Psychological distress

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Psychological suffering in patients with Malignant Mesothelioma (MM) is different from the one experienced by patients with other cancers due to its occupational or environmental etiology and its peculiar symptomatology and prognosis (i.e., poor prognosis, reduced effectiveness of the therapies, poor quality of residual life, and advanced age at the time of diagnosis). Therefore, the Mesothelioma Psychological Distress Tool-Patients (MPDT-P) has been developed to evaluate the specific profile of psychological suffering in this population. This paper describes the item selection, factor analysis, and psychometric evaluation of the revised MPDT-P.
    METHODS: The analyses of the current work aimed to confirm the factorial structure found in the first version of the MPDT-P. In the case of nonfit, it aimed to find an alternative structure and causes of nonfit in the model. The search for the fit of the factorial model was conducted using a Bayesian approach.
    RESULTS: The two-factor model reported in the first version of the instrument did not fit the data. Confirmatory Bayesian analyses showed adequate fit for the three-factor solution. Based on the content of the items, we labeled the factors as dysfunctional emotions, claims for justice, and anxieties about the future.
    CONCLUSIONS: Integrating the MPDT-P into clinical practice could help clinicians gain insight into the specific suffering related to MM and investigate potential differences related to different occupational and environmental exposure contexts.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Rising rates of psychological distress (symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress) among adults in the United States necessitate effective mental wellness interventions. Despite the prevalence of smartphone app-based programs, research on their efficacy is limited, with only 14% showing clinically validated evidence. Our study evaluates Noom Mood, a commercially available smartphone-based app that uses cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness-based programming. In this study, we address gaps in the existing literature by examining postintervention outcomes and the broader impact on mental wellness.
    OBJECTIVE: Noom Mood is a smartphone-based mental wellness program designed to be used by the general population. This prospective study evaluates the efficacy and postintervention outcomes of Noom Mood. We aim to address the rising psychological distress among adults in the United States.
    METHODS: A 1-arm study design was used, with participants having access to the Noom Mood program for 16 weeks (N=273). Surveys were conducted at baseline, week 4, week 8, week 12, week 16, and week 32 (16 weeks\' postprogram follow-up). This study assessed a range of mental health outcomes, including anxiety symptoms, depressive symptoms, perceived stress, well-being, quality of life, coping, emotion regulation, sleep, and workplace productivity (absenteeism or presenteeism).
    RESULTS: The mean age of participants was 40.5 (SD 11.7) years. Statistically significant improvements in anxiety symptoms, depressive symptoms, and perceived stress were observed by week 4 and maintained through the 16-week intervention and the 32-week follow-up. The largest changes were observed in the first 4 weeks (29% lower, 25% lower, and 15% lower for anxiety symptoms, depressive symptoms, and perceived stress, respectively), and only small improvements were observed afterward. Reductions in clinically relevant anxiety (7-item generalized anxiety disorder scale) and depression (8-item Patient Health Questionnaire depression scale) criteria were also maintained from program initiation through the 16-week intervention and the 32-week follow-up. Work productivity also showed statistically significant results, with participants gaining 2.57 productive work days from baseline at 16 weeks, and remaining relatively stable (2.23 productive work days gained) at follow-up (32 weeks). Additionally, effects across all coping, sleep disturbance (23% lower at 32 weeks), and emotion dysregulation variables exhibited positive and significant trends at all time points (15% higher, 23% lower, and 25% higher respectively at 32 weeks).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study contributes insights into the promising positive impact of Noom Mood on mental health and well-being outcomes, extending beyond the intervention phase. Though more rigorous studies are necessary to understand the mechanism of action at play, this exploratory study addresses critical gaps in the literature, highlighting the potential of smartphone-based mental wellness programs to lessen barriers to mental health support and improve diverse dimensions of well-being. Future research should explore the scalability, feasibility, and long-term adherence of such interventions across diverse populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: At some point in their career, many healthcare workers will experience psychological distress associated with being unable to take morally or ethically correct action, as it aligns with their own values; a phenomenon known as moral distress. Similarly, there are increasing reports of healthcare workers experiencing long-term mental and psychological pain, alongside internal dissonance, known as moral injury. This review examined the triggers and factors associated with moral distress and injury in Health and Social Care Workers (HSCW) employed across a range of clinical settings with the aim of understanding how to mitigate the effects of moral distress and identify potential preventative interventions.
    METHODS: A systematic review was conducted and reported according to recommendations from Cochrane and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. Searches were conducted and updated regularly until January 2024 on 2 main databases (CENTRAL, PubMed) and three specialist databases (Scopus, CINAHL, PsycArticles), alongside hand searches of study registration databases and other systematic reviews reference lists. Eligible studies included a HSCW sample, explored moral distress/injury as a main aim, and were written in English or Italian. Verbatim quotes were extracted, and article quality was assessed via the CASP toolkit. Thematic analysis was conducted to identify patterns and arrange codes into themes. Specific factors like culture and diversity were explored, and the effects of exceptional circumstances like the pandemic.
    RESULTS: Fifty-one reports of 49 studies were included in the review. Causes and triggers were categorised under three domains: individual, social, and organisational. At the individual level, patients\' care options, professionals\' beliefs, locus of control, task planning, and the ability to make decisions based on experience, were indicated as elements that can cause or trigger moral distress. In addition, and relevant to the CoVID-19 pandemic, was use/access to personal protection resources. The social or relational factors were linked to the responsibility for advocating for and communication with patients and families, and professionals own support network. At organisational levels, hierarchy, regulations, support, workload, culture, and resources (staff and equipment) were identified as elements that can affect professionals\' moral comfort. Patients\' care, morals/beliefs/standards, advocacy role and culture of context were the most referenced elements. Data on cultural differences and diversity were not sufficient to make assumptions. Lack of resources and rapid policy changes have emerged as key triggers related to the pandemic. This suggests that those responsible for policy decisions should be mindful of the potential impact on staff of sudden and top-down change.
    CONCLUSIONS: This review indicates that causes and triggers of moral injury are multifactorial and largely influenced by the context and constraints within which professionals work. Moral distress is linked to the duty and responsibility of care, and professionals\' disposition to prioritise the wellbeing of patients. If the organisational values and regulations are in contrast with individuals\' beliefs, repercussions on professionals\' wellbeing and retention are to be expected. Organisational strategies to mitigate against moral distress, or the longer-term sequalae of moral injury, should address the individual, social, and organisational elements identified in this review.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Yuva Spandana (YS) is a unique community-based youth mental health promotion program implemented across Karnataka.
    OBJECTIVE: We assessed factors affecting PD among the population served by YS between January 1, 2017, and December 31, 2021.
    METHODS: A retrospective cross-sectional analysis was done utilizing the visit forms of 10,340 YS\'s care recipients. A conceptual framework was developed, and all hypothesized variables within this framework were considered exposures. All exposure variables significant at P < 0.10 in univariate analysis were included in multivariable analysis. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed by including each of the significant potential exposure variables from univariate analysis using a forward-stepping process.
