Pesticide management

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to its low cost, its ease of use and to the \"mild action\" declared for long time by the Control and Approval Agencies towards it, the herbicide Glyphosate, is one of the currently best-selling and most-used agricultural products worldwide. In this work, we evaluated the presence and spread of Glyphosate in the Po River Basin (Northern Italy), one of the regions with the most intensified agriculture in Europe and where, by now for decades, a strong and general loss of aquatic biodiversity is observed. In order to carry out a more precise study of the real presence of this herbicide in the waters, samples were collected from the minor water network for two consecutive years, starting in 2022, at an interval time coinciding with those of the spring and summer crop treatments. In contrast to the sampling strategies generally adopted by Environmental Protection Agencies, a more focused sampling strategy was adopted to highlight the possible high concentrations in minor watercourses in direct contact with cultivated fields. Finally, we investigated the possible consequences that the higher amounts of Glyphosate found in our monitoring activities can have on stress reactions in plant (Groenlandia densa) and animal (Daphnia magna) In all the monitoring campaigns we detected exceeding European Environmental Quality Standard - EQS limits (0.1 μg/L) values. Furthermore, in some intensively agricultural areas, concentrations reached hundreds of μg/L, with the highest peaks during spring. In G. densa and D. magna, the exposition to increasing doses of herbicide showed a clear response linked to metabolic stress. Overall, our results highlight how, after several decades of its use, the Glyphosate use efficiency is still too low, leading to economic losses for the farm and to strong impacts on ecosystem health. Current EU policy indications call for an agroecological approach necessary to find alternatives to chemical weed control, which farms can develop in different contexts in order to achieve the sustainability goals set by the Farm to Fork strategy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Copper-based aquatic algaecides have been widely used in the management of aquatic macrophyte and harmful algal blooms for decades due to their effectiveness and low cost. However, repeated treatment of freshwater lakes results in the accumulation of copper in the sediment, which may adversely affect the ecosystem of the lakes through toxicity to benthic invertebrates and other organisms. Consequently, copper-based aquatic herbicides and algaecides have been frequently subjected to regulations aimed at preventing further ecological deterioration in treated waterbodies. Many states in the US are taking or considering taking an approach that limits or prohibits copper treatment in waterbodies. Freshwater lakes with extensive historical copper treatments typically have significantly higher concentrations of copper in the sediment than untreated lakes. However, the correlation between the extent of the treatments and level of copper accumulation in the sediment has not been quantitatively characterized. In the present study, between 2006 and 2017, copper concentrations were measured in the sediment from selected lakes in New York State with different histories of copper-based aquatic algaecide treatment. Analysis of these data confirmed findings from earlier studies conducted by New York State that lakes with histories of copper treatment have significantly higher copper concentrations in the sediment. It also demonstrated that sediment copper concentrations were significantly higher in the sublittoral zone than the littoral zone in treated lakes. Moreover, a positive correlation was detected between sediment copper concentrations and the total number of treatments with copper-based aquatic algaecide for both littoral and sublittoral zones (p-value = 7.94 × 10-8 and 3.1 × 10-13, respectively). This relationship can be used as a screening tool for regulatory agencies to identify lakes with sediment copper levels possibly higher than the toxicity threshold for aquatic life. Consequently, additional ecological risk assessment may be required before allowing future treatment with copper-based aquatic algaecides. Integr Environ Assess Manag 2024;20:1586-1597. © 2024 SETAC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To promote pesticide management in tobacco products, we conducted a life cycle inventory (LCI) analysis by simulating pesticide residues in tobacco leaves during tobacco farming, manufacturing, and product use stages in the cigarette industry. For the tobacco farming stage, the bioaccumulation-potential analysis of pesticide residues in fresh tobacco leaves indicated that lipophilicity and degradation half-life in soil were two significant factors determining residue mass in leaves. For the manufacturing stage, the persistence analysis of pesticide residues in processed tobacco leaves revealed that pesticides with high volatility or high degradability in plant tissues had small processing factors. For the product use stage, exposure and toxicity assessment of pesticide residues were conducted for tobacco consumed via smoking, which generated characterization factors linking pesticides to impacting human health. According to the LCI analysis, we quantitatively showed that pesticides with low lipophilicity, high degradability, and high volatility limited consumers\' exposure to residues via smoking.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The practice of agriculture in urban settings contributes to the rapid expansion of insecticide resistance in malaria vectors. However, there is still not enough information on pesticide usage in most urban settings. The present study aims to assess the evolution of Anopheles gambiae (s.l.) population susceptibility to insecticides and patterns of pesticide usage in agriculture in the city of Yaoundé, Cameroon.
