although we didn\'t find species listed in the Annexes of the EU Habitat Directive, some of the species found are locally threatened because of their rarity, local distribution, and strong linkage to old forests. Among these species there are the BothrideridaeBothrideresbipunctatus, the CerambycidaePrionuscoriarius and Xylotrechusrusticus, the DryophthoridaeDryophthoruscorticalis, the EucnemidaeNematodesfilum (with only 1 individual captured in Alnus unmanged forest), the HisteridaeAeletesatomarius and Paromalusflavicornis, the LaemophloeidaeCryptolestesduplicatus, the LatridiidaeEnicmusrugosus and Latridiushirtus, the MycetophagidaeMycetophaguspiceus, and the ZopheridaeColydiumelongatum and Pycnomerusterebrans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An illustrated key is provided to the 19 genera of the subfamily Idolothripinae from China, and a checklist given to 62 named species, of which six species are newly recorded from China, together with the genus Bolothrips that is represented by two un-named species. A generic diagnosis is given for each genus, along with some discussion of systematic relationship problems and species diversity. Identification keys to species of 11 genera are provided, and Megathrips antennatus Guo, Feng & Duan is considered as a new synonymof Megathrips lativentris (Heeger).





