Propylea japonica

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: RNA interference (RNAi) is the sequence-dependent suppression of gene expression by double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). This is a promising strategy for the control of insect pests because dsRNA can be rationally designed to maximize efficacy and biosafety, the latter by using sequences that are found in target pests but are safe for non-target insects. However, this has yet to be optimized in aphids, destructive sap-sucking pests that also transmit plant viruses. We used the green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) as a case study to optimize the efficiency of RNAi by applying a novel fusion dsRNA design.
    RESULTS: Comparative transcriptomics revealed a number of genes that are induced in feeding aphids, and eight candidate genes were chosen as RNAi targets. To improve RNAi efficiency, our fusion dsRNA design approach combined optimal gene fragments (highly conserved in several aphid species but with less homology in beneficial insects such as the predator ladybeetle Propylea japonica) from three candidate genes. We compared this RNAi-based biological control approach with conventional chemical control using imidacloprid. We found that the fusion dsRNA strategy inhibited the aphid population to a significantly greater extent than single-target RNAi and did not affect ladybeetle fitness, allowing an additive effect between RNAi and natural predation, whereas imidacloprid was harmful to aphids and ladybeetles.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our fusion dsRNA design approach enhances the ability of RNAi to control aphids without harming natural predators. © 2024 Society of Chemical Industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Propylea japonica (Thunberg) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) is a dominant natural enemy of insect pests in farmland ecosystems. It also serves as an important non-target insect for environmental safety evaluations of transgenic crops. Widespread planting of transgenic crops may result in direct or indirect exposure of P. japonica to recombinant Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) protein, which may in turn affect the biological performance of this natural enemy by affecting the P. japonica microflora. However, the effects of Bt proteins (such as Cry1B) on the P. japonica microbiota are currently unclear. Here, we used a high-throughput sequencing method to investigate differences in the P. japonica microbiota resulting from treatment with Cry1B compared to a sucrose control. The results demonstrated that the P. japonica microbiome was dominated by Firmicutes at the phylum level and by Staphylococcus at the genus level. Within-sample (α) diversity indices demonstrated a high degree of consistency between the microbial communities of P. japonica treated with the sucrose control and those treated with 0.25 or 0.5 mg/mL Cry1B. Furthermore, there were no significant differences in the abundance of any taxa after treatment with 0.25 mg/mL Cry1B for 24 or 48 h, and treatment with 0.5 mg/mL Cry1B for 24 or 48 h led to changes only in Staphylococcus, a member of the phylum Firmicutes. Treatment with a high Cry1B concentration (1.0 mg/mL) for 24 or 48 h caused significant changes in the abundance of specific taxa (e.g., Gemmatimonades, Patescibacteria, Thauera, and Microbacterium). However, compared with the control, most taxa remained unchanged. The statistically significant differences may have been due to the stimulatory effects of treatment with a high concentration of Cry1B. Overall, the results showed that Cry1B protein could alter endophytic bacterial community abundance, but not composition, in P. japonica. The effects of Bt proteins on endophytes and other parameters in non-target insects require further study. This study provides data support for the safety evaluation of transgenic plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The insulin receptor substrate (IRS), as the core cytoplasmic adapter protein in the insulin/insulin-like signaling (IIS) pathway, is an important mediator of cellular signaling. However, it is still unknown how IRS crosstalk with hormone signaling regulates insect growth, development, and reproduction. In this study, we demonstrated that knockdown of IRS1 significantly inhibited oogenesis, vitellogenesis, and the development of nurse cells and follicular epithelial cells. In addition, qRT-PCR results showed that FOXO transcription factors significantly responded to silencing of the IRS1 gene. However, IRS1 silencing had no significant effect on the expression of juvenile hormone/20-hydroxyecdysone (JH/20E)-signaling genes, JH synthesis, and degradation enzyme-related genes and the JH/20E titers. Our results suggested that the IIS pathway regulated ovarian development and Vg production through FOXO, independent of JH and 20E signaling pathways. This study revealed the reproductive regulation mechanism in Propylea japonica, which provides a theoretical basis for large-scale expansion of P. japonica as an environment-friendly biological control strategy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The lady beetle Propylea japonica is a dominant natural predator of insect pests in farmland ecosystems and an important non-target indicator insect for the environmental safety assessment of GM crops. The commercial cultivation of GM crops may cause P. japonica to frequently be exposed to the Bt protein environment. In this study, the biological characteristics, enzyme activity, and expression levels of detoxification and metabolism in P. japonica were studied after Cry1B protein treatment. No significant differences were observed in developmental duration, emergence rate, or body weight at different ages after feeding larvae 0.5 mg/mL of Cry1B protein compared with the control. Furthermore, there were no significant differences in the activities of glutathione S-transferase (GST), catalase (CAT), and peroxidase (POD) after feeding 0.25 mg/mL and 0.5 mg/mL Cry1B protein. However, when the concentration of Cry1B protein increased to 1.0 mg/mL, the activities of the GST, CAT, and POD increased significantly. Compared with the control group, there were no significant differences in the expression levels of most detoxification metabolism related genes; only a few genes had changed expression levels at the individual concentrations (CYP345B1, CYP4Q2, CYP9F2, GST, and microsomal GST). Overall, these results suggest that Cry1B protein has little or no effect on the biological characteristics of P. japonica. Genes related to enzyme activity and detoxification are differentially expressed at high concentration stimulation. Therefore, this research suggests that the potential risks of Cry1B for the predator P. japonica are negligible.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Propylea japonica has been regarded as one of the most remarkable natural enemies against aphid in China. However, the mechanism of juvenile hormone (JH) regulation of reproduction in P. japonica is still unclear. In this study, we investigated the JH titers of P. japonica and the development of the ovaries. We selected the six different developmental stages of ladybeetle females for transcriptome sequencing. We identified 583 genes involved in insect reproduction regulation, including 107 insect hormone synthesis signaling pathway-related genes and 476 nutrition-sensing signaling pathway-related genes. Transcriptome analysis indicated that a large number JH synthesis- and metabolism-related enzyme genes and some potential nutrient signal sensing- and transduction-related genes were significantly differentially expressed during P. japonica development. We investigated the effects of Met gene silencing on the reproduction of female adults and found that the ovarian maturation, vitellogenesis, and follicular epithelium development in the dsMet treatment group were significantly inhibited.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organisms often experience adverse high temperatures during the daytime, but they may also recover or repair themselves during the night-time when temperatures are more moderate. Thermal effects of daily fluctuating temperatures may thus be divided into two opposite processes (i.e. negative effects of daytime heat stress and positive effects of night-time recovery). Despite recent progress on the consequences of increased daily temperature variability, the independent and combined effects of daytime and night-time temperatures on organism performance remain unclear. By independently manipulating daily maximum and minimum temperatures, we tested how changes in daytime heat stress and night-time recovery affect development, survival and heat tolerance of the lady beetle species Propylea japonica Thermal effects on development and survival differed between daytime and night-time. Daytime high temperatures had negative effects whereas night-time mild temperatures had positive effects. The extent of daytime heat stress and night-time recovery also affected development and critical thermal maximum, which indicates that there were both independent and combined effects of daytime and night-time temperatures on thermal performances. Our findings provide insight into the thermal effect of day-to-night temperature variability and have important implications for predicting the impacts of diel asymmetric warming under climate change.






