Protein Corona

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Renal-specific nanoparticulate drug delivery systems have shown great potential in reducing systemic side effects and improving the safety and efficacy of treatments for renal diseases. Here, stearic acid-grafted chitosan oligosaccharide (COS-SA) was synthesized as a renal-targeted carrier due to the high affinity of the 2-glucosamine moiety on COS to the megalin receptor expressed on renal proximal tubular epithelial cells. Specifically, COS-SA/CLT micelles were prepared by encapsulating celastrol (CLT) with COS-SA, and different proportions of human serum albumin (HSA) were then adsorbed onto its surface to explore the interaction between the protein corona and cationic polymeric micelles. Our results showed that a multilayered protein corona, consisting of an inner \"hard\" corona and an outer \"soft\" corona, was formed on the surface of COS-SA/CLT@HSA8, which was beneficial in preventing its recognition and phagocytosis by macrophages. The formation of HSA protein corona on COS-SA/CLT micelles also increased its accumulation in the renal tubules. Furthermore, the electropositivity of COS-SA/CLT micelles affected the conformation of adsorbed proteins to various degrees. During the adsorption process, the protein corona on the surface of COS-SA/CLT@HSA1 was partially denatured. Overall, COS-SA/CLT and COS-SA/CLT@HSA micelles demonstrated sufficient safety with renal targeting potential, providing a viable strategy for the management of ischemia/reperfusion-induced acute kidney injury.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The protein corona, a layer of biomolecules forming around nanoparticles in biological environments, critically influences nanoparticle interactions with biosystems, affecting pharmacokinetics and biological outcomes. Initially, the protein corona presented challenges for nanomedicine and nanotoxicology, such as nutrient depletion in cell cultures and masking of nanoparticle-targeting species. However, recent advancements have highlighted its potential in environmental toxicity, proteomics, and immunology. This viewpoint focuses on leveraging the protein corona to enhance the depth of plasma proteome analysis, addressing challenges posed by the high dynamic range of protein concentrations in plasma. The protein corona simplifies sample preparation, enriches low-abundance proteins, and improves proteome coverage. Innovations include using diverse nanoparticles and spiking small molecules to increase the number of quantified proteins. Reproducibility issues across core facilities necessitate standardized protocols. Moreover, top-down proteomics enables proteoform-specific measurements, providing deeper insights into protein corona composition. Future research should aim at improving top-down proteomics techniques and integrating protein corona studies and proteomics for personalized medicine and advanced diagnostics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extracellular protein coronas (exPCs), which have been identified in various biofluids, are recognized for their pivotal role in mediating the interaction between nanoparticles and the cytomembrane. However, it is still unclear whether various exPCs can induce different levels of intracellular proteostasis, which is of utmost importance in preserving cellular function, and eliciting distinct intracellular biological behaviors. To investigate this, two types of exPC-coated iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) are prepared and used to investigate the influence of exPCs on extracellular and intracellular biological outcomes. The results demonstrate that the formation of exPCs promotes the colloidal stability of IONPs, and the discrepancies in the components of the two exPCs, including opsonin, dysopsonin, and lipoprotein, are responsible for the disparities in cellular uptake and endocytic pathways. Moreover, the differential evolution of the two exPCs during cellular internalization leads to distinct autophagy and glycolysis activities, which can be attributed to the altered depletion of angiopoietin 1 during the formation of intracellular protein coronas, which ultimately impacts the PI3K/AKT-mTOR signaling. These findings offer valuable insights into the dynamic characteristics of exPCs during cellular internalization, and their consequential implications for cellular internalization and intracellular metabolism activity, which may facilitate the comprehension of PCs on biological effects of NPs and expedite the design and application of biomedical nanoparticles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The adsorption of serum proteins on biomaterial surfaces is a critical determinant for the outcome of medical procedures and therapies, which involve inserting materials and devices into the body. In this study, we aimed to understand how surface topography at the nanoscale influences the composition of the protein corona that forms on the (bio)material surface when placed in contact with serum proteins. To achieve that, we developed nanoengineered model surfaces with finely tuned topography of 16, 40, and 70 nm, overcoated with methyl oxazoline to ensure uniform outermost chemistry across all surfaces. Our findings revealed that within the studied height range, surface nanotopography had no major influence on the overall quantity of adsorbed proteins. However, significant alterations were observed in the composition of the adsorbed protein corona. For instance, clusterin adsorption decreased on all the nanotopography-modified surfaces. Conversely, there was a notable increase in the adsorption of ApoB and IgG gamma on the 70 nm nanotopography. In comparison, the adsorption of albumin was greater on surfaces that had a topography scale of 40 nm. Analysis of the