    METHODS: WHO susceptibility tests and synergist PBO bioassays were conducted on adult An. gambiae (s.l.) mosquitoes aged 3 to 5 days emerging from larvae collected from the field. Seven insecticides (deltamethrin, permethrin, DDT, bendiocarb, propoxur, fenitrothion and malathion) were evaluated. The presence of target site mutation conferring knockdown (kdr) resistance was investigated using TaqMan assay, and mosquito species were identified using SINE-PCR. Surveys on 81 retailers and 232 farmers were conducted to assess general knowledge and practices regarding agricultural pesticide usage.
    RESULTS: High resistance intensity to pyrethroids was observed with a high frequency of the kdr allele 1014F and low frequency of the kdr 1014S allele. The level of susceptibility of An. gambiae (s.l.) to pyrethroids and carbamates was found to decrease with time (from > 34% in 2017 to < 23% in 2019 for deltamethrin and permethrin and from 97% in 2017 to < 86% in 2019 for bendiocarb). Both An. gambiae (s.s.) and An. coluzzii were recorded. Over 150 pesticides and fertilizers were sold by retailers for agricultural purposes in the city of Yaoundé. Most farmers do not respect safety practices. Poor practices including extensive and inappropriate application of pesticides as well as poor management of perished pesticides and empty pesticide containers were also documented.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study indicated rapid evolution of insecticide resistance and uncontrolled usage of pesticides by farmers in agriculture. There is an urgent need to address these gaps to improve the management of insecticide resistance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Vector control plays a critical role in the prevention, control and elimination of vector-borne diseases, and interventions of vector control continue to depend largely on the action of chemical insecticides. A global survey was conducted on the management practices of vector control insecticides at country level to identify gaps to inform future strategies on pesticide management, seeking to improve efficacy of interventions and reduce the side-effects of chemicals used on health and the environment.
    METHODS: A survey by questionnaire on the management practices of vector control insecticides was disseminated among all WHO Member States. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics in MS Excel.
    RESULTS: Responses were received from 94 countries, or a 48% response rate. Capacity for insecticide resistance monitoring was established in 68-80% of the countries in most regions, often with external support; however, this capacity was largely lacking from the European & Others Region (i.e. Western & Eastern Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand). Procurement of vector control insecticides was in 50-75% of countries taking place by agencies other than the central-level procuring agency, over which the central authorities lacked control, for example, to select the product or assure its quality, highlighting the importance of post-market monitoring. Moreover, some countries experienced problems with estimating the correct amounts for procurement, especially for emergency purposes. Large fractions (29-78%) of countries across regions showed shortcomings in worker safety, pesticide storage practices and pesticide waste disposal. Shortcomings were most pronounced in countries of the European & Others Region, which has long been relatively free from mosquito-borne diseases but has recently faced challenges of re-emerging vector-borne diseases.
    CONCLUSIONS: Critical shortcomings in the management of vector control insecticides are common in countries across regions, with risks of adverse pesticide effects on health and the environment. Advocacy and resource mobilization are needed at regional and country levels to address these challenges.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Long Island, New York, has a mix of urban/suburban to agricultural/horticultural land use and nearly 3 million residents that rely on a sole-source aquifer for drinking water. The analysis of shallow groundwater (<40 m below land surface) collected from 54 monitoring wells across Long Island detected 53 pesticides or pesticide degradates. Maximum concentrations for individual pesticides or pesticide degradates ranged from 3 to 368,000 ng/L. The highest concentrations and most frequent pesticide detections occurred in samples collected from the pesticide management (PM) network, set in an agricultural/horticultural area in eastern Long Island with coordinated pesticide management by state and local agencies. The other two networks (Suffolk and Nassau/Queens) were set in suburban and urban areas, respectively, and had less frequent detections and lower pesticide concentrations than the PM network. Pesticide detections and concentration patterns (herbicide, insecticide, or fungicide) differed among the three networks revealing broad differences in land use. The predominance of fungicides metalaxyl, 1H-1,2,4-triazole (propiconazole/myclobutanil degradate), and 4-hydroxychlorothalonil (HCTL, chlorothalonil degradate) in samples from the PM network reflects their intensive use in agricultural settings. Total fungicide concentrations in the PM network ranged from <10 to >300,000 ng/L. The widespread detection of imidacloprid and triazine herbicides, simazine and atrazine, reveal a mixture of current and past use pesticides across the Long Island region. Low concentrations (<200 ng/L) of the triazines in the Suffolk and Nassau/Queens networks may reflect a change in land use and application. Acetanilide herbicides and aldicarb have been discontinued for 20 and 40 years, respectively, yet the concentrations of their degradates were among the highest observed in this study. Acetanilide (total concentrations up to 10,000 ng/L) and aldicarb degradates (up to 270 ng/L) are present in the PM network at much lower concentrations than previous Long Island studies and reflect changes in agricultural practices and pesticide management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pesticide lifecycle management encompasses a range of elements from legislation, regulation, manufacturing, application, risk reduction, monitoring, and enforcement to disposal of pesticide waste. A survey was conducted in 2017-2018 to describe the contemporary global status of pesticide lifecycle management, to identify where the gaps are found. A three-tiered