Precocious line

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Live anticoccidial vaccines, either formulated with unattenuated or attenuated Eimeria parasites, are powerful stimulators of chicken intestinal immunity. Little is known about the dynamics of gene expression and the corresponding biological processes of chicken responses against infection with precocious line (PL) of Eimeria parasites. In the present study, we performed a time-series transcriptomic analysis of chicken duodenum across 15 time points from 6 to 156 hours post-infection (p.i.) with PL of E. acervulina. A high-quality profile showing two distinct changes in chicken duodenum mRNA expression was generated during the infection of Eimeria. Early response revealed that activation of the chicken immune response was detectable from 6 h.p.i., prominent genes triggered during the initiation of asexual and sexual parasite growth encompass immune regulatory effects, such as interferon gamma (IFN-γ), interferon regulatory factor 1 (IRF1), and interleukin-10 (IL10). The late response was identified significantly associating with maintaining cellular structure and activating lipid metabolic pathways. These analyses provide a detailed depiction of the biological response landscape in chickens infected by the PL of E. acervulina, contributing significant insights for the investigation of the host-parasite interactions and the management of parasitic diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eimeria media is a principal pathogen responsible for rabbit coccidiosis, targeting the rabbit\'s intestinal epithelial cells. This parasitism damages the intestinal mucosal barrier, initiating a systemic immune and inflammatory response that jeopardizes the sustainable growth of rabbit farming. To understand the implications of infection on the host\'s immune and metabolic responses, we employed RNA-Seq to analyze RNA from the liver and duodenum tissues of post-infected rabbits infected with both the precocious line and wild-type strain of Comprehensive transcriptomic analysis revealed that the two parasites exhibit divergent transcriptomic imprints on host tissues. While the precocious line predominantly modulates immune-centric pathways with significant differential gene enrichment, wild-type strain favors pathways that affect metabolism. In addition, our study pinpointed a set of genes that undergo significant modifications in response to these effects. These revelations grant a fresh avenue to probe deeper into the symbiotic intricacies of the and its rabbit host.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Eimeria tenella Yulin strain (EtYL), which is sensitive to most anti-coccidial drugs, was isolated in the Yulin area of Guangxi, China. Then, Eimeria tenella Yulin precocious line (pEtYL), a precocious line with a prepatent period of 108 h, was obtained through early selection. The biological characteristics of pEtYL, including its morphology, purity, oocyst excretion curve, reproductive capacity, pathogenicity, immunogenicity, and preservation time, were comprehensively analyzed. The results showed that the isolated precocious line of E. tenella exhibited high purity, relatively weak pathogenicity, and good immunogenicity and can be used as a live vaccine line for chicken coccidiosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A pilot study was conducted to evaluate the pathogenicity and immunogenicity of vaccinated rabbits with different doses of oocysts (5 × 102, 1 × 103, 1 × 104, and 5 × 104) of a precocious line, including Eimeria magna, E. intestinalis or E. media following the challenge with their corresponding parent strains. Our results showed that each precocious line had weak pathogenicity but good immunogenicity in terms of clinical symptoms, average daily weight gains (ADGs), and oocyst outputs. Therefore, a precocious line trivalent vaccine, including E. magna, E. intestinalis, and E. media was formulated. A total of sixty 40-day-old coccidia-free rabbits were allocated to ten treatments with a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement that included 2 vaccination doses (5 × 102 or 1 × 103 oocysts of the precocious line). Groups I to Ⅷ and Unimmunized Challenged Control group were challenged with mixed oocysts of their corresponding parent strains (1 × 104 oocysts of each parent strain) 14 days after vaccination. No clinical symptoms were observed in the immunized groups after vaccination. Average daily weight gains (ADGs) were similar to those of unimmunized unchallenged controls (P > 0.05) after vaccination or after challenge. Oocyst outputs in the vaccinated challenged groups were significantly different from those of unimmunized challenged controls (P < 0.01) after challenge. These results indicated that the trivalent vaccine could provide immune protection against coccidiosis and therefore, it could be used as a candidate vaccine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coccidiosis, caused by the infection of Eimeria parasites, is one of the most common diseases in domestic rabbits. Live anticoccidial vaccine formulated with attenuated precocious lines of pathogenic eimerian parasites is expected to be valuable for the control of rabbit coccidiosis as a similar strategy to produce anticoccidial vaccines against chicken coccidiosis has being used for several decades. Eimeria media, moderate pathogenic, is widespread in China. Therefore, attenuated anticoccidial vaccines against rabbit coccidiosis should contain vaccine strain(s) of E. media. In this study, a precocious line of E. media (Empre) was selected by collecting and propagating the early excreted oocysts with 16 successive generations. The prepatent period of Empre reduced from 108 h of its parental strain (Emwt) to 70 h. The fecundity of Empre was about 1/10 to 1/3 lower than that of Emwt. Each sporocyst of Empre sporulated oocyst contained only one large refractile body instead of two smaller ones seen in the parental strain. When vaccinated with 1 × 103 or 1 × 104 precocious line oocysts, the rabbits were completely protected against homologous challenge with the parental strain 14 days post challenge by terms of body weight gain and oocyst output counting, indicating the efficacy of Empre. Meanwhile, all immunized rabbits showed no clinical sign post immunization, indicating the safety of Empre. For co-immunization, 1 × 103Empre oocysts and 5 × 102 oocysts of a precocious line of E. intestinalis (EIP8) were inoculated to each rabbit in a trial. No diarrhea or mortality was found after vaccination, and the weight gains of the vaccinated group were similar to that of unvaccinated-unchallenged control (UUC) group, while the weight gains of the vaccinated group were similar to that of unvaccinated-unchallenged control (UUC) group (P > 0.05), but significantly higher than that of UCC group (P < 0.01) after challenge, indicating it is safe and effective when using co-immunization. These results together show that Empre, as a precocious line, is a good candidate of precocious line of E. media for anticoccidial vaccine development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rabbit coccidiosis is a common parasitic disease and responsible for enormous economic losses in the rabbit industry. Eimeria intestinalis, one of the highly pathogenic and common Eimeria species infecting rabbits, is considered as an indispensable species for the development of live oocyst vaccines against rabbit coccidiosis. In this study, we report the successful selection of a precocious line (EIP8) from a wild-type strain of E. intestinalis (WT) by successively collecting and propagating the early excreted progeny oocysts. The EIP8 line had a prepatent period of only 132 h compared to 204 h for the WT. Oocysts of EIP8 were notably different from those produced by the WT strain by their significantly larger size (mean length: 29.3 vs 27.6 μm and mean width 20.5 vs 19.8 μm). Examination of tissue sections prepared from EIP8-infected rabbits revealed that this precocious line undergoes only two generations of schizogony before differentiating into gametocytes by 120 h post-infection. In contrast, WT parasites undergo three generations of schizogony and gametocytes are present by 168 h post-infection. EIP8 multiplication capacity reduced by more than 35-fold and a concomitant decrease in pathogenicity was detected. Interestingly, immunization with 103 or 104 EIP8 oocysts provided sufficient protection against homologous challenge with wild-type parasites, as body weight gain of immunized and challenged rabbits was similar to that of untreated animals, as well as more than 90% reduction of oocyst output was detected in immunized and challenged animals when compared to unimmunized and challenged animals. Together, these results show that the EIP8 precocious line of E. intestinalis is an attenuated immunogenic strain and a suitable candidate for the development of a live vaccine against rabbit coccidiosis.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    BACKGROUND: Chicken coccidiosis, caused by the infection of Eimeria species, leads to important economic losses to the poultry industry. Vaccination with attenuated live parasites seems to be the best way to control this disease. Attenuated eimerian parasites with shortened prepatent times show great changes in intracellular development compared to their parent strains but the mechanisms involved in these biological differences are still unclear.
    RESULTS: In this study, we obtained a precocious line of E. maxima by sequential selection of 22 generations of early shed oocysts in chickens and performed a comparative transcriptome analysis of three different developmental stages of the precocious line and its parent strain using Illumina high-throughput sequencing. Our E. maxima precocious line showed decreased pathogenicity, reduced fecundity and a greatly shorted prepatent time of only 98 h. We found that typical gene changes in the stage development from unsporulated to sporulated oocyst and from sporulated oocyst to merozoite were marked by upregulated organelle genes and protein translation related genes, respectively. Additionally, major differences between the precocious line and its parent strain were detected in the merozoite stage, characterized by downregulated genes involved in protein cleavage and DNA replication activities.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study generated and characterized an E. maxima precocious line, illustrating gene expression landscapes during parasite development by transcriptome analysis. We also show that the suppressed DNA replication progress in the merozoite stage in the precocious line may result in its reduced fecundity. These results provide the basis for a better understanding of the mechanism of precocity in Eimeria species, which can be useful in studies in early gametocytogenesis in apicomplexan parasites.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The excretion frequencies of cecal and intestinal droppings of Chinese Lingnan yellow chickens were observed for 10 consecutive days. The chickens were then orally inoculated with a precocious line of Eimeria necatrix, and the oocysts present in the cecal and intestinal droppings were separately collected and monitored using the McMaster method. The results showed that the excretion frequency of cecal droppings was significantly lower than that of intestinal droppings, and the oocysts of E. necatrix were distributed primarily in the cecal droppings. This distribution affects the homogeneity of the second and third generation of oocysts ingested by the chickens and therefore affects the immune effect observed during E. necatrix immunization. To artificially strengthen the immunologic homogeneity against E. necatrix, a method of artificially strengthening the second immunization was applied, and the immune effect was evaluated based on oocyst excretion, body weight gain, fecal scores, intestinal lesion scores and survival percentages. The results showed that no significant intestinal damage was caused by immunization reactions in the chickens. In addition, the number of excreted oocysts in the immunized chicken groups could be significantly increased, and the immunologic homogeneity of the immunized chickens could be improved by artificially strengthening the second immunization, which could in turn improve the immune protective effect.





