Pluripotent stem cells (PSCs)

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Advanced bioinformatics analysis, such as systems biology (SysBio) and artificial intelligence (AI) approaches, including machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL), is increasingly present in stem cell (SC) research. An approximate timeline on these developments and their global impact is still lacking. We conducted a scoping review on the contribution of SysBio and AI analysis to SC research and therapy development based on literature published in PubMed between 2000 and 2024. We identified an 8-10-fold increase in research output related to all three search terms between 2000 and 2021, with a 10-fold increase in AI-related production since 2010. Use of SysBio and AI still predominates in preclinical basic research with increasing use in clinically oriented translational medicine since 2010. SysBio- and AI-related research was found all over the globe, with SysBio output led by the United States (US, n=1487), United Kingdom (UK, n=1094), Germany (n=355), The Netherlands (n=339), Russia (n=215), and France (n=149), while for AI-related research the US (n=853) and UK (n=258) take a strong lead, followed by Switzerland (n=69), The Netherlands (n=37), and Germany (n=19). The US and UK are most active in SCs publications related to AI/ML and AI/DL. The prominent use of SysBio in ESC research was recently overtaken by prominent use of AI in iPSC and MSC research. This study reveals the global evolution and growing intersection between AI, SysBio, and SC research over the past two decades, with substantial growth in all three fields and exponential increases in AI-related research in the past decade.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stem cell therapy (SCT) is a promising solution for addressing health challenges in Africa, particularly non-communicable diseases (NCDs). With their regenerative potential, stem cells have the inherent capacity to differentiate into numerous cell types for tissue repair. Despite infrastructural, ethical, and legal challenges, SCT holds immense promise for managing chronic illnesses and deep-seated tissue injuries. The rising prevalence of NCDs in Africa highlights the need for innovative strategies and treatment options. SCT offers hope in combating conditions like burns, osteoarthritis, diabetes, Alzheimer\'s disease, stroke, heart failure and cancer, potentially reducing the burden of NCDs on the continent. Despite SCT\'s opportunities in Africa, there are significant obstacles. However, published research on SCT in Africa is scarce, but recent initiatives such as the Basic School on Neural Stem Cells (NSC) express interest in developing NSC research in Africa. SCT research in African regions, notably on neurogenesis, demonstrates a concentration on studying neurological processes in indigenous settings. While progress has been made in South Africa and Nigeria, issues such as brain drain and impediments to innovation remain. Clinical trials have investigated the efficacy of stem cell treatments, emphasising both potential benefits and limitations in implementing these therapies efficiently. Financing research, developing regulatory frameworks, and resolving affordability concerns are critical steps toward realizing the potential of stem cell treatment in Africa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review addresses the need for innovative co-culture systems integrating the enteric nervous system (ENS) with intestinal organoids. The breakthroughs achieved through these techniques will pave the way for a transformative era in gastrointestinal (GI) disease modeling and treatment strategies. This review serves as an introduction to the companion protocol paper featured in this journal. The protocol outlines the isolation and co-culture of myenteric and submucosal neurons with small intestinal organoids. This review provides an overview of the intestinal organoid culture field to establish a solid foundation for effective protocol application. Remarkably, the ENS surpasses the number of neurons in the spinal cord. Referred to as the \"second brain\", the ENS orchestrates pivotal roles in GI functions, including motility, blood flow, and secretion. The ENS is organized into myenteric and submucosal plexuses. These plexuses house diverse subtypes of neurons. Due to its proximity to the gut musculature and its cell type complexity, there are methodological intricacies in studying the ENS. Diverse approaches such as primary cell cultures, three-dimensional (3D) neurospheres, and induced ENS cells offer diverse insights into the multifaceted functionality of the ENS. The ENS exhibits dynamic interactions with the intestinal epithelium, the muscle layer, and the immune system, influencing epithelial physiology, motility, immune responses, and the microbiome. Neurotransmitters, including acetylcholine (ACh), serotonin (5-HT), and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), play pivotal roles in these intricate interactions. Understanding these dynamics is imperative, as the ENS is implicated in various diseases, ranging from neuropathies to GI disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. The emergence of organoid technology presents an unprecedented opportunity to study ENS interactions within the complex milieu of the small and large intestines. This manuscript underscores the urgent need for standardized protocols and advanced techniques to unravel the complexities of the ENS and its dynamic relationship with the gut ecosystem. The insights gleaned from such endeavors hold the potential to revolutionize GI disease modeling and treatment paradigms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intestinal homeostasis results from the proper interplay among epithelial cells, the enteric nervous system (ENS), interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs), smooth muscle cells, the immune system, and the microbiota. The disruption of this balance underpins the onset of gastrointestinal-related diseases. The scarcity of models replicating the intricate interplay between the ENS and the intestinal epithelium highlights the imperative for developing novel methods. We have pioneered a sophisticated tridimensional in vitro technique, coculturing small intestinal organoids with myenteric and submucosal neurons. Notably, we have made significant advances in (1) refining the isolation technique for culturing the myenteric plexus, (2) enhancing the isolation of the submucosal plexus-both yielding mixed cultures of enteric neurons and glial cells from both plexuses, and (3) subsequently co-culturing myenteric and submucosal neurons with small intestinal organoids. This co-culture system establishes neural innervations with intestinal organoids, allowing for the investigation of regulatory interactions in the context of gastrointestinal diseases. Furthermore, we have developed a method for microinjecting the luminal space of small intestinal organoids with fluorescently labeled compounds. This technique possesses broad applicability such as the assessment of intestinal permeability, transcytosis, and immunocytochemical and immunofluorescence applications. This microinjection method could be extended to alternative experimental setups, incorporating bacterial species, or applying treatments to study ENS-small intestinal epithelium interactions. Therefore, this technique serves as a valuable tool for evaluating the intricate interplay between neuronal and intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) and shows great potential for drug screening, gene editing, the development of novel therapies, the modeling of infectious diseases, and significant advances in regenerative medicine. The co-culture establishment process spans twelve days, making it a powerful asset for comprehensive research in this critical field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is a high demand for the development of in vitro models for human brain development and diseases due to the inaccessibility of human brain tissues. The human iPSC-derived brain organoids provide a promising in vitro model for studying human brain development and disorders. However, it is challenging to generate a large number of brain organoids with high consistency for modeling human neurological diseases. Here, we describe a method for generating high-yield brain organoids with high consistency by combining large-scale embryoid body (EB) generation and incorporating a quality control screening step during differentiation. The method described in this chapter provides a robust way to generate brain organoids for studying human brain development and modeling neurological diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thioredoxin interacting protein (Txnip) is a stress-responsive factor regulating Trx1 for redox balance and involved in diverse cellular processes including proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, inflammation, and metabolism. However, the biological role of Txnip function in stem cell pluripotency has yet to be investigated. Here, we reveal the novel functions of mouse Txnip in cellular reprogramming and differentiation onset by involving in glucose-mediated histone acetylation and the regulation of Oct4, which is a fundamental component of the molecular circuitry underlying pluripotency. During reprogramming or PSC differentiation process, cellular metabolic and chromatin remodeling occur in order to change its cellular fate. Txnip knockout promotes induced pluripotency but hinders initial differentiation by activating pluripotency factors and promoting glycolysis. This alteration affects the intracellular levels of acetyl-coA, a final product of enhanced glycolysis, resulting in sustained histone acetylation on active PSC gene regions. Moreover, Txnip directly interacts with Oct4, thereby repressing its activity and consequently deregulating Oct4 target gene transcriptions. Our work suggests that control of Txnip expression is crucial for cell fate transitions by modulating the entry and exit of pluripotency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Angelman syndrome (AS) is an imprinted neurodevelopmental disorder that lacks a cure, characterized by developmental delay, intellectual impairment, seizures, ataxia, and paroxysmal laughter. The condition arises due to the loss of the maternally inherited copy of the UBE3A gene in neurons. The paternally inherited UBE3A allele is unable to compensate because it is silenced by the expression of an antisense transcript (UBE3A-ATS) on the paternal chromosome. UBE3A, encoding enigmatic E3 ubiquitin ligase variants, regulates target proteins by either modifying their properties/functions or leading them to degradation through the proteasome. Over time, animal models, particularly the Ube3a mat-/pat+ Knock-Out (KO) mice, have significantly contributed to our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying AS. However, a shift toward human pluripotent stem cell models (PSCs), such as human embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), has gained momentum. These stem cell models accurately capture human genetic and cellular characteristics, offering an alternative or a complement to animal experimentation. Human stem cells possess the remarkable ability to recapitulate neurogenesis and generate \"brain-in-a-dish\" models, making them valuable tools for studying neurodevelopmental disorders like AS. In this review, we provide an overview of the current state-of-the-art human stem cell models of AS and explore their potential to become the preclinical models of choice for drug screening and development, thus propelling AS therapeutic advancements and improving the lives of affected individuals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    G1 cell cycle phase dynamics are regulated by intricate networks involving cyclins, cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), and CDK inhibitors, which control G1 progression and ensure proper cell cycle transitions. Moreover, adequate origin licensing in G1 phase, the first committed step of DNA replication in the subsequent S phase, is essential to maintain genome integrity. In this review, we highlight the intriguing parallels and disparities in G1 dynamics between stem cells and cancer cells, focusing on their regulatory mechanisms and functional outcomes. Notably, SOX2, OCT4, KLF4, and the pluripotency reprogramming facilitator c-MYC, known for their role in establishing and maintaining stem cell pluripotency, are also aberrantly expressed in certain cancer cells. In this review, we discuss recent advances in understanding the regulatory role of these pluripotency factors in G1 dynamics in the context of stem cells and cancer cells, which may offer new insights into the interconnections between pluripotency and tumorigenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Liver fibrosis was initially considered to be an irreversible process which will eventually lead to the occurrence of liver cancer. So far there has been no effective therapeutic approach to treat liver fibrosis although scientists have put tremendous efforts into the underlying mechanisms of this disease. Therefore, in-depth research on novel and safe treatments of liver fibrosis is of great significance to human health. Pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) play important roles in the study of liver fibrosis due to their unique features in self-renewal ability, pluripotency, and paracrine function. This article mainly reviews the applications of PSCs in the study of liver fibrosis in recent years. We discuss the role of PSC-derived liver organoids in the study of liver fibrosis, and the latest research advances on the differentiation of PSCs into hepatocytes or macrophages. We also highlight the importance of exosomes of PSCs for the treatment of liver fibrosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organoids have emerged as a promising advancement of the two-dimensional (2D) culture systems to improve studies in organogenesis, drug discovery, precision medicine, and regenerative medicine applications. Organoids can self-organize as three-dimensional (3D) tissues derived from stem cells and patient tissues to resemble organs. This chapter presents growth strategies, molecular screening methods, and emerging issues of the organoid platforms. Single-cell and spatial analysis resolve organoid heterogeneity to obtain information about the structural and molecular cellular states. Culture media diversity and varying lab-to-lab practices have resulted in organoid-to-organoid variability in morphology and cell compositions. An essential resource is an organoid atlas that can catalog protocols and standardize data analysis for different organoid types. Molecular profiling of individual cells in organoids and data organization of the organoid landscape will impact biomedical applications from basic science to translational use.





