
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Avian brood parasitism is an evolutionarily derived behavior for which the neurobiological mechanisms are mostly unexplored. We aimed to identify brain regions that have diverged in the brood-parasitic brain using relative transcript abundance of social neuropeptides and receptors. We compared behavioral responses and transcript abundance in three brain regions in the brown-headed cowbird (BHCO), a brood parasite, and a closely related parental species, the red-winged blackbird (RWBL). Females of both species were treated with mesotocin (MT; avian homolog of oxytocin) or saline prior to exposure to nest stimuli. Results reveal that MT promotes approach toward nests with eggs rather than nests with begging nestlings in both species. We also examined relative transcript abundance of the five social neuropeptides and receptors in the brain regions examined: preoptic area (POA), paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST). We found that MT-treated cowbirds but not blackbirds exhibited lower transcript abundance for two receptors, corticotropin-releasing factor 2 (CRFR2) and prolactin receptor (PRLR) in BST. Additionally, MT-treated cowbirds had higher PRLR in POA, comparable to those found in blackbirds, regardless of treatment. No other transcripts of interest exhibited significant differences as a result of MT treatment, but we found a significant effect of species in the three regions. Together, these results indicate that POA, PVN, and BST represent neural nodes that have diverged in avian brood parasites and may serve as neural substrates of brood-parasitic behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cognitive abilities are hypothesized to affect survival and life span in nonhuman animals. However, most tests of this hypothesis have relied on interspecific comparisons of indirect measures of cognitive ability, such as brain size. We present direct evidence that individual variation in cognitive abilities is associated with differences in life span in a wild food caching bird. We measured the spatial cognitive abilities and tracked the life span of 227 mountain chickadees (Poecile gambeli) in their natural environment and found that individuals with better spatial learning and memory abilities involved in food caching lived longer. These results confirm that enhanced cognitive abilities can be associated with longer life in wild animals and that selection on cognitive abilities can lead to increased life span.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding animal behavior is crucial in behavioral neuroscience, aiming to unravel the mechanisms driving these behaviors. A significant milestone in this field is the analysis of behavioral reactions during social interactions. Despite their importance in social learning, the behavioral aspects of these interaction are not well understood in detail due to the lack of appropriate tools. We introduce a high-precision, marker-based motion-capture system for analyzing behavior in songbirds, accurately tracking body location and head direction in multiple freely moving finches during social interaction. Focusing on zebra finches, our analysis revealed variations in eye use based on individuals presented. We also observed behavioral changes during virtual and live presentations and a conditioned-learning paradigm. Additionally, the system effectively analyzed social interactions among mice. This system provides an efficient tool for advanced behavioral analysis in small animals and offers an objective method to infer their focus of attention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sexual signals such as colour ornamentation and birdsong evolve independently of each other in some clades, and in others they evolve positively or negatively correlated. We rarely know why correlated evolution does or does not occur. Here, we show positively correlated evolution between plumage colour and song motor performance among canaries, goldfinches and allies, associated with species differences in body size. When controlling for body size, the pattern of correlated evolution between song performance and colour disappeared. Syllable diversity was not as strongly associated with size, and did not evolve in a correlated manner with colour. We argue that correlated evolution between song and colour was mediated by large size limiting song motor performance, likely due to constraints on the speed of moving heavier bills, and by larger species having less saturated plumage colour, possibly due to life-history traits of larger birds (e.g. longevity, stable pairs) contributing to weaker sexual selection. Results are consistent with the hypothesis that correlated evolution between sexual signals is influenced by how, in a clade, selective pressures and constraints affecting each type of signal happen to be co-distributed across species. Such contingency helps explain the diversity in clade-specific patterns of correlated evolution between sexual signals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The songs of birds are complex signals that may have several functions and vary widely among species. Different ecological, behavioural and morphological factors, as well as phylogeny, have been associated as predictors of the evolution of song structure. However, the importance of differences in development, despite their relevance, has seldom been considered. Here, we analysed the evolution of song in two families of songbirds that differ in song development, manakins (suboscines) and cardinals (oscines), with their phylogeny, morphology, and ecology. Our results show that song characteristics had higher phylogenetic signal in cardinals than in manakins, suggesting higher evolutionary lability in the suboscines. Body mass was the main predictor of song parameters in manakins, and together with habitat type, had a major effect on cardinals\' song structure. Precipitation and altitude were also associated with some song characteristics in cardinals. Our results bring unexpected insights into birdsong evolution, in which non-learners (manakins) revealed greater evolutionary lability than song learners (cardinals).