• 文章类型: Journal Article
    RIPPLY2 is an essential part of the formation of somite patterning during embryogenesis and in establishment of rostro-caudal polarity. Here, we describe three individuals from two families with compound-heterozygous variants in RIPPLY2 (NM_001009994.2): c.238A > T, p.(Arg80*) and c.240-4 T > G, p.(?), in two 15 and 20-year-old sisters, and a homozygous nonsense variant, c.238A > T, p.(Arg80*), in an 8 year old boy. All patients had multiple vertebral body malformations in the cervical and thoracic region, small or absent rib involvement, myelopathies, and common clinical features of SCDO6 including scoliosis, mild facial asymmetry, spinal spasticity and hemivertebrae. The nonsense variant can be classified as likely pathogenic based on the ACMG criteria while the splice variants must be classified as a variant of unknown significance. With this report on two further families, we confirm RIPPLY2 as the gene for SCDO6 and broaden the phenotype by adding myelopathy with or without spinal canal stenosis and spinal spasticity to the symptom spectrum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The EFSA Panel on Plant Health performed a pest categorisation of Satsuma dwarf virus (SDV) for the EU territory. SDV is a well-known pathogen and the type species of the genus Sadwavirus in the family Secoviridae. SDV is now considered to include several other formerly distinct viruses which are therefore also covered in the present opinion. Citrus species and their relatives represent the main hosts of SDV and efficient diagnostic techniques are available. SDV is listed on some of its known hosts in Annex IIAI of Directive 2000/29/EC. It is transmitted by vegetative propagation of infected hosts and presumably through the soil, but the precise mechanism or vector(s) are still unknown. SDV is present in Asia and is not known to occur in the EU. Therefore, it does not meet this criterion to qualify as a Union regulated non-quarantine pest (RNPQ). Plants for planting represent the main pathway for the entry, but this pathway is closed by existing legislation for the main hosts (Citrus, Fortunella and Poncirus). SDV is, however, able to enter the EU on plants for plants of its unregulated rutaceous or non-rutaceous hosts. Should it be introduced, SDV has the potential to establish and subsequently spread with plants for planting and, possibly, through its poorly characterised natural spread mechanism(s). SDV is able to cause severe symptoms, quality and yield losses on a range of citrus crops. Overall, SDV meets all the criteria evaluated by EFSA to qualify as a Union quarantine pest. The main knowledge gaps and uncertainties concern (1) the potential significance of the unregulated rutaceous and non-rutaceous hosts for virus dissemination and epidemiology, (2) the origin and trade volume of the plants for planting of these host imported in the EU and (3) the efficiency of natural spread of SDV under EU conditions.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During previous routine inspections of bluegill fry (BF-2) and rainbow trout gonad (RTG-2) cells incubated with organ samples from asymptomatic Arctic char Salvelinus alpinus, brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis, and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, a distinctive, reproducible cytopathic effect (CPE) appeared. The striking CPE, involving progressive vacuolation turning into slowly proceeding pyknotic degeneration, was originally attributed exclusively to enhanced growth of Acholeplasma sp. However, at a recent re-examination of re-infected BF-2 cells using electron microscopy (EM), conventional PCR, and quantitative PCR (qPCR), a virus was also detected. Two days post inoculation (dpi), EM revealed characteristic virions inside cytoplasmic vacuoles and next to bacteria outside the cells. The nucleotide sequences of the viral nsP3 gene fragment obtained from supernatants of infected cells were 100% identical and representative for salmonid alphavirus type 2 (SAV 2). The 16S RNA gene (16S rDNA) fragment sequences of the Mollicutes-specific PCR product obtained from SAV-infected as well as virus-free BF-2 control cells were identical with Acholeplasma laidlawii. In addition, qPCR results indicated enhanced propagation of virus and bacteria increasing with vacuolation between 5 and 8 dpi. Advanced vacuolation can be regarded as a CPE of both SAV and A. laidlawii, suggesting a viral impact on the bacterial infection that turns a latent intracellular stage into an apparent degenerative condition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Computer-aided data validation enhanced by centralized monitoring algorithms is a more powerful tool for data cleaning compared to manual source document verification (SDV). This fact led to the growing popularity of risk-based monitoring (RBM) coupled with reduced SDV and centralized statistical surveillance. Since RBM models are new and immature, there is a lack of consensus on practical implementation. Existing RBM models\' weaknesses include (1) mixing data monitoring and site process monitoring (ie, micro vs macro level), making it more complex, obscure, and less practical; and (2) artificial separation of RBM from data cleaning leading to resource overutilization. The authors view SDV as an essential part (and extension) of the data-validation process.
