Rhinopithecus roxellana

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Captive breeding programs play an important role in preserving the genetic diversity of endangered species. It is of utmost importance to conduct genetic assessment for captive populations in order to develop scientific breeding plans and conservation management strategies. Here, we genotyped 10 microsatellite loci and sequenced 368 bp of mitochondrial DNA control region for the golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) from eight captive populations in China, and compared the genetic indices of captive populations with a wild population. Meanwhile, we performed paternity tests to verify the genealogical records and established genetic lineages. A total of 157 individuals were identified from 161 fecal samples, including 135 captive individuals (approximately 25% of captive individuals in China). Microsatellite analysis showed that the nine populations had moderate levels of genetic diversity, with polymorphism information content (PIC) ranging from 0.43 to 0.542; the genetic diversity of captive populations (average PIC: 0.503) was slightly higher than that of the wild population (PIC: 0.438). The Structure analysis indicated that individuals of the eight captive populations contained two different genetic components. We conducted either single-blind or double-blind paternity testing on 40 offspring of captive individuals and found that five offspring from two zoos (Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo and Shanghai Wild Animal Park) showed discrepant kinships from their pedigree records, probably due to the inaccuracies in pedigree records. By constructing genetic pedigrees, inbred offspring were found in Beijing Zoo, Shanghai Zoo, Hangzhou Zoo, and Chengdu Zoo. Analysis based on mitochondrial DNA showed a high level of genetic diversity in the eight captive populations (mean nucleotide diversity: 0.047). However, no nucleotide diversity was found in the wild population. This study conducted a genetic survey for captive golden snub-nosed monkeys and will significantly benefit the genetic conservation management for captive populations in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Sichuan golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) is a rare and endangered primate species endemic to China. Conducting research on the population distribution changes of the Sichuan golden snub-nosed monkey holds paramount importance for its conservation. Our study represented a comprehensive investigation into the population distribution of the Sichuan snub-nosed monkey by integrating data acquired from field surveys, protected areas, and historical records and using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to explore changes in distribution across various time periods, including the historical (the Mid-to-Late Pleistocene), recent (1980-2000), and current (2001-2023). The research findings demonstrate a significant shift in the distribution range of the Sichuan golden snub-nosed monkey compared to historical time frames. Notably, between 1980 and 2000, there was a sharp decline in distribution area. Analyses revealed that the southernmost distribution county for the Sichuan golden snub-nosed monkey in Sichuan Province has shifted northward from Huili to Kangding. Furthermore, distribution changes in Sichuan Province are not solely characterized by a reduction in habitat area but also by a decrease in vertical distribution zones. Regions in the northeastern part of Sichuan with elevations below 1000 m, such as Guang\'an City, Bazhong City, Dazhou City, and Nanchong City, no longer support the presence of the Sichuan golden snub-nosed monkey. At present, the distribution range is confined to elevations between 1000 and 4000 m in the two major mountain ranges of Qionglai and Minshan. A holistic approach is required to safeguard this species. The establishment of movement corridors can play a critical role in enhancing the overall connectivity of current distribution areas. Additionally, we propose implementing a hierarchical approach to protect current habitats. Spatially differentiated conservation measures should be implemented to prioritize the protection of key habitats while simultaneously monitoring anthropogenic activities in non-key habitats to prevent further fragmentation and isolation of the monkey\'s distribution areas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dynamics of animal social structures are heavily influenced by environmental patterns of competition and cooperation. In folivorous colobine primates, prevailing theories suggest that larger group sizes should be favored in rainforests with a year-round abundance of food, thereby reducing feeding competition. Yet, paradoxically, larger groups are frequently found in high-altitude or high-latitude montane ecosystems characterized by a seasonal scarcity of leaves. This contradiction is posited to arise from cooperative benefits in heterogeneous environments. To investigate this hypothesis, we carried out a six-year field study on two neighboring groups of golden snub-nosed monkey ( Rhinopithecus roxellana), a species representing the northernmost distribution of colobine primates. Results showed that the groups adjusted their movement and habitat selection in response to fluctuating climates and spatiotemporal variability of resources, indicative of a dynamic foraging strategy. Notably, during the cold, resource-scarce conditions in winter, the large group occupied food-rich habitats but did not exhibit significantly longer daily travel distances than the smaller neighboring group. Subsequently, we compiled an eco-behavioral dataset of 52 colobine species to explore their evolutionary trajectories. Analysis of this dataset suggested that the increase in group size may have evolved via home range expansion in response to the cold and heterogeneous climates found at higher altitudes or latitudes. Hence, we developed a multi-benefits framework to interpret the formation of larger groups by integrating environmental heterogeneity. In cold and diverse environments, even smaller groups require larger home ranges to meet their dynamic survival needs. The spatiotemporal distribution of high-quality resources within these expanded home ranges facilitates more frequent interactions between groups, thereby encouraging social aggregation into larger groups. This process enhances the benefits of collaborative actions and reproductive opportunities, while simultaneously optimizing travel costs through a dynamic foraging strategy.
