• 文章类型: Case Reports
    In living children, the use of a wide field fundus camera such as RetCam is the gold standard practice to document retinal haemorrhages in suspected cases of abusive head trauma (AHT). In case of sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI), child abuse must be considered as a possible cause of death and an eye examination is required. However, no example of post-mortem fundus photograph (PMFP) of retinal haemorrhages related to AHT is yet available for clinicians.We report a SUDI case, with no external traumatic lesions or limb fractures, for which prompt PMFP showed retinal haemorrhages typical of AHT: child abuse was subsequently confirmed by the forensic investigation. We discuss why PMFP is a relevant screening test to detect retinal haemorrhages in the case of SUDI and why the use of the RetCam should be further investigated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Successful national safer sleep campaigns in the United Kingdom have lowered the death rates from sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) over the past 3 decades, but deaths persist in socioeconomically deprived families. The circumstances of current deaths suggest that improvements in support for some families to follow safer sleep advice more consistently could save lives.
    This study aimed to develop and evaluate a risk assessment and planning tool designed to improve the uptake of safer sleep advice in families with infants at increased risk of SUDI.
    A co-design approach was used to develop the prototype interface of a web-based tool with 2 parts: an individual SUDI risk assessment at birth and a downloadable plan for safety during times of disruption. The advice contained within the tool is concordant with national guidance from the Lullaby Trust, the United Nations International Children\'s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. User testing of the prototype tool was conducted by inviting health visitors, midwives, and family nurses to use it with families eligible for additional support. Qualitative interviews with health professionals and families allowed for iterative changes to the tool and for insights into its function and influence on parental behavior.
    A total of 22 health professionals were enrolled in the study, of whom 20 (91%) were interviewed. They reported appreciating the functionality of the tool, which allowed them to identify at-risk families for further support. They felt that the tool improved how they communicated about risks with families. They suggested expanding its use to include relevance in the antenatal period and having versions available in languages other than English. They reported using the tool with 58 families; 20 parents gave consent to be interviewed by the research team about their experiences with the tool. Families were positive about the tool, appreciated the trustworthy information, and felt that it was useful and appropriate and that the plans for specific infant sleeps would be of benefit to them and other family members.
    Our tool combines risk assessment and safety planning, both of which have the potential to improve the uptake of lifesaving advice. Refinements to the tool based on these findings have ensured that the tool is ready for further evaluation in a larger study before being rolled out to families with infants at increased risk.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sudden and unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) may be triggered by an external risk or exposure. Intestinal infections with enteric viruses may disrupt the gut and enhance bacterial toxins present in SUDI cases. While diarrhoeal disease deaths have decreased worldwide, approximately half a million deaths still occur in children in Sub- Saharan Africa and South Asia. Furthermore, the role of viral enteropathogens in SUDI cases have not been investigated. The aim of this study was to describe specific viral pathogens in stool samples collected from SUDI cases and age-matched, apparently healthy infants in Cape Town, South Africa. Stool samples were collected from 176 SUDI cases between June 2017 and May 2018. In addition, stool samples were collected from the nappies of 30 age-matched, apparently healthy infants as a control group. Real-time polymerase chain reaction was performed on the stool samples for viral detection. A total of 111 SUDI cases were positive for viruses, with rotavirus (38.6%; 68/176) and norovirus GI and GII (30.0%; 53/176) were prevalent in SUDI cases. Adenovirus Type F was present in only 15.9% (28/176), astrovirus in 9.7% (17/176), and sapovirus in 0.6% (1/176) of cases. In the control samples, norovirus GII was detected most frequently (36.7%; 11/30), followed by rotavirus (33.3%; 10/30), and sapovirus in 6.7% (2/30). While there was no significant association between SUDI cases and enteric viruses, the majority of viruses were significantly associated with the seasons. The study confirms the importance of rotavirus vaccination and describes the significance of norovirus infection in children, post rotavirus vaccine introduction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate in the Netherlands the national outcomes in providing cause of and insights into sudden and unexplained child deaths among children via the Postmortem Evaluation of Sudden Unexplained Death in Youth (PESUDY) procedure.
    METHODS: Children aged 0-18 years in the Netherlands who died suddenly were included in the PESUDY procedure if their death was unexplained and their parents gave consent. The PESUDY procedure consists of pediatric and forensic examination, biochemical, and microbiological tests; radiologic imaging; autopsy; and multidisciplinary discussion. Data on history, modifiable factors, previous symptoms, performed diagnostics, and cause of death were collected between October 2016 and December 2021.
