  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Internet of Vehicles (IoV) plays a crucial role in advancing intelligent transportation systems. However, due to limited processing power, IoV faces challenges in independently handling large volumes of data, necessitating the use of offloading as a solution. Offloading data in wireless environments raises security concerns, highlighting the need for robust data protection mechanisms. This study introduces a secure offloading (SO) scheme within the Fog-Cloud Federation for IoV. The proposed NSO-VFC scheme undergoes both informal and formal analysis using the Avispa tool, demonstrating resilience against active and passive attacks. Performance evaluations indicate that the security measures of NSO-VFC meet acceptable standards compared to similar approaches. Nonetheless, the heightened focus on security incurs higher computational and communication costs than alternative strategies. Simulation experiments using the NS3 tool involve varying numbers of IoVs (50, 70, and 100), revealing that increased IoV density correlates with enhanced packet delivery rates and throughput within the NSO-VFC scheme.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To investigate the demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with sympathetic ophthalmia (SO) and define the risk factors for its incidence following trauma and ophthalmic procedures.
    Retrospective cohort study.
    Patients in the American Academy of Ophthalmology\'s (Academy) IRIS Registry (Intelligent Research in Sight) who were (n=1523) or were not diagnosed with SO following a documented procedure or trauma between January 1, 2013, and December 31, 2019.
    Multiple demographic and clinical factors were collected, descriptive statistics and prevalence were calculated, and multivariate linear regression models were fit to the data.
    Prevalence of SO, demographic and clinical characteristics, and beta coefficient (β) estimates of demographic and clinical characteristics impacting time to SO onset after procedure (Procedure Only cohort) or trauma (Trauma cohort).
    Of 65,348,409 distinct IRIS Registry patients, 1523 (0.0023%) were diagnosed with SO between 2013 and 2019, and also had a documented preceding trauma or procedure. Of these, 927 (60.87%) were female, 1336 (87.72%) belonged to the Procedure Only cohort, and 187 (12.28%) belonged to the Trauma cohort. The prevalence of SO after trauma was 0.0207%, whereas after procedures it was 0.0124%. The highest risk of procedure-related SO was seen in patients with history of \"other anterior segment\" (0.122%) followed by glaucoma (0.066%) procedures, whereas the lowest prevalence was noted with cataract surgeries (0.011%). The average time to onset of SO across both cohorts combined was 527.44 (±715.60) days, with statistically significant differences between the 2 cohorts (P < .001). On average, the time to onset from inciting event to SO was shorter with increasing age, by 9.02 (95% CI: -11.96, -6.08) days for every 1-year increase.
    SO following trauma and ophthalmic procedure is potentially rarer than previously reported, as measured in this large ophthalmic medical record database. Female sex may be a risk factor for SO. Older age may be a risk factor for quicker onset. These findings can guide clinical decision-making and management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article proposes a combined prediction model based on a bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) neural network optimized by the snake optimizer (SO) under complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise. First, complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise (CEEMDAN) was used to decompose the sea ice area time series data into a series of eigenmodes and perform noise reduction to enhance the stationarity and smoothness of the time series. Second, this article used a bidirectional long short-term memory neural network optimized by the snake optimizer to fully exploit the characteristics of each eigenmode of the time series to achieve the prediction of each. Finally, the predicted values of each mode are superimposed and reconstructed as the final prediction values. Our model achieves a good score of RMSE: 1.047, MAE: 0.815, and SMAPE: 3.938 on the test set.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accurate values of physicochemical properties are essential for screening semivolatile organic compounds for human and environmental hazard and risk. In silico approaches for estimation are widely used, but the accuracy of these and measured values can be difficult to ascertain. Final adjusted values (FAVs) harmonize literature-reported measurements to ensure consistency and minimize uncertainty. We propose a workflow, including a novel Bayesian approach, for estimating FAVs that combines measurements using direct and indirect methods and in silico values. The workflow was applied to 74 compounds across nine classes to generate recommended FAVs (FAVRs). Estimates generated by in silico methods (OPERA, COSMOtherm, EPI Suite, SPARC, and polyparameter linear free energy relationships (pp-LFER) models) differed by orders of magnitude for some properties and compounds and performed systematically worse for larger, more polar compounds. COSMOtherm and OPERA generally performed well with low bias although no single in silico method performed best across all compound classes and properties. Indirect measurement methods produced highly accurate and precise estimates compared with direct measurement methods. Our Bayesian method harmonized measured and in silico estimated physicochemical properties without introducing observable biases. We thus recommend use of the FAVRs presented here and that the proposed Bayesian workflow be used to generate FAVRs for SVOCs beyond those in this study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Turkey plays an important role in the international trade of apricots as it has the largest production rate in the world. Since the sulphurisation process is allowed to be used for different products, the effect of residual sulphur and its compounds (which can be found in products as pesticide residues or additive residues) on the positive detection of carbon disulphide (CS2) still creates a big challenge in international trade. Therefore, the main objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of residues of sulphur or sulphur compounds on dithiocarbamate analysis methods based on CS2 measurement. In this study, apricots were chosen since they contain sulphur residues as a result of the sulphurisation process. Sulphur dioxide and dithiocarbamate analyses were conducted on dried apricots prepared with the sulphurisation process (SA) and without the sulphurisation process (NSA); analysis was by two different accredited laboratories. No of pesticide was applied to either SA or NSA samples. Although some of the NSA samples had






