Signal integration

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eukaryotic organisms are composed of different cell types with defined shapes and functions. Specific cell types are produced by the process of cell differentiation, which is regulated by signal transduction pathways. Signaling pathways regulate cell differentiation by sensing cues and controlling the expression of target genes whose products generate cell types with specific attributes. In studying how cells differentiate, fungi have proved valuable models because of their ease of genetic manipulation and striking cell morphologies. Many fungal species undergo filamentous growth-a specialized growth pattern where cells produce elongated tube-like projections. Filamentous growth promotes expansion into new environments, including invasion into plant and animal hosts by fungal pathogens. The same signaling pathways that regulate filamentous growth in fungi also control cell differentiation throughout eukaryotes and include highly conserved mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways, which is the focus of this review. In many fungal species, mucin-type sensors regulate MAPK pathways to control filamentous growth in response to diverse stimuli. Once activated, MAPK pathways reorganize cell polarity, induce changes in cell adhesion, and promote the secretion of degradative enzymes that mediate access to new environments. However, MAPK pathway regulation is complicated because related pathways can share components with each other yet induce unique responses (i.e. signal specificity). In addition, MAPK pathways function in highly integrated networks with other regulatory pathways (i.e. signal integration). Here, we discuss signal specificity and integration in several yeast models (mainly Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida albicans) by focusing on the filamentation MAPK pathway. Because of the strong evolutionary ties between species, a deeper understanding of the regulation of filamentous growth in established models and increasingly diverse fungal species can reveal fundamentally new mechanisms underlying eukaryotic cell differentiation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants perceive the presence and defence status of their neighbours through light and volatile cues, but how plants integrate both stimuli is poorly understood. We investigated if and how low Red to Far red light (R:FR) ratios, indicative of shading or canopy closure, affect maize (Zea mays) responses to herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs), including the green leaf volatile (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate. We modulated light signalling and perception by using FR supplementation and a phyB1phyB2 mutant, and we determined volatile release as a response readout. To gain mechanistic insights, we examined expression of volatile biosynthesis genes, hormone accumulation, and photosynthesis. Exposure to a full blend of HIPVs or (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate induced maize volatile release. Short-term FR supplementation increased this response. In contrast, prolonged FR supplementation or constitutive phytochrome B inactivation in phyB1phyB2 plants showed the opposite response. Short-term FR supplementation enhanced photosynthesis and stomatal conductance and (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate-induced JA-Ile levels. We conclude that a FR-enriched light environment can prompt maize plants to respond more strongly to HIPVs emitted by neighbours, which might be explained by changes in photosynthetic processes and phytochrome B signalling. Our findings reveal interactive responses to light and volatile cues with potentially important consequences for plant-plant and plant-herbivore interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant growth and survival in their natural environment require versatile mitigation of diverse threats. The task is especially challenging due to the largely unpredictable interaction of countless abiotic and biotic factors. To resist an unfavorable environment, plants have evolved diverse sensing, signaling, and adaptive molecular mechanisms. Recent stress studies have identified molecular elements like secondary messengers (ROS, Ca2+, etc.), hormones (ABA, JA, etc.), and signaling proteins (SnRK, MAPK, etc.). However, major gaps remain in understanding the interaction between these pathways, and in particular under conditions of stress combinations. Here, we highlight the challenge of defining \"stress\" in such complex natural scenarios. Therefore, defining stress hallmarks for different combinations is crucial. We discuss three examples of robust and dynamic plant acclimation systems, outlining specific plant responses to complex stress overlaps. (a) The high plasticity of root system architecture is a decisive feature in sustainable crop development in times of global climate change. (b) Similarly, broad sensory abilities and apparent control of cellular metabolism under adverse conditions through retrograde signaling make chloroplasts an ideal hub. Functional specificity of the chloroplast-associated molecular patterns (ChAMPs) under combined stresses needs further focus. (c) The molecular integration of several hormonal signaling pathways, which bring together all cellular information to initiate the adaptive changes, needs resolving.