Physiological race

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Clubroot, caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae, is a crucial oilseed rape disease worldwide. Information on the virulence of P. brassicae populations is essential to apply disease control with proper clubroot-resistant cultivars. In 2016-2020, 84 isolates of P. brassicae were collected in the Czech Republic (CZ), Germany (DE), Poland (PL), and Sweden (SW). Pathotypes were designated using 17 Brassica hosts, including the European Clubroot Differentials (ECD), Somé set, and clubroot-resistant oilseed rape cv. Mendel. According to the ECD set, virulence analyses differentiated the isolates into 42 pathotypes. The most common pathotypes were 16/31/31 (in DE, PL, and SW) and 16/06/12 (in CZ, DE, and PL). Six pathotypes were found according to the Somé set, including 1-4 pathotypes per country. P1 was most prevalent in DE, PL, and SW, while P3 was abundant in CZ, DE, and PL. The current study provides clear evidence for a shift towards increased virulence in P. brassicae populations compared to previous studies. Several isolates overcame the resistance of cv. Mendel and of Brassica rapa genotypes ECD 01 to ECD 04. Considering all investigated samples, significant negative correlations were found between clubroot incidence and the frequency of oilseed rape in crop rotation, as for clubroot incidence and soil pH.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study investigated the changes in total and individual glucosinolates (GSLs) in roots and leaves of different clubroot-resistant and -susceptible oilseed rape cultivars following artificial inoculation with Plasmodiophora brassicae isolates with different virulence. The results showed significant differences in clubroot incidence and severity as well as in the amount of total and individual glucosinolates between oilseed rape cultivars in response to virulence of the pathogen. Single among with total aliphatic and total indolic glucosinolate contents were significantly lower in leaves of susceptible cultivars compared to resistant ones due to the infection. Similarly, single and total aliphatic as well as indolic glucosinolate contents in roots were lower in susceptible cultivars compared to resistant cultivars analyzed. The different isolates of P. brassicae seem to differ in their ability to reduce gluconasturtiin contents in the host. The more aggressive isolate P1 (+) might be able to suppress gluconasturtiin synthesis of the host in a more pronounced manner compared to the isolate P1. A possible interaction of breakdown products of glucobrassicin with the auxin receptor transport inhibitor response 1 (TIR1) is hypothesized and its possible effects on auxin signaling in roots and leaves of resistant and susceptible cultivars is discussed. A potential interplay between aliphatic and indolic glucosinolates that might be involved in water homeostasis in resistant cultivars is explained.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Clubroot resistance of oilseed rape (OSR) cultivars frequently relies on a major resistance gene originating from cv. Mendel. The efficacy of this resistance was studied in greenhouse experiments using two Plasmodiophora brassicae isolates, which were either virulent (P1(+)) or avirulent (P1) on Mendel. Seeds of clubroot-susceptible cultivar Visby and clubroot-resistant cultivar Mendel were sown in soil mixtures inoculated with different concentrations of resting spores (101, 103, 105, and 107 resting spores/g soil). Clubroot severity, plant height, shoot and root weight as well as resting spore propagation were assessed for each isolate and cultivar separately at four dates after sowing. The OSR cultivars behaved significantly different in the measured parameters. The threshold of inoculum density to cause disease depended strongly on the virulence of the pathogen and susceptibility of the host plant. In Visby grown in soil infested with P1, clubroot symptoms and increases in root weight and the number of propagated resting spores occurred at inoculum levels of 101 resting spores and higher, whereas Mendel was not affected in soils under the three lowest inoculum densities. In contrast, the P1(+) isolate led to earlier and more severe symptoms, heavier galls, and a significantly higher number of new resting spores in both cultivars.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wheat stem rust, caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt), is a fungus that causes the devastating fungalwheat stem rust disease in wheat production. Rapid identification of the physiological races of Pgt are very importance for the prevention of wheat stem rust. In this paper we developed a molecular method to identify the most prevalent race of Pgt, as a supplement for traditionally used host-specific methods. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) was employed as a means of analyzing DNA polymorphisms in six common physiological races of Pgt in China and Ug99. In total, 64 pairs of primers were used for AFLP screening of race-specific molecular markers. One primer pair-namely, E7/M7 (5\'-GACTGCGTACCAATTCG G-3\'/5\'-GATGAGTCCTGAGTAACGG-3\')-yielded a unique band for the race 34MKG that was purified and cloned into the pGEM-T vector for sequencing. We then designed a new primer pairs (sequence-characterized amplified region marker) to amplify the 171-bp fragment and confirmed that the marker was highly specific for 34MKG. These results provide a new tool for monitoring different races of Pgt for improved control of wheat stem rust in China.






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    Second-stage juveniles (J2) of races 1 and 2 of Meloidogyne chiiwoodi and M. hapla readily penetrated roots of Thor alfalfa and Columbian tomato seedlings; however, few individuals of M. chitwoodi race 1 were able to establish feeding sites and mature on alfalfa. Histopathological studies indicate that J2 of race 1 either failed to initiate feeding sites or they caused cell enlargement without typical cell wall thickening. The protoplasm of these cells coagulated, and juveniles of race 1 did not develop beyond the swollen J2 stage. A few females of race 1 fed on small giant cells and deposited a few eggs at least 20 and 30 days later than M. chitwoodi race 2 and M. hapla, respectively. Failure of race 1 to establish feeding sites was related to egression of J2 from the roots. The M. chitwoodi race 1 J2 egression from alfalfa roots was higher than egression of race 2 and M. hapla. Egression of J2 of M. chitwoodi races 1 and 2 from tomato roots was similar and higher than that of M. hapla. Thus egression plays an important role in the host-parasite relationship of M. chitwoodi and alfalfa.






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    Tylenchulus graminis n. sp. and T. palustris n. sp. are described and illustrated from broomsedge (Andropogon virginicus L.) and pop ash (Fraxinus caroliniana Mill.), respectively. T. graminis resembles T. furcus in having a distinct anus, but T. graminis second-stage juveniles (J2) do not have a bifid tail. T. semipenetrans does not have a perceptible anus. The mature female of T. graminis has a mucronate pointed terminus while T. semipenetrans has a smooth and round terminus. T. graminis males have wider stylet knobs and basal bulb and a longer tail than T. semipenetrans males. T. graminis J2 have a longer posterior body portion (without large fat globules) than T. semipenetrans J2. T. palustris resembles T. semipenetrans in having an undetectable anus but differs by the short and conoid mature female postvulval section. The male of T. palustris has larger stylet knobs and basal bulb than those of T. semipenetrans and a bluntly rounded tail terminus, which is tapered in T. semipenetrans. T. palustris differs from T. furcus and T. graminis in having an undetectable anus, by the conoid postvulval section of mature females, by the shorter and rounded tail of males, and the shorter J2 posterior body section without large fat globules. T. graminis and T. palustris are parasites of indigenous flora of Florida.






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    文章类型: Journal Article