    RESULTS: In total, 212 cases (median age 11 months, 56% boys, 33% comorbidity) were included. Microbiological, toxicological, and metabolic testing was performed in 93%, 34%, and 32% of cases. In 95% a computed tomography scan or magnetic resonance imaging was done and in 62% an autopsy was performed. The cause of death was explained in 58% of cases and a plausible cause was identified in an additional 13%. Most children died from infectious diseases. Noninfectious cardiac causes were the second leading cause of death found. Modifiable factors were identified in 24% of non-sudden infant death syndrome/unclassified sudden infant death cases and mostly involved overlooked alarming symptoms.
    CONCLUSIONS: The PESUDY procedure is valuable and effective for determining the cause of death in children with sudden unexplained deaths and for providing answers to grieving parents and involved health care professionals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The role of the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) in vision has been extensively studied, yet its extraretinal capacities are still being investigated, including its role in arousal from sleep. The β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subunit is involved in the laminal organisation of the LGN with magnocellular (MC) and parvocellular (PC) neurons. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) occurs during a sleep period and, neuropathologically, is associated with increased neuronal cell death and altered nAChRs. A recent qualitative pilot study from our group implicates the possibility of increased neuronal death/apoptosis in the SIDS LGN. The present study used quantitative analysis to report the baseline expression of apoptotic and nAChR subunits α7 and β2 in the PC and MC layers of the LGN, to determine correlations amongst these markers within layers and across layers, and to evaluate changes in the expression of these markers in the LGN of SIDS infants, along with associations with SIDS risk factors, such as age, sex, cigarette smoke exposure, bed-sharing, and presence of an upper respiratory tract infection (URTI). Tissue was immunohistochemically stained for cell death markers of active caspase-3 (Casp-3) and TUNEL, and for the α7 and β2 nAChR subunits. Amongst 43 cases of sudden and unexpected deaths in infancy (SUDI), classifications included explained deaths (eSUDI, n = 9), SIDS I (n = 5) and SIDS II (n = 29). Results indicated a strong correlation of the apoptotic markers and β2 nAChR subunit between the LGN layers, but not across the markers within the layers. Amongst the diagnostic groups, compared to eSUDI, the SIDS II cases had decreased Casp-3 expression while β2 nAChR expression was increased in both PC and MC layers. Amongst the SIDS risk factors, URTI and bed-sharing were associated with changes in neuronal death but not in the α7 and β2 markers. In conclusion, our findings do not support a role for the α7 and β2 nAChRs in apoptotic regulation of the LGN layers during infancy. However, for SIDS victims, an inverse correlation between the changes for markers of apoptosis and the β2 nAChR subunit expression suggests altered LGN function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In the case of sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI), eye examination is systematic to detect retinal hemorrhages (RH) that are a crucial hallmark for abusive head trauma (AHT). The aim of this study is to assess the ability of non-invasive post-mortem fundus photographs (PMFP) to detect RH in case of SUDI.
    METHODS: Bicentric retrospective analysis of consecutive cases of SUDI under 2 years of age were managed by two French SUDI referral centers with PMFP by RetCam (Clarity Medical Systems USA). PMFP were reviewed randomly, twice, by three independent ophthalmologists blinded for clinical data.
    RESULTS: Thirty cases (60 eyes) were included. Median age was 3.5 months (interquartile [1.6; 6.0]). No child died of AHT. Image quality was sufficient to assert presence or absence of RH in 50 eyes (83%). Sufficient quality rate was significantly higher when the post-mortem interval was inferior to 18 h (91%, 42/46) as opposed to over 18 h (57%, 8/14, p=0.0096). RH were found in six eyes (10%), four children (13%), with excellent inter and intra-raters\' concordance (Cohen\'s Kappa from 0.81 [0.56-1.00] to 1.00 [1.00-1.00]).
    CONCLUSIONS: PMFP can detect RH in case of SUDI and is a relevant systematic screening test to be carried out as soon as the deceased child arrives in the hospital. It can decrease the need of eye removal for pathological examination, but further studies are needed to define the best decision algorithm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To examine the effects of infant sofa-sleeping, recent use by caregivers of alcohol, cannabis, and/or other drugs, and bed type and pillows, on the risk of sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) in New Zealand.
    A nationwide prospective case-control study was implemented between March 2012 and February 2015. Data were collected during interviews with parents/caregivers. \"Hazards\" were defined as infant exposure to 1 or more of sofa-sleeping and recent use by caregivers of alcohol, cannabis, and other drugs. The interaction of hazards with tobacco smoking in pregnancy and bed sharing, including for very young infants, and the difference in risk for Māori and non-Māori infants, also were assessed.
    The study enrolled 132 cases and 258 controls. SUDI risk increased with infant sofa-sleeping (imputed aOR [IaOR] 24.22, 95% CI 1.65-356.40) and with hazards (IaOR 3.35, 95% CI 1.40-8.01). The SUDI risk from the combination of tobacco smoking in pregnancy and bed sharing (IaOR 29.0, 95% CI 10.10-83.33) increased with the addition of 1 or more hazards (IaOR 148.24, 95% CI 15.72-1398), and infants younger than 3 months appeared to be at greater risk (IaOR 450.61, 95% CI 26.84-7593.14).
