Posterior segment

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Non-infectious uveitis affecting the posterior segment of the eye (NIU-PS) is an inflammatory disease, which can significantly impair visual acuity if not adequately treated. Fluocinolone-acetonide sustained-release-0.2 µg/day intravitreal (FAc) implants are indicated for prevention of relapse in recurrent NIU-PS. The aim here was to provide treating clinicians with some consensus-based-recommendations for the clinical management of patients with NIU-PS with 0.2 µg/day FAc implants.
    METHODS: A European-clinical-expert-group agreed to develop a consensus report on different issues related to the use of FAc implants in patients with NIU-PS.
    RESULTS: The Clinical-expert-panel provided specific recommendations focusing on clinical presentation (unilateral/bilateral) of the NIU-PS; systemic involvement of NIU-PS and the lens status. Treatment algorithms were developed; one that refers to the management of patients with NIU-PS in clinical practice and another that establishes the best clinical scenarios for the use of FAc implants, both as monotherapy and as adjuvant therapy. Additionally, the Clinical-expert-panel has provided recommendations about the use of the FAc implants in a clinical-setting. The Clinical-expert-panel also considered the safety profile of FAc implants and their possible implications in the daily practice.
    CONCLUSIONS: As more clinical experience has been gained using FAc implants, it was necessary to update the clinical recommendations that guide patient management in the clinic. The current consensus document addresses relevant issues related to the use of FAc implants on different types of patients with various etiologies of NIU-PS, and was conducted to standardize approaches to help specialists obtain better clinical outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: High-resolution Ultrasound (USG) provides good anatomical details of the ocular posterior segment and depicts the various pathological conditions affecting the ocular posterior segment, which helps ophthalmologists for choosing the best treatment options. This study aims to evaluate the utility of High-resolution Ultrasonography in the Evaluation of Posterior Segment Ocular lesions by using Sensitivity and Specificity.
    UNASSIGNED: A hospital-based retrospective study enrolled 81 patients in a tertiary care hospital. Clinical and ophthalmological examinations were performed followed by USG of the orbits. B-mode USG was done with a 7.5-13 MHz linear probe. The final diagnosis was made by correlating the USG findings with clinical and ophthalmological examinations.
    UNASSIGNED: Sensitivity, specificity, the positive predictive value, the negative predictive value, and the accuracy of B-scan USG were compared with the ophthalmological findings by using the Chi-square test.
    UNASSIGNED: Of 81 patients (n=48 males and n=33 females) with a mean age of 38.98 ± 16.48 [SD] years, posterior segment ocular lesions in association with cataracts were found in 27 (33.3%) patients, whereas 14 (51.9%) patients had posterior vitreous detachment (PVD), 10 (37%) patients had retinal detachment (RD), and 1 (3.7%) patient had choroidal detachment (CD). Posterior segment ocular pathologies were found in 17 (21%) patients with blunt ocular injuries, whereas 8 (47.1%) patients had PVD, 4 (23.5%) patients had RD and 4 (23.5%) patients had CD. The ocular USG had a sensitivity of 87.32%, specificity of 80%, and accuracy of 86.42% with a statistically significant difference between the USG findings and the Ophthalmology diagnosis of the posterior segment ocular abnormalities of a p-value of 0.0005.
    UNASSIGNED: High-resolution ultrasound is one of the best and an easily available imaging modality for the evaluation of posterior segment ocular pathologies, especially in the presence of opaque ocular media.
    UNASSIGNED: Aukštos raiškos ultragarsas (trumpinama USG) suteikia kokybišką ir detalią anatominę informaciją apie užpakalinį akies segmentą bei parodo įvairias patologines būkles, paveikiančias užpakalinį akies segmentą. Tai teikia galimybę oftalmologams pasirinkti geriausią gydymo variantą. Šiuo tyrimu siekiama įvertinti, kiek naudingas aukštos raiškos ultragarsas, vertinant užpakalinio akies segmento pažeidimus, ir kaip tai atspindi jautrumas ir specifiškumas.
