Probability of detection

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Probability of detection (POD) is an acknowledged mean of evaluation for many investigations aiming at detecting some specific property of a subject of interest. For instance, it has had many applications for Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE), aimed at identifying defects within structural architectures, and can easily be used for structural health monitoring (SHM) systems, meant as a compact and more integrated evolution of the former technology. In this paper, a probability of detection analysis is performed to estimate the reliability of an SHM system, applied to a wing box composite spar for bonding line quality assessment. Such a system is based on distributed fiber optics deployed on the reference component at specific locations for detecting strains; the attained data are then processed by a proprietary algorithm whose capability was already tested and reported in previous works, even at full-scale level. A finite element (FE) model, previously validated by experimental results, is used to simulate the presence of damage areas, whose effect is to modify strain transfer between adjacent parts. Numerical data are used to verify the capability of the SHM system in revealing the presence of the modeled physical discontinuities with respect to a specific set of loads, running along the beam up to cover its complete extension. The POD is then estimated through the analysis of the collected data sets, wide enough to assess the global SHM system performance. The results of this study eventually aim at improving the current strategies adopted for SHM for bonding analysis by identifying the intimate behavior of the system assessed at the date. The activities herein reported have been carried out within the RESUME project.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper proposes an innovative approach for detecting and quantifying concrete cracks using an adaptive threshold method based on Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) in images. The technique applies limited pre-processing steps and then dynamically determines a threshold adapted for each sub-image depending on the greyscale distribution of the pixels, resulting in tailored crack segmentation. The edges of the crack are obtained using the Laplace edge detection method, and the width of the crack is obtained for each centreline point. The method\'s performance is measured using the Probability of Detection (POD) curves as a function of the actual crack size, revealing remarkable capabilities. It was found that the proposed method could detect cracks as narrow as 0.1 mm, with a probability of 94% and 100% for cracks with larger widths. It was also found that the method has higher accuracy, precision, and F2 score values than the Otsu and Niblack methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tracheal pooling for Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (M. hyopneumoniae) DNA detection allows for decreased diagnostic cost, one of the main constraints in surveillance programs. The objectives of this study were to estimate the sensitivity of pooled-sample testing for the detection of M. hyopneumoniae in tracheal samples and to develop probability of M. hyopneumoniae detection estimates for tracheal samples pooled by 3, 5, and 10. A total of 48 M. hyopneumoniae PCR-positive field samples were pooled 3-, 5-, and 10-times using field M. hyopneumoniae DNA-negative samples and tested in triplicate. The sensitivity was estimated at 0.96 (95% credible interval [Cred. Int.]: 0.93, 0.98) for pools of 3, 0.95 (95% Cred. Int: 0.92, 0.98) for pools of 5, and 0.93 (95% Cred. Int.: 0.89, 0.96) for pools of 10. All pool sizes resulted in PCR-positive if the individual tracheal sample Ct value was < 33. Additionally, there was no significant decrease in the probability of detecting at least one M. hyopneumoniae-infected pig given any pool size (3, 5, or 10) of tracheal swabs. Furthermore, this manuscript applies the probability of detection estimates to various real-life diagnostic testing scenarios. Combining increased total animals sampled with pooling can be a cost-effective tool to maximize the performance of M. hyopneumoniae surveillance programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper presents a performance analysis of centralized spectrum sensing based on compressed measurements. We assume cooperative sensing, where unlicensed users individually perform compressed sensing and send their results to a fusion center, which makes the final decision about the presence or absence of a licensed user signal. Several cooperation schemes are considered, such as and-rule, or-rule, majority voting, soft equal-gain combining (EGC). The proposed analysis provides simplified closed-form expressions that calculate the required number of sensors, the required number of samples, the required compression ratio, and the required signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) as a function of the probability of detection and the probability of the false alarm of the fusion center and of the sensors. The resulting expressions are derived by exploiting some accurate