  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prion variants are self-perpetuating conformers of a single protein that assemble into amyloid fibers and confer unique phenotypic states. Multiple prion variants can arise, particularly in response to changing environments, and interact within an organism. These interactions are often competitive, with one variant establishing phenotypic dominance over the others. This dominance has been linked to the competition for non-prion state protein, which must be converted to the prion state via a nucleated polymerization mechanism. However, the intrinsic rates of conversion, determined by the conformation of the variant, cannot explain prion variant dominance, suggesting a more complex interaction. Using the yeast prion system [PSI+ ], we have determined the mechanism of dominance of the [PSI+ ]Strong variant over the [PSI+ ]Weak variant in vivo. When mixed by mating, phenotypic dominance is established in zygotes, but the two variants persist and co-exist in the lineage descended from this cell. [PSI+ ]Strong propagons, the heritable unit, are amplified at the expense of [PSI+ ]Weak propagons, through the efficient conversion of soluble Sup35 protein, as revealed by fluorescence photobleaching experiments employing variant-specific mutants of Sup35. This competition, however, is highly sensitive to the fragmentation of [PSI+ ]Strong amyloid fibers, with even transient inhibition of the fragmentation catalyst Hsp104 promoting amplification of [PSI+ ]Weak propagons. Reducing the number of [PSI+ ]Strong propagons prior to mating, similarly promotes [PSI+ ]Weak amplification and conversion of soluble Sup35, indicating that template number and conversion efficiency combine to determine dominance. Thus, prion variant dominance is not an absolute hierarchy but rather an outcome arising from the dynamic interplay between unique protein conformations and their interactions with distinct cellular proteostatic niches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the sensitivity enhancements conferred by dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP), magic angle spinning (MAS) solid state NMR spectroscopy experiments can attain the necessary sensitivity to detect very low concentrations of proteins. This potentially enables structural investigations of proteins at their endogenous levels in their biological contexts where their native stoichiometries with potential interactors is maintained. Yet, even with DNP, experiments are still sensitivity limited. Moreover, when an isotopically-enriched target protein is present at physiological levels, which typically range from low micromolar to nanomolar concentrations, the isotope content from the natural abundance isotopes in the cellular milieu can outnumber the isotope content of the target protein. Using isotopically enriched yeast prion protein, Sup35NM, diluted into natural abundance yeast lysates, we optimized sample composition. We found that modest cryoprotectant concentrations and fully protonated environments support efficient DNP. We experimentally validated theoretical calculations of the limit of specificity for an isotopically enriched protein in natural abundance cellular milieu. We establish that, using pulse sequences that are selective for adjacent NMR-active nuclei, proteins can be specifically detected in cellular milieu at concentrations in the hundreds of nanomolar. Finally, we find that maintaining native stoichiometries of the protein of interest to the components of the cellular environment may be important for proteins that make specific interactions with cellular constituents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Sup35 prion protein of budding yeast has been reported to undergo phase separation to form liquid droplets both at low pH in vitro and when energy depletion decreases the intracellular pH in vivo. It also has been shown using purified proteins that this phase separation is driven by the prion domain of Sup35 and does not re-quire its C-terminal domain. In contrast, we now find that a Sup35 fragment consisting of only the N-terminal prion domain and the M-domain does not phase separate in vivo; this phase separation of Sup35 requires the C-terminal domain, which binds Sup45 to form the translation termination complex. The phase-separated Sup35 not only colocalizes with Sup45 but also with Pub1, a stress granule marker protein. In addition, like stress granules, phase separation of Sup35 appears to require mRNA since cycloheximide treatment, which inhibits mRNA release from ribosomes, prevents phase separation of Sup35. Finally, unlike Sup35 in vitro, Sup35 condensates do not disassemble in vivo when the intracellular pH is increased. These results suggest that, in energy-depleted cells, Sup35 forms supramolecular assemblies that differ from the Sup35 liquid droplets that form in vitro.