    UNASSIGNED: Ligoninėje (tretinio lygmens medicinos įstaigoje) atliktas perspektyvusis tyrimas, kuriame dalyvavo 81 pacientas. Atlikti klinikiniai ir oftalmologiniai akiᶙ tyrimai, po kuriᶙ buvo atliekamas akiduobės USG. B režimo USG buvo atliktas su 7,5–13 MHz linijiniu zondu. Galutinė diagnozė pateikta susiejant ultragarso duomenis su klinikiniais ir oftalmologiniais tyrimais.
    UNASSIGNED: Jautrumas, specifiškumas, teigiama nuspėjamoji vertė, neigiama nuspėjamoji vertė ir B režimo USG buvo lyginami su oftalmologiniᶙ tyrimᶙ išvadomis pasitelkiant chi kvadrato testą.
    UNASSIGNED: Iš 81 paciento (n = 48 vyrai ir n = 33 moterys), kuriᶙ vidutinis amžius 38,98 ± 16,48 [SD] metai, užpakalinio akies segmento pažeidimai, susiję su katarakta, buvo nustatyti 27 (33,3 %) pacientams, o 14 (51,9 %) pacientᶙ nustatyta užpakalinė stiklakūnio atšoka (trumpinama PVD), 10 (37 %) pacientᶙ buvo tinklainės atšoka (trumpinama RD), o 1 (3,7 %) pacientui nustatyta choroidinė atšoka (trumpinama CD). Užpakalinio akiᶙ segmento patologija nustatyta 17 (21 %) pacientᶙ, kurie buvo patyrę akiᶙ pažeidimus neaštriu daiktu, o 8 pacientams (47,1 %) nustatytas PVD, 4 (23,5 %) pacientams RD bei 4 pacientams (23,5 %) buvo CD. Akiᶙ USG jautrumas 87,32 %, specifiškumas siekė 80 %, o tikslumas buvo 86,42 %. Nustatytas statistiškai svarbus skirtumas tarp USG rezultatᶙ ir užpakalinio akies segmento anomalijᶙ oftalmologinės diagnozės; nustatyta p vertė 0,0005.
    UNASSIGNED: Aukštos raiškos ultragarsas yra vienas iš geriausiᶙ bei lengvai prieinamas raiškaus vaizdavimo modalumas vertinant užpakalinio akies segmento patologijas, ypač kai akyse yra kokiᶙ nors neskaidriᶙ elementᶙ.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of phacoemulsification surgery, which is one of the types of cataract surgery by using ultrasonic power to break up the crystalline lens and clean it with vacuum, on anterior chamber flare (ACF) and choroidal vascular index (CVI).
    METHODS: For this cross-sectional study, patients were included if they had cataract with nucleus hardness grade 2 or 3, no systemic inflammatory disease, and not use of anti-inflammatory drugs/prostaglandins preoperatively. ACF using a laser flare meter and CVI in patients underwent uncomplicated phacoemulsification was recorded preoperatively, on the postoperative 1st day, 1st week, and 1st month.
    RESULTS: Fifty-six eyes were included. ACF was 9.00 ± 2.90 ph/ms preoperatively. Although ACF increased significantly on postoperative day-1 (39.38 ± 23.31ph/ms) and decreased gradually until the 1st month (14.03 ± 6.03ph/ms) after the operation, it was still significantly higher at the 1st month (p < 0.001). Macular and peripapillary CVI increased significantly on postoperative day-1 (0.64 ± 0.03/0.63 ± 0.05) and week-1 (0.64 ± 0.04/0.62 ± 0.04) (p = 0.01, p < 0.001); the postoperative 1st month was similar to the preoperative one (0.59 ± 0.06/0.58 ± 0.06). The relationship between the change in ACF and the change in CVI was not significant.