approximations of the test statistics of the fusion center and of the sensors, equipped with energy detectors. The obtained results are useful, especially for a low number of sensors and low sample sizes, where conventional closed-form expressions based on the central limit theorem (CLT) fail to provide accurate approximations. The proposed analysis also allows the self-computation of the performance of each sensor and of the fusion center with reduced complexity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thermal fatigue cracks occurring in pipes in nuclear power plants pose a high degree of risk. Thermal fatigue cracks are generated when the thermal fatigue load caused by local temperature gradients is repeatedly applied. The flaws are mainly found in welds, owing to the effects of stress concentration caused by the material properties and geometric shapes of welds. Thermal fatigue pipes are classified as targets of risk-informed in-service inspection, for which ultrasonic testing, a volumetric non-destructive testing method, is applied. With the advancement of ultrasonic testing techniques, various studies have been conducted recently to apply the phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT) method to the inspection of thermal fatigue cracks occurring on pipes. A quantitative reliability analysis of the PAUT method must be performed to apply the PAUT method to on-site thermal fatigue crack inspection. In this study, to evaluate the quantitative reliability of the PAUT method for thermal fatigue cracks, we fabricated crack specimens with the thermal fatigue mechanism applied to the pipe welds. We performed a round-robin test to collect PAUT data and determine the validity of the detection performance (probability of detection; POD) and the error in the sizing accuracy (root-mean-square error; RMSE) evaluation. The analysis results of the POD and sizing performance of the length and depth of thermal fatigue cracks were comparatively evaluated with the acceptance criteria of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Code to confirm the effectiveness of applying the PAUT method.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Visible particles are a critical quality attribute for parenteral products and must be monitored. A carefully designed, executed, and controlled drug product manufacturing process including a final 100 % visual inspection and appropriate end-product controls ensures that visible particles are consistently minimized and demonstrates that the injectable DP is practically free from visible particles. Visual inspection, albeit appearing as a simple analytical procedure, requires several technical and operational controls to ensure adequate performance. To gather new data on particle visibility and shed light on this decade-old challenge, a multi-company blinded visual inspection threshold study was conducted. A major goal of the study was visual assessment of several particle types of different sizes in small volume vials, as a challenging configuration for visual inspection, across 9 biopharmaceutical companies in order to determine the visibility limit. The study results provide key insights into limitations and challenges of visual inspection, namely, no universal visibility limit can be applied to all particle types as the detectability varies with particle type, number, and size. The study findings underscore the necessity of setting realistic expectations on size-based visibility limits in visual inspection, robust procedures for analyst training and qualification, and harmonization of guidelines globally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The early detection of major mastitis pathogens is crucial for the udder health management of dairy herds. Testing of pooled milk samples, either individual test-day cow samples (TDCS) or aseptically collected pre-milk quarter samples (PMQS) may provide an easy to use and cost-effective group level screening tool. Therefore, the aim of this study was (1) to evaluate the sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp) of 2 commercial multiplex real-time PCR test kits applied to pooled milk samples using a Bayesian latent class analysis and (2) to estimate the probability of detection in relation to the pool size and the number of cows positively tested by bacteriological culture (BC) within a pool. Pools of 10, 20 and 50 cows were assembled from 1,912 test-day samples and 7,336 PMQS collected from a total of 2,045 cows from 2 commercial dairy farms. Two commercial quantitative real-time PCR kits were applied to detect Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, and Streptococcus dysgalactiae in the pooled samples, and a BC was applied to PMQS yielding a cumulative pool result. A pool was considered BC-positive if it contained at least one BC-positive PMQS. Pathogens were more frequently detected in the PMQS pools than in the TDCS pools. Pools of 10 cows showed the highest probability of detection irrespective of sample type or type of PCR kit compared with larger pool sizes. Estimation with a Bayesian latent class analysis resulted in a median Se in PMQS pools of 10 cows for Staph. aureus of 63.3% for PCR kit I, 78.1% for PCR kit II, and 