Predictive DNA analysis

  • 文章类型: Review
    Forensic DNA Phenotyping (FDP) comprises the prediction of a person\'s externally visible characteristics regarding appearance, biogeographic ancestry and age from DNA of crime scene samples, to provide investigative leads to help find unknown perpetrators that cannot be identified with forensic STR-profiling. In recent years, FDP has advanced considerably in all of its three components, which we summarize in this review article. Appearance prediction from DNA has broadened beyond eye, hair and skin color to additionally comprise other traits such as eyebrow color, freckles, hair structure, hair loss in men, and tall stature. Biogeographic ancestry inference from DNA has progressed from continental ancestry to sub-continental ancestry detection and the resolving of co-ancestry patterns in genetically admixed individuals. Age estimation from DNA has widened beyond blood to more somatic tissues such as saliva and bones as well as new markers and tools for semen. Technological progress has allowed forensically suitable DNA technology with largely increased multiplex capacity for the simultaneous analysis of hundreds of DNA predictors with targeted massively parallel sequencing (MPS). Forensically validated MPS-based FDP tools for predicting from crime scene DNA i) several appearance traits, ii) multi-regional ancestry, iii) several appearance traits together with multi-regional ancestry, and iv) age from different tissue types, are already available. Despite recent advances that will likely increase the impact of FDP in criminal casework in the near future, moving reliable appearance, ancestry and age prediction from crime scene DNA to the level of detail and accuracy police investigators may desire, requires further intensified scientific research together with technical developments and forensic validations as well as the necessary funding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the last few years, predicting externally visible characteristics (EVCs) by adopting informative DNA molecular markers has become a method in forensic genetics that has increased its value, giving rise to an interesting field called \"Forensic DNA Phenotyping\" (FDP). The most meaningful forensic applications of EVCs prediction are those in which, having only a DNA sample isolated from highly decomposed remains, it is essential to reconstruct the physical appearance of a person. Through this approach, we set out to evaluate 20 skeletal remains of Italian provenance in order to associate them with as many cases of missing persons as possible. To achieve the intended goal, in this work we applied the HIrisPlex-S multiplex system through the conventional short tandem repeats (STR) method to confirm the expected identity of subjects by evaluating phenotypic features. To investigate the reliability and accuracy of the DNA-based EVCs prediction, pictures of the cases were compared as they were available to researchers. Results showed an overall prediction accuracy greater than 90% for all three phenotypic features-iris, hair, and skin colour-at a probability threshold of 0.7. The experimental analysis showed inconclusive results in only two cases; this is probably due to the characteristics of subjects who had an intermediate eye and hair colour, for which the DNA-based system needs to improve the prediction accuracy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human ear morphology prediction with SNP-based genotypes is growing in forensic DNA phenotyping and is scarcely explored in Pakistan as a part of EVCs (externally visible characteristics). The ear morphology prediction assays with 21 SNPs were assessed for their potential utility in forensic identification of population. The SNaPshot™ multiplex chemistries, capillary electrophoresis methods and GeneMapper™ software were used for obtaining genotypic data. A total of 33 ear phenotypes were categorized with digital photographs of 300 volunteers. SHEsis software was applied to make LD plot. Ordinal and multinomial logistic regression was implemented for association testing. Multinomial logistic regression was executed to construct the prediction model in 90% training and 10% testing subjects. Several influential SNPs for ear phenotypic variation were found in association testing. The model based on genetic markers predicted ear phenotypes with moderate to good predictive accuracies demonstrated with the area under curve (AUC), sensitivity and specificity of predicted phenotypes. As an additional EVC, the estimated ear phenotypic profiles have the possibility of determining the human ear morphology differences in unknown biological samples found in crimes that do not result in a criminal database hit. Furthermore, this can help in facial reconstruction and act as an investigational lead.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The prediction of human externally visible characteristics (EVCs) based solely on DNA information has become an established approach in forensic and anthropological genetics in recent years. While for a large set of EVCs, predictive models have already been established using multinomial logistic regression (MLR), the prediction performances of other possible classification methods have not been thoroughly investigated thus far. Motivated by the question to identify a potential classifier that outperforms these specific trait models, we conducted a systematic comparison between the widely used MLR and three popular machine learning (ML) classifiers, namely support vector machines (SVM), random forest (RF) and artificial neural networks (ANN), that have shown good performance outside EVC prediction. As examples, we used eye, hair and skin color categories as phenotypes and genotypes based on the previously established IrisPlex, HIrisPlex, and HIrisPlex-S DNA markers. We compared and assessed the performances of each of the four methods, complemented by detailed hyperparameter tuning that was applied to some of the methods in order to maximize their performance. Overall, we observed that all four classification methods showed rather similar performance, with no method being substantially superior to the others for any of the traits, although performances varied slightly across the different traits and more so across the trait categories. Hence, based on our findings, none of the ML methods applied here provide any advantage on appearance prediction, at least when it comes to the categorical pigmentation traits and the selected DNA markers used here.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The prediction of appearance traits by use of solely genetic information has become an established approach and a number of statistical prediction models have already been developed for this purpose. However, given limited knowledge on appearance genetics, currently available models are incomplete and do not include all causal genetic variants as predictors. Therefore such prediction models may benefit from the inclusion of additional information that acts as a proxy for this unknown genetic background. Use of priors, possibly informed by trait category prevalence values in biogeographic ancestry groups, in a Bayesian framework may thus improve the prediction accuracy of previously predicted externally visible characteristics, but has not been investigated as of yet. In this study, we assessed the impact of using trait prevalence-informed priors on the prediction performance in Bayesian models for eye, hair and skin color as well as hair structure and freckles in comparison to the respective prior-free models. Those prior-free models were either similarly defined either very close to the already established ones by using a reduced predictive marker set. However, these differences in the number of the predictive markers should not affect significantly our main outcomes. We observed that such priors often had a strong effect on the prediction performance, but to varying degrees between different traits and also different trait categories, with some categories barely showing an effect. While we found potential for improving the prediction accuracy of many of the appearance trait categories tested by using priors, our analyses also showed that misspecification of those prior values often severely diminished the accuracy compared to the respective prior-free approach. This emphasizes the importance of accurate specification of prevalence-informed priors in Bayesian prediction modeling of appearance traits. However, the existing literature knowledge on spatial prevalence is sparse for most appearance traits, including those investigated here. Due to the limitations in appearance trait prevalence knowledge, our results render the use of trait prevalence-informed priors in DNA-based appearance trait prediction currently infeasible.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Forensic DNA Phenotyping (FDP), i.e. the prediction of human externally visible traits from DNA, has become a fast growing subfield within forensic genetics due to the intelligence information it can provide from DNA traces. FDP outcomes can help focus police investigations in search of unknown perpetrators, who are generally unidentifiable with standard DNA profiling. Therefore, we previously developed and forensically validated the IrisPlex DNA test system for eye colour prediction and the HIrisPlex system for combined eye and hair colour prediction from DNA traces. Here we introduce and forensically validate the HIrisPlex-S DNA test system (S for skin) for the simultaneous prediction of eye, hair, and skin colour from trace DNA. This FDP system consists of two SNaPshot-based multiplex assays targeting a total of 41 SNPs via a novel multiplex assay for 17 skin colour predictive SNPs and the previous HIrisPlex assay for 24 eye and hair colour predictive SNPs, 19 of which also contribute to skin colour prediction. The HIrisPlex-S system further comprises three statistical prediction models, the previously developed IrisPlex model for eye colour prediction based on 6 SNPs, the previous HIrisPlex model for hair colour prediction based on 22 SNPs, and the recently introduced HIrisPlex-S model for skin colour prediction based on 36 SNPs. In the forensic developmental validation testing, the novel 17-plex assay performed in full agreement with the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM) guidelines, as previously shown for the 24-plex assay. Sensitivity testing of the 17-plex assay revealed complete SNP profiles from as little as 63 pg of input DNA, equalling the previously demonstrated sensitivity threshold of the 24-plex HIrisPlex assay. Testing of simulated forensic casework samples such as blood, semen, saliva stains, of inhibited DNA samples, of low quantity touch (trace) DNA samples, and of artificially degraded DNA samples as well as concordance testing, demonstrated the robustness, efficiency, and forensic suitability of the new 17-plex assay, as previously shown for the 24-plex assay. Finally, we provide an update to the publically available HIrisPlex website, now allowing the estimation of individual probabilities for 3 eye, 4 hair, and 5 skin colour categories from HIrisPlex-S input genotypes. The HIrisPlex-S DNA test represents the first forensically validated tool for skin colour prediction, and reflects the first forensically validated tool for simultaneous eye, hair and skin colour prediction from DNA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Forensic genetics developed from protein-based techniques a quarter of a century ago and became famous as \"DNA fingerprinting,\" this being based on restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) of high-molecular-weight DNA. The amplification of much smaller short tandem repeat (STR) sequences using the polymerase chain reaction soon replaced RFLP analysis and advanced to become the gold standard in genetic identification. Meanwhile, STR multiplexes have been developed and made commercially available which simultaneously amplify up to 30 STR loci from as little as 15 cells or fewer. The enormous information content that comes with the large variety of observed STR genotypes allows for genetic individualisation (with the exception of identical twins). Carefully selected core STR loci form the basis of intelligence-led DNA databases that provide investigative leads by linking unsolved crime scenes and criminals through their matched STR profiles. Nevertheless, the success of modern DNA fingerprinting depends on the availability of reference material from suspects. In order to provide new investigative leads in cases where such reference samples are absent, forensic scientists started to explore the prediction of phenotypic traits from the DNA of the evidentiary sample. This paradigm change now uses DNA and epigenetic markers to forecast characteristics that are useful to triage further investigative work. So far, the best investigated externally visible characteristics are eye, hair and skin colour, as well as geographic ancestry and age. Information on the chronological age of a stain donor (or any sample donor) is elemental for forensic investigations in a number of aspects and has, therefore, been explored by researchers in some detail. Among different methodological approaches tested to date, the methylation-sensitive analysis of carefully selected DNA markers (CpG sites) has brought the most promising results by providing prediction accuracies of ±3-4 years, which can be comparable to, or even surpass those from, eyewitness reports. This mini-review puts recent developments in age estimation via (epi)genetic methods in the context of the requirements and goals of forensic genetics and highlights paths to follow in the future of forensic genomics.