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent decades, increasing evidence has positioned slow-wave sleep (SWS) as a major actor in neurophysiological phenomena such as glucose metabolism, hormone release, immunity and memory. This proposed role for SWS, coupled with observations of impaired SWS in several pathologies as well as in aging, has led some researchers to implement methods that could specifically enhance SWS. This review aims to gather the current knowledge extending from the cell to the clinic, in order to construct an overview of what is currently known about so-called SWS. We slowly expand the view from the molecular processes underlying SWS to the cell unit and assembly to cortical manifestations. We then describe its role in physiology and cognition to finally assess its association with clinical aspects. Finally, we address practical considerations for several techniques that could be used to manipulate SWS, in order to improve our understanding of SWS and possibly help the development of treatments for SWS clinical disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interleukin 18 (IL-18) is a proinflammatory cytokine with an ability to accelerate cell proliferation through activating other factors. However, little is yet understood of the role of IL-18 in the regulation of liver regeneration (LR). To study the effect of IL-18 on LR, the gene expression profiles of hepatocytes isolated from rat regenerative liver were determined by Rat Genome 230 2.0 microarray. Next, the synergistic effects of genes associated to IL-18 pathway were analyzed by expression profile function Et. Then, the expression level of IL-18 was examined by RT-PCR and ELISA. Finally, the effect of IL-18 on hepatocyte proliferation was detected by injecting recombinant rat IL-18 (rrIL-18) into rats immediately after partial hepatectomy (PH) and the rate of hepatocyte proliferation was detected by BrdU labeling. The microarray result showed that the expressions of 13 genes of IL-18 pathway and 49 cell proliferation genes regulated by the pathway were significantly altered at transcriptional level. The Et values of three branches of IL-18 pathway, NF-κB, p38 and JNK, were markedly enhanced during the priming and progressing phases of rat LR. The mRNA level of IL-18 was significantly elevated at 2 and 36 h, and its level in plasma was also significantly increased at 2h, and reached the peaks at 12h and 48 h after PH (p<0.05). The number of BrdU positive cells was dramatically increased in rats treated with IL-18 compared to PBS control group (p<0.01). In conclusion, IL-18 promotes rat hepatocyte proliferation in the LR priming and progressing phases after PH.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Residual styrene present in polystyrene food packaging may migrate into food at low levels. To assure safe use, safe exposure levels are derived for consumers potentially exposed via food using No/Low Adverse Effect Levels from animal and human studies and assessment factors proposed by European organisations (EFSA, ECHA, ECETOC). Ototoxicity and developmental toxicity in rats and human ototoxicity and effects on colour discrimination have been identified as the most relevant toxicological properties for styrene health assessments. Safe exposure levels derived from animal studies with assessment factors of EFSA and ECHA were expectedly much lower than those using the ECETOC approach. Comparable safe exposure levels were obtained from human data with all sets of assessment factors while ototoxicity in rats led to major differences. The safe exposure levels finally selected based on criteria of science and health protection converged to the range of 90-120 mg/person/d. Assuming a consumption of 1 kg food/d for an adult, this translates to 90 mg styrene migration into 1 kg food as safe for consumers. This assessment supports a health based Specific Migration Limit of 90 ppm, a value somewhat higher than the current overall migration limit of 60 ppm in the European Union.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glutathione peroxidases (GPXs) are a group of enzymes that protect cells against oxidative damage generated by reactive oxygen species (ROS). GPX catalyzes the reduction of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) or organic hydroperoxides to water or alcohols by reduced glutathione. The presence of GPXs in plants has been reported by several groups, but the roles of individual members of this family in a single plant species have not been studied. Two GPX cDNAs were isolated and characterized from the embryogenic callus of Panax ginseng. The two cDNAs had an open reading frame (ORF) of 723 and 681bp with a deduced amino acid sequence of 240 and 226 residues, respectively. The calculated molecular mass of the matured proteins are approximately 26.4kDa or 25.7kDa with a predicated isoelectric point of 9.16 or 6.11, respectively. The two PgGPXs were elevated strongly by salt stress and chilling stress in a ginseng seedling. In addition, the two PgGPXs showed different responses against biotic stress. The positive responses of PgGPX to the environmental stimuli suggested that ginseng GPX may help to protect against environmental stresses.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    The lizard Gallotia galloti shows spontaneous and slow axon regrowth through a permissive glial scar after optic nerve axotomy. Although much of the expression pattern of glial, neuronal and extracellular matrix markers have been analyzed by our group, an estimation of the cell loss in the ganglion cell layer (GCL) and the degree of visual function recovery remained unresolved. Thus, we performed a series of tests indicative of effective visual function (pupillary light reflex, accommodation, visually elicited behavior) in 18 lizards at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months post-axotomy which were then processed for immunohistochemistry for the neuronal markers SMI-31 (neurofilaments), Tuj1 (beta-III tubulin) and SV2 (synaptic vesicles) at the last timepoint. Separately, cell loss in the GCL was estimated by comparative quantitation of DAPI(+) nuclei in control and 12 months experimental lizards. Additionally, 15 lizards were processed for electron microscopy to monitor relevant ultrastructural changes in the GCL, optic nerve and optic tract throughout regeneration. Hypertrophy of RGCs was persistent, morphology of the regenerated nerves varied from narrow to neuroma-like features and larger regenerated axons underwent remyelination by 9 months. The estimated cell loss in the GCL was 27% and two-third of the animals recovered the pupillary light reflex which involves the pretectum. Strikingly, visually elicited behavior involving the tectum was only restored in two specimens, presumably due to the higher complexity of this pathway. These preliminary results indicate that limited functional regeneration occurs spontaneously in the severely injured visual system of the lacertid G. galloti.