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bioluminescence and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (BRET and FRET) together with the proximity ligation method revealed the existence of G-protein-coupled receptors, Ionotropic and Receptor tyrosine kinase heterocomplexes, e.g., A2AR-D2R, GABAA-D5R, and FGFR1-5-HT1AR heterocomplexes. Molecular integration takes place through allosteric receptor-receptor interactions in heteroreceptor complexes of synaptic and extra-synaptic regions. It involves the modulation of receptor protomer recognition, signaling and trafficking, as well as the modulation of behavioral responses. Allosteric receptor-receptor interactions in hetero-complexes give rise to concepts like meta-modulation and protein modulation. The introduction of receptor-receptor interactions was the origin of the concept of meta-modulation provided by Katz and Edwards in 1999, which stood for the fine-tuning or modulation of nerve cell transmission. In 2000-2010, Ribeiro and Sebastiao, based on a series of papers, provided strong support for their view that adenosine can meta-modulate (fine-tune) synaptic transmission through adenosine receptors. However, another term should also be considered: protein modulation, which is the key feature of allosteric receptor-receptor interactions leading to learning and consolidation by novel adapter proteins to memory. Finally, it must be underlined that allosteric receptor-receptor interactions and their involvement both in brain disease and its treatment are of high interest. Their pathophysiological relevance has been obtained, especially for major depressive disorder, cocaine use disorder, and Parkinson\'s disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Motile bacteria use large receptor arrays to detect chemical and physical stimuli in their environment, process this complex information, and accordingly bias their swimming in a direction they deem favorable. The chemoreceptor molecules form tripod-like trimers of receptor dimers through direct contacts between their cytoplasmic tips. A pair of trimers, together with a dedicated kinase enzyme, form a core signaling complex. Hundreds of core complexes network to form extended arrays. While considerable progress has been made in revealing the hierarchical structure of the array, the molecular properties underlying signal processing in these structures remain largely unclear. Here we analyzed the signaling properties of nonnetworked core complexes in live cells by following both conformational and kinase control responses to attractant stimuli and to output-biasing lesions at various locations in the receptor molecule. Contrary to the prevailing view that individual receptors are binary two-state devices, we demonstrate that conformational coupling between the ligand binding and the kinase-control receptor domains is, in fact, only moderate. In addition, we demonstrate communication between neighboring receptors through their trimer-contact domains that biases them to adopt similar signaling states. Taken together, these data suggest a view of signaling in receptor trimers that allows significant signal integration to occur within individual core complexes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sensor-effector proteins integrate information from different stimuli and transform this into cellular responses. Some sensory domains, like red-light responsive bacteriophytochromes, show remarkable modularity regulating a variety of effectors. One effector domain is the GGDEF diguanylate cyclase catalyzing the formation of the bacterial second messenger cyclic-dimeric-guanosine monophosphate. While critical signal integration elements have been described for different phytochromes, a generalized understanding of signal processing and communication over large distances, roughly 100 Å in phytochrome diguanylate cyclases, is missing. Here we show that dynamics-driven allostery is key to understanding signal integration on a molecular level. We generated protein variants stabilized in their far-red-absorbing Pfr state and demonstrated by analysis of conformational dynamics using hydrogen-deuterium exchange coupled to mass spectrometry that single amino acid replacements are accompanied by altered dynamics of functional elements throughout the protein. We show that the conformational dynamics correlate with the enzymatic activity of these variants, explaining also the increased activity of a non-photochromic variant. In addition, we demonstrate the functional importance of mixed Pfr/intermediate state dimers using a fast-reverting variant that still enables wild-type-like fold-changes of enzymatic stimulation by red light. This supports the functional role of single protomer activation in phytochromes, a property that might correlate with the non-canonical mixed Pfr/intermediate-state spectra observed for many phytochrome systems. We anticipate our results to stimulate research in the direction of dynamics-driven allosteric regulation of different bacteriophytochrome-based sensor-effectors. This will eventually impact design strategies for the creation of novel sensor-effector systems for enriching the optogenetic toolbox.