
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is considerable uncertainty regarding radiation\'s effects on biodiversity in natural complex ecosystems typically subjected to multiple environmental disturbances and stresses. In this study we characterised the relationships between soil microbial communities and estimated total absorbed dose rates to bacteria, grassy vegetation and trees in the Red Forest region of the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone. Samples were taken from sites of contrasting ecological histories and along burn and no burn areas following a wildfire. Estimated total absorbed dose rates to bacteria reached levels one order of magnitude higher than those known to affect bacteria in laboratory studies. Sites with harsher ecological conditions, notably acidic pH and low soil moisture, tended to have higher radiation contamination levels. No relationship between the effects of fire and radiation were observed. Microbial groups that correlated with high radiation sites were mostly classified to taxa associated with high environmental stress habitats or stress resistance traits. Distance-based linear models and co-occurrence analysis revealed that the effects of radiation on the soil microbiome were minimal. Hence, the association between high radiation sites and specific microbial groups is more likely a result of the harsher ecological conditions in these sites, rather than due to radiation itself. In this study, we provide a starting point for understanding the relationship between soil microbial communities and estimated total absorbed radiation dose rates to different components of an ecosystem highly contaminated with radiation. Our results suggest that soil microbiomes adapted to natural soil conditions are more likely to be resistant to ionising radiation than expected from laboratory studies, which demonstrates the importance of assessing the impact of ionising radiation on soil microbial communities under field conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In ecosystems, natural radionuclides are present in the environment and living organisms. The 238U natural decay chain produces multiple radioactive elements, such as 234U, 226Ra, 210Pb, and 210Po. These radionuclides can be found in air, water, rocks, soil, and other biotic and abiotic components, mainly derived from minerals, such as zircon and apatite. In this study, we determined the activity concentration of radionuclides from the 238U decay chain in the sediment of a coastal ecosystem on the southern Mexican coast in the western Caribbean, an ecosystem minimally affected by industrial activities. Methods included high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometry and alpha-particle spectrometry. Results showed that the sediment samples had an activity concentration range of 18.2-36.6 Bq/kg for 238U, 25.0-41.4 Bq/kg for 234U, 10.1-37.3 Bq/kg for 210Pb, and 29.9-46.0 Bq/kg for 210Po. Water samples ranged between 17.9 and 36.3 mBq/L and 27.9-66.0 mBq/L for 238U and 234U, respectively. The activity concentration of these radionuclides in the sediment and water of this area is compared with that of other coral reefs worldwide, providing a radiometric baseline for comparison purposes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    After the first atomic bomb test in Alamogordo in July 1945, followed by the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs in August 1945, radioecology became recognized as a branch of ecology in response to the radioactive fallout associated with the subsequent proliferation of atmospheric nuclear weapons testing which continued throughout the Cold War. In parallel, environmental radiochemistry emerged in the 70s to understand the chemical behavior of possible nuclear contaminants of the environment. In this discussion we stress the need to crosslink radioecology and chemical speciation, where radiochemistry and radioecology should meet to go beyond the present state of the art. Accordingly, we are seeking a methodology that calls for several angles of investigation: speciation (chemistry), toxicology (physiology and biology), accumulation data (environmental studies), distribution (geochemistry).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the thriving fossil fuel and nuclear based industries in the nation, radioecology has become necessary for the radiation safety and emergency-preparedness for the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Environmental radiation transport modelling in the UAE and the Arabian Peninsula are severely limited, as we discuss in this paper, due to lack of experiments specific to arid desert climates. To fill the missing gaps in the baseline arid region radioecological database, especially for the soil-plant uptake studies, rigorous field works have been conducted for the first time on the soil and plant in the farms and open fields of the UAE. We present Abu Dhabi based measurements of activity concentrations of radionuclides of natural origins, in soils, key vegetables (cucumber, tomato, and bell pepper), and leaves