    环境中动物的竞争与合作模式影响其社会形态。经典模型预测植食性灵长类在植物资源丰富的地区如热带雨林,食物竞争较小,倾向于形成大群。实际观察模式却显示大群常出现在植物季节性凋落的高海拔或高纬度山地生态系统。栖息地异质性假说认为该矛盾可能来源于异质性环境中的集体合作收益。为检验该假说,我们首先以植食性灵长类中分布最北的川金丝猴( Rhinopithecus roxellana)为对象,对两个不同规模的邻域猴群进行了连续6年的野外追踪。家域分析发现两个猴群均采取动态觅食策略,即根据季节性气候变化和时空异质的食物资源实时调整移动行为,选择食物丰富多样的高质量栖息地作为核心家域。群间比较显示,大群中有显著更多的性成熟个体,栖息于食物更丰富的斑块,且冬季未发生显著更长距离的觅食性移动。我们进一步构建含52个物种的疣猴亚科行为-生态数据集以确定演化路径。其中一种路径显示高海拔高纬度环境中的寒冷及季节性气候可促进家域面积增大,从而间接导致群体规模增加。因此,我们引入一个综合栖息地异质性假说的多重利益框架来解释金丝猴大型群体的形成。在寒冷、资源异质的环境中,即使小群也需要超大家域满足动态生存需求。在这样的超大家域中,高质量食物的时空特异性使得原始小群间相遇概率增加,集体行动可获得较高的食物和繁殖机会等多重收益,并且可通过动态觅食策略控制移动成本,从而促进社会聚集为大型群体。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) is a rare and endemic species in China. The population of golden snub-nosed monkeys in Sichuan Province has an isolated genetic status, large population size, and low genetic diversity, making it highly vulnerable to environmental changes. Our study aimed to evaluate the potential impact of climate and land-use changes on the distribution and dispersal paths of the species in Sichuan Province. We used three general circulation models (GCMs), three greenhouse gas emission scenarios, and three land-use change scenarios suitable for China to predict the potential distributions of the golden snub-nosed monkey in the current and 2070s using the MaxEnt model. The dispersal paths were identified by the circuit theory. Our results suggested that the habitats of the golden snub-nosed monkey were reduced under all three GCM scenarios. The suitable habitats for the golden snub-nosed monkey would be reduced by 82.67%, 82.47%, and 75.17% under the RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5 scenarios, respectively, compared to the currently suitable habitat area. Additionally, we found that the density of future dispersal paths of golden snub-nosed monkeys would decrease, and the dispersal resistance would increase. Therefore, relevant wildlife protection agencies should prioritize the climatically suitable distributions and key dispersal paths of golden snub-nosed monkeys to improve their conservation. We identified key areas for habitat preservation and increased habitat connectivity under climate change, which could serve as a reference for future adaptation strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    From the perspective of interactions in the human-animal-ecosystem, the study and control of pathogenic bacteria that can cause disease in animals and humans is the core content of \"One Health\". In order to test the effect of human disturbance (HD) on the health risk of pathogenic antibiotic-resistant bacteria (PARBs) to wild animals and transfer risk of the PARBs from wild animals to humans, golden snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) were used as sentinel animals. Metagenomic analysis was used to analyze the characteristics of PARBs in the gut microbiota of golden snub-nosed monkeys. Then, the total contribution of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and virulence factors (VFs) of the PARBs were used to assess the health risk of PARBs to golden snub-nosed monkeys, and the antimicrobial drug resistance and bacterial infectious disease of PARBs were determined to assess the transfer risk of PARBs from golden snub-nosed monkeys to humans. There were 18 and 5 kinds of PARBs in the gut microbiota of golden snub-nosed monkeys under HD (HD group) and wild habitat environments (W group), respectively. The total health risks of PARBs to the W group and the HD group were -28.5 × 10-3 and 125.8 × 10-3, respectively. There were 12 and 16 kinds of KEGG pathways of human diseases in the PARBs of the W group and the HD group, respectively, and the gene numbers of KEGG pathways in the HD group were higher than those in the W group. HD increased the pathogenicity of PARBs to golden snub-nosed monkeys, and the PARBs in golden snub-nosed monkeys exhibited resistance to lincosamide, aminoglycoside, and streptogramin antibiotics. If these PARBs transfer from golden snub-nosed monkeys to humans, then humans may acquire symptoms of pathogens including Tubercle bacillus, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Yersinia, Pertussis, and Vibrio cholera.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Predation is widely recognized as a powerful selective pressure on primate behavior and ecology, although knowledge of predator-prey relationships remains limited partly due to the rarity of directly observed attacks on primates. Here, we describe four confirmed or suspected instances of leopard (Panthera pardus) predation on free-ranging Sichuan (golden) snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana), a highly endangered colobine species endemic to China. We recorded predation events and the reactions of monkey group members. We suggest that the evolution of a multilevel society may be an adaptive response by Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys to the risk from leopards as well as other potential predators, one that balances the pressures of predation and intra-species competition and conflict.