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells have a semi-invariant T-cell receptor that allows recognition of antigen in the context of the MHC class I-related (MR1) protein. Metabolic intermediates of the riboflavin synthesis pathway have been identified as MR1-restricted antigens with agonist properties. As riboflavin synthesis occurs in many bacterial species, but not human cells, it has been proposed that the main purpose of MAIT cells is antibacterial surveillance and protection. The majority of human MAIT cells secrete interferon-gamma (IFNg) upon activation, while some MAIT cells in tissues can also express IL-17. Given that MAIT cells are present in human barrier tissues colonized by a microbiome, MAIT cells must somehow be able to distinguish colonization from infection to ensure effector functions are only elicited when necessary. Importantly, MAIT cells have additional functional properties, including the potential to contribute to restoring tissue homeostasis by expression of CTLA-4 and secretion of the cytokine IL-22. A recent study provided compelling data indicating that the range of human MAIT cell functional properties is explained by plasticity rather than distinct lineages. This further underscores the necessity to better understand how different signals regulate MAIT cell function. In this review, we highlight what is known in regards to activating and inhibitory signals for MAIT cells with a specific focus on signals relevant to healthy and inflamed tissues. We consider the quantity, quality, and the temporal order of these signals on MAIT cell function and discuss the current limitations of computational tools to extrapolate which signals are received by MAIT cells in human tissues. Using lessons learned from conventional CD8 T cells, we also discuss how TCR signals may integrate with cytokine signals in MAIT cells to elicit distinct functional states.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Natural killer (NK) cells integrate heterogeneous signals for activation and inhibition using germline-encoded receptors. These receptors are stochastically co-expressed, and their concurrent engagement and signaling can adjust the sensitivity of individual cells to putative targets. Against cancers, which mutate and evolve under therapeutic and immunologic pressure, the diversity for recognition provided by NK cells may be key to comprehensive cancer control. NK cells are already being trialled as adoptive cell therapy and targets for immunotherapeutic agents. However, strategies to leverage their naturally occurring diversity and agility have not yet been developed. In this review, we discuss the receptors and signaling pathways through which signals for activation or inhibition are generated in NK cells, focusing on their roles in cancer and potential as targets for immunotherapies. Finally, we consider the impacts of receptor co-expression and the potential to engage multiple pathways of NK cell reactivity to maximize the scope and strength of antitumor activities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The hypocotyl is the embryonic stem connecting the primary root to the cotyledons. Hypocotyl length varies tremendously depending on the conditions. This developmental plasticity and the simplicity of the organ explain its success as a model for growth regulation. Light and temperature are prominent growth-controlling cues, using shared signaling elements. Mechanisms controlling hypocotyl elongation in etiolated seedlings reaching the light differ from those in photoautotrophic seedlings. However, many common growth regulators intervene in both situations. Multiple photoreceptors including phytochromes, which also respond to temperature, control the activity of several transcription factors, thereby eliciting rapid transcriptional reprogramming. Hypocotyl growth often depends on sensing in green tissues and interorgan communication comprising auxin. Hypocotyl auxin, in conjunction with other hormones, determines epidermal cell elongation. Plants facing cues with opposite effects on growth control hypocotyl elongation through intricate mechanisms. We discuss the status of the field and end by highlighting open questions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability of a bacterium to successfully colonize its host is dependent on proper adaptation to its local environment. Environmental cues are diverse in nature, ranging from ions to bacterial-produced signals, and to host immune responses that can also be exploited by the bacteria as cues. Simultaneously, bacterial metabolism must be matched to the carbon and nitrogen sources available at a given time and location. While initial characterization of a bacterium\'s response to a given environmental cue or its ability to utilize a particular carbon/nitrogen source requires study of the signal in question in isolation, actual infection poses a situation where multiple signals are present concurrently. This perspective focuses on the untapped potential in uncovering and understanding how bacteria integrate their response to multiple concurrent environmental cues, and in elucidating the possible intrinsic coordination of bacterial environmental response with its metabolism.