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many human diseases are associated with the misfolding of amyloidogenic proteins. Understanding the mechanisms cells employ to ensure the integrity of the proteome is therefore a crucial step in the development of potential therapeutic interventions. Yeast cells possess numerous prion-forming proteins capable of adopting amyloid conformations, possibly as an epigenetic mechanism to cope with changing environmental conditions. The ribosome-associated complex (RAC), which docks near the ribosomal polypeptide exit tunnel and recruits the Hsp70 Ssb to chaperone nascent chains, can moderate the acquisition of these amyloid conformations in yeast. Here we examine the ability of the human RAC chaperone proteins Mpp11 and Hsp70L1 to function in place of their yeast RAC orthologues Zuo1 and Ssz1 in yeast lacking endogenous RAC and investigate the extent to which the human orthologues can perform RAC chaperone activities in yeast. We found that the Mpp11/Hsp70L1 complex can partially correct the growth defect seen in RAC-deficient yeast cells, although yeast/human hetero species complexes were variable in this ability. The proportion of cells in which the Sup35 protein undergoes spontaneous conversion to a [PSI+ ] prion conformation, which is increased in the absence of RAC, was reduced by the presence of the human RAC complex. However, the toxicity in yeast from expression of a pathogenically expanded polyQ protein was unable to be countered by the human RAC chaperones. This yeast system can serve as a facile model for studying the extent to which the human RAC chaperones contribute to combating cotranslational misfolding of other mammalian disease-associated proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Yeast is a convenient model for studying protein aggregation as it is known to propagate amyloid prions. [PSI+] is the prion form of the release factor eRF3 (Sup35). Aggregated Sup35 causes defects in termination of translation, which results in nonsense suppression in strains carrying premature stop codons. N-terminal and middle (M) domains of Sup35 are necessary and sufficient for maintaining [PSI+] in cells while preserving the prion strain\'s properties. For this reason, Sup35NM fused to fluorescent proteins is often used for [PSI+] detection and investigation. However, we found that in such chimeric constructs, not all fluorescent proteins allow the reliable detection of Sup35 aggregates. Particularly, transient overproduction of Sup35NM-mCherry resulted in a diffuse fluorescent pattern in the [PSI+] cells, while no loss of prions and no effect on the Sup35NM prion properties could be observed. This effect was reproduced in various unrelated strain backgrounds and prion variants. In contrast, Sup35NM fused to another red fluorescent protein, TagRFP-T, allowed the detection of [PSI+] aggregates. Analysis of protein lysates showed that Sup35NM-mCherry is actively degraded in the cell. This degradation was not caused by vacuolar proteases and the ubiquitin-proteasomal system implicated in the Sup35 processing. Even though the intensity of this proteolysis was higher than that of Sup35NM-GFP, it was roughly the same as in the case of Sup35NM-TagRFP-T. Thus, it is possible that, in contrast to TagRFP-T, degradation products of Sup35NM-mCherry still preserve their fluorescent properties while losing the ability to decorate pre-existing Sup35 aggregates. This results in diffuse fluorescence despite the presence of the prion aggregates in the cell. Thus, tagging with fluorescent proteins should be used with caution, as such proteolysis may increase the rate of false-negative results when detecting prion-bearing cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prions replicate by a self-templating mechanism. Infidelity in the process can lead to the emergence of new infectious structures, referred to as variants or strains. The question of whether prions are prone to mis-templating is not completely answered. Our previous experiments with 23 variants of the yeast [PSI+] prion do not support broad mutability. However, it became clear recently that the heat shock protein Hsp104 can restrict [PSI+] strain variation. This raises the possibility that many transmutable variants of the prion may have been mistaken as faithful-propagating simply because the mutant structure was too sturdy or too frail to take root in the wild-type cell. Here, I alter the strength of Hsp104 in yeast, overexpressing wild-type Hsp104 or expressing the hypo-active Hsp104T160M mutant, and check if the new environments enable the variants to mutate. Two variants hitherto thought of as faithful-propagating are discovered to generate different structures, which are stabilized with the hypo-active chaperone. In contrast, most transmutable variants discovered in cells overexpressing Hsp104 have been correctly identified as such previously in wild-type cells without the overexpression. The majority of transmutable variants only mis-template the structure of VH, VK, or VL, which are the most frequently observed variants and do not spontaneously mutate. There are four additional variants that never give rise to different structures in all cell conditions tested. Therefore, quite a few [PSI+] variants are faithful-propagating, and even the transmutable ones do not freely evolve but can only change to limited structural types.