
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Isolation and culture of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons from adult animals is a useful experimental system for evaluating neural plasticity after axonal injury, as well as the neurological dysfunction resulting from aging and various types of disease. In this chapter, we will introduce a detailed method for the culture of mature rat DRG neurons. About 30-40 ganglia are dissected from a rat and mechanically and enzymatically digested. Subsequently, density gradient centrifugation of the digested tissue using 30% Percoll efficiently eliminates myelin debris and non-neuronal cells, to afford neuronal cells with a high yield and purity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Propagation of transgenic animals by germline transmission using assisted reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) is the most efficient way to produce transgenic colonies for biomedical research. The objective of this study was to generate transgenic puppies from a founder dog expressing the mutated human amyloid precursor protein (mhAPP) gene. Experiment I assessed the characteristics of the semen prepared by freshly diluted, swim-up, and Percoll gradient methods using a computer-assisted semen analyzer (CASA). Motile and progressively motile sperm counts were higher in the Percoll gradient samples (p < 0.05) than in the swim-up and freshly diluted samples. In Experiment II, a total of 59, 70, and 65 presumptive zygotes produced by fresh, Percoll gradient, and swim-up methods, respectively, were transferred to surrogates (5 for each group); the Percoll gradient (27.27%) and swim-up samples (14.29%) showed the highest blastocyst formation rates, while fresh diluted semen did not produce any blastocyst. Experiment III examined the full-term developmental ability of embryos. Among the 5 surrogates in the Percoll gradient group, one (20.0%) became pregnant; it had 4 (6.15%) sacs and delivered 4 (6.15%; 2 males and 2 females) live puppies. Among the 4 puppies, 2 (50.0%) were found to transmit the transgene on their nail and toe under GFP fluorescence. Furthermore, the integration and expression of the mhAPP transgene were examined in the umbilical cords of all the IVF-derived puppies, and the presence of the transgene was only observed in the GFP-positive puppies. Thus, semen prepared by the Percoll method could generate transgenic puppies by male germline transmission using the IVF technique. Our result will help propagate transgenic dogs efficiently, which will foster human biomedical research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs) are isolated from peripheral blood and identified as any blood cell with a round nucleus that exhibits immune responses and undergoes immunophenotypic changes upon exposure to various pathophysiological stimuli. Obtaining high-recovery and clinical-grade PBMCs without decreasing cell viability and causing stress is crucial for disease diagnosis and successful immunotherapy. However, traditional manual PBMCs extraction methods rely on manual intervention with less recovery rate and reliability. In this study, we introduced a novel and efficient strategy for the fully automated extraction of PBMCs based on a Lab-on-a-Disk (LoaD) platform. The centrifugal chip used percoll as density gradient media (DGM) for separation and extraction on account of the density difference of cells in whole blood, without labeling and any additional extra cellular filtration or cell lysis steps. Above all, we proposed a high-speed triggered siphon valve, which was closed under the speed of cell sedimentation and subsequently opened by increasing speed to complete the extraction of PBMCs. It can avoid the problem that previous siphon valves rely on unstable hydrophilic surface treatment and prime under low/zero speed conditions. With valves and the clock channel integrated on the chip, users can achieve fully automated collection of PBMCs. Compared with the clinical laboratory results, the recovery rate of extracted PBMCs was 80 %. The experimental results prove that the high-speed triggered siphon valve improves the extraction efficiency of PBMCs. The robust chips, which are not only simple to manufacture and assemble but also stable and reliable to use, have great potential in biomedical and clinical applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cockroaches of the subfamily Panesthiinae (family Blaberidae) are among the few major groups of insects feeding on decayed wood. Despite having independently evolved the ability to thrive on this recalcitrant and nitrogen-limited resource, they are among the least studied of all wood-feeding insect groups. In the pursuit of unraveling their unique digestive strategies, we explored cellulase and xylanase activity in the crop, midgut, and hindgut lumens of Panesthia angustipennis and Salganea taiwanensis. Employing Percoll density gradient centrifugation, we further fractionated luminