Rotating coiled column

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microplastics is known to be ubiquitous in aquatic environment. Quantification of microplastics in natural waters is an important problem of analytical chemistry, the solution of which is needed for the assessment of water quality and potential risks for water inhabitants and consumers. Separation methods play a key role in the correct quantification of microplastics in natural waters. In the present study the applicability of countercurrent chromatography to the continuous-flow separation and preconcentration of microplastics from water samples in rotating coiled column (RCC) using water-oil systems has been demonstrated for the first time. The effect of column rotation speed and mobile phase (water) flow rate on the retention of the stationary (oil) phase in RCC is studied. The retention parameters of 10 vegetable and 2 synthetic oils are determined. Castor, olive, rapeseed, soybean, linseed, sesame, and sunflower oils are found to be applicable to the separation of microplastics from water samples using RCC. Taking as example polyethylene microparticles of different size (40-63, 63-100, and 100-250 μm), the high recovery of microplastics (about 100 %) from aqueous phase into castor and rapeseed oils is shown. The method has been proven to be efficient for the separation of microplastics from simulated fresh and sea natural waters. It may be perspective not only for the quantification of microplastics in natural waters but as well as for the purification of wastewaters containing microplastics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For the first time, widespread aqueous biphasic polymer-salt extraction system was applied for selective separation of Pd(II) and Pt(IV) from chloride technological solutions by countercurrent chromatography using a rotating coiled column (an analog of centrifugal extractor). The principle novelty of the proposed approach is the possibility of multistage extraction process and the needlessness to add any specific reagents for targeted metal binding. The results showed that the use of poly(ethylene glycol)-1500 (PEG-1500) as a stationary phase allows 96-100% of both Pd(II) and Pt(IV) to be recovered from chloride solutions containing copper and nickel. To obtain individual solutions of targeted metals it is enough to change the composition of the salt-rich phase for stripping stage, in particular the salt concentration and pH value. The final purity of the targeted metal fractions obtained after their extraction from model technological solutions is ≥ 99.9%. The components of the aqueous biphasic system are recyclable, non-toxic, available, and widespread in laboratory and technology practice. A scheme of the multistage separation of platinum metals using a rotating coiled column is proposed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Road-deposited sediments (RDS) present a sink for traffic-related pollutants including heavy metals (HMs). HMs associated with RDS particles enter the urban aquatic environment during rainfall events and have adverse effects for biota. RDS nanoscale particles (NSPs) require special consideration due to their specific properties, extremely high mobility in the environment, and ability to penetrate into living organisms. In the present work, the contribution of NSPs of RDS to the pollution of urban runoff by HMs has been evaluated for the first time. It has been shown that bulk RDS samples are polluted by HMs as compared to background urban soils (geo-accumulation indexes of Cu and Zn may attain 2-3). Meanwhile, NSPs of RDS are enriched by HMs as compared to bulk samples; concentration factor for Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Sn, and Pb in NSPs being varied from 2 to 10. The water-soluble fractions of RDS samples were also analyzed. Results have shown that the content of water-soluble HMs in RDS is insignificant and rarely exceeds 0.5% of the total contents of HMs in the bulk samples; the highest contents are identified for Cu and Pb. It should be noted that the water-soluble fraction is nearly free from Zn and this element is almost entirely present as particulate matter (NSPs). In general, the overall contribution of NSPs and water-soluble fraction of HMs to the pollution of urban runoff is comparable.