Southern Nigeria

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of the study was to examine the knowledge, attitude and uptake of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine among 302 parents whose adolescents\' children utilized care services at the General Practice Units (GPU) of the University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH). Systematic sampling technique was used to select respondents for the study. Self-administered questionnaire that was pretested was used in collecting information from the respondents. The characteristics of the respondents were described using simple proportion and frequency. Also, knowledge and attitude of respondents on HPV and its vaccine were presented using simple proportion and frequency. The Chi-square test examined factors associated with uptake of HPV vaccine. The results indicate that 42.4% of the respondents have heard of HPV infection, whil only 18.5% have heard of HPV vaccine. By contrast, 18.5% of the respondents reported that their children had been vaccinated. Attitude of the respondents on the vaccine was not impressive given that only 34.4% reported that the vaccine was important, while 56.6% reported that they will advise their friends to be vaccinated. A higher proportion of children who were vaccinated were those whose parents believed that their children will be vulnerable without vaccination and those whose religion did not disapprove of the vaccination. We conclude that the knowledge of HPV among parents in this population is low; the knowledge of the vaccine and its uptake is low; while attitude towards the vaccine is unimpressive. We recommend the adoption of intervention programmes to improve the knowledge and encourage th uptake of the vaccine among adolescents in this population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Indigenous bacteria play vital roles in the bioremediation of crude oil polluted soils. The effectiveness of the bioremediation process depends on the tolerance, characteristics and biodiversity of the bacteria isolates. Bacteria strains were isolated from crude-oil polluted sites in different locations in the southern region of Nigeria namely: Azikoro and Otukpoti (Bayelsa state); Ologbo and Benin (Edo State) and non-polluted soil was collected from Ibadan (Oyo state). Tolerance study was conducted for 96 h s. Isolation and characterization of the most effective isolate from each location was done using cultural, physico-chemical and molecular methods. The tolerance level of the isolates from the different oil-polluted soils and their comparative growth performance on crude oil supplemented media decreases in the order: Azikoro - Ologbo - Otukpoti - Benin. MATS analysis showed that cell surfaces of Azikoro, Ologbo and Otukpoti strains exhibited 58-63 % adhesion to n-hexadecane and are hydrophobic strains while Benin strain possess 38% adhesion to n-hexadecane and are hydrophilic. The cell surfaces of isolates from Azikoro, Ologbo and Otukpoti are highly Lewis-acidic while that from Benin is highly Lewis-basic. Isolates from Benin-3, Ologbo-1, and Otukpoti-1 were shown to be gram positive while that from Azikoro was gram negative. 16S rDNA fingerprinting confirmed the identities of the isolates as follows: Paenalcaligenes suwonesis with accession numbers NR-133804.1 from Azikoro spillage site (93.77%); Lactobacillus nagelii with accession number NR-158108.1 (91.30%) from Benin spillage site; Lactobacillus fermentum with accession number NR-104927.1 (96.70%) from Ologbo and Otukpoti spillage sites. Phylogenetic analysis putatively categorized the isolates from Otukpoti and Ologbo in close association belonging to same homology while Benin isolate is a subgroup. The characteristics and biodiversity of all the isolated bacteria from the regions possibly justifies their involvement in the bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Orthopaedic surgery is a specialty that deals with a lot of complex and delicate procedures which involve the use of power tools as well as handling of sharp tools and bony spicules, which, among other things, expose trainees to day-to-day hazards which can predispose them to an array of health challenges and burden the health sector. Knowledge of different measures in minimizing some of these risks can go a long way to saving lives and resources.
    UNASSIGNED: This study aims to determine the level of awareness among orthopaedic surgical residents about various hazards and risks and to ascertain their views on the prevention thereof to guide certain decision-making concerning surgical hazard risk reduction.
    UNASSIGNED: A cross-sectional survey of orthopaedic surgery residents in South East Nigeria was conducted using a structured questionnaire designed using the free software Google® Form and was electronically distributed randomly to orthopaedic surgery residents in southern Nigeria using platforms including WhatsApp and Telegram. The data obtained were analysed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) statistical software version 26. Consent was obtained from all respondents by outlining a clear statement of consent at the beginning of the form.