questionnaire was distributed to government entities in 194 countries. The response rate was 29%, 27% and 48% to the first, second and third part of the questionnaire, respectively. The results showed gaps for most of the selected indicators of pesticide management, suggesting that pesticide efficacy and safety to human health and the environment are likely being compromised at various stages of the pesticide lifecycle, and at varying degrees across the globe. Low-income countries generally had the highest incidence of gaps. Particular shortcomings were deficiencies in pesticide legislation, inadequate capacity for pesticide registration, protection against occupational exposure to pesticides, consumer protection against residues in food, and environmental protection against pesticide contamination. Policy support for, and implementation of, pesticide use-reduction strategies such as integrated pest management and integrated vector management has been inadequate across regions. Priority actions for structural improvement in pesticide lifecycle management are proposed, including pesticide use-reduction strategies, targeted interventions, and resource mobilization.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, excessive application and loss of pesticides have caused great risks to the aquatic systems, but the spatio-temporal variability in the ecological risk that agricultural pesticides pose to aquatic systems has not been explored at the national scale. In this study, an integrated assessment framework was proposed for the potential ecological risk of surface water caused by agricultural pesticide loss. The spatio-temporal variability in the potential ecological risk caused by agricultural pesticide runoff was evaluated. Based on the results, the total pesticide emissions increased from 165.47 tons in 2004 to 179.77 tons in 2017. Among the three pesticide types, insecticide had the largest application, but its runoff was estimated as the lowest. High-risk areas of insecticide runoff were concentrated in the east, south and central part of China, while the central region of China was identified as a hotspot due to the high and the ever-increasing ecological risk. This study provides an integrated method for potential ecological risk assessment of agricultural pesticide runoff to adjacent water bodies in large-scale regions and the results of the study have direct implications for environmental policies on pesticide management in China and around the world.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The incorporation of nanotechnology as a means for nanopesticides is in the early stage of development. The main idea behind this incorporation is to lower the indiscriminate use of conventional pesticides to be in line with safe environmental applications. Nanoencapsulated pesticides can provide controlled release kinetics, while efficiently enhancing permeability, stability, and solubility. Nanoencapsulation can enhance the pest-control efficiency over extended durations by preventing the premature degradation of active ingredients (AIs) under harsh environmental conditions. This review is thus organized to critically assess the significant role of nanotechnology for encapsulation of AIs for pesticides. The smart delivery of pesticides is essential to reduce the dosage of AIs with enhanced efficacy and to overcome pesticide loss (e.g., due to leaching and evaporation). The future trends of pesticide nanoformulations including nanomaterials as AIs and nanoemulsions of biopesticides are also explored. This review should thus offer a valuable guide for establishing regulatory frameworks related to field applications of these nano-based pesticides in the near future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This is the first published assessment on agricultural pesticide use in Iran with the aim to identify pesticide products with a potential of causing acute or chronic hazard to human health. It also establishes a baseline for future comparisons and for trend assessments.
    METHODS: The amounts of imported technical materials for formulation by local manufacturers as well as imported final product formulations were extracted from the registration data of the Plant Protection Organization of Iran in 2012-2014. The hazard indicators used were acute oral toxicity and chronic toxicity. For the latter, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, and adverse effects on reproduction or development (CMR toxicity), and low Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) were used. The comparative potential of the active ingredients of concern in terms of chronic toxicity was assessed using the average annual volume of their estimated use divided by their respective ADI, called chronic hazard potential (CHP) in the present text. The contribution of individual pesticides in different use categories to the total CHP of the user category, was also calculated, using the average annual volume of the active ingredients of all pesticides used during the period 2012-2014.
    RESULTS: On average about 14,000 tonnes of agriculture pesticides, expressed in active ingredients (AI), were annually used in Iran. Herbicides constituted the largest volume (43%), followed by insecticides and acaricides (37%) and fungicides (19%). 0.1% and 47% of the formulated products met the criteria of WHO Class Ib (highly hazardous) and Class II (moderately hazardous) products respectively. Aluminium phosphide and magnesium phosphide were identified as products of primary concern and chlorpyrifos, diazinon and paraquat as products of secondary concern, in terms of their acute human health hazard. No compound in carcinogenicity category 1A or 1B or germ cell mutagenicity/reproduction toxicity category 1A was identified. Six compounds (diazinon, chlorpyrifos, dichlorvos, metam sodium, paraquat and dimethoate) were identified as products with chronic hazard potential based on a low ADI.
    CONCLUSIONS: The assessment identified and prioritized agriculture pesticide used in Iran in terms of their acute and chronic hazard to human health for re-registration scheme recently established by PPO and for risk mitigation. It also set priority for research into development of alternative products and practices to minimize pesticide risks. Chronic hazard potential - amount of use adjusted with toxicity may serve as a useful point of reference for trend analysis also in the use of less hazardous agricultural pesticide products.