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Continuous-flow (dynamic) leaching in a rotating coiled column has been applied to studies on the mobility of Zn, Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni, Sb, As, S, and other potentially toxic elements in atmospherically deposited dust samples collected near a large copper smelter (Chelyabinsk region, Russia). Water and simulated \"acid rain\" (pH 4) were used as eluents. The technique enables not only the fast and efficient leaching of elements but as well time-resolved studies on the mobilization of heavy metals, sulphur, and arsenic in environmentally relevant forms to be made. It is shown that up to 1.5, 4.1, 1.9, 11.1, and 46.1% of Pb, As, Cu, Zn, and S, correspondingly, can be easily mobilized by water. Taking into consideration that the total concentrations of these elements in the samples under investigation are surprisingly high and vary in the range from 2.7 g/kg (for arsenic) to 15.5 g/kg (for sulphur), the environmental impact of the dust may be dramatic. The simulated acid rain results in somewhat higher recoveries of elements, except Cu and Pb. The proposed approach and the data obtained can very useful for the risk assessment related to the mobility of potentially toxic elements and their inclusion in the biogeochemical cycle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Field-flow fractionation (FFF) is a very powerful and versatile set of liquid chromatography-like elution methods. However, conventional FFF separations occur in thin channels and the sample weight injected is usually less than 1 mg to avoid overloading. The fractionation in a rotating coiled column (RCC), which can be attributed to sedimentation FFF, enables the handling sample weight to be increased at least up to 1 g. An uneven distribution of particles in RCC was first observed by Y. Ito et al. in 1966. The work in this direction was continued by P.S. Fedotov et al. in 2000. Regularities of the behaviour of nano- and microparticles of different size and origin in RCCs with different design parameters were systematically studied taking as example silica particles, latex beads, quartz sand, clay minerals, and other samples. The basic principles of the new FFF method were established. The developed method was applied to the speciation analysis of polydisperse environmental samples, in particular, for the separation of soils into silt, clay and sand fractions. For the first time, nano- and submicron particles of street dust have been separated, weighted, characterized by electronic microscopy, and quantitatively analyzed by ICP-MS (after digestion). The elements that may be of anthropogenic origin (Zn, Cr, Ni, Cu, Cd, Sn, Pb) were found to concentrate mainly in <0.3 and 0.3-1 μm fractions. It has been shown that the concentrations of Cr, Ni, Zn in the finest fraction (<0.3 μm) of street dust can be one order of magnitude higher than the concentrations of elements in bulk sample. The fractionation in RCC was also used for the recovery of a nearly monodisperse fraction (4.5 μm) of a chromatographic sorbent based on polystyrene-divinylbenzene; impurities remaining from the synthesis and smaller particles (1-2 μm) being removed. Study on the fractionation of synthetic samples has demonstrated the applicability of the method to the preparative separation and purification of polydisperse materials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For the first time, nano- and submicron particles of street dust have been separated, weighted, and analyzed. A novel technique, sedimentation field-flow fractionation in a rotating coiled column, was applied to the fractionation of dust samples with water being used as a carrier fluid. The size and morphology of particles in the separated fractions were characterized by electronic microscopy before digestion and the determination of the concentration of elements by ICP-AES and ICP-MS. The elements that may be of anthropogenic origin (Zn, Cr, Ni, Cu, Cd, Sn, Pb) were found to concentrate mainly in <0.3 and 0.3-1 μm fractions. It has been shown that the concentrations of Cr, Ni, Zn in the finest fraction (<0.3 μm) of street dust can be one order of magnitude higher than the concentrations of elements in bulk sample and coarse fractions. For example, the concentrations of Ni in <0.3, 0.3-1, 1-10, and 10-100 μm fractions were 297 ± 46, 130 ± 21, 36 ± 10, and 21 ± 4 mg/kg, correspondingly. Though the finest particles present only about 0.1 mass% of the sample they are of special concern due to their increased mobility and ability to penetrate into the deepest alveolar area of the lungs. For rare earth elements (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm) that are evidently of natural source and may be found in soil minerals, in contrary, higher concentrations were observed in large particles (10-100 μm). Sc was an exception that needs further studies. The proposed approach to the fractionation and analysis of nano-, submicron, and micron particles can be a powerful tool for risk assessment related to toxic elements in dust, ash, and other particulate environmental samples.