    UNASSIGNED: At the end of the study period, 49 surgical residents completed and submitted the questionnaire. There was a significant level of awareness of surgical hazard risks among the surgical residents, with over 90% agreeing to radiation exposure, needlestick injury, and inhalation of smoke being the major surgical hazard risks encountered in orthopaedic surgery practice. Over 95.9% of the respondents agreed that the use of sharp collection devices can help reduce needlestick injuries. All respondents agreed that the provision of adequate personal protective equipment (PPE) can help reduce surgical hazards. It was noted that the majority of the respondents (65.3%) had their preliminary knowledge about exposure to surgical hazard risks and appropriate safety measures during their undergraduate education. About 30.6% were aware of a surgery hazard risk safety guideline in their training centres, whereas only 65.3% of those people have studied the guidelines. There was no statistically significant associations between the level of training and marital status and those who had studied the surgical hazard risk guidelines available in their centres (P = 0.086, χ2= 2.942; P = 0.715, χ2=0.133, respectively). All of the residents know that immunization can help reduce the impact of disease risk among the surgery staff, but only 73.5% have completed a hepatitis B immunization and 55.1% have completed the tetanus immunization.
    UNASSIGNED: Surgical hazards risks are important issues that need to be addressed and measures regularly reviewed appropriately to ensure and maintain the safety and health of the orthopaedic surgical and all other health personnel. There is a significant level of awareness of surgical hazard risks and prevention measures among orthopaedic residents, but the level of compliance to safety guidelines is not yet optimal.
    UNASSIGNED: PPEs and sharp collection boxes should always be available in theatres and measures should be taken to encourage residents\' adherence to studying and practicing established surgical safety guidelines in their hospitals and also completing their immunization schedules.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Visual impairment is a global problem. The World Health Organization (WHO) in 2017 estimated that 36 million people were blind and 217 million people had moderate or severe visual impairment. An untreated or undetected eye problem becomes a threat to the general health of the individual, particularly the health of those that lack the basic needs of life. Most blind people live in low-income countries where increasing poverty perpetuates destitution.
    UNASSIGNED: This study aimed at determining the prevalence of visual impairment among the destitute in Onitsha metropolis, which would provide a solid database for designing an effective eye care delivery system for them in the state.
    UNASSIGNED: This was a cross-sectional study of 168 destitute individuals in Onitsha. The study was carried out between June and July 2011. Destitute clusters were randomly selected, and all of the eligible participants were interviewed. Presenting visual acuity (VA) at 6 m, refraction, and anterior and posterior segment evaluation were done. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16.
    UNASSIGNED: One hundred sixty-eight destitute individuals-consisting of 93 males (55.4%) and 75 females (44.6%)-were studied, and the age range was 11-78 years with a median age of 45 years. One hundred twenty-nine participants (76.8%) did not have any formal education, all were unemployed, and none had any personal assets or property. Fifty-six participants (33.3%) had ocular disorder. The prevalence of blindness was 12.5% and that of visual impairment was 10.2%. The causes of blindness were glaucoma (6, 28.6%), cataract (5, 23.8%), corneal acuity (5, 23.8%), and empty socket from tumor nucleation and trauma (2, 9.5%).
    UNASSIGNED: Ocular findings in all eyes of the destitute are similar to that in the eyes of normal individuals. Destitution is an offshoot of health, social, and economic frustration, and therefore requires a comprehensive approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cassava-maize intercropping is a common practice among smallholder farmers in Southern Nigeria. It provides food security and early access to income from the maize component. However, yields of both crops are commonly low in farmers\' fields. Multi-locational trials were conducted in Southern Nigeria in 2016 and 2017 to investigate options to increase productivity and profitability through increased cassava and maize plant densities and fertilizer application. Trials with 4 and 6 treatments in 2016 and 2017, respectively were established on 126 farmers\' fields over two seasons with a set of different designs, including combinations of two levels of crop density and three levels of fertilizer rates. The maize crop was tested at low density (LM) with 20,000 plants ha-1 versus high density (HM) with 40,000 plants ha-1. For cassava, low density (LC) had had 10,000 plants ha-1 versus the high density (HC) with 12,500 plants ha-1.; The fertilizer application followed a regime favouring either the maize crop (FM: 90 kg N, 20 kg P and 37 kg K ha-1) or the cassava crop (FC: 75 kg N, 20 kg P and 90 kg K ha-1), next to control