Selection pressure

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The members of the transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) family of cell signaling polypeptides have garnered a great deal of interest due to its capacity from nematodes to mammals to regulate cell-based activities which control the growth of embryos and sustain tissue homeostasis. The current study designed a computational analysis of the TGF-β protein family for understanding these proteins at the molecular level. This study determined the genomic structure of TGF-β gene family in Nile tilapia for the first time. We chose 33 TGF-β genes for identification and divided them into two subgroups, TGF-like and BMP-like. Moreover, the subcellular localization of the Nile tilapia TGF-β proteins have showed that majority of the members of TGF-β proteins family are present into extracellular matrix and plasma except BMP6, BMP7, and INHAC. All TGF-β proteins were thermostable excluding BMP1. Each protein exhibited basic nature, excluding of BMP1, BMP2, BMP7, BMP10, GDF2, GDF8, GDF11, AMH, INHA, INHBB, and NODAL M. All proteins gave impression of being unstable depending on the instability index, having values exceeding 40 excluding BMP1 and BMP2. Each TGF-β protein was found to be hydrophobic with lowered values of GRAVY. Moreover, every single one of the discovered TGF-β genes had a consistent evolutionary pattern. The TGF-β gene family had eight segmental duplications, and the Ka/Ks ratio demonstrated that purifying selection had an impact on the duplicated gene pairs which have experienced selection pressure. This study highlights important functionality of TGF-β and depicts the demand for further investigation to better understand the role and mechanism of transforming growth factor β in fishes and other species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microbes play a crucial role in the arsenic biogeochemical cycle through specific metabolic pathways to adapt to arsenic toxicity. However, the different arsenic-detoxification strategies between prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbes are poorly understood. This hampers our comprehension of how microbe-arsenic interactions drive the arsenic cycle and the development of microbial methods for remediation. In this study, we utilized conserved protein domains from 16 arsenic biotransformation genes (ABGs) to search for homologous proteins in 670 microbial genomes. Prokaryotes exhibited a wider species distribution of arsenic reduction- and arsenic efflux-related genes than fungi, whereas arsenic oxidation-related genes were more prevalent in fungi than in prokaryotes. This was supported by significantly higher acr3 (arsenite efflux permease) expression in bacteria (upregulated 3.72-fold) than in fungi (upregulated 1.54-fold) and higher aoxA (arsenite oxidase) expression in fungi (upregulated 5.11-fold) than in bacteria (upregulated 2.05-fold) under arsenite stress. The average values of nonsynonymous substitutions per nonsynonymous site to synonymous substitutions per synonymous site (dN/dS) of homologous ABGs were higher in archaea (0.098) and bacteria (0.124) than in fungi (0.051). Significant negative correlations between the dN/dS of ABGs and species distribution breadth and gene expression levels in archaea, bacteria, and fungi indicated that microbes establish the distinct strength of purifying selection for homologous ABGs. These differences contribute to the distinct arsenic metabolism pathways in prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbes. These observations facilitate a significant shift from studying individual or several ABGs to characterizing the comprehensive microbial strategies of arsenic detoxification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is an inflammatory disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. The present study attempted to understand the codon usage preferences in genes associated with IBD progression. Compositional analysis, codon usage bias (CUB), Relative synonymous codon usage (RSCU), RNA structure, and expression analysis were performed to obtain a comprehensive picture of codon usage in IBD genes. Compositional analysis of 62 IBD-associated genes revealed that G and T are the most and least abundant nucleotides, respectively. ApG, CpA, and TpG dinucleotides were overrepresented or randomly used, while ApC, CpG, GpT, and TpA dinucleotides were either underrepresented or randomly used in genes related to IBD. The codons influencing the codon usage the most in IBD genes were CGC and AGG. A comparison of codon usage between IBD, and pancreatitis (non-IBD inflammatory disease) indicated that only codon CTG codon usage was significantly different between IBD and pancreatitis. At the same time, there were codons ATA, ACA, CGT, CAA, GTA, CCT, ATT, GCT, CGG, TTG, and CAG for whom codon usage was significantly different for IBD and housekeeping gene sets. The results suggest similar codon usage in at least two inflammatory disorders, IBD and pancreatitis. The analysis helps understand the codon biology, factors affecting gene expression of IBD-associated genes, and the evolution of these genes. The study helps reveal the molecular patterns associated with IBD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: China is the hotspot of global freshwater crab diversity, but their wild populations are facing severe pressures associated with anthropogenic factors, necessitating the need to map their taxonomic and genetic diversity and design conservation policies.