    Tobacco smoking in pregnancy and bed sharing remain the greatest SUDI risks for infants and risk increases further in the presence of sofa-sleeping or recent caregiver use of alcohol and/or cannabis and other drugs. Continued implementation of effective, appropriate programs for smoking cessation, safe sleep, and supplying safe sleep beds is required to reduce New Zealand SUDI rates and SUDI disparity among Māori.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Morphological differences in the dentate gyrus (DG) have been reported in sudden unexpected deaths in infancy (SUDI), with the feature of focal granule cell (GC) bilamination (FGCB) reported as increased in unexplained SUDI, including sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), compared with explained SUDI (eSUDI). However, it remains to be determined how these morphologies relate to each other and their extent along the anteroposterior length. This retrospective study evaluated the prevalence of FGCB, single or clustered ectopic GCs, granule cell dispersion (GCD), heterotopia, hyperconvolution, gaps, thinning, blood vessel dissection (BVD), and cuffing (BV cuffing), in an Australian SUDI cohort, and compared the prevalence of these features in eSUDI and unexplained SUDI. We analyzed 850 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded serial and subserial sections of the hippocampus at the level of the lateral geniculate nucleus from 90 infants, and identified GCD in 97% of infants, single ectopic cells, hyperconvolution, thinning, and BVD in 60%-80%, heterotopia in 36%, gaps, clusters of ectopic cells and BV cuffing in 9%-15%, and FGCB in 18%. These features are clustered within 3-5 serial sections. The presence of FGCB correlated with single ectopic GCs and hyperconvolution. There were no differences in the prevalence of these features between unexplained SUDI (n = 74) and eSUDI (n = 16). Our findings highlight that DG morphological features are highly localized, extending 14-35 µm at their focal location(s) along the anteroposterior length. Consequently, multiple sections along the longitudinal extent are required to identify them. No feature differentiated SUDI from eSUDI in our cohort, thus we cannot conclude that any of these features are abnormal and it remains to be determined their functional significance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To explore pēpē [infant] sleep practices and the key motivators among selected Māori and non-Māori māmā [mothers] in Auckland, New Zealand, in relation to the risk of sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI).
    METHODS: Qualitative research underpinned by a kaupapa Māori cultural framework was undertaken. In-depth face-to-face interviews occurred in the homes of māmā with young pēpē born in Counties Manukau, Auckland. Interview transcripts were analyzed using general purpose thematic analysis.
    RESULTS: Thirty māmā participated, including 17 Māori. Two-thirds of māmā reported previous or current bed sharing. The fundamental human need for adequate sleep motivated half the māmā in the present study, and especially Māori māmā, to bed share. The second most common reason given was closeness and convenience. This was followed by breastfeeding, which was cited as a reason by Māori māmā only. These findings were interpreted in terms of intrinsic fear, culture, and māmā deployment of knowledge.
    CONCLUSIONS: Service providers are encouraged to respond to the lived experiences and cultural realities, values, and beliefs of māmā when designing and delivering effective SUDI prevention interventions. Innovative approaches for providing structured and opportunistic, culturally appropriate education and support around safe sleep are likely to be well-received by māmā and their whānau [family/ies].






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) is the sudden and unexpected death of an apparently healthy infant occurring within the first year of life where the cause is not immediately obvious. It is believed that a proportion of unexplained infant deaths are due to an infection that remains undiagnosed. The interpretation of post-mortem microbiology results is difficult due to the potential false-positives, a source of which is post-mortem bacterial translocation. Post-mortem bacterial translocation is the spread of viable bacteria from highly colonised sites to extra-intestinal tissues. We hypothesise that although post-mortem bacterial translocation occurs, when carcasses are kept under controlled routine clinical conditions it is not extensive and can be defined using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. With this knowledge, implementation of the 16S rRNA gene sequencing technique into routine clinical diagnostics would allow a more reliable retrospective diagnosis of ante-mortem infection. Therefore, the aim of this study was to establish the extent of post-mortem bacterial translocation in two animal models to establish a baseline sequencing signal for the post-mortem process. To do this we used 16S rRNA gene sequencing in two animal models over a 2 week period to investigate (1) the bacterial community succession in regions of high bacterial colonisation, and (2) the bacterial presence in visceral tissues routinely sampled during autopsy for microbiological investigation. We found no evidence for significant and consistent post-mortem bacterial translocation in the mouse model. Although bacteria were detected in tissues in the piglet model, we did not find significant and consistent evidence for post-mortem bacterial translocation from the gastrointestinal tract or nasal cavity. These data do not support the concept of significant post-mortem translocation as part of the normal post-mortem process.





