Phospholipid signalling

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several drought and salt tolerant phenotypes have been reported when overexpressing (OE) phospholipase C (PLC) genes across plant species. In contrast, a negative role for Arabidopsis PLC4 in salinity stress was recently proposed, showing that roots of PLC4-OE seedlings were more sensitive to NaCl while plc4 knock-out (KO) mutants were more tolerant. To investigate this apparent contradiction, and to analyse the phospholipid signalling responses associated with salinity stress, we performed root growth- and phospholipid analyses on plc4-KO and PLC4-OE seedlings subjected to salinity (NaCl) or osmotic (sorbitol) stress and compared these with wild type (WT). Only very minor differences between PLC4 mutants and WT were observed, which even disappeared after normalization of the data, while in soil, PLC4-OE plants were clearly more drought tolerant than WT plants, as was found earlier when overexpressing Arabidopsis PLC2, -3, -5, -7 or -9. We conclude that PLC4 plays no opposite role in salt-or osmotic stress and rather behaves like the other Arabidopsis PLCs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant life relies on complex arrays of environmental stress sensing and signalling mechanisms. Extremophile plants develop and grow in harsh environments with extremes of cold, heat, drought, desiccation, or salinity, which have resulted in original adaptations. In accordance with their polyphyletic origins, extremophile plants likely possess core mechanisms of plant abiotic stress signalling. However, novel properties or regulations may have emerged in the context of extremophile adaptations. Comparative omics of extremophile genetic models, such as Arabidopsis lyrata, Craterostigma plantagineum, Eutrema salsugineum, and Physcomitrella patens, reveal diverse strategies of sensing and signalling that lead to a general improvement in abiotic stress responses. Current research points to putative differences of sensing and emphasizes significant modifications of regulatory mechanisms, at the level of secondary messengers (Ca2+, phospholipids, reactive oxygen species), signal transduction (intracellular sensors, protein kinases, transcription factors, ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis) or signalling crosstalk. Involvement of hormone signalling, especially ABA signalling, cell homeostasis surveillance, and epigenetic mechanisms, also shows that large-scale gene regulation, whole-plant integration, and probably stress memory are important features of adaptation to extreme conditions. This evolutionary and functional plasticity of signalling systems in extremophile plants may have important implications for plant biotechnology, crop improvement, and ecological risk assessment under conditions of climate change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Benzylisoquinoline alkaloids (BIAs) are important secondary plant metabolites and include medicinally relevant drugs, such as morphine or codeine. As the de novo synthesis of BIA backbones is (still) unfeasible, to date the opium poppy plant Papaver somniferum L. represents the main source of BIAs. The formation of BIAs is induced in poppy plants by stress conditions, such as wounding or salt treatment; however, the details about regulatory processes controlling BIA formation in opium poppy are not well studied. Environmental stresses, such as wounding or salinization, are transduced in plants by phospholipid-based signaling pathways, which involve different classes of phospholipases. Here we investigate whether pharmacological inhibition of phospholipase A2 (PLA2, inhibited by aristolochic acid (AA)) or phospholipase D (PLD; inhibited by 5-fluoro-2-indolyl des-chlorohalopemide (FIPI)) in poppy plants influences wound-induced BIA accumulation and the expression of key biosynthetic genes. We show that inhibition of PLA2 results in increased morphinan biosynthesis concomitant with reduced production of BIAs of the papaverine branch, whereas inhibition of PLD results in increased production of BIAs of the noscapine branch. The data suggest that phospholipid-dependent signaling pathways contribute to the activation of morphine biosynthesis at the expense of the production of other BIAs in poppy plants. A better understanding of the effectors and the principles of regulation of alkaloid biosynthesis might be the basis for the future genetic modification of opium poppy to optimize BIA production.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The tomato [Solanum lycopersicum (Sl)] phosphatidylinositol-phospholipase C (PI-PLC) gene family is composed of six members, named SlPLC1 to SlPLC6, differentially regulated on pathogen attack. We have previously shown that the fungal elicitor xylanase induces a raise of SlPLC2 and SlPLC5 transcripts and that SlPLC2, but not SlPLC5, is required for xylanase-induced expression of defense-related genes. In this work we studied the role of SlPLC2 in the interaction between tomato and the necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea. Inoculation of tomato leaves with B. cinerea increases SlPLC2 transcript levels. We knocked-down the expression of SlPLC2 by virus-induced gene silencing and plant defense responses were analyzed upon B. cinerea inoculation. SlPLC2 silenced plants developed smaller necrotic lesions concomitantly with less proliferation of the fungus. Silencing of SlPLC2 resulted as well in a reduced production of reactive oxygen species. Upon B. cinerea inoculation, transcript levels of the salicylic acid (SA)-defense pathway marker gene SlPR1a were diminished in SlPLC2 silenced plants compared to non-silenced infected plants, while transcripts of the jasmonic acid (JA)-defense gene markers Proteinase Inhibitor I and II (SlPI-I and SlPI-II) were increased. This implies that SlPLC2 participates in plant susceptibility to B. cinerea.





