
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Somatosensory tactile experience is a key aspect of our interaction with the environment. It is involved in object manipulation, in the planning and control of actions and, in its affective components, in the relationships with other individuals. It is also a foundational component of body awareness. An intriguing aspect of sensory perception in general and tactile perception in particular is the way in which stimulation comes to consciousness. Indeed, although being aware of something seems a rather self-evident and monolithic aspect of our mental states, sensory awareness may be in fact modulated by many different processes that impact on the mere stimulation of the skin, including the way in which we perceive our bodies as belonging to us. In this review, we first took into consideration the pathological conditions of absence of phenomenal experience of touch, in the presence of implicit processing, as initial models for understanding the neural bases of conscious tactile experience. Subsequently, we discussed cases of tactile illusions both in normal subjects and in brain-damaged patients which help to understand which high-order processes impact tactile awareness. Finally, we discussed the observations reported in the review in light of some influential models of touch and body representation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Following a stroke, patients may suffer from alterations in the perception of their own body due to an acquired deficit in body representations. While such changes may impact their quality of life as well as recovery, they are not systematically assessed in clinical practice. This study aims at providing a better understanding of the rate, evolution, and impact on recovery of upper limb (UL) body perceptions (BPs) alterations following stroke. In addition, we will investigate associations among BPs alterations items, their associations with the sensorimotor functions, UL activity, damages in brain structure and connectivity.
    METHODS: We developed a new tool named ALPQ (for Affected Limb Perception Questionnaire) to address the present study objectives. It assesses subjective alterations in the perception of the affected UL following stroke, by measuring several dimensions, namely: anosognosia for hemiplegia, anosodiaphoria for hemiplegia, hemiasomatognosia, somatoparaphrenia, personification of the affected limb, illusion of modification of physical characteristics (temperature, weight, length), illusory movements, super- or undernumerary limb, UL disconnection, misoplegia, and involuntary movement. This study combines a cross-sectional and longitudinal design. The completed data sample will include a minimum of 60 acute and 100 sub-acute stroke patients. When possible, patients are followed up to the chronic stage. Complementary evaluations are administered to assess patients\' sensorimotor and cognitive functions as well as UL activity, and brain lesions will be analysed.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study will provide a better understanding of BPs alterations following stroke: their rate and evolution, as well as their associations with sensorimotor deficit, cognitive profile and UL activity, brain lesions and recovery. Ultimately, the results could support the personalization of rehabilitation strategy according to patients\' UL perception to maximize their recovery.
    BACKGROUND: The protocol for this study has been pre-registered on the Open Science Framework on July the 7th, 2021: .






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigated whether self-administered tactile stimulation could act as a temporary restorative mechanism for body ownership disorders, both implicitly and explicitly. We tested this hypothesis in a patient with somatoparaphrenia, who displayed increased accuracy in explicitly recognizing their left hand during self-touch. Furthermore, the patient implicitly perceived their hand and the experimenter\'s hand as more belonging to their own body compared to conditions where vision was the sole sensory input. These findings highlight the importance of self-touch in maintaining a coherent body representation, while also demonstrating the potential dissociation between the recovery of explicit and implicit perceptions of body ownership.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Patients with a disturbed sense of limb ownership (DSO) offer a unique window of insight into the multisensory processes contributing to the sense of body ownership. A limited amount of past research has examined the role of sensory deficits in DSO, and even less is known regarding the role of patient self-reported somatosensory sensations in the pathogenesis of DSO. To address this lack of knowledge we first conducted a systematic scoping review following PRISMA-SR guidelines, examining current research into somatosensory deficits and patient self-reported somatosensory sensations in patients with DSO. Eighty studies, including 277 DSO patients, were identified. The assessment of sensory deficits was generally limited in scope and quality, and deficits in tactile sensitivity and proprioception were most frequently found. The reporting of somatosensory sensations was even less frequent, with instances of paraesthesia (pins-and-needles), stiffness/rigidity, numbness and warmth, coldness and heaviness amongst the deficits recorded. In a second part of the study, we sought to directly address the lack of evidence concerning the impact of patient self-reported somatosensory sensations in DSO by measuring DSO and self-reported somatosensory sensations in a large (n = 121) sample of right-hemisphere stroke patients including N = 65 with DSO and N = 56 hemiplegic controls. Results show that feelings of coldness and stiffness modulate DSO symptoms. Sense of heaviness and numbness are more frequent in patients with DSO but do not have a clear impact on disownership symptomology. Although preliminary, these results suggest a role of subjective sensations about the felt body in the sense of limb ownership.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuropsychological disturbances in the sense of limb ownership provide unique opportunities to study the neurocognitive basis of body ownership. Previous small sample studies that showed discrete cortical lesions cannot explain why multisensory, affective, and cognitive manipulations alter disownership symptoms. We tested the novel hypothesis that disturbances in the sense of limb ownership would be associated not only with discrete cortical lesions but also with disconnections of white-matter tracts supporting specific functional networks. We drew on an advanced lesion-analysis and Bayesian statistics approach in 49 right-hemisphere patients (23 with and 26 without limb disownership). Our results reveal that disturbances in the sense of ownership are associated with lesions in the supramarginal gyrus and disconnections of a fronto-insular-parietal network, involving the frontal-insular and frontal inferior longitudinal tracts, confirming previous disconnection hypotheses. Together with previous behavioral and neuroanatomical results, these findings lead us to propose that the sense of body ownership involves the convergence of bottom-up, multisensory integration, and top-down monitoring of sensory salience based on contextual demands.