    RESULTS: Care recipients with health and lifestyle issues were at almost two times increased risk for PD (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] =1.74 and 95% confidence interval [CI] - 1.52-2.00), and those with self-development issues were almost 2.5 times more likely to have PD (AOR = 2.44 and 95% CI - 2.12-2.79). Those who reported emotional statuses of feeling worried, lost, incapable, lonely, and distrusting were at 21.4, 3.5, 26.3, 37.9, and 4.7 times higher odds of having PD, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: Isolating the risk factors associated with PD will help tailor the mental health promotion provided by YS to at-risk groups.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The secondary sex ratio (SSR), indicating the ratio of male to female live births, has garnered considerable attention within the realms of reproductive biology and public health. Numerous factors have been posited as potential trendsetters of the SSR. Given the extensive research on the impact of daily behaviors and habits on individuals\' reproductive health, there is a plausible suggestion that lifestyle choices may also influence the SSR. By synthesizing the existing literature on the current research field, this comprehensive review indicates that an elevated SSR has been associated with an increased intake of fatty acids and monosaccharides, proper nutrition, higher educational levels, financial prosperity, and favorable housing conditions. On the other hand, a decreased SSR may be linked to undernutrition, socioeconomic disparities, and psychological distress, aligning with the Trivers-Willard hypothesis. Occupational factors, smoking habits, and cultural beliefs could also contribute to trends in the SSR. Our review underscores the significance of considering the aforementioned factors in studies examining the SSR and emphasizes the necessity for further research to unravel the mechanisms underpinning these connections. A more profound comprehension of SSR alterations due to lifestyle holds the potential to adequately develop public health interventions and healthcare strategies to enhance reproductive health and overall well-being.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Workplace bullying is characterized by negative, repetitive, and frequent behaviors towards a person, affecting his/her physical and mental health The present study aimed to assess the relationship between bullying, turnover intention, and psychological distress, considering the potential mediating effect of perceived supervisor support. A questionnaire was completed by 252 women and 172 men (n = 424) from 70 French companies and institutions. They were working in private (70%), public (28%), and parapublic (2%) sectors. Finally, 33 trades are represented in this study: commercial (21%), educational (12%), medical (8.3%), and industry (8.3%) were the most prominently represented. Regression analyses showed that bullying was significantly linked to turnover intention (ß = 0.52, p < 0.05) and psychological distress (ß = 0.78, p < 0.001). Moreover, supervisor support played a mediating role between workplace bullying and turnover intention, as well as between workplace bullying and psychological distress. The implications and perspectives of the present research were subsequently discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Confronting a breast cancer diagnosis, along with complex and challenging treatment procedures, is an extremely stressful experience. Psychological resilience is the ability to maintain or restore normal functioning while facing adversity. We aimed to explore the impact of an early breast cancer diagnosis on psychological resilience, distress, and perception of health. A cross-sectional study was conducted, including 50 patients newly diagnosed with early breast cancer and 67 healthy women with screening mammograms graded 1 or 2 using a Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System. The levels of distress, perception of health, and psychological resilience were assessed using the depression, anxiety, and stress scale, the SF 36-Item Health Survey 1.0, and the Connor-Davidson RISC-25 scale. Differences between variables were examined using the t-test and chi-square test for interval and categorial variables. The surveys were conducted within four weeks of a breast cancer diagnosis. Patients with breast cancer reported a deterioration of their health relative to the previous year and significantly higher levels of psychological resilience, while there was no significant difference between the groups in levels of stress, anxiety, or depression. The process of diagnosis with early breast cancer may activate psychological dynamic processes which are involved in the effective adaptation to acute stress, leading to higher resilience levels in breast cancer patients compared to healthy controls.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The extreme vulnerability experienced by patients in palliative care may result in significant distress. These patients require appropriate care while not pathologizing their natural distress. Given the challenges of caring for people experiencing significant distress, it is important to understand what professionals in training may feel when caring for patients in palliative care. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore how professionals in training feel when confronted with the distress of patients undergoing palliative care.
    METHODS: A qualitative study employing interpretative phenomenological analysis was conducted. In 2022, 11 physicians in training were interviewed about their experiences with distressed patients due to palliative care. The interviews were conducted via video conference. The students participated in the national palliative care cross-training and were in their final year of residency training.
    RESULTS: The interviews revealed the following five themes: feelings of powerlessness, duty to act, difficulty in building a relationship, feeling insecure about oneself, and creating a space for listening and relating. All participants felt powerless in front of their patient\'s distress. Numerous defense mechanisms were identified that made the relationship with the patient difficult. Four participants described being able to create a space for listening and relating to their patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: A minority of students could establish a quality relationship with their distressed patients. Two concepts, interprofessional education and the patient-centered approach, were identified and could be developed in training.