of ghaf - a prominent native tree. The empirical data are utilized to get the first published estimates of UAE-specific plant-soil concentration ratios (CR), measuring root uptake of radionuclides in nonleafy vegetables and native trees. Such systematic studies are very rare for arid sandy soils. For the 27 samples analyzed, the activity concentrations\' (unit Bq kg-1) ranges are: 169-1746 for 40K, 12-19.5 for 226Ra, and 2.7-23.1 for 228Ra. Likewise, wide variability is seen in the averages of concentration ratios also, ranging in 1.05-4.94 for 40K, 0.14-1.82 for 226Ra, and 0.53-2.78 for 228Ra. A net bioaccumulation (concentration ratio >1) of some of these natural radionuclides is found in many samples, but no significant doses or hazard indices are found due to these three radionuclides in the UAE\'s soils and vegetations. The paper discusses the careful work through tens of field sampling exercises, well controlled sample processing, high resolution gamma spectrometry, and treatment of data from gamma counting rates to accumulated dose rate estimations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Long-term field experiments have been carried out in the Chornobyl Exclusion zone to determine parameters describing technetium (99Tc) transfer into five food plants (Lettuce, Radish, Wheat, Bean, and Potato) from four types of soil, namely Podzoluvisol, Greyzem, Phaeozem, and Chernozem. Technetium was added to the soils under field conditions in a pertechnetate form. In the first two years, soil type had little effect on Tc uptake by plants. In the first and second years after contamination, the concentration ratios (CR), defined as 99Tc activity concentration in the crop (dry weight) divided by that in the soil (dry weight), for radish roots and lettuce leaves ranged from 60 to 210. For potato tubers, the CR was d 0.4-2.3, i.e., two orders of magnitude lower than for radish and lettuce, and for summer wheat grain it was lower at 0.6 ± 0.1. After 8-9 years, root uptake of 99Tc by wheat decreased by 3-7 fold (CR from 0.016 ± 0.005 to 0.12 ± 0.034) and only 13-22 % of the total 99Tc added remained in the upper 20 cm soil layers. The time taken for half of the added 99Tc to be removed from the 20-cm arable soil layer due to vertical migration and transfer to plants was short at c. 2-3 years.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Estimating the consequences of environmental changes, specifically in a global change context, is essential for conservation issues. In the case of pollutants, the interest in using an evolutionary approach to investigate their consequences has been emphasized since the 2000s, but these studies remain rare compared to the characterization of direct effects on individual features. We focused on the study case of anthropogenic ionizing radiation because, despite its potential strong impact on evolution, the scarcity of evolutionary approaches to study the biological consequences of this stressor is particularly true. In this study, by investigating some particular features of the biological effects of this stressor, and by reviewing existing studies on evolution under ionizing radiation, we suggest that evolutionary approach may help provide an integrative view on the biological consequences of ionizing radiation. We focused on three topics: (i) the mutagenic properties of ionizing radiation and its disruption of evolutionary processes, (ii) exposures at different time scales, leading to an interaction between past and contemporary evolution, and (iii) the special features of contaminated areas called exclusion zones and how evolution could match field and laboratory observed effects. This approach can contribute to answering several key issues in radioecology: to explain species differences in the sensitivity to ionizing radiation, to improve our estimation of the impacts of ionizing radiation on populations, and to help identify the environmental features impacting organisms (e.g., interaction with other pollution, migration of populations, anthropogenic environmental changes). Evolutionary approach would benefit from being integrated to the ecological risk assessment process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The investigation of the microbial community change in the biofilm, growing on the walls of a containment tank of TRIGA nuclear reactor revealed a thriving community in an oligotrophic and heavy-metal-laden environment, periodically exposed to high pulses of ionizing radiation (IR). We observed a vertical IR resistance/tolerance stratification of microbial genera, with higher resistance and less diversity closer to the reactor core. One of the isolated Bacillus strains survived 15 kGy of combined gamma and proton radiation, which was surprising. It appears that there is a succession of genera that colonizes or re-colonizes new or IR-sterilized surfaces, led by Bacilli and/or Actinobacteria, upon which a photoautotrophic and diazotrophic community is established within a fortnight. The temporal progression of the biofilm community was evaluated also as a proxy for microbial