Primary immunodeficiencies

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inborn errors of immunity (IEI) are a group of inherited conditions caused by damaged monogenic variants that result in impairment and/or dysregulation within the immune system. IEI are typically diagnosed in infancy or early childhood, with clinical presentations that include increased susceptibility to infections, immune dysregulation, autoinflammation, bone marrow failure, and/or malignancy. Historically, transitions of care experienced by patients with IEI have not been well described in the literature. However, with treatment advances extending the long-term survival of patients, this has become a primary area of research. It is crucial to establish guidelines and recommendations specific to the transition of patients with IEI. Transitions may include patients who naturally progress from pediatric to adult care, from inpatient to outpatient settings, or from their established health care team to a new team (ie, moving from one geographic area to another). This narrative review summarizes the current data on transitions of care and describes the health care challenges and patient-related barriers impacting transitions of care. Frameworks with practical guidance on how health care practitioners can better manage care transitions faced by patients with IEI are presented.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Survival analysis (also referred to as time-to-event analysis) is the study of the time elapsed from a starting date to some event of interest. In practice, these analyses can be challenging and, if methodological errors are to be avoided, require the application of appropriate techniques. By using simulations and real-life data based on the French national registry of patients with primary immunodeficiencies (CEREDIH), we sought to highlight the basic elements that need to be handled correctly when performing the initial steps in a survival analysis. We focused on non-parametric methods to deal with right censoring, left truncation, competing risks, and recurrent events. Our simulations show that ignoring these aspects induces a bias in the results; we then explain how to analyze the data correctly in these situations using non-parametric methods. Rare disease registries are extremely valuable in medical research. We discuss the application of appropriate methods for the analysis of time-to-event from the CEREDIH registry. The objective of this tutorial article is to provide clinicians and healthcare professionals with better knowledge of the issues facing them when analyzing time-to-event data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Inborn errors of immunity (IEI), formerly referred to as primary immunodeficiencies, manifest with a wide range of symptoms such as increased susceptibility to infections, immune dysregulation, and autoinflammation. Although most cases manifest in childhood, onset during the neonatal period is rare but potentially critical.
    CONCLUSIONS: In this review, we discuss the diverse clinical presentations of IEI and the specific challenges they pose to neonatologists. Rather than detailing every molecular defect, we focus on common clinical scenarios in neonates and young infants, providing practical diagnostic strategies to ensure timely and effective therapeutic interventions.
    CONCLUSIONS: Clinical presentations of IEI in neonates may include delayed separation of the umbilical cord, skin rashes such as eczema and erythroderma, and recurrent episodes of inflammation. We also highlight immunological emergencies that require urgent medical attention, such as hyperinflammatory activity mimicking acute neonatal liver failure, sometimes seen in hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. We also discuss appropriate medical action in the case of a positive newborn screening for severe T-cell defects. Early medical intervention in such circumstances may significantly improve outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Vaccinations represent an easily accessible, safe, and important method for preventing infections. Patients with primary immunodeficiencies (PID) are more susceptible to infections and should receive an extended spectrum of immunizations in many countries.
    METHODS: Between January 2019 and May 2020, vaccination certificates of 70 patients with PID from the regions of Würzburg and Hanover in Germany were evaluated. The patients were additionally surveyed regarding their attitude towards vaccinations and the communication with their physicians. Medical records were analyzed.
    RESULTS: Of the 70 patients, 54 (77%) suffered from common variable immunodeficiency, 30 (43%) were diagnosed with accompanying autoimmunity, 62 (89%) had an increased susceptibility to infections, and 56 (80%) were on immunoglobulin substitution therapy. Seven patients (10%) had neither a vaccination certificate nor were they able to recollect of their last vaccination. Only 55 (79%) and 43 (61%) patients stated that their rheumatologist or immunologist had recommended an influenza and a pneumococcal vaccination, respectively. When asked about their overall trust in vaccinations on a scale of 0 to 10 (0 = very low, 10 = very high), the mean value was 7.8. The most common vaccination was against tetanus in 63 (90%) patients, 49 (70%) had received vaccination against pneumococci, and 39 (56%) had received an influenza vaccination. Interestingly, 26 patients (37%) were vaccinated against measles, even though this is contraindicated in most PID patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that vaccination rates in this at-risk population are insufficient. Healthcare providers should emphasize vaccinations routinely when caring for these patients.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Impfungen sind leicht zugänglich, sicher und eine wichtige Methode, um Infektionen zu verhindern. Patienten mit primärer Immundefizienz (PID) sind anfälliger für Infektionen und sollten in vielen Ländern ein erweitertes Spektrum von Immunisierungen erhalten.
    METHODS: Zwischen Januar 2019 und Mai 2020 wurden die Impfpässe von 70 Patienten mit PID aus den Regionen Würzburg und Hannover ausgewertet. Die Patienten wurden zusätzlich hinsichtlich ihrer Haltung zu Impfungen und der Kommunikation mit ihrem Hausarzt befragt. Außerdem wurden die Krankenunterlagen analysiert.
    UNASSIGNED: Insgesamt litten 54 Patienten (77%) an einem variablen Immundefektsyndrom (CVID); bei 30 (43%) wurde die Diagnose einer begleitenden Autoimmunität gestellt, 62 (89%) wiesen eine erhöhte Anfälligkeit für Infektionen auf, und 56 (80%) erhielten eine Substitutionstherapie mit Immunglobulinen. Weder über einen Impfpass noch über die Fähigkeit, sich an ihre letzte Impfung zu erinnern, verfügten 7 Patienten (10%). Nur 55 (79%) bzw. 43 (61%) Patienten gaben an, dass ihr Rheumatologe oder Immunologe ihnen eine Grippeimpfung bzw. Pneumokokkenimpfung empfohlen hatte. Bei der Frage nach ihrem allgemeinen Vertrauen in Impfungen auf einer Skala von 0–10 (0 = sehr niedrig, 10 = sehr hoch) betrug der durchschnittliche Wert 7,8. Bei 63 (90%) Patienten bestand eine Impfung gegen Tetanus, welche die häufigste Impfung ausmachte, 49 (70%) hatten eine Impfung gegen Pneumokokken und 39 (56%) eine Grippeimpfung erhalten. Interessanterweise waren 26 Patienten (37%) gegen Masern geimpft, obwohl dies bei den meisten PID-Patienten kontraindiziert ist.
    UNASSIGNED: Die vorliegenden Daten weisen darauf hin, dass die Impfraten in dieser Risikopopulation unzureichend sind. Im Gesundheitswesen sollte routinemäßig auf Impfungen hingewiesen werden, wenn solche Patienten betreut werden.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: People with a rare disease commonly experience long delays from the onset of symptoms to diagnosis. Rare diseases are challenging to diagnose because they are clinically heterogeneous, and many present with non-specific symptoms common to many diseases. We aimed to explore the experiences of people with myositis, primary immunodeficiency (PID), and sarcoidosis from symptom onset to diagnosis to identify factors that might impact receipt of a timely diagnosis.
    METHODS: This was a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews. Our approach was informed by Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). We applied the lens of uncertainty management theory to tease out how patients experience, assess, manage and cope with puzzling and complex health-related issues while seeking a diagnosis in the cases of rare diseases.
    RESULTS: We conducted interviews with 26 people with a rare disease. Ten participants had been diagnosed with a form of myositis, 8 with a primary immunodeficiency, and 8 with sarcoidosis. Time to diagnosis ranged from 6 months to 12 years (myositis), immediate to over 20 years (PID), and 6 months to 15 years (sarcoidosis). We identified four themes that described the experiences of participants with a rare disease as they sought a diagnosis for their condition: (1) normalising and/or misattributing symptoms; (2) particularising by clinicians; (3) asserting patients\' self-knowledge; and (4) working together through the diagnosable moment.
    CONCLUSIONS: Managing medical uncertainty in the time before diagnosis of a rare disease can be complicated by patients discounting their own symptoms and/or clinicians discounting the scale and impact of those symptoms. Persistence on the part of both clinician and patient is necessary to reach a diagnosis of a rare disease. Strategies such as recognising pattern failure and accommodating self-labelling are key to diagnosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Primary immunodeficiencies (PIDs) are a heterogeneous disorder group characterized by an impaired immune system, leading to an increased susceptibility to infections and a wide range of clinical manifestations, including gastrointestinal (GI) complications. This study aimed to assess the GI manifestations of PID patients and highlight the significance of atypical gastrointestinal symptoms in the early diagnosis of these patients.
    UNASSIGNED: A retrospective analysis was conducted on pediatric patients diagnosed with PIDs at Selcuk University Medical Faculty from 2011 to 2021. The study focused on demographic data, clinical presentation, genetic mutations, and GI manifestations, including endoscopic evaluation. Patients were categorized according to the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS) PID classifications. Statistical analyses were performed to identify significant associations between PID types and GI manifestations.
    UNASSIGNED: The cohort comprised 101 patients, with 46% presenting with GI symptoms, including malnutrition and chronic diarrhea, as the most common findings. Primary antibody deficiency (PAD) emerged as the most prevalent PID with GI involvement, followed by combined immunodeficiencies (CID) with associated or syndromic features. Endoscopic evaluations revealed inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)-like colitis in a significant subgroup of patients. The analysis showed that some GI symptoms were more common in specific PID categories, highlighting the importance of early gastroenterological assessment in PID patients.
    UNASSIGNED: Recognition of common GI symptoms in pediatric patients with PIDs may facilitate early diagnosis and prompt multidisciplinary management, potentially improving patient outcomes. The study highlights the necessity of considering PIDs in diagnosing persistent or severe GI symptoms in children.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Inborn errors of immunity (IEI) can affect different parts of the immune system and manifest especially through pathological infection susceptibility and immune dysregulation. Cutaneous manifestations of IEI can hint at the underlying immunodeficiency and the tendency for infection and inflammation. These manifestations can present as recurring eczema, erythema, abscesses, and hair loss with poor response to therapy. Cutaneous manifestations can be specific for certain IEI, or rather unspecific. Together with clinical course and severity, they can indicate the diagnosis. Early and accurate recognition, diagnosis, and treatment are crucial for optimizing patient outcomes. The diagnosis can be determined through a detailed patient history, clinical examination, and immunological diagnostics. Collaboration between immunologists and dermatologists is vital for comprehensive care and improvement of life quality.
    UNASSIGNED: Primäre Immundefekte (PID) können verschiedene Aspekte des Immunsystems betreffen und sich insbesondere durch pathologische Infektionsanfälligkeit und Immundysregulation zeigen. Hautmanifestationen bei PID können auf eine zugrunde liegende Immunschwäche und eine erhöhte Anfälligkeit für Infektionen und Entzündungen hinweisen. Diese Hautsymptome präsentieren sich unter anderem als rezidivierende Ekzeme, Erytheme, Abszesse und Haarausfall mit schlechtem Therapieansprechen. Die kutanen Manifestationen können zum Teil morphologisch hinweisend auf einen bestimmten PID sein oder sind bei unspezifischen Symptomen mit dem Verlauf und dem Schweregrad zusammen wegweisend für die Diagnosestellung. Eine rechtzeitige Diagnose und angemessene Behandlung sind entscheidend, um Komplikationen zu vermeiden. Die Diagnosestellung erfolgt in der Regel durch eine detaillierte Anamnese, körperliche Untersuchung und immunologische Diagnostik. Eine enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen Immunologen, Pädiatern und Dermatologen ist wichtig, um eine optimale Versorgung der Patienten zu gewährleisten und die Lebensqualität zu verbessern.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inborn Errors of Immunity (IEI) are characterized by a heightened susceptibility to infections, allergies, and various other health complications. Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) in patients with IEI is a critical area of research that demands attention due to the impact of IEI on patients\' lives. This study utilized bibliometric methods, aiming to comprehensively explore the research content and hotspots in the field of HRQOL in patients with IEI.
    This bibliometric analysis utilized data from the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) and Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) within the Web of Science core datasets up to January 1, 2024. The study focused on literature that addressed HRQOL in IEI patients, involving a total of 1,807 authors and 309 articles published across 112 journals. The analysis included publication volume and growth trends, country and institutional contributions, authorship, and journal analysis.
    The research found that despite the importance of HRQOL in IEI, the volume of publications in this field remains consistently low, with no significant increase in trend. The USA leads in publication and citation volumes, reflecting a geographical imbalance in research contributions. Key journals in this field include the Journal of Clinical Immunology, Frontiers in Immunology, and the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. The study highlights that while treatments like hematopoietic stem cell transplants and gene therapy have improved patient IEI survival rates, they still often come with significant side effects impacting HRQOL. The analysis underlines the need for comprehensive HRQOL assessments in IEI, considering the physical and psychological impacts of treatments.
    This study represents a bibliometric analysis focusing on HRQOL in patients with. It underscores the need for more extensive and systematic research in this area, emphasizing the importance of a multidisciplinary approach. Despite advancements in medical treatments for IEI, there is a crucial need to focus on HRQOL to enhance patient satisfaction and overall well-being. The findings advocate for more personalized treatment plans and a better understanding of the psychosocial needs of patients with IEI to improve their quality of life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This phase 3, open-label, multidose study (NCT04346108) evaluated the pharmacokinetics, safety, tolerability, and efficacy of immunoglobulin subcutaneous (human) 20% solution (Ig20Gly) administered weekly and every 2 weeks in Japanese patients with primary immunodeficiency diseases (PIDs). The study was conducted at eight study sites in Japan and enrolled patients aged ≥2 years with PIDs treated using a stable intravenous immunoglobulin dose for ≥3 months prior to the study. Patients received intravenous immunoglobulin every 3 or 4 weeks at pre-study dose (200-600 mg/kg) for 13 weeks (Epoch 1), subcutaneous Ig20Gly (50-200 mg/kg) once weekly for 24 weeks (Epoch 2), and Ig20Gly (100-400 mg/kg) every 2 weeks for 12 weeks (Epoch 3). The primary endpoint was serum total immunoglobulin G (IgG) trough levels during Epochs 2 and 3. Overall, 17 patients were enrolled (median [range] age: 24 [5-69] years; 59% male) and participated in Epochs 1 and 2; seven patients entered Epoch 3. Serum total IgG trough levels were maintained at >8 g/l: geometric means (95% confidence intervals) at the end of Epochs 2 and 3 were 8.56 (8.03-9.12) g/l and 8.39 (7.89-8.91) g/l, respectively. Related treatment-emergent adverse events were all mild in severity; the most common treatment-emergent adverse events (excluding infections) in Epochs 2 and 3 were injection site swelling (24%) and injection site erythema (18%). This is the first trial to demonstrate the efficacy and favourable safety profile of 20% subcutaneous immunoglobulin administered every 2 weeks in adult and paediatric Japanese patients with PIDs.