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In most avian retinas, double cones (consisting of a principal and accessory member) outnumber other photoreceptor types and have been associated with various functions, such as encoding luminance, sensing polarized light, and magnetoreception. However, their down-stream circuitry is poorly understood, particularly across bird species. Analysing species differences is important to understand changes in circuitry driven by ecological adaptations. We compare the ultrastructure of double cones and their postsynaptic bipolar cells between a night-migratory European robin and non-migratory chicken. We discover four previously unidentified bipolar cell types in the European robin retina, including midget-like bipolar cells mainly connected to one principal member. A downstream ganglion cell reveals a complete midget-like circuit similar to a circuit in the peripheral primate retina. Additionally, we identify a selective circuit transmitting information from a specific subset of accessory members. Our data highlight species-specific differences in double cone to bipolar cell connectivity, potentially reflecting ecological adaptations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The magnetic compass sense of migratory songbirds is thought to derive from magnetically sensitive photochemical reactions in cryptochromes located in photoreceptor cells in the birds\' retinas. More specifically, transient radical pairs formed by light-activation of these proteins have been proposed to account for the birds\' ability to orient themselves using the Earth\'s magnetic field and for the observation that radiofrequency magnetic fields, superimposed on the Earth\'s magnetic field, can disrupt this ability. Here, by means of spin dynamics simulations, we show that it may be possible for the birds to orient in a monochromatic radiofrequency field in the absence of the Earth\'s magnetic field. If such a behavioural test were successful, it would provide powerful additional evidence for a radical pair mechanism of avian magnetoreception.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The distribution of a species reflects its ecological adaptability and evolutionary history, which is shaped by the environment and represents a dynamic area subject to anthropogenic environmental change. We used the MaxEnt algorithm to construct ecological niche models for four thrush species within the Turdus genus; T. amaurochalinus, T. chiguanco, T. falcklandii and T. rufiventris. These models were used to predict the potential geographic distributions of these species that are expanding their ranges in South America. Using occurrence records, we estimated currently occupied areas for each species. We also identified suitable habitats and projected possible areas to be colonized by the four species at continental scale. Temperature annual range had the highest influence for T. falcklandii, while human modification was the main variable explaining the distribution of the other three species. The potential distribution area ranged from 2.5 million km2 for T. falcklandii to nearly seven million km2 for T. amaurochalinus. Large proportions of suitable area remain unoccupied by all four species, being 50% for T. amaurochalinus and T. rufiventris, and about 70% for T. chiguanco and T. falcklandii. Anthropogenic disturbances, such as habitat loss and ecosystem transformation, lead to non-random species extinction and biotic homogenization, highlighting the importance of predictive models as valuable tools for informing mitigation policies and conservation strategies. Thrushes are progressively expanding their ranges, and the colonization of new habitats could bring new challenges.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The blue whistling thrush (Myophonus caeruleus) is a bird belonging to the order Passeriformes and family Muscicapidae. M. caeruleus is widely distributed in China, Pakistan, India, and Myanmar and is a resident bird in the southern part of the Yangtze River in China and summer migratory bird in the northern part of the Yangtze River. At present, there are some controversies about the classification of M. caeruleus. We use complete mitochondrial genomes to provide insights into the phylogenetic position of M. caeruleus and its relationships among Muscicapidae. The mitochondrial genome (GenBank: MN564936) is 16,815 bp long and contains 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 2 rRNA genes, 22 tRNA genes, and a non-coding control region (D-loop). The thirteen PCGs started with GTG and ATG and ended with five types of stop codons. The nucleotide composition of T was 23.71%, that of C was 31.45%, that of A was 30.06%, and that of G was 14.78%. The secondary structures of 22 tRNAs were predicted, all of which could form typical cloverleaf structures. There were 24 mismatches, mainly G-U mismatches. Through phylogenetic tree reconstruction, it was found that Saxicola, Monticola, Oenanthe, and Phoenicurus were clustered into one clade, together with the sister group of Myophonus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rough-and-tumble play in juvenile rats and song in flocks of adult songbirds outside a breeding context (gregarious song) are two distinct forms of non-sexual social behavior. Both are believed to play roles in the development of sociomotor skills needed for later life-history events, including reproduction, providing opportunities for low-stakes practice. Additionally, both behaviors are thought to be intrinsically rewarded and are associated with a positive affective state. Given the functional similarities of these behaviors, this study used RNA-sequencing to identify commonalities in their underlying neurochemical systems within the medial preoptic area. This brain region is implicated in multiple social behaviors, including song and play, and is highly conserved across vertebrates. DESeq2 and rank-rank hypergeometric overlap analyses identified a shared neurotranscriptomic profile in adult European starlings singing high rates of gregarious song and juvenile rats playing at high rates. Transcript levels for several glutamatergic receptor genes, such as GRIN1, GRIN2A, and GRIA1, were consistently upregulated in highly gregarious (i.e., playful/high singing) animals. This study is the first to directly investigate shared neuromodulators of positive, non-sexual social behaviors across songbirds and mammals. It provides insight into a conserved brain region that may regulate similar behaviors across vertebrates.