response to radiological contamination events. This indicated there is a need for better dose-response models that could describe microbial response to contamination events. Overall, TRIGA nuclear reactor offers a unique insight into IR microbiology and provides useful means to study relevant microbial dose-thresholds during and after radiological contamination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anthropogenic contamination from coal-fired power plants and nuclear reactors is a pervasive issue impacting ecosystems across the globe. As a result, it is critical that studies continue to assess the accumulation and effects of trace elements and radionuclides in a diversity of biota. In particular, bioindicator species are a powerful tool for risk assessment of chemically contaminated habitats. Using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and auto-gamma counting, we analyzed trace element and radiocesium contaminant concentrations in Scarabaeidae and Silphidae beetles (Order: Coleoptera), important taxa in decomposition and nutrient cycling, at contaminated and reference sites on the Savannah River Site, South Carolina, U.S. Our results revealed variability in trace element concentrations between Scarabaeidae and Silphidae beetles at uncontaminated and contaminated sites. Compared to Scarabaeidae, Silphidae had higher levels of chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), and zinc (Zn). Unexpectedly, concentrations of Cr, Cu, and Ni were higher in both taxa at the uncontaminated sites. Scarabaeidae and Silphidae beetles at the coal combustion waste site consistently had high concentrations of arsenic (As), and Scarabaeidae had high concentrations of selenium (Se). Of the 50 beetles analyzed for radiocesium levels, two had elevated radioactivity concentrations, both of which were from a site contaminated with radionuclides. Our results suggest carrion beetles may be particularly sensitive to bioaccumulation of contaminants due to their trophic position and role in decomposition, and thus are useful sentinels of trace element and radionuclide contamination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORMs) can be found in decommissioned oil and gas infrastructure (e.g. pipelines), including scales. The effects of NORM contaminants from offshore infrastructure on benthic macroorganisms remain poorly understood. To test the potential ecological effects of NORM-contaminated scale, we exposed a marine amphipod, a clam and a polychaete to marine sediments spiked with low level concentrations of barium sulfate scale retrieved from a decommissioned subsea pipe. Only amphipods were included in further analysis due to treatment mortalities of the clam and polychaete. Barium (Ba) and copper (Cu) were elevated in the seawater overlying the spiked sediments, although no sediment metals exceeded guidelines. 210Po was the only NORM detected in the overlying waters while both 210Po and 226Ra were significantly elevated in the scale-contaminated sediments when compared with the control sediments. The whole-body burden of Ba and 226Ra were significantly higher in the scale-exposed amphipods. Using experiment- and scale-specific parameters in biota dose assessments suggested potential dose rates may elicit individual and population level effects. Future work is needed to assess the biological impacts and effects of NORM scale at elevated levels above background concentrations and the accumulation of NORM-associated contaminants by marine organisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accurate assessment of the radiological impact of liquid discharges on the marine environment is challenging despite all developments in recent years. The lack of consensus on this type of assessment manifests itself even stronger when transborder issues are expected, such as in the Low Countries. Belgium and the Netherlands operate nuclear power plants with discharges in the shared estuary of the Western Scheldt, therefore if there are safety concerns, information on both sides of the border must be coherent. This work provides a comparison of two computational methods used for assessment of aquatic releases in the Western Scheldt estuary and the adjacent North Sea.The work demonstrates a fair degree of consistency in modelling the uptake and fate of key anthropogenic radionuclides. Nevertheless, there are also considerable differences found in sediment and sea species with concentrations ranging by over two orders of magnitude in some cases. These explainable differences are methodological in nature, occurring in codes that underwent extensive validation during development. Therefore, the outcomes of this work clearly demonstrate the need to produce explicit guidance that is specifically tailored to the (inter)national water system of concern. This should not be limited to releases from nuclear power plants, but also include other nuclear applications. For all these reasons, more intensive collaboration and model harmonisation across borders is essential, signalling the direction for future investigations.





