Positional information

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Appendage shape is formed during development (and re-formed during regeneration) according to spatial and temporal cues that orchestrate local cellular morphogenesis. The caudal fin is the primary appendage used for propulsion in most fish species, and exhibits a range of distinct morphologies adapted for different swimming strategies, however the molecular mechanisms responsible for generating these diverse shapes remain mostly unknown. In zebrafish, caudal fins display a forked shape, with longer supportive bony rays at the periphery and shortest rays at the center. Here, we show that a premature, transient pulse of sonic hedgehog a (shha) overexpression during late embryonic development results in excess proliferation and growth of the central rays, causing the adult caudal fin to grow into a triangular, truncate shape. Both global and regional ectopic shha overexpression are sufficient to alter fin shape, and forked shape may be rescued by subsequent treatment with an antagonist of the canonical Shh pathway. The induced truncate fins show a decreased fin ray number and fail to form the hypural diastema that normally separates the dorsal and ventral fin lobes. While forked fins regenerate their original forked morphology, truncate fins regenerate truncate, suggesting that positional memory of the fin rays can be permanently altered by a transient treatment during embryogenesis. Ray finned fish have evolved a wide spectrum of caudal fin morphologies, ranging from truncate to forked, and the current work offers insights into the developmental mechanisms that may underlie this shape diversity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The salamander limb correctly regenerates missing limb segments because connective tissue cells have segment-specific identities, termed \"positional information\". How positional information is molecularly encoded at the chromatin level has been unknown. Here, we performed genome-wide chromatin profiling in mature and regenerating axolotl limb connective tissue cells. We find segment-specific levels of histone H3K27me3 as the major positional mark, especially at limb homeoprotein gene loci but not their upstream regulators, constituting an intrinsic segment information code. During regeneration, regeneration-specific regulatory elements became active prior to the re-appearance of developmental regulatory elements. In the hand, the permissive chromatin state of the homeoprotein gene HoxA13 engages with the regeneration program bypassing the upper limb program. Comparison of regeneration regulatory elements with those found in other regenerative animals identified a core shared set of transcription factors, supporting an ancient, conserved regeneration program.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Wnt family of developmental regulators were named after the Drosophila segmentation gene wingless and the murine proto-oncogene int-1. Homology between these two genes connected oncogenesis to cell-cell signals in development. I review how wingless was initially characterized, and cloned, as part of the quest to identify developmental cell-to-cell signals, based on predictions of the Positional Information Model, and on the properties of homeotic and segmentation gene mutants. The requirements and cell-nonautonomy of wingless in patterning multiple embryonic and adult structures solidified its status as a candidate signaling molecule. The physical location of wingless mutations and transcription unit defined the gene and its developmental transcription pattern. When the Drosophila homolog of int-1 was then isolated, and predicted to encode a secreted proto-oncogene homolog, it\'s identity to the wingless gene confirmed that a developmental cell-cell signal had been identified and connected cancer to development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the Arabidopsis root, growth is sustained by the meristem. Signalling from organiser cells, also termed the quiescent centre (QC), is essential for the maintenance and replenishment of the stem cells. Here, we highlight three publications from the founder of the concept of the stem cell niche in Arabidopsis and a pioneer in unravelling regulatory modules governing stem cell specification and maintenance, as well as tissue patterning in the root meristem: Ben Scheres. His research has tremendously impacted the plant field. We have selected three publications from the Scheres legacy, which can be considered a breakthrough in the field of plant developmental biology. van den Berg et al. (1995) and van den Berg et al. (1997) uncovered that positional information-directed patterning. Sabatini et al. (1999), discovered that auxin maxima determine tissue patterning and polarity. We describe how simple but elegant experimental designs have provided the foundation of our current understanding of the functioning of the root meristem.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pattern formation is the process by which cells within a homogeneous epithelial sheet acquire distinctive fates depending upon their relative spatial position to each other. Several proposals, starting with Alan Turing\'s diffusion-reaction model, have been put forth over the last 70 years to describe how periodic patterns like those of vertebrate somites and skin hairs, mammalian molars, fish scales, and avian feather buds emerge during development. One of the best experimental systems for testing said models and identifying the gene regulatory networks that control pattern formation is the compound eye of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. Its cellular morphogenesis has been extensively studied for more than a century and hundreds of mutants that affect its development have been isolated. In this review we will focus on the morphogenetic furrow, a wave of differentiation that takes an initially homogeneous sheet of cells and converts it into an ordered array of unit eyes or ommatidia. Since the discovery of the furrow in 1976, positive and negative acting morphogens have been thought to be solely responsible for propagating the movement of the furrow