95.5% for BC; the Sp values were 97.0%, 97.6%, and 89.1%, respectively. The estimated median Se for Strep. species for PCR kits ranged between 77.5 and 85.6% and for BC between 73.7% and 79.2%; the median Sp values ranged between 93.6 and 99.2% for PCR kits, and between 96.9% and 97.4% for BC. In addition, the probability of detection increased with an increasing number of BC-positive cows per pool. To achieve a probability of detection of 90%, the estimated number of positive cows in PMQS pools of 10 cows for kit I was 4.1 for Staph. aureus, 1.5 for Strep. agalactiae, and 1.3 for Strep. dysgalactiae; for the equivalent TDCS pools and pathogens, 6.9, 1.9, and 2.0 positive cows were required, respectively. For Kit II and PMQS pools, the number of positive cows required was 2.8 for Staph. aureus, 1.4 for Strep. agalactiae, and 1.2 for Strep. dysgalactiae; for the equivalent TDCS pools and pathogens, 5.3, 1.8, and 2.0 positive cows were required, respectively. In conclusion, the type of samples used for pooling, the pool size and the number of infected cows per pool determine the probability of detecting an infection with major mastitis pathogens within a pool by PCR testing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The automated search software integrated with a scanning electron microscope (SEM/EDS) has been the standard tool for detecting inorganic gunshot residues (iGSR) for several decades. The detection of these particles depends on various factors such as collection, preservation, contamination with organic matter, and the method for sample analysis. This article focuses on the influence of equipment resolution setup on the backscattered electron images of the sample. The pixel size of these images plays a crucial role in determining the detectability of iGSR particles, especially those with sizes close to the pixel size. In this study, we calculated the probability of missing all characteristic iGSR particles in a sample using an SEM/EDS automated search and how it depends on the image pixel resolution setup. We developed and validated an iGSR particle detection model that links particle size with equipment registers and applied it to 320 samples analyzed by a forensic science laboratory. Our results show that the probability of missing all characteristic iGSR particles due to their size is below 5% for pixel sizes below 0.32 μm2 . These findings indicate that pixel sizes as large as twice the one commonly used in laboratory casework, that is, 0.16 μm2 , are effective for initial sample scanning, yielding good detection rates of characteristic particles that could exponentially reduce laboratory workload.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Optical fiber sensors (OFSs) represent an efficient sensing solution in various structural health monitoring (SHM) applications. However, a well-defined methodology is still missing to quantify their damage detection performance, preventing their certification and full deployment in SHM. In a recent study, the authors proposed an experimental methodology to qualify distributed OFSs using the concept of probability of detection (POD). Nevertheless, POD curves require considerable testing, which is often not feasible. This study takes a step forward, presenting a model-assisted POD (MAPOD) approach for the first time applied to distributed OFSs (DOFSs). The new MAPOD framework applied to DOFSs is validated through previous experimental results, considering the mode I delamination monitoring of a double-cantilever beam (DCB) specimen under quasi-static loading conditions. The results show how strain transfer, loading conditions, human factors, interrogator resolution, and noise can alter the damage detection capabilities of DOFSs. This MAPOD approach represents a tool to study the effects of varying environmental and operational conditions on SHM systems based on DOFSs and for the design optimization of the monitoring system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cognitive Radio is a novel concept that has invoked a paradigm shift in wireless communication and promises to solve the problem of spectrum underutilization. Spectrum sensing plays a pivotal role in a cognitive radio system by detecting the vacant spectrum for establishing a communication link. For any spectrum sensing method, detection probability and error probability portray a significant part in quantifying the detection performance. At low SNR, it becomes cumbersome to differentiate noise and signal due to which sensing method loses robustness and reliability. In this paper, mathematical modeling and critical measurement of detection probabilities has been done for energy detection-based spectrum sensing at low SNR in uncertain noisy environment. A mathematical model has been proposed to compute double thresholds for reliable sensing when the observed energy is less than the uncertainty in the noise power. A novel parameter \"Threshold Wall\" has been formulated for optimum threshold selection to overcome sensing failure. Comparative simulation and analytical result measurements have been presented that reveals improved sensing performance.Please check inserted city is correct for affiliation 1.Noida, it is correct.





