Soil dissipation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Risk assessment of environmental hazards originating from xenobiotics extensively used worldwide (e.g., pharmaceuticals, bisphenols, or preservatives) requires a combined study of their effects, mobility, dissipation mechanisms, and subsequent transformation product identification and evaluation. We have developed an efficient accelerated solvent extraction method for a broad range of micropollutants of variable physical-chemical properties in soils to enable more accurate hazard characterisation. Micropollutant recoveries from freeze-dried soils were 60-120%, with the exception of atorvastatin, fexofenadine, and telmisartan, which had reduced recoveries (40-66%). The observed matrix effect ranged from -26% to 17% and was corrected by the matrix matching standard for quantitative analysis. The method allows sensitive and reliable determination of a wide range of analytes in soil samples and, consequently, qualitative analysis of transformation products (TP) with variable physicochemical properties. We identified TPs of five compounds (venlafaxine, telmisartan, valsartan, atorvastatin, and sertraline) by applying suspect and non-targeted data analyses. To our knowledge, the transformation product of atorvastatin was reported for the first time. All others were found in soil or other matrices. Valsartan (formed valsartan acid) and atorvastatin (transformed probably by oxidative decarboxylation of beta, delta dihydroxy heptanoic acid chain to propionic acid) were modified to a relatively large extent. All other compounds identified were only hydroxylated (sertraline and telmisartan) or demethylated (venlafaxine). We estimated the stability and presence of the identified TPs based on the constructed time trends and the ratio between TP formation and degradation rates. We demonstrated how valuable a non-targeted approach can be for complex evaluation of the fate and effect of soil pollutants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microplastic (MP) contamination is in the spotlight today, yet knowledge of their interaction with other organic contaminants in the soil environment is limited. Concerns extend to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), known for their potential to interfere with the hormonal systems of organisms and for their persistence and widespread presence in the environment. In this study, the most frequently occurring EDCs were monitored both in alluvial soil and in soil contaminated with different MPs commonly found in soil media, polyethylene, polyamide, and polystyrene. Bisphenol A and parabens were the most rapidly dissipating compounds, followed by triclosan and triclocarban, with the latter showing poor degradation. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) showed high persistence as concentrations remained nearly constant throughout the experiment. Although they fitted well with first-order dissipation kinetics, most showed biphasic behavior. The co-occurrence of MPs in the soil influenced the kinetic behavior in most cases although the differences were not very marked. MPs could impact sorption-desorption processes, affecting contaminant mobility and bioavailability to organisms in soil. These findings strengthen evidence for the influence of MPs on the behavior of soil contaminants such as EDCs, not only as vectors or sources of contaminants but by affecting dissipation kinetics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Veterinary antibiotics (VAs) are not completely metabolized in the animal body. Hence, when animal excretes are used as soil manures, VA residues are dispersed with potential implications for environmental quality and human health. We studied the persistence of tiamulin (TIA) and tilmicosin (TLM) along their route from pig administration to fecal excretion and to agricultural soils. TLM was detected in feces at levels folds higher (4.27-749.6 μg g-1) than TIA (0.55-5.99 μg g-1). Different administration regimes (feed or water) showed different excretion patterns and residual levels for TIA and TLM, respectively. TIA and TLM (0.5, 5 and 50 μg g-1) dissipated gradually from feces when stored at ambient conditions (DT50 5.85-35.9 and 23.5-49.8 days respectively), while they persisted longer during anaerobic digestion (DT90 >365 days) with biomethanation being adversely affected at VA levels > 5 μg g-1. When applied directly in soils, TLM was more persistent than TIA with soil fumigation extending their persistence suggesting microbial degradation, while soil application through feces increased their persistence, probably due to increased sorption to the fecal organic matter. The use of TIA- and TLM-contaminated feces as manures is expected to lead to VAs dispersal with unexplored consequences for the environment and human health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chemical treatment of sugarcane seed with fungicides and insecticides prior to planting increases yields of cane and sugar for the perennial, annually harvested crop. However, the fate of the applied chemicals is unknown. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to measure the aerobic dissipation of selected billet seed treatment chemicals in a mineral sugarcane soil from Louisiana. Soil samples from the surface 15 cm were treated with either thiamethoxam, azoxystrobin, fluxapyroxad, propiconazole, or pyraclostrobin and monitored over 100 days under laboratory conditions. Insecticide and fungicide levels were determined by high performance liquid chromatography. Dissipation data were fitted to four kinetic models: simple first-order (SFO), first order multi-compartment (FOMC), double-first order in parallel (DFOP), and hockey-stick (HS). The dissipation half-life (DT50) of thiamethoxam, azoxystrobin, fluxapyroxad, propiconazole, or pyraclostrobin were 275, 100, 144, 74, and 39 d, respectively. Overall, the DT50 for the pesticides in the study indicated medium to long persistence in soil under the conditions of the experiment. This is the first report for several of these pesticides related to the aerobic dissipation in soils used to grow sugarcane.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chlorantraniliprole (3-bromo-N-[4-chloro-2-methyl-6-(methylcarbamoyl)phenyl]-1-(3-chloro-2-pyridine-2-yl)-1H-pyrazole-5-carboxamide; CAP) was granted supplemental registration for use in rice cultivation in California through December, 2018. Previous work investigated the partitioning of CAP in California rice field soils; however, its degradation in soils under conditions relevant to California rice culture has not been investigated. The degradation of CAP in soils from two California rice fields was examined under aerobic and anaerobic conditions with varying salinity via microcosm experiments. Results indicate that soil properties governing bioavailability may have a greater influence on degradation than flooding practices or field salinization over a typical growing season. Differences between native and autoclaved soils (t1/2 = 59.0-100.2 and 78.5-171.7 days) suggest that biological processes were primarily responsible for CAP degradation; however, future work should be done to confirm specific biotic processes as well as to elucidate abiotic processes, such as degradation via manganese oxides and formation of nonextractable residues, which may contribute to its dissipation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The herbicide benzobicyclon (BZB; 3-(2-chloro-4-(methylsulfonyl)benzoyl)-2-phenylthiobicyclo[3.2.1]oct-2-en-4-one) has recently been approved for use on California rice fields by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA). Hydrolysis of BZB rapidly forms the active compound, benzobicyclon hydrolysate (BH), whose fate is currently not well understood. A model California rice soil was used to determine BH soil dissipation. The pKa and aqueous solubility were also determined, as experimental values are not currently available. Sorption data indicate BH does not bind tightly, or irreversibly, with this soil. Flooding resulted in decreased BH loss, indicating anaerobic microbes are less likely to transform BH compared to aerobic microorganisms. Temperature increased dissipation, while autoclaving decreased BH loss. Overall, dissipation was slow regardless of treatment. Further investigation is needed to elucidate the exact routes of loss in soil, though BH is expected to dissipate slowly in flooded rice field soil.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dissipation of phorate in the sandy clay loam soil of tropical sugarcane ecosystem was studied by employing a single-step sample preparation method and gas chromatography with mass spectrometry. The limit of quantification of the method was 0.01 μg/g. The recoveries of phorate, phorate sulfoxide, phorate sulfone, and phorate oxon were in the range 94.00-98.46% with relative standard deviations of 1.51-3.56% at three levels of fortification between 0.01 and 0.1 μg/g. The Half-life of phorate and the total residues, which include phorate, phorate sulfoxide and phorate sulfone, was 5.5 and 19.8 days, respectively at the recommended dose of insecticide. Phorate rapidly oxidized into its sulfoxide metabolite in the sandy clay loam soil. Phorate sulfoxide alone accounted for more than 20% of the total residues within 2 h post-application and it was more than 50% on the fifth day after treatment irrespective of the doses applied. Phorate sulfoxide and phorate sulfone reached below the detectable level on 105 and 135 days after treatment, respectively as against 45 days after treatment for phorate residues at the recommended dose. Thus, the reasonably prolonged efficacy of phorate against soil pests may be