Skeletal remains

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Succession patterns of carrion insects on large mammal\'s carrion has been widely studied, notably to estimate the post-mortem interval in forensic investigations as accurately as possible. However, little attention has been paid to the carrion insects living inside these bones once a carcass is skeletonized. One very recent study documented flies emerging from pig carcasses, and only scarce authors reported the presence of other carrion insects taking advantage of the bone marrow. We, thus, aimed to (1) estimate the frequency of inner-bone space colonization by carrion insects, with particular attention to bone-skipper flies; (2) identify the insects living inside the carrion bones; and (3) determine whether or not carrion insects found within the bones can successfully exit the bones and complete their development. We extensively sampled 185 large mammals\' bones collected from twelve vulture feeding stations and four isolated carcasses in southwest France and northern Spain. Sampled bones were opened, and the insects found inside were identified. For two bones, foramen, i.e., the holes providing a natural entrance and exit to the bone\'s inner cavity, was monitored with a camera to assess the insect\'s putative exit. We describe the entomofauna, i.e., the set of insect species, living within the bones, and illustrate insects\' ability to exit the bones for their subsequent development and maturity. These results are discussed in the framework of carrion insect conservation and forensic entomology perspectives.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The goal of the following study is to clarify whether the skeletal remains over 70 years old from missing persons and their alleged relatives shared identical Y-STR loci. Nowadays, advances in ancient DNA extraction techniques and approaches of using multiple different Y-STRs have significantly increased the possibility of obtaining DNA profiles from highly degraded skeletal remains. Given the ages and conditions of the skeletal remains, ancient DNA extraction methods can be used to maximize the probability of DNA recovery. Considering that information about distant relatives is more relevant for long-term missing persons and alleged family members are male, Y-STR loci analysis is considered the most appropriate and informative approach for determining paternal lineage relationship. In this study, Y-STR genotypes obtained from these alleged relatives were identical to each other and to the alleles of missing persons\' consensus profiles at more than 22 loci examined, whilst not being found in Y-STR population database from Y-Chromosome STR Haplotype Reference Database. Therefore, Missing Person No.7 and Missing Person No.18 have a patrilineal relationship with reference samples from Family1 and Family2, respectively. In addition, the fact that Y-STR haplotypes obtained from skeletal remains of missing persons and reference samples are not found in the Han Chinese people from East Asian demonstrates its rarity and further supports a paternal lineage relationship amongst them.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anthropologists have led the way in formulating techniques that reveal skeletal differences between males and females. Understanding of physical differences in the pelvis related to childbirth, hormonal impacts on bones, and extensive comparative studies have provided anthropologists with an array of traits and measurements that help them estimate sex using just bones. Forensic anthropologists and bioarcheologists are improving their ability to differentiate males and females by increasing research on a variety of postcranial bones and through the use of molecular data, especially new methods called proteomics, to identify sex in prepubescent juveniles. As remains from more cultures and time periods are studied, sex identification will continue to improve, because skeletal sex differences are in large part biologically determined. Yet, anthropologists have also been at the forefront of arguing that sex lies on a spectrum. Anthropologists who view sex as on a spectrum may deter sex identification progress; from their perspective, an individual of an undetermined sex may just be a nonbinary individual. Anthropologists who consider sex is on a spectrum are coming to this conclusion in part because they are looking for anatomical ideals, mistaking pathology for variation, and confusing independent variables with dependent variables. Nonetheless, anthropologists need to continue to improve sex identification techniques to reconstruct the past accurately, which may reveal less strict sex roles than previously presumed and help with the identification of crime victims. Forensic anthropologists should also increase their efforts to identify whether individuals have undergone medical procedures intended to change one\'s gender due to the current rise in transitioning individuals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In forensic anthropology, the estimation of skeletal sex results in a dichotomous outcome: male or female. This poses challenges when dealing with transgender individuals. Italy has the highest rate per capita