    METHODS: This report offers an efficient and scientifically grounded model for SDV. The innovative component of this model is in making SDV ultimately a part of the query management process. Cost savings from reduced SDV are estimated using a proprietary budget simulation tool with percent cost reductions presented for four study sizes in four therapeutic areas.
    RESULTS: It has been shown that an \"on-demand\" (query-driven) SDV model implemented in clinical trial monitoring could result in cost savings from 3% to 14% for smaller studies to 25% to 35% or more for large studies.
    CONCLUSIONS: (1) High-risk sites (identified via analytics) do not necessarily require a higher percent SDV. While high-risk sites require additional resources to assess and mitigate risks, in many cases these resources are likely to be allocated to non-SDV activities such as GCP, training, etc. (2) It is not necessary to combine SDV with the GCP compliance monitoring. Data validation and query management must be at the heart of SDV as it makes the RBM system more effective and efficient. Thus, focusing SDV effort on queries is a promising strategy. (3) Study size effect must be considered in designing the monitoring plan since the law of diminishing returns dictates focusing SDV on \"high-value\" data points. Relatively lower impact of individual errors on the study results leads to realization that larger studies require less data cleaning, and most data (including most critical data points) do not require SDV. Subsequently, the most significant economy is expected in larger studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Validation of the Spanish version of the Bladder Pain/Interstitial Cystitis-Symptom Score (BPIC-SS) questionnaire to evaluate its utility for the diagnosis of Bladder Pain Syndrome (BPS) patients in the Female and Urodynamics Urology Functional Units in Spain.
    METHODS: The Spanish adaptation of the BPIC-SS questionnaire was evaluated in 243 BPS patients. EQ-5D-5L, Patient Perception of Bladder Condition (PPBC) and global impression questionnaire (CGI-S) were collected. Consistency, test-retest reliability in patients without clinical changes at 15 days, criterion validity and sensitivity to change were assessed in BPS patients with clinical changes at 6 months. The cut-off point for discriminating BPS patients from other similar pathologies (Hyperactive Bladder or other urinary pathologies) was analysed using ROC curve.
    RESULTS: Mean (SD) BPIC-SS score (0-38) was 16.2 (12.0) points. Cronbach\'s alpha was 0.92 and intraclass coefficient correlation (ICC) was 0.82, ranging from 0.5-0.9 per item. Convergent validity determined a Spearman correlation of 0.63 with PPBC and -0.40 with EQ-5D-5L Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and the effect size obtained in patients who improved their clinical status was 1.9. A score greater than or equal to 12 points in the BPIC-SS has been established as the best cut-off point for the diagnosis of BPS (87.5% sensitivity and 91.9% specificity).