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) is a typical arboreal group-living Old World primate. While limb preference has been extensively studied in this species, limb preference consistency has not yet been explored. Here, based on 26 R. roxellana adults, we investigated whether individuals exhibit consistent motor biases in manual- (e.g., unimanual feeding and social grooming) and foot-related (e.g., bipedal locomotion) tasks and whether limb preference consistency is influenced by increased social interactions during social grooming. Results showed no consistency in the direction or strength of limb preference among tasks, except for lateral strength in handedness for unimanual feeding and footedness in the initiation of locomotion. Population-level foot preference was only found among right-handers. Marked lateral bias was found in unimanual feeding, indicating that it may be a sensitive behavioural measure for assessing manual preference, especially for provisioned populations. This study not only improves our understanding of the relationship between hand and foot preference in R. roxellana but also reveals potential differential hemispheric regulation of limb preference and the influence of increased social interaction on handedness consistency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accurate descriptions of home ranges can provide important information for understanding animal ecology and behavior and contribute to the formulation of conservation strategies. We used the grid cell method and kernel density estimation (KDE) to estimate the home range size of golden snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) in Tangjiahe National Nature Reserve. We also used Moran\'s eigenvector maps analysis and variation partitioning to test the influence of environmental variables on home range use. The seasonal home range size was 15.4 km2 in spring, 11.6 km2 in summer, 13.7 km2 in autumn, and 15.6 km2 in winter, based on the grid cell method. The seasonal core area of 50% KDE was 9.86 km2 in spring, 5.58 km2 in summer, 7.20 km2 in autumn, and 4.23 km2 in winter. The environmental variables explained 63.60% of home range use intensity in spring, 72.21% in summer, 26.52% in autumn, and none in winter, and some environmental variables contributed to the spatial variation in home range use intensity. Water sources, tree density, and dominant trees of Chinese wingnut (Pterocarya stenoptera) were the important environmental factors determining home range use. These environmental factors require protection to ensure the survival of the golden snub-nosed monkey.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Age is a key factor affecting sexual selection, as many physical and social traits are age-related. Although studies of primate mate choice often consider particular age-related traits, few consider the collective effects of male age. We tested the hypothesis that female golden snub-nosed monkeys Rhinopithecus roxellana prefer prime aged males (10-15 years) over younger and older males. We examined a habituated, provisioned troop during a 3-year study in the Qinling Mountains, China. Prime age males were more likely to be resident males of 1-male units (OMUs) than males of other ages. Since females are free to transfer between OMUs, the number of females per OMU can be indicative of female preferences. We examined the number of females per OMU, and found that it increased with resident male age up to 7-8 years, and declined after 12 years, such that prime age resident males had more females than other resident males. Females also initiated extra-unit copulations with high-ranking prime age males at significantly higher rates than with other males. Nevertheless, females tended to transfer from OMUs with high-ranking, older resident males to those with low-ranking, younger resident males. Thus, females appear to use different strategies when choosing social mates and extra-unit mates (i.e., different social contexts). We speculate that females may perceive early signs of aging in males and trade off the benefits and costs of high rank versus male senescence. This study lays the groundwork for future studies that examine possible direct and indirect benefits of such strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ex situ (captivity in zoos) is regarded as an important form of conservation for endangered animals. Many studies have compared differences in the gut microbiome between captive and wild animals, but few have explained those differences at the functional level due to the limited amount of 16S rRNA data. Here, we compared the gut microbiome of captive and wild Rhinopithecus roxellana, whose high degree of dietary specificity makes it a good subject to observe the effects of the captive environment on their gut microbiome, by performing a metagenome-wide association study (MWAS). The Chao1 index was significantly higher in the captive R. roxellana cohort than in the wild cohort, and the Shannon index of captive R. roxellana was higher than that of the wild cohort but the difference was not significant. A significantly increased ratio of Prevotella/Bacteroides, which revealed an increased ability to digest simple carbohydrates, was found in the captive cohort. A significant decrease in the abundance of Firmicutes and enrichment of genes related to the pentose phosphate pathway were noted in the captive cohort, indicating a decreased ability of captive monkeys to digest fiber. Additionally, genes required for glutamate biosynthesis were also significantly more abundant in the captive cohort than in the wild cohort. These changes in the gut microbiome correspond to changes in the composition of the diet in captive animals, which has more simple carbohydrates and less crude fiber and protein than the diet of the wild animals. In addition, more unique bacteria in captive R. roxellana were involved in antibiotic resistance (Acinetobacter) and diarrhea (Desulfovibrio piger), and in the prevention of diarrhea (Phascolarctobacterium succinatutens) caused by Clostridioides difficile. Accordingly, our data reveal the cause-and-effect relationships between changes in the exact dietary composition and changes in the gut microbiome on both the structural and functional levels by comparing of captive and wild R. roxellana.