without fertilizer application (F0). Higher maize density (HM) increased marketable maize cob yield by 14 % (3700 cobs ha-1) in the first cycle and by 8% (2100 cobs ha-1) in the second cycle, relative to the LM treatment. Across both cropping cycles, fertilizer application increased cob yield by 15 % (5000 cobs ha-1) and 19 % (6700 cobs ha-1) in the FC and FM regime, respectively. Cassava storage root yield increased by 16 % (4 Mg ha-1) due to increased cassava plant density, and by 14 % (4 Mg ha-1) due to fertilizer application (i.e., with both fertilizer regimes) but only in the first cropping cycle. In the second cycle, increased maize plant density (HM) reduced cassava storage root yield by 7% (1.5 Mg ha-1) relative to the LM treatment. However, the negative effect of high maize density on storage root yield was counteracted by fertilizer application. Fresh storage root yield increased by 8% (2 Mg ha-1) in both fertilizer regimes compared to the control without fertilizer application. Responses to fertilizer by cassava and maize varied between fields. Positive responses tended to decline with increasing yields in the control treatment. The average value-to-cost ratio (VCR) of fertilizer use for the FM regime was 3.6 and higher than for the FC regime (VCR = 1.6), resulting from higher maize yields when FM than when FC was applied. Revenue generated by maize constituted 84-91% of the total revenue of the cropping system. The highest profits were achieved with the FM regime when both cassava and maize were grown at high density. However, fertilizer application was not always advisable as 34 % of farmers did not realize a profit. For higher yields and profitability, fertilizer recommendations should be targeted to responsive fields based on soil fertility knowledge.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The transfer ratio of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from soil dumpsite to borehole water is dependent of polluting source and exposure matrices that causes immerse health risk to man and environment over a period of time. PAHs were assessed in selected soil dumpsite and borehole water located at Rivers state (Eleme, Eliozu, Eneka, Oyigbo, and Woji) and Bayelsa state (Yenagoa), Nigeria. Soil samples were collected at four different points 30 m (North, South, East and West) locations at a depth of 15 cm for each dumpsite using soil auger while control samples were collected 200 m away (farmland), where there were little anthropogenic activities and no presence of active dumpsites. Borehole water samples were collected from 300 m distance, which were packaged in an amber container, labeled, and transported to the laboratory for analysis. Standard analytical methods were employed. PAHs concentrations were analyzed using gas chromatography- mass spectrometry (GC-MS) after extraction of water and soil using liquid-liquid and soxhlet extraction methods respectively and clean-up of the extracts, thereafter the laboratory data generated were subjected to statistical analysis. Total PAHs (ΣPAHS) concentrations in soil samples from the study sites ranged from 2.4294 mg/kg in Yenagoa to 5.1662 mg/kg in Eleme while in water samples the total PAHs ranged from 1.3935 mg/L in Woji to 3.009 mg/L in Eleme. The total PAH concentrations in the soil were above the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry levels of 1.0 mg/kg for a considerably contaminated site except for the control sites. The total concentration of carcinogenic PAHs ranged from 0.0038 to 1.1301mg/kg in soil samples and 0.0014 to 0.9429 mg/L in borehole water samples, therefore raising concern of human exposure via food chain. The results indicate that low molecular weight PAHs were more dominant than high molecular weight PAHs in both soil and water samples, however molecular diagnostic ratio shows that pyrogenic activities are major sources of PAHs as compared to petrogenic origin. Multivariate analysis (principal component analysis and Pearson correlation) showed strong negative correlation implying that they were from dissimilar sources and different migratory route. Cancer and non-cancer risk showed that children were more at risk compared to adults, where inhalation exposure were major contribution as compared to ingestion and dermal exposure, as such there is a need to implement regulatory laws on indiscriminate release of PAHs contaminants to maintain sustainability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Conduct disorder is a mental disorder characterized by hostile and sometimes physically violent behavior. It is a source of concern not only to the parents but also to the children\'s teachers and the community. Its prevalence rate in our environment is unknown.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study is to determine the prevalence rate of conduct disorder among primary school pupils in Ikot-Ekpene, Southern Nigeria.
    METHODS: Vanderbilt attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnostic teacher rating scale for oppositional defiant disorder/conduct disorder was administered on 1174 pupils aged 6-12 years drawn from 12 primary schools in Ikot-Ekpene, Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria. Parents of the pupils with conduct disorder completed a pro forma on their sociodemographic characteristics.