    CONCLUSIONS: The Spanish version of the BPIC-SS is a valid and reliable instrument for the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with BPS in Spain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diatoms stand out among other microalgae due to the high diversity of species-specific silica frustules whose components (valves and girdle bands) are formed within the cell in special organelles called silica deposition vesicles (SDVs). Research on cell structure and morphogenesis of frustule elements in diatoms of different taxonomic groups has been carried out since the 1950s but is still relevant today. Here, cytological features and valve morphogenesis in the freshwater raphid pennate diatom Encyonema ventricosum (Agardh) Grunow have been studied using light and transmission electron microscopy of cleaned frustules and ultrathin sections of cells, and scanning electron and atomic force microscopy of the frustule surface. Data have been obtained on chloroplast structure: the pyrenoid is spherical, penetrated by a lamella (a stack of two thylakoids); the girdle lamella consists of several short lamellae. The basic stages of frustule morphogenesis characteristic of raphid pennate diatoms have been traced, with the presence of cytoskeletal elements near SDVs being observed throughout this process. Degradation of the plasmalemma and silicalemma is shown to take place when the newly formed valve is released into the space between sister cells. The role of vesicular transport and exocytosis in the gliding of pennate diatoms is discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The serine-aspartic acid-valine (SDV) peptide binds specifically to integrin αV β3 . In the present study, we successfully developed a TAMRA-GHEG-ECG-SDV peptide labeled with both Tc-99 m and TAMRA to target the integrin αV β3 of tumor cells; furthermore, we evaluated the diagnostic performance of Tc-99 m TAMRA-GHEG-ECG-SDV as a dual-modality imaging agent for tumor of the murine model. TAMRA-GHEG-ECG-SDV was synthesized using Fmoc solid-phase peptide synthesis. Radiolabeling of TAMRA-GHEG-ECG-SDV with Tc-99 m was done using ligand exchange methods. Labeling stability and cytotoxicity studies were performed. Gamma camera imaging, biodistribution and ex vivo imaging studies were performed in murine models with HT-1080 and HT-29 tumors. A tumor tissue slide was prepared and analyzed using confocal microscopy. After radiolabeling procedures with Tc-99 m, the Tc-99 m TAMRA-GHEG-ECG-SDV complexes were prepared in high yield (>99%). In the gamma camera imaging study, a substantial uptake of Tc-99 m TAMRA-GHEG-ECG-SDV into HT-1080 tumor (integrin αV β3 positive) and low uptake of Tc-99 m TAMRA-GHEG-ECG-SDV into HT-29 tumor (integrin αV β3 negative) were demonstrated. A competition study revealed that HT-1080 tumor uptake was effectively blocked by the co-injection of an excess concentration of SDV. Specific uptake of Tc-99 m TAMRA-GHEG-ECG-SDV was confirmed by biodistribution, ex vivo imaging and confocal microscopy studies. Our in vivo and in vitro studies revealed substantial uptake of Tc-99 m TAMRA-GHEG-ECG-SDV in the integrin αV β3 -positive tumor. Tc-99 m TAMRA-GHEG-ECG-SDV could be a good candidate for a dual-modality imaging agent targeting tumor angiogenesis. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Micromorphogenesis within the silica deposition vesicle (SDV) of the diatom Pinnularia viridis (Nitzsh) Ehrenb. resulted in distinct silica nanostructures and layers within forming valves and girdle bands. These siliceous components were similarly disclosed following alkaline etching of mature valves/girdle bands, where their different susceptibilities to dissolution over time resulted from apparent differences in silica density and/or chemistry. The bulk of silica appeared to be deposited at the interface of the forming valve or girdle band with the silicalemma and occurred by the outward expansion of microfibrils of silica that aligned perpendicularly to the silicalemma. Microfibrils originated from both sides of the \"silica lamella,\" the first nanostructure formed within the SDV, and several silica species of distinct nanostructure and density resulted, including distinctive inner and outermost silica \"coverings\" of mature valves/girdle bands and the central and terminal nodules. Not all silica deposition and micromorphogenesis occurred in contact with the expanding silicalemma, but was somehow directed within the SDV cavity, and resulted in the distinct silica layers that lined the raphe fissures and poroids. Following alkaline etching, the inner surfaces of valves/girdle bands, as well as the silica layers lining the raphes, poroids, and slits, were determined to be significantly more resistant to alkaline etching than the exterior surfaces, while the outer silica coating and the nodules were quickly dissolved. The processes of micromorphogenesis must have exerted precise control over the chemical nature of the silica formed at different positions within the SDV and affected the overall structure and function of the diatom wall.