    RESULTS: Herein, we sequenced the mitochondrial genome of a Chinese freshwater crab species Bottapotamon fukienense, and found that it is fragmented into two chromosomes. We confirmed that fragmentation was not limited to a single specimen or population. Chromosome 1 comprised 15,111 base pairs (bp) and there were 26 genes and one pseudogene (pseudo-nad1) encoded on it. Chromosome 2 comprised 8,173 bp and there were 12 genes and two pseudogenes (pseudo-trnL2 and pseudo-rrnL) encoded on it. Combined, they comprise the largest mitogenome (23,284 bp) among the Potamidae. Bottapotamon was the only genus in the Potamidae dataset exhibiting rearrangements of protein-coding genes. Bottapotamon fukienense exhibited average rates of sequence evolution in the dataset and did not differ in selection pressures from the remaining Potamidae.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is the first experimentally confirmed fragmentation of a mitogenome in crustaceans. While the mitogenome of B. fukienense exhibited multiple signs of elevated mitogenomic architecture evolution rates, including the exceptionally large size, duplicated genes, pseudogenisation, rearrangements of protein-coding genes, and fragmentation, there is no evidence that this is matched by elevated sequence evolutionary rates or changes in selection pressures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Styrax japonicus is a medicinal and ornamental shrub belonging to the Styracaceae family. To explore the diversity and characteristics of the chloroplast genome of S. japonicus, we conducted sequencing and comparison of the chloroplast genomes of four naturally distributed S. japonicus. The results demonstrated that the four chloroplast genomes (157,914-157,962 bp) exhibited a typical quadripartite structure consisting of a large single copy (LSC) region, a small single copy (SSC) region, and a pair of reverse repeats (IRa and IRb), and the structure was highly conserved. DNA polymorphism analysis revealed that three coding genes (infA, psbK, and rpl33) and five intergene regions (petA-psbJ, trnC-petN, trnD-trnY, trnE-trnT, and trnY-trnE) were identified as mutation hotspots. These genetic fragments have the potential to be utilized as DNA barcodes for future identification purposes. When comparing the boundary genes, a small contraction was observed in the IR region of four S. japonicus. Selection pressure analysis indicated positive selection for ycf1 and ndhD. These findings collectively suggest the adaptive evolution of S. japonicus. The phylogenetic structure revealed conflicting relationships among several S. japonicus, indicating divergent evolutionary paths within this species. Our study concludes by uncovering the genetic traits of the chloroplast genome in the differentiation of S. japonicus variety, offering fresh perspectives on the evolutionary lineage of this species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Megacarpaea megalocarpa, a perennial herbaceous species belonging to the Brassicaceae family, has potential medicinal value. We isolated and characterized the chloroplast (cp) genome of M. megalocarpa and compared it with closely related species. The chloroplast genome displayed a typical quadripartite structure, spanning 154,877 bp, with an overall guanine-cytosine (GC) content of 36.20%. Additionally, this genome contained 129 genes, 105 simple sequence repeats (SSRs), and 48 long repeat sequences. Significantly, the ycf1 gene exhibited a high degree of polymorphism at the small single copy (SSC) region and the inverted repeat a (IRa) boundary. Despite this polymorphism, relative synonymous codon usage (RSCU) values were found to be similar across species, and no large segment rearrangements or inversions were detected. The large single copy (LSC) and SSC regions showed higher sequence variations and nucleotide polymorphisms compared to the IR region. Thirteen distinct hotspot regions were identified as potential molecular markers. Our selection pressure analysis revealed that the protein-coding gene rpl20 is subjected to different selection pressures in various species. Phylogenetic analysis positioned M. megalocarpa within the expanded lineage II of the Brassicaceae family. The estimated divergence time suggests that M. megalocarpa diverged approximately 4.97 million years ago. In summary, this study provides crucial baseline information for the molecular identification, phylogenetic relationships, conservation efforts, and utilization of wild resources in Megacarpaea.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A comprehensive and systematic examination of dengue virus (DENV) evolution is essential in Pakistan, where the virus poses a significant public health challenge due to its ability to adapt and evolve. To shed light on the intricate evolutionary patterns of all four DENV serotypes, we analyzed complete genome sequences (n = 43) and Envelope (E) gene sequences (n = 44) of all four DENV serotypes collected in Pakistan from 1994 to 2023, providing a holistic view of their genetic evolution. Our findings revealed that all four serotypes of DENV co-circulate in Pakistan with a close evolutionary relationship between DENV-1 and DENV-3. Among the genetically distinct serotypes DENV-2 and DENV-4, DENV-4 stands out as the most genetically different, while DENV-2 exhibits greater complexity due to the presence of multiple genotypes and the possibility of temporal fluctuations in genotype prevalence. Selective pressure analysis of the Envelope (E) gene revealed heterogeneity among sequences (n = 44), highlighting 46 codons in the genome experiencing selective pressure, characterized by a bias toward balancing selection, indicating genetic stability of the virus. Furthermore, our study suggested an intriguing evolutionary shift of DENV-4 toward the DENV-2 clade, potentially influenced by antibodies with cross-reactivity to multiple serotypes, providing a critical insight into the complex factors, shaping DENV evolution and contributing to the emergence of new serotypes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Whether in ant-aphid mutualism the ants exert evolutionary selection pressure on aphid morphology has not yet been fully tested. Here, we tested whether the long proboscises of Stomaphis yanonis (Aphididae Lachninae) aphids confer an advantage in preventing predation by the tending ants. Specifically, we tested the hypothesis that aphids with a shorter proboscis would excrete less honeydew, making them more likely to be preyed upon by ants. Our results showed that aphid individuals with a shorter proboscis took up less phloem sap and excreted less honeydew than individuals with a longer proboscis. In addition, among aphids with a similar body size, those with a shorter proboscis were more susceptible to predation by ants than those with a longer proboscis. These results suggest that predation by tending ants, by exerting selection pressure on aphid proboscis morphology, has caused the aphids to evolve longer proboscises.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MYBs constitute the second largest transcription factor (TF) superfamily in flowering plants with substantial structural and functional diversity, which have been brought into focus because they affect flower colors by regulating anthocyanin biosynthesis. Up to now, the genomic data of several Chrysanthemum species have been released, which provides us with abundant genomic resources for revealing the evolution of the MYB gene family in Chrysanthemum species. In the present study, comparative analyses of the MYB gene family in six representative species, including C. lavandulifolium, C. seticuspe, C. ×morifolium, Helianthus annuus, Lactuca sativa, and Arabidopsis thaliana, were performed. A total of 1104 MYBs, which were classified into four subfamilies and 35 lineages, were identified in the three Chrysanthemum species (C. lavandulifolium, C. seticuspe, and C. ×morifolium). We found that whole-genome duplication and tandem duplication are the main duplication mechanisms that drove the occurrence of duplicates in CmMYBs (particularly in the R2R3-MYB subfamily) during the evolution of the cultivated chrysanthemums. Sequence structure and selective pressure analyses of the MYB gene family revealed that some of R2R3-MYBs were subjected to positive selection, which are mostly located on the distal telomere segments of the chromosomes and contain motifs 7 and 8. In addition, the gene expression analysis of CmMYBs in different organs and at various capitulum developmental stages of C. ×morifolium indicated that CmMYBS2, CmMYB96, and CmMYB109 might be the negative regulators for anthocyanin biosynthesis. Our results provide the phylogenetic context for research on the genetic and functional evolution of the MYB gene family in Chrysanthemum species and deepen our understanding of the regulatory mechanism of MYB TFs on the flower color of C. ×morifolium.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Goats have achieved global prominence as essential livestock since their initial domestication, primarily owing to their remarkable adaptability to diverse environmental and production systems. Differential selection pressures influenced by climate have led to variations in their physical attributes, leaving genetic imprints within the genomes of goat breeds raised in diverse agroecological settings. In light of this, our study pursued a comprehensive analysis, merging environmental data with single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) variations, to unearth indications of selection shaped by climate-mediated forces in goats. Through the examination of 43,300 SNPs from 51 indigenous goat breeds adapting to different climatic conditions using four analytical methods: latent factor mixed models (LFMM), F-statistics (Fst), Extended haplotype homozygosity across populations (XPEHH), and spatial analysis method (SAM), A total of 74 genes were revealed to display clear signs of selection, which are believed to be influenced by climatic conditions. Among these genes, 32 were consistently identified by at least two of the applied methods, and three genes (DENND1A, PLCB1, and ITPR2) were confirmed by all four approaches. Moreover, our investigation yielded 148 Gene Ontology (GO) terms based on these 74 genes, underlining pivotal biological pathways crucial for environmental adaptation. These pathways encompass functions like vascular smooth muscle contraction, cellular response to heat, GTPase regulator activity, rhythmic processes, and responses to temperature stimuli. Of significance, GO terms about endocrine regulation and energy metabolic responses, key for local adaptation were also uncovered, including biological processes, such as cell differentiation, regulation of peptide hormone secretion, and lipid metabolism. These findings contribute to our knowledge of the genetic structure of climate-triggered adaptation across the goat genome and have practical implications for marker-assisted breeding in goats.