across a motionless field of cells. However, a recent study has challenged this model and instead proposed that mechanical driven cell flow also contributes to retinal pattern formation. We will discuss both models and their impact on patterning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Regeneration abilities are widespread among animals and select species can restore any body parts removed by wounds that sever the major body axes. This capability of whole-body regeneration as exemplified in flatworm planarians, Acoels, and Cnidarians involves initial responses to injury, the assessment of wound site polarization, determination of missing tissue and programming of blastema fate, and patterned outgrowth to restore axis content and proportionality. Wnt signaling drives many shared and conserved aspects of the biology of whole-body regeneration in the planarian species Schmidtea mediterranea and Dugesia japonica, in the Acoel Hofstenia miamia, and in Cnidarians Hydra and Nematostella. These overlapping mechanisms suggest whole-body regeneration might be an ancestral property across diverse animal taxa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Planarians have a remarkable ability to undergo whole-body regeneration. Successful regeneration outcome is determined by processes like polarity establishment at the wound site, which is followed by pole (organizer) specification. Interestingly, these determinants are almost exclusively expressed by muscles in these animals. However, the molecular toolkit that enables the functional versatility of planarian muscles remains poorly understood. Here we report that SMED_DDX24, a D-E-A-D Box RNA helicase, is necessary for planarian survival and regeneration. We found that DDX24 is enriched in muscles and its knockdown disrupts muscle fiber organization. This leads to defective pole specification, which in turn results in misregulation of many positional control genes specifically during regeneration. ddx24 RNAi also upregulates wound-induced Wnt signalling. Suppressing this ectopic Wnt activity rescues the knockdown phenotype by enabling better anterior pole regeneration. To summarize, our work highlights the role of an RNA helicase in muscle fiber organization, and modulating amputation-induced wnt levels, both of which seem critical for pole re-organization, thereby regulating whole-body regeneration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Positional information is a central concept in developmental biology. In developing organs, positional information can be idealized as a local coordinate system that arises from morphogen gradients controlled by organizers at key locations. This offers a plausible mechanism for the integration of the molecular networks operating in individual cells into the spatially coordinated multicellular responses necessary for the organization of emergent forms. Understanding how positional cues guide morphogenesis requires the quantification of gene expression and growth dynamics in the context of their underlying coordinate systems. Here, we present recent advances in the MorphoGraphX software (Barbier de Reuille et al., 2015⁠) that implement a generalized framework to annotate developing organs with local coordinate systems. These coordinate systems introduce an organ-centric spatial context to microscopy data, allowing gene expression and growth to be quantified and compared in the context of the positional information thought to control them.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For over 40 years, the Bicoid-hunchback (Bcd-hb) system in the fruit fly embryo has been used as a model to study how positional information in morphogen concentration gradients is robustly translated into step-like responses. A body of quantitative comparisons between theory and experiment have since questioned the initial paradigm that the sharp hb transcription pattern emerges solely from diffusive biochemical interactions between the Bicoid transcription factor and the gene promoter region. Several alternative mechanisms have been proposed, such as additional sources of positional information, positive feedback from Hb proteins or out-of-equilibrium transcription activation. By using the MS2-MCP RNA-tagging system and analysing in real time, the transcription dynamics of synthetic reporters for Bicoid and/or its two partners Zelda and Hunchback, we show that all the early hb expression pattern features and temporal dynamics are compatible with an equilibrium model with a short decay length Bicoid activity gradient as a sole source of positional information. Meanwhile, Bicoid\'s partners speed-up the process by different means: Zelda lowers the Bicoid concentration threshold required for transcriptional activation while Hunchback reduces burstiness and increases the polymerase firing rate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tissue identity determination is crucial for regeneration, and the planarian anteroposterior (AP) axis uses positional control genes expressed from body wall muscle to determine body regionalization. Canonical Wnt signaling establishes anterior versus posterior pole identities through notum and wnt1 signaling, and two Wnt/FGFRL signaling pathways control head and trunk domains, but their downstream signaling mechanisms are not fully understood. Here, we identify a planarian Src homolog that restricts head and trunk identities to anterior positions. src-1(RNAi) animals formed enlarged brains and ectopic eyes and also duplicated trunk tissue, similar to a combination of Wnt/FGFRL RNAi phenotypes. src-1 was required for establishing territories of positional control gene expression in Schmidtea mediterranea, indicating that it acts at an upstream step in patterning the AP axis. Double RNAi experiments and eye regeneration assays suggest src-1 can act in parallel to at least some Wnt and FGFRL factors. Co-inhibition of src-1 with other posterior-promoting factors led to dramatic patterning changes and a reprogramming of Wnt/FGFRLs into controlling new positional outputs. These results identify src-1 as a factor that promotes robustness of the AP positional system that instructs appropriate regeneration.