of transgender murders, making their identification a compelling issue. This study presents three cases of unidentified skeletal remains of transgender women (MtF) that underwent autopsies in the 1990s at the Institute of Legal Medicine of Milan. The transgender status of the individuals was determined from the autopsy records which indicated the co-existence of breast implants and male genitalia. The biological profile was created by estimating sex, age, ancestry, and stature, and the bones were investigated looking for evidence of Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS). Anthropological estimations revealed that the skeletons belong to male, adults, European individuals, between 164 and 184 cm. Fragmented gelatinous masses were found in association with two skeletons, which were interpreted as remnants of breast implants. In two cases, signs of remodeling of the cortical surface were observed on the zygomatic bones, although the bone marks observed here were not specific enough to link them to FFS. Despite some limitations, this study highlights the need for greater awareness among practitioners about this limitedly addressed issue, advocating for a more inclusive forensic anthropology that strives to improve methods and interpretation of evidence for the identification of transgender individuals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This research evaluates the current DNA quantification (Quantifiler™ Trio, PowerQuant®, Investigator® Quantiplex® Pro and InnoQuant® HY Fast) and autosomal STRs amplification kits (GlobalFiler™, PowerPlex® Fusion 6 C, Investigator® 24Plex QS) using 62 degraded skeletal remains from armed conflicts (petrous bone, femur, tibia, and tooth) with several parameters (autosomal small, large, and male target, degradation index, probability of degradation, number of alleles above analytical threshold, number of alleles above stochastic threshold, RFU, peak height ratio, number of reportable loci). The best qPCR/autosomal STRs amplification tandem was determined by comparing quantification results by a DNA quantity estimation based on sample average RFU. InnoQuant® HY Fast was the most sensitive kit, and no significative differences were observed among amplification kits; however, Investigator® 24 Plex QS was found to be the most sensitive in our samples. That is why InnoQuant™ and Investigator® 24Plex QS were determined to be the best tandem.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Estimating the post mortem interval (PMI) in skeletonized cases is an extremely challenging exercise. Sri Lanka lacks adequate taphonomic research which is a serious limitation when assessing PMI in forensic death investigations. Methods that have been proposed to estimate PMI using the total body score (TBS) and accumulated degree days (ADD) are mainly based on data from continental and temperate climates and have shown less reliability in tropical climates. With the intention of developing a region-specific, evidence-based guide which would be applicable to tropical climates like Sri Lanka, we selected thirteen skeletonized remains with known PMIs from forensic case records and analysed their taphonomy in relation to selected weather data. We also compared the ADD values within our dataset with reference ranges calculated using published formula. All except one were found from outdoor locations. The TBS ranged from 24 to 32 and had a weak positive correlation with the PMI. The earliest appearance of skeletonization was 15 days in a body found indoors. The highest rate of skeletonization was seen in a body with a TBS of 32 and a PMI of 23 days. The average daily temperature and relative humidity were similar across all the cases however, the amount of rainfall varied. Bodies exposed to monsoon rains (n = 6) had a lower mean rate of skeletonization compared to those that were not exposed (n = 4) suggesting lower rates of decomposition during periods of heavy rainfall. No correlation was found between ADD and TBS. In 9 (69.2%) cases, the actual ADD was much lower than reference ADD ranges for TBS values, indicating poor applicability of TBS and ADD based formulae in estimating PMI within the Sri Lankan climate. Our study shows a strong need for taphonomic and entomological research in tropical climates to further explore the impact of monsoons on biotic and abiotic factors affecting skeletonization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The first step in the analysis of human skeletal remains is the establishment of the biological profile of an individual. This includes sex assessment, which depends highly on the age of the individual and on the completeness and preservation state of the remains. Macroscopic methods only provide the assessment of sex, while for sex determination, molecular methods need to be included. However, poor preservation of the remains can make molecular methods impossible and only assessment can be performed. Presented research compares DNA-determined and morphologically assessed sex of adult and non-adult individuals buried in a modern-age cemetery (17th to late 19th century) in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The aim of the study was to assess the accuracy of commonly used