gene enrichment data revealed a reduction in protein adsorption across all immune response-related biological pathways on nanotopography-modified surfaces. This reduction became more pronounced for larger surface nanoprotrusions. Macrophages were used as representative immune cells to assess the influence of the protein corona composition on inflammatory outcomes. Gene expression analysis demonstrated reduced inflammatory responses on the nanotopographically modified surface, a trend further corroborated by cytokine analysis. These findings underscore the potential of precisely engineered nanotopography-coated surfaces for augmenting biomaterial functionality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG), and some other immunoglobulin products, protein particles have been implicated in adverse events. Role and mechanisms of immunoglobulin particles in vascular adverse effects of blood components and manufactured biologics have not been elucidated. We have developed a model of spherical silica microparticles (SiMPs) of distinct sizes 200-2000 nm coated with different IVIG- or albumin (HSA)-coronas and investigated their effects on cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). IVIG products (1-20 mg/mL), bare SiMPs or SiMPs with IVIG-corona, did not display significant toxicity to unstimulated HUVEC. In contrast, in TNFα-stimulated HUVEC, IVIG-SiMPs induced decrease of HUVEC viability compared to HSA-SiMPs, while no toxicity of soluble IVIG was observed. 200 nm IVIG-SiMPs after 24 h treatment further increased ICAM1 (intercellular adhesion molecule 1) and tissue factor surface expression, apoptosis, mammalian target of rapamacin (mTOR)-dependent activation of autophagy, and release of extracellular vesicles, positive for mitophagy markers. Toxic effects of IVIG-SiMPs were most prominent for 200 nm SiMPs and decreased with larger SiMP size. Using blocking antibodies, toxicity of IVIG-SiMPs was found dependent on FcγRII receptor expression on HUVEC, which increased after TNFα-stimulation. Similar results were observed with different IVIG products and research grade IgG preparations. In conclusion, submicron particles with immunoglobulin corona induced size-dependent toxicity in TNFα-stimulated HUVEC via FcγRII receptors, associated with apoptosis and mTOR-dependent activation of autophagy. Testing of IVIG toxicity in endothelial cells prestimulated with proinflammatory cytokines is relevant to clinical conditions. Our results warrant further studies on endothelial toxicity of sub-visible immunoglobulin particles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prussian Blue nanoparticles (PBnps) are now popular in nanomedicine thanks to the FDA approval of PB. Despite the numerous papers suggesting or describing the in vivo use of PBnps, no studies have been carried out on the formation of a protein corona on the PBnp surface and its stabilizing role. In this paper, we studied qualitatively and quantitatively the corona formed by the most abundant protein of blood, human serum albumin (HSA). Cubic PBnps (41 nm side), prepared in citric acid solution at PB concentration 5 × 10-4 M, readily form a protein corona by redissolving ultracentrifuged PBnp pellets in HSA solutions, with CHSA ranging from 0.025 to 7.0 mg/mL. The basic decomposition of PBnp@HSA was studied in phosphate buffer at the physiological pH value of 7.4. Increased stability with respect to uncoated PBnps was observed at all concentrations, but a minimum CHSA value of 3.0 mg/mL was determined to obtain stability identical to that observed at serum-like HSA concentrations (35-50 mg/mL). Using a modified Lowry protocol, the quantity of firmly bound HSA in the protein corona (hard corona) was determined for all the CHSA used in the PBnp@HSA synthesis, finding increasing quantities with increasing CHSA. In particular, an HSA/PBnp number in the 1500-2300 range was found for CHSA 3.0-7.0 mg/mL, largely exceeding the 180 HSA/PBnp value calculated for an HSA monolayer on a PBnp. Finally, the stabilization brought by the HSA corona allowed us to carry out pH-spectrophotometric titrations on PBnp@HSA in the 3.5-9-0 pH range, revealing a pKa value of 6.68 for the water molecules bound to the Fe3+ centers on the PBnp surface, whose deprotonation is responsible for the blue-shift of the PBnp band from 706 nm (acidic solution) to 685 nm (basic solution).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Highly abundant proteins present in biological fluids and tissues significantly interfere with low-abundance protein identification by mass spectrometry (MS), limiting proteomic depth and hindering protein biomarker discovery. Herein, to enhance the coverage of tissue proteomics, we developed a nanoparticle-protein corona (NP-PC)-based method for the aging mouse proteome atlas. Based on this method, we investigated the complexity of life process of 5 major organs, including the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys, from 4 groups of mice at different ages. Compared with the conventional strategy, NP-PC-based proteomics significantly increased the number of identified protein groups in the heart (from 3007 to 3927; increase of 30.6%), liver (from 2982 to 4610; increase of 54.6%), spleen (from 5047 to 7351; increase of 45.7%), lungs (from 4984 to 6903; increase of 38.5%), and kidneys (from 3550 to 5739; increase of 61.7%), and we identified a total of 10 104 protein groups. The overall data indicated that 3-week-old mice showed more differences compared with the other three age groups. The proteins of amino acid-related metabolism were increased in aged mice compared with those in the 3-week-old mice. Protein-related infections were increased in the spleen of the aged mice. Interestingly, the spliceosome-related pathway significantly changed from youth to elders in the liver, spleen, and lungs, indicating the vital role of the spliceosome during the aging process. Our established aging mouse organ proteome atlas provides comprehensive insights into understanding the aging process, and it may help in prevention and treatment of age-related diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Facing complex and variable emerging antibiotic pollutants, the traditional development of functional materials is a \"trial-and-error\" process based on physicochemical principles, where laborious steps and long timescales make it difficult to accelerate technical breakthroughs. Notably, natural biomolecular coronas derived from highly tolerant organisms under significant contamination scenarios can be used in conjunction with nanotechnology to tackling emerging contaminants of concern. Here, super worms (Tubifex tubifex) with high pollutant tolerance were integrated with nano-zero valent iron (nZVI) to effectively reduce the content of 17 antibiotics in wastewater within 7 d. Inspired by the synergistic remediation, nZVI-augmented worms were constructed as biological nanocomposites. Neither nZVI (0.3 to 3 g/L) nor worms (104 to 105 per liter) alone efficiently degraded florfenicol (FF, as a representative antibiotic), while their composite removed 87% of FF (3 μmol/L). Under antibiotic exposure, biomolecules secreted by worms formed a corona on and modified the nZVI particle surface, enabling the nano-bio interface greater functionality, including responsiveness, enrichment, and reduction. Mechanistically, FF exposure activated glucose-alanine cycle pathways that synthesize organic acids and amines as major metabolites, which were assembled into vesicles and secreted, thereby interacting with nZVI in a biologically response design strategy. Lactic acid and urea formed hydrogen bonds with FF, enriched analyte presence at the heterogeneous interface. Succinic and lactic acids corroded the nZVI passivation layer and promoted electron transfer through surface conjugation. This unique strategy highlights biomolecular coronas as a complex resource to augment nano-enabled technologies and will provide shortcuts for rational manipulation of nanomaterial surfaces with coordinated multifunctionalities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The interaction of human proteins and metal species, both ions and nanoparticles, is poorly understood despite their growing importance. These materials are the by-products of corrosion processes and are of relevance for food and drug manufacturing, nanomedicine, and biomedical implant corrosion. Here, we study the interaction of Cr(III) ions and chromium oxide nanoparticles with bovine serum albumin in physiological conditions. This study combined electrophoretic mobility measurements, spectroscopy, and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry with principal component analysis. It was determined that neither metal species resulted in global albumin unfolding. The Cr(III) ions interacted strongly with amino acids found in previously discovered metal binding sites, but also were most strongly implicated in the interaction with negatively charged acid residues, suggesting an electrostatic interaction. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) was found to bind to the Cr2O3 nanoparticles in a preferential orientation, due to electrostatic interactions between the positive amino acid residues and the negative chromium oxide nanoparticle surface. These findings ameliorate our understanding of the interaction between trivalent chromium ions and nanoparticles, and biological macromolecules.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The interaction and combination of nanoplastics with microorganisms, enzymes, plant proteins, and other substances have garnered considerable attention in current research. This study specifically examined the interaction and biological effects of NPs and proteins. The findings indicated that the presence of externally wrapped proteins alters the original morphology and surface roughness of nanoplastics, leading to the formation of unevenly distributed coronas on the surface. This confirms that nanoplastics can interact with proteins to form protein coronas. The study characterized the adsorption behavior of bacterial proteins on unmodified, amino-modified, and carboxyl-modified nanoplastics using Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models, showing that the adsorption process of the three nanoplastics on bacterial proteins was mainly controlled by chemisorption. Fluorescence spectroscopy revealed a higher binding affinity of unmodified nanoplastics. Nearly 40 % of the proteins in the protein corona of unmodified NPs are involved in metabolite production and electron transport processes. Nearly 50 % of the proteins in the protein corona of amino-modified NPs are involved in cellular metabolic processes, followed by enzymes that carry out redox reactions. The protein corona of carboxyl-modified NPs has the highest number of proteins involved in metabolic pathways, followed by proteins involved in energy-electron transfer. The formation of protein coronas on NPs with different surface modifications can reduce the toxicity of nanoplastics to bacteria to a certain extent compared to pure nanoplastics, especially amino-modified NPs, which show a significant increase in bacterial survival. The formation of protein coronas on NPs leads to varying degrees of decrease in bacterial ROS and MDA generation, with amino-modified NPs showing the most reduction; SOD and CAT exhibit varying degrees of increase and decrease. These findings not only advance our understanding of the biological impacts of NPs but also provide a basis for future in-depth investigations into the pathways of NP contamination in real environments.