attributed to longer persistence of its more toxic sulfoxide and sulfone metabolites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The environmental fate of metazachlor herbicide was investigated under field conditions in rapeseed cultivated and uncultivated plots, over a period of 225 days. The cultivation was carried out in silty clay soil plots with two surface slopes, 1 and 5 %. The herbicide was detectable in soil up to 170 days after application (DAA), while the dissipation rate was best described by first-order kinetics and its half-life ranged between 10.92 and 12.68 days. The herbicide was detected in the soil layer of 10-20 cm from 5 to 48 DAA, and its vertical movement can be described by the continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) in series model. Relatively low amounts of metazachlor (less than 0.31 % of the initial applied active ingredient) were transferred by runoff water. More than 80 % of the total losses were transferred at the first runoff event (12 DAA), with herbicide concentrations in runoff water ranging between 70.14 and 79.67 μg L-1. Minor amounts of the herbicide (less than 0.07 % of the initial applied active ingredient) were transferred by the sediment, with a maximum concentration of 0.57 μg g-1 (12 DAA), in plots with 5 % inclination. Finally, in rapeseed plants, metazachlor was detected only in the first sampling (28 DAA) at concentrations slightly higher than the limit of quantification; when in seeds, no residues of the herbicide were detected.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the present study, the field dissipation and transport of quizalofop-p-ethyl by water and sediment runoff were investigated in sunflower experimental cultivation under Mediterranean conditions. The cultivation was carried out in silty clay soil plots with two different slopes of 1 and 5%. The soil dissipation rate of quizalofop-p-ethyl was fast and can be described by both single first-order (SFO) and Gustafson and Holden (first-order multi compartment (FOMC)) kinetics. The half-life of quizalofop-p-ethyl ranged from 0.55 to 0.68 days and from 0.45 to 0.71 days when SFO and FOMC kinetics were applied, respectively. No herbicide residues were detected below the 10-cm soil layer. A single detection of quizalofop-p-ethyl was observed in runoff water (3 days after application (DAA)) at relatively low concentrations (from 1.70 to 2.04 μg L(-1)). In sediment, it was detected in the samplings of 3 and 25 DAA at concentrations that never exceeded 0.126 μg g(-1). The estimated total losses of quizalofop-p-ethyl as percentage of the initial applied active ingredient were low both in water and sediment (less than of 0.021 and 0.005%, respectively). Quizalofop-p-ethyl residues were detectable for 18 DAA in the stems and leaves of the plants and 6 DAA in the root system. No herbicide residues were detected in inflorescences and seeds of sunflower plants. Experimental data showed minimal risk for the contamination of soil and adjacent water bodies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A field dissipation and transport study of the insecticide cypermethrin applied as microgranular (MG) and emulsifiable concentrate (EC) formulations has been conducted in field sunflower cultivations and bare soil plots with two different slopes (1% and 5%). The dissipation of insecticide in soil (on planting rows) was monitored for a period of 193 days. Cypermethrin residual concentrations in the upper soil layer (0-10 cm), 2 days after soil application (DASA), ranged from 0.53 to 0.73 μg g(- 1) when the maximum values were observed 7 DASA, ranged from 1.06 to 1.23 μg g(-1). The dissipation rate was better described by first-order kinetics. The average half-life in cultivated (tilled and planted) plots was 23.07 and 24.24 days for soil slopes 5% and 1%, respectively. In uncultivated (tilled but not planted) plots the respective values were 22.01 and 22.37 days. The insecticide was found below the 10 cm soil layer occasionally in few samples at low concentrations (< 0.02 μg g(- 1)). In runoff water it was detected once (7 days after foliar application, at levels below LOQ), when in sediment it was detectable for seven samplings. The maximum values were observed 7 days after foliar application, when they reached 0.097 and 0.143 μg g(-1) in cultivated plots with soil slopes 1% and 5%; and 0.394 and 0.500 μg g(-1) in uncultivated plots, respectively. The amount of cypermethrin which was transferred by the sediment remained at low levels (less than 0.01% of the totally applied active ingredient), even in plots with 5% inclination. The insecticide was detected in leaves and stems of the sunflower plants after the foliar application up to the day of harvest. On the contrary, in roots it was detectable during the whole cultivation period. No residues were detected in flowers or seeds.