macroscopic methods for sex assessment on a Slovenian post-medieval population. Results demonstrate that for adults, macroscopic methods employed are highly reliable and pelvic morphology, even the sciatic notch alone, is more reliable than skull. In non-adults, macroscopic methods are not as reliable as in adults, which agrees with previous research. This study shows how morphological and molecular methods can go hand in hand when building a biological profile of an individual. On their own, each methodology presented some individuals with undetermined sex, while together, sex of all the individuals was provided. Results confirm suitability of sex assessment based on skull and especially pelvic morphology in Slovenian post-medieval adults, while in the non-adult population molecular methods are advised.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is of great value in forensics to procure information about a person when a next of kin, personal belongings, or other sources of nuclear DNA (nDNA) are unavailable, or nDNA is lacking in quality and quantity. The quality and reliability of the results depend greatly on ensuring optimal conditions for the given method, for instance, the optimal input of the copy number (CN) in next-generation sequencing (NGS) methods. The unavailability of commercial quantitative PCR (qPCR) methods to determine mtDNA CN creates the necessity to rely on recommendations to infer mtDNA CN from nDNA yield. Because nDNA yield varies between individuals, tissues, parts of the same tissue, and because mtDNA CN varies between tissues, such assumptions must be examined for a specific context, rather than be generalized. This study compares mtDNA CN calculated from nDNA yield and qPCR measured mtDNA CN. Seventy-five femurs from the Second World War victims were used as samples; they were cut below the greater trochanter, surface contaminants were removed by mechanical and chemical cleaning, samples were fully demineralized, and DNA was isolated. PowerQuant® Kit (Promega) was used to analyze DNA yield. An in-house method was used to determine mtDNA CN. Comparison of mtDNA CN from nDNA derived calculations and measured mtDNA CN highlighted vast differences. The results emphasize the need to perform qPCR to assess mtDNA CN before NGS analyses of aged bones\' mitogenomes rather than estimating mtDNA CN from nDNA yield to ensure the quality and reliability of the results of NGS analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is very important to generate phenotypic results that are reliable when processing chronological old skeletal remains for cases involving the identification of missing persons. To improve the success of pigmentation prediction in Second World War victims, three bones from each of the eight skeletons analyzed were included in the study, which makes it possible to generate a consensus profile. The PowerQuant System was used for quantification, the ESI 17 Fast System was used for STR typing, and a customized version of the HIrisPlex panel was used for PCR-MPS. The HID Ion Chef Instrument was used for library preparation and templating. Sequencing was performed with the Ion GeneStudio S5 System. Identical full profiles and identical hair and eye color predictions were achieved from three bones analyzed per skeleton. Blue eye color was predicted in five skeletons and brown in three skeletons. Blond hair color was predicted in one skeleton, blond to dark blond in three skeletons, brown to dark brown in two skeletons, and dark brown to black in two skeletons. The reproducibility and reliability of the results proved the multisample analysis method to be beneficial for phenotyping chronological old skeletons because differences in DNA yields in different bone types provide a greater possibility of obtaining a better-quality consensus profile.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Skeletal remains are the only biological material that remains after long periods; however, environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, and pH affect DNA preservation, turning skeletal remains into a challenging sample for DNA laboratories. Sample selection is a key factor, and femur and tooth have been traditionally recommended as the best substrate of genetic material. Recently, petrous bone (cochlear area) has been suggested as a better option due to its DNA yield. This research aims to evaluate the efficiency of petrous bone compared to other cranium samples (tooth) and postcranial long bones (femur and tibia). A total amount of 88 samples were selected from 38 different individuals. The samples were extracted by using an organic extraction protocol, DNA quantification by Quantifiler Trio kit and amplified with GlobalFiler kit. Results show that petrous bone outperforms other bone remains in quantification data, yielding 15-30 times more DNA than the others. DNA profile data presented likeness between petrous bone and tooth regarding detected alleles; however, the amount of DNA extracted in petrous bones allowed us to obtain more informative DNA profiles with superior quality. In conclusion, petrous bone or teeth sampling is recommended if DNA typing is going to be performed with environmentally degraded skeletal remains.