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Somatoparaphrenia refers to the delusional belief, typically observed in right brain-damaged patients, that the contralesional limbs belong to someone else. Here, we aimed to uncover the neural activity associated with this productive, i.e. confabulatory, component in a patient, S.P.P., with a large right-sided lesion of both cortical and subcortical gray and white matter. He claimed that his left paralyzed hand belonged to his mother. In a block-design functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) experiment, S.P.P. imagined that the mother would move her (i.e. his left) hand (condition \"mother\"). Subtraction of the activity elicited by control conditions (imagery of self-generated movement of either left or right hand) from that in the \"mother\" condition resulted in the focal activation of the pars opercularis of the right inferior frontal gyrus (rIFG). In a separate, resting-state fMRI experiment with S.P.P. and 21 healthy controls, we examined the functional connectivity of the rIFG and the affected hand somatosensory network to the rest of the brain. We found a negative correlation between the activity in the rIFG and that of Broca area and the temporo-parietal junction in the left hemisphere. Furthermore, the affected hand somatosensory network was disconnected from the left secondary somatosensory cortex. Our results link the productive component of somatoparaphrenia to the activity of crucial hubs for integrating the multimodal signals of the affected hand. Furthermore, they provide the first direct evidence supporting the \"left narrator model\", proposed by Halligan et al. (1995), according to which the confabulations of somatoparaphrenia are due to a disconnection of left hemisphere language areas from right hemisphere parieto-temporal cortex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Patients suffering from body integrity dysphoria (BID) desire to become disabled, arising from a mismatch between the desired body and the physical body. We focus here on the most common variant, characterized by the desire for amputation of a healthy limb. In most reported cases, amputation of the rejected limb entirely alleviates the distress of the condition and engenders substantial improvement in quality of life. Since BID can lead to life-long suffering, it is essential to identify an effective form of treatment that causes the least amount of alteration to the person\'s anatomical structure and functionality. Treatment methods involving medications, psychotherapy, and vestibular stimulation have proven largely ineffective. In this hypothesis article, we briefly discuss the characteristics, etiology, and current treatment options available for BID before highlighting the need for new, theory driven approaches. Drawing on recent findings relating to functional and structural brain correlates of BID, we introduce the idea of brain-computer interface (BCI)/neurofeedback approaches to target altered patterns of brain activity, promote re-ownership of the limb, and/or attenuate stress and negativity associated with the altered body representation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the last decade, a considerable amount of studies investigated different neuropsychological syndromes related to the disorder of body awareness. In this paper, we shall review neuropsychological evidence of pathological embodiment/disembodiment conditions with the aim of describing the major common features, and the complementary characteristics, that may suggest the structure and function of a shared body representation. In particular, we shall first discuss experimental studies conducted on a bizarre disorder of body ownership we recently described [i.e., brain-damaged patients claiming that another person\'s hand belongs to them (Pathological Embodiment, PE)]. Then complementary syndromes, with an apparent opposite attitude with respect to the PE (i.e., somatoparaphrenia and xenomelia, which is part of the Body Integrity Identity Disorders) will be also considered. We shall discuss the behavioural similarities/differences between these complementary disturbances also referring to already existing conceptual knowledge and proposals about body representation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To better elucidate the symptomatology and pathophysiological mechanisms underlying delusional misidentification syndrome (DMS), we investigated the incidence rate and symptomatic features of DMS following stroke and relationships among DMS, other neuropsychological symptoms, and lesion locations.
    The present study included 874 consecutive patients (371 women; mean age ± standard deviation = 72.2 ± 11.7 years) who were admitted to the rehabilitation wards at two hospitals within 2 months of their first stroke. We examined the clinical features and lesion sites of patients with DMS and compared them with those of a control group of patients with hemi-spatial neglect without DMS using voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping (VLSM).
    Among the 874 patients who experienced a stroke, we observed 10 cases of Fregoli syndrome. No other DMS subtypes were observed; however, eight patients exhibited somatoparaphrenia (five of them also had Fregoli syndrome) and one also exhibited reduplicative paramnesia. Right hemispheric lesions were found in all 10 cases. VLSM revealed statistically significant overlapping lesion sites specifically related to Fregoli syndrome when compared with the control group. The sites included the insula, inferior frontal lobe, anterior temporal lobe, and subcortical limbic system in the right hemisphere (i.e., areas connected by the uncinate fasciculus).
    The DMS incidence was 1.1% among patients after stroke. All patients had Fregoli syndrome and half had somatoparaphrenia, suggesting that the two syndromes share an underlying pathology. Lesions found with Fregoli syndrome were concentrated around the right uncinate fasciculus; this has not been reported in previous research.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The sense of ownership is the feeling that a body part belongs to ourselves. Brain damage may disrupt this feeling, leading to somatoparaphrenia (SP), i.e., the delusion that one\'s limbs belong to someone else. This delusional feeling is typically associated with profound motor and somatosensory deficits. We reviewed the cases of SP reported so far in the literature outlining the clinical and neuroanatomical profile of SP. We then investigated and reported three new peculiar cases of SP that allow new insights into the theoretical framework of this neuropsychological condition. We thus propose an innovative theoretical account that integrates previous evidence and the new cases described. We suggest that a defective update of the ongoing dynamic representation of the body finalised to perception and action, may be the key for the disownership feelings of patients with SP. The erroneous spatial representation of the limb contralateral to the lesion would have the logical consequence of delusional misattribution of the seen own arm.