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Yeast prions are self-perpetuating misfolded proteins that are infectious. In yeast, [PSI+] is the prion form of the Sup35 protein. While the study of [PSI+] has revealed important cellular mechanisms that contribute to prion propagation, the underlying cellular factors that influence prion formation are not well understood. Prion formation has been described as a multi-step process involving both the initial nucleation and growth of aggregates, followed by the subsequent transmission of prion particles to daughter cells. Prior evidence suggests that actin plays a role in this multi-step process, but actin\'s precise role is unclear. Here, we investigate how actin influences the cell\'s ability to manage newly formed visible aggregates and how actin influences the transmission of newly formed aggregates to future generations. At early steps, using 3D time-lapse microscopy, several actin mutants, and Markov modeling, we find that the movement of newly formed aggregates is random and actin independent. At later steps, our prion induction studies provide evidence that the transmission of newly formed prion particles to daughter cells is limited by the actin cytoskeletal network. We suspect that this limitation is because actin is used to possibly retain prion particles in the mother cell.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amyloids are protein aggregates with a specific filamentous structure that are related to a number of human diseases, and also to some important physiological processes in animals and other kingdoms of life. Amyloids in yeast can stably propagate as heritable units, prions. Yeast prions are of interest both on their own and as a model for amyloids and prions in general. In this review, we consider the structure of yeast prions and its variation, how such structures determine the balance of aggregated and soluble prion protein through interaction with chaperones and how the aggregated state affects the non-prion functions of these proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 1957, Lionel Penrose built the first man-made self-replicating mechanical device and illustrated its function in a series of machine prototypes, prefiguring our current view of the genesis and the proliferation of amyloid fibrils. He invented and demonstrated, with the help of his son Roger, the concepts that decades later, would become the fundamentals of prion and prion-like neurobiology: nucleation, seeding and conformational templating of monomers, linear polymer elongation, fragmentation, and spread. He published his premonitory discovery in a movie he publicly presented at only two conferences in 1958, a movie we thus reproduce here. By making a 30-year-jump in the early 90\'s, we evoke the studies performed by Peter Lansbury and his group in which α-Synuclein (α-Syn) was for the first time (i) compared to a prion; (ii) shown to contain a fibrillization-prone domain capable of seeding its own assembly into fibrils; (iii) identified as an intrinsically disordered protein (IDP), and which, in the early 2000s, (iv) was described by one of us as a protein chameleon. We use these temporally distant breakthroughs to propose that the combination of the chameleon nature of α-Syn with the rigid gear of the Penrose machine is sufficient to account for a phenomenon that is of current interest: the emergence and the spread of a variety of α-Syn fibril strains in α-Synucleinopathies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The review discusses the role that proteins interacting with the translation termination factors eRF1 and eRF3 play in the control of protein synthesis and prionization. These proteins interact not only with each other, but also with many other proteins involved in controlling the efficiency of translation termination, and associate translation termination with other cell processes. The termination of translation is directly related not only to translation re-initiation and ribosome recycling, but also to mRNA stability and protein quality control. This connection is ensured by the interaction of eRF1 and eRF3 with proteins participating in various cell metabolic processes, such as mRNA transport from the nucleus into the cytoplasm (Dbp5/DDX19 and Gle1), ribosome recycling (Rli1/ABCE1), mRNA degradation (Upf proteins), and translation initiation (Pab1/PABP). In addition to genetic control, there is epigenetic control of translation termination. This mechanism is associated with prion polymerization of the Sup35 protein to form the [PSI^(+)] prion. The maintenance of the [PSI^(+)] prion, like other yeast prions, requires the operation of a system of molecular chaperones and protein sorting factors. The review considers in detail the interaction of the translation termination factors with proteins involved in various cellular processes.





