
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The master control of mammalian circadian rhythms is the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), which is formed by the ventral and dorsal regions. In SCN neurons, GABA has an important function and even excitatory actions in adulthood. However, the physiological role of this neurotransmitter in the developing SCN is unknown. Here, we recorded GABAergic postsynaptic currents (in the perforated-patch configuration using gramicidin) to determine the chloride reversal potential (ECl) and also assessed the immunological expression of the Na-K-Cl cotransporter 1 (NKCC1) at early ages of the rat (postnatal days (P) 3 to 25), during the day and night, in the two SCN regions. We detected that ECl greatly varied with age and depending on the SCN region and time of day. Broadly speaking, ECl was more hyperpolarized with age, except for the oldest age studied (P20-25) in both day and night in the ventral SCN, where it was less negative. Likewise, ECl was more hyperpolarized in the dorsal SCN both during the day and at night; while ECl was more negative at night both in the ventral and the dorsal SCN. Moreover, the total NKCC1 fluorescent expression was higher during the day than at night. These results imply that NKCC1 regulates the circadian and developmental fluctuations in the [Cl-]i to fine-tune ECl, which is crucial for either excitatory or inhibitory GABAergic actions to occur in the SCN.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ventral subiculum regulates emotion, stress responses, and spatial and social cognition. In our previous studies, we have demonstrated anxiety- and depression-like symptoms, deficits in spatial and social cognition in ventral subicular lesioned (VSL) rats, and restoration of affective and cognitive behaviors following photoperiod manipulation (short photoperiod regime, SPR; 6:18 LD cycle). In the present study, we have studied the impact of VSL on sleep-wake behavioral patterns and the effect of SPR on sleep-wakefulness behavior. Adult male Wistar rats subjected to VSL demonstrated decreased wake duration and enhanced total sleep time due to increased non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREMS) and rapid eye movement sleep (REMS). Power spectral analysis indicated increased delta activity during NREMS and decreased sigma band power during all vigilance states. Light is one of the strongest entrainers of the circadian rhythm, and its manipulation may have various physiological and functional consequences. We investigated the effect of 21-day exposure to SPR on sleep-wakefulness (S-W) behavior in VSL rats. We observed that SPR exposure restored S-W behavior in VSL rats, resulting in an increase in wake duration and a significant increase in theta power during wake and REMS. This study highlights the crucial role of the ventral subiculum in maintaining normal sleep-wakefulness patterns and highlights the effectiveness of photoperiod manipulation as a non-pharmacological treatment for reversing sleep disturbances reported in mood and neuropsychiatric disorders like Alzheimer\'s disease, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder, which also involve alterations in circadian rhythm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The superficial layers of the mammalian superior colliculus (SC) contain neurons that are generally responsive to visual stimuli but can differ considerably in morphology and response properties. To elucidate the structure and function of these neurons, we combined extracellular recording and juxtacellular labeling, detailed anatomical reconstruction, and ultrastructural analysis of the synaptic contacts of labeled neurons, using transmission electron microscopy. Our labeled neurons project to different brainstem nuclei. Of particular importance are neurons that fit the morphological criteria of the wide field (WF) neurons and whose dendrites are horizontally oriented. They display a rather characteristic axonal projection pattern to the nucleus of optic tract (NOT); thus, we call them superior collicular WF projecting to the NOT (SCWFNOT) neurons. We corroborated the morphological characterization of this neuronal type as a distinct neuronal class with the help of unsupervised hierarchical cluster analysis. Our ultrastructural data demonstrate that SCWFNOT neurons establish excitatory connections with their targets in the NOT. Although, in rodents, the literature about the WF neurons has focused on their extensive projection to the lateral posterior nucleus of the thalamus, as a conduit for information to reach the visual association areas of the cortex, our data suggest that this subclass of WF neurons may participate in the optokinetic nystagmus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Circadian rhythms synchronize to light through the retinohypothalamic tract (RHT), which is a bundle of axons coming from melanopsin retinal ganglion cells, whose synaptic terminals release glutamate to the ventral suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Activation of AMPA-kainate and NMDA postsynaptic receptors elicits the increase in intracellular calcium required for triggering the signaling cascade that ends in phase shifts. During aging, there is a decline in the synchronization of circadian rhythms to light. With electrophysiological (whole-cell patch-clamp) and immunohistochemical assays, in this work, we studied pre- and postsynaptic properties between the RHT and ventral SCN neurons in young adult (P90-120) and old (P540-650) C57BL/6J mice. Incremental stimulation intensities (applied on the optic chiasm) induced much lesser AMPA-kainate postsynaptic responses in old animals, implying a lower recruitment of RHT fibers. Conversely, a higher proportion of old SCN neurons exhibited synaptic facilitation, and variance-mean analysis indicated an increase in the probability of release in RHT terminals. Moreover, both spontaneous and miniature postsynaptic events displayed larger amplitudes in neurons from aged mice, whereas analysis of the NMDA and AMPA-kainate components (evoked by RHT electrical stimulation) disclosed no difference between the two ages studied. Immunohistochemistry revealed a bigger size in the puncta of vGluT2, GluN2B, and GluN2A of elderly animals, and the number of immunopositive particles was increased, but that of PSD-95 was reduced. All these synaptic adaptations could be part of compensatory mechanisms in the glutamatergic signaling to ameliorate the loss of RHT terminals in old animals.





