关键词: And TpGdinucleotides overabundance ApG Codon usage Compositional constraints CpA Genes Inflammatory bowel disease Mutational forces Selection pressure

来  源:   DOI:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.134480

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is an inflammatory disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. The present study attempted to understand the codon usage preferences in genes associated with IBD progression. Compositional analysis, codon usage bias (CUB), Relative synonymous codon usage (RSCU), RNA structure, and expression analysis were performed to obtain a comprehensive picture of codon usage in IBD genes. Compositional analysis of 62 IBD-associated genes revealed that G and T are the most and least abundant nucleotides, respectively. ApG, CpA, and TpG dinucleotides were overrepresented or randomly used, while ApC, CpG, GpT, and TpA dinucleotides were either underrepresented or randomly used in genes related to IBD. The codons influencing the codon usage the most in IBD genes were CGC and AGG. A comparison of codon usage between IBD, and pancreatitis (non-IBD inflammatory disease) indicated that only codon CTG codon usage was significantly different between IBD and pancreatitis. At the same time, there were codons ATA, ACA, CGT, CAA, GTA, CCT, ATT, GCT, CGG, TTG, and CAG for whom codon usage was significantly different for IBD and housekeeping gene sets. The results suggest similar codon usage in at least two inflammatory disorders, IBD and pancreatitis. The analysis helps understand the codon biology, factors affecting gene expression of IBD-associated genes, and the evolution of these genes. The study helps reveal the molecular patterns associated with IBD.