    CONCLUSIONS: Phacoemulsification causes raises in ACF and CVI due to increased intraocular inflammation. The fact that ACF was significantly higher in postoperative month-1 and CVI returned to its preoperative value suggests that the effect of uncomplicated phacoemulsification surgery on the increase in inflammation in the anterior segment lasts longer than in the posterior segment. These results suggest that ACF and CVI follow-up may be clinically important in the follow-up of postoperative inflammation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The eye, an intricate organ comprising physical and physiological barriers, poses a significant challenge for ophthalmic physicians seeking to treat serious ocular diseases affecting the posterior segment, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy (DR). Despite extensive efforts, the delivery of therapeutic drugs to the rear part of the eye remains an unresolved issue. This comprehensive review delves into conventional and innovative formulation strategies for drug delivery to the posterior segment of the eye. By utilizing alternative nanoformulation approaches such as liposomes, nanoparticles, and microneedle patches, researchers and clinicians can overcome the limitations of conventional eye drops and achieve more effective drug delivery to the posterior segment of the eye. These innovative strategies offer improved drug penetration, prolonged residence time, and controlled release, enhancing therapeutic outcomes for ocular diseases. Moreover, this article explores recently approved delivery systems that leverage diverse polymer technologies, such as chitosan and hyaluronic acid, to regulate drug-controlled release over an extended period. By offering a comprehensive understanding of the available formulation strategies, this review aims to empower researchers and clinicians in their pursuit of developing highly effective treatments for posterior-segment ocular diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The fast development of swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) and swept-source optical coherence tomography angiography (SS-OCTA) enables both anterior and posterior imaging of the eye. These techniques have evolved from a research tool to an essential clinical imaging modality.
    UNASSIGNED: The longer wavelength and faster speed of SS-OCT and SS-OCTA facilitate better visualization of structure and vasculature below pigmented tissue with a larger field of view of the posterior segment and 360-degree visualization of the anterior segment. In the past 10 years, algorithms dealing with OCT and OCTA data also vastly improved the image quality and enabled the automated quantification of OCT- and OCTA-derived metrics. This technology has enriched our current understanding of healthy and diseased eyes. Even though the high cost of the systems currently limited the widespread use of SS-OCT and SS-OCTA at the first beginning, the gap between research and clinic practice got obviously shortened in the past few years.
    UNASSIGNED: SS-OCT and SS-OCTA will continue to evolve rapidly, contributing to a paradigm shift toward more widespread adoption of new imaging technology in clinical practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The disease of the posterior segment of the eye is a major concern worldwide, and it affects more than 300 million people and leads to serious visual deterioration. The current treatment available is invasive and leads to serious eye complications. These shortcomings and patient discomfort lead to poor patient compliance. In the last decade, Nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) have established a remarkable milestone in the delivery of drug substances to the posterior segment of the eye. Additionally, NLC can reduce the clearance due to adhesive properties which are imparted due to nano-metric size. This attribute might reduce the adverse effects associated with intravitreal therapy and thus enhance therapeutic efficacy, eventually raising patient adherence to therapy. The current review provides an inclusive account of NLC as a carrier to target diseases of the posterior segment of the eye.
    OBJECTIVE: The review focuses on the various barrier encountered in the delivery of drugs to the posterior segment of the eye and the detail about the physicochemical property of drug substances that are considered to be suitable candidates for encapsulation to lipid carriers. Therefore, a plethora of literature has been included in this review. The review is an attempt to describe methods adopted for assessing the in-vivo behavior that strengthens the potential of NLC to treat the disease of the posterior segment of the eye.
    CONCLUSIONS: These NLC-based systems have proven to be a promising alternative in place of invasive intravitreal injections with improved patient compliance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To report the posterior segment (uvea and retinal) manifestations and imaging characteristics of eyes of patients with and after coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
    UNASSIGNED: We searched the PubMed/MEDLINE database to identify relevant articles using the following search terms: COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, retina, uvea, optic nerve, retinal findings, posterior segment manifestations, and endophthalmitis. Articles published from December 1, 2019, to May 30, 2021, and indexed in PubMed/ MEDLINE were screened.
    UNASSIGNED: For the purpose of this review, we included clinical features of 26 case reports and 8 case series. The posterior segment manifestations reported included cotton wool spots, retinal hemorrhages, central serous retinopathy, papillophlebitis, optic neuritis, panuveitis, multifocal retinitis, necrotizing retinitis, central retinal artery/vein occlusion, and Purtschner like retinopathy. In this review, we have also included optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) features that have been described in COVID-19 patients with pneumonia.
    UNASSIGNED: COVID-19 patients can experience uveo-retinal manifestations even after recovery. These patients, even if asymptomatic for eye symptoms, should undergo an eye evaluation to rule out posterior segment involvement. OCTA performed in these patients revealed microvascular changes in the superficial and deep retinal plexuses. Some of these patients may require anticoagulant or antiplatelet therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To analyze the frequent multimodal imaging features in posterior syphilitic uveitis.
    UNASSIGNED: Syphilis infection has re-emerged as a global health problem. Multimodal imaging approach has been proposed for diagnosis and follow-up; there are not previous reports dedicated to the anatomic and visual outcomes in patients diagnosed with ocular syphilis and concomitant HIV infection.
    UNASSIGNED: All demographic information was recovered; a complete ophthalmological examination and multimodal imaging evaluation (retinal fluorescein angiography (FA), autofluorescence (AF), optical coherence tomography (OCT)) were performed on initial visit and 1 month after antibiotic therapy.
    UNASSIGNED:    18 eyes of 9 patients were included. The most frequent features observed were: Hyperfluorescence on optic disk on FA, Hyperautofluorescence punctate pattern on AF, Vitritis on SD-OCT. After treatment, there was a functional and anatomical improvement.
    UNASSIGNED: Ocular syphilis represents a diagnostic challenge. Multimodal imaging approach allows identification of structural changes, follow-up and early detection of complications.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has had a significant impact on healthcare, including eye care, worldwide. Effective and safe vaccines have been developed using both conventional and novel technologies to combat SARS-CoV-2 infection. While vaccination has been shown to be remarkably effective in reducing the spread and associated morbidity and mortality of COVID-19 disease, there have been reports of complications to the posterior segment of the eye.
    METHODS: We present a case-based analysis of reported complications of COVID-19 vaccination to the posterior segment of the eye. The study aims to highlight the diversity of possible complications and discuss the plausible involved pathophysiologic mechanisms.
    RESULTS: The most significant complications reported were retinal macro or microvascular occlusions, uveitis, and central serous chorioretinopathy. These complications are rare but require prompt diagnosis and management to prevent serious visual morbidity.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study highlights the need for ophthalmologists to be aware of possible complications related to COVID-19 vaccination and the importance of prompt diagnosis and management. The findings of this study may help ophthalmologists to better understand and manage these rare complications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To retrospectively study impact of preoperative posterior segment evaluation on surgical intervention in camp patients recruited for cataract surgery in Gujarat India.
    Retrospective analysis of six months data collected from hospital electronic medical record (EMR) system of 9820 admitted patients recruited from screening camp for cataract surgery from 1/10/2019 to 31/3/2020 in Tertiary Eye Hospital in Gujarat, India, has been done. Comprehensive clinical evaluation, of both anterior and posterior segment which included detailed history; best corrected visual acuity (BCVA); intraocular pressure measurement with non-contact tonometer (NCT) and when required with Goldman applanation tonometer; slit lamp examination; and fundus examination with + 90 diopter lens as well as indirect ophthalmoscope as and when indicated. In case there was no view of retina, a B-scan ultrasound was done to rule out any posterior segment pathology. Immediate surgical intervention done was assessed and results analyzed in percentage.
    Cataract surgery was advised for 8390 patients (85.43%). Surgical intervention for management of glaucoma was done for 68 patients (0.692%). Retina intervention was done for 86 patients. Posterior segment evaluation changed immediate surgical plane of management for 154 (1.57%) patients.
    Comprehensive clinical evaluation is economical and should be mandatory especially in community services as comorbid conditions like glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, retinal vein occlusion, and other varied posterior segment diseases contribute significantly to visual disability in elderly age group. It is difficult to follow these patients later if manageable comorbidity is not informed about and if indicated dealt simultaneously for visual rehabilitation of patient.