    RESULTS: One hundred and fifteen of the studied 1174 pupils had conduct disorder with a prevalence rate of 9.8%. A greater number of males had conduct disorder with a male-to-female ratio of 4.75:1. Children from upper social class comprised the highest number with conduct disorder. Younger children (6-9 years) were more affected (76.5%) than the older ones. The predominant symptom exhibited by the children was difficult temperament. Comorbidities associated with conduct disorder were ADHD, anxiety disorder, and depression.
    CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence rate of conduct disorder is within the global range in our environment and tends to affect the younger children. Policy should be put in place to screen these children at school entrance so as to render appropriate health intervention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Concentration of PAH in bivalves (Arca senilis) and human health risks due to consumption was examined in samples collected from southern Nigeria and analysed using gas chromatography. Mean PAH concentration (ngkg-1) ranged from 12.0 ± 5.0-5500.0 ± 1000 with a significant difference (p < 0.001) while total PAH ranged from 3000.0-16,000.0. Concentrations (ngkg-1) of PAH4 varied from 250 to 15268.0 while concentrations of PAH8 ranged from 542.0 to 15620.7 with significant difference (p < 0.001). Diagnostic ratios for PAH source distinction suggested mixture of petrogenic and pyrogenic sources. Dietary daily intake-DDI (ng/kg/day) of individual PAHs ranged from 1.04 to 9.86 while DDI for PAH4 and PAH8 were 340.8 and 379.8 respectively. Carcinogenic potencies (ngkg-1) varied from 0.012 to 900.0 for individual PAH while carcinogenic toxic equivalent (TEQs) values were 1916.2, 572.49 and 1914.4 for total PAH, PAH4 and PAH8 respectively. The Excess cancer risk (ECR) for individual PAHs, PAH4 and PAH8 were all <10-6. DDI and ECR values obtained were below USEPA threshold concentration/limits indicating minimal health risk concerns while PAH4 and PAH8 concentrations were also below the EU regulatory limits (30 μg kg-1) for PAH4. The margin of exposures were above the 10,000 critical limit proposed by EFSA while incremental life cancer risk (ILCR) value (10-5 - 10-9) also suggests low potential health risk for consumers of the sea food. The screening value (SV) was 0.095 but lower than observed TEQs values indicating potential health concerns. The study concluded that consumers of bivalves (Arca senilis) in southern Nigeria generally have minimal health risk concern via consumption but regular monitoring is required to detect changes.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The human health risk assessment associated with accumulation of nickel (Ni), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), lead (Pb) and copper (Cu) in the tissues (gills, livers and muscles) of grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) collected from the creek in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria was investigated. Surface water, sediment and fish samples were collected and analysed from June to September 2019; estimated daily intake (EDI), target hazard quotient (THQ) and hazard index (HI) were determined. The mean concentration (mg/kg ww) of the tested metals followed the sequence: Cu (33.48 ± 15.54) > Cd (24.62 ± 12.11) > Pb (10.59 ± 9.12) > Cr (0.43 ± 0.66); while Ni was not detected in the sampled tissues. The HI for male and female (adults) are 7.612 and 7.840 respectively, while male and female (children) are 9.567 and 10.842 respectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Schoolchildren in primary schools are mostly at risk of acquiring soil-transmitted helminths (STHs) infections due to their habits (geophagy, onychophagy and playing with barefoot). Profiling soil parasites on school playgrounds is expected to provide an insight to an array of parasites schoolchildren are constantly at risk of acquiring; and this information could guide on intervention programmes. Soil samples from sixteen primary school playgrounds in Edo State (South-South, Nigeria) were collected over a six-month period both in the dry (January, February and March) and wet (May, June and July) seasons in 2018 and early 2019. Samples were processed and analysed following standard parasitological procedures. Of the 576 soil samples collected, 318(55.2 %) were positive with one or more soil parasites. Generally, the predominant parasites recovered from the total number of soil samples collected were: Ascaris 127(22 %), Strongyloides 111(19.27 %) and hookworm 50(8.68 %). Ascaris was most preponderant in the dry season, while Strongyloides was the most occurring in the wet season. The mean differences in the parasite load for Ascaris and hookworm between dry and wet seasons were not significant; while for Strongyloides it was higher in the wet than dry season. These results could be a consequence of observed poor state of toilet/sanitary facilities as well as the lack or poor state of basic infrastructure like proper drainage and waste disposal systems in the host communities. There is therefore urgent need to interrupt the STHs transmission cycles in the environment and possibly in schoolchildren by instituting sustainable intervention programmes within schools located in STHs endemic regions like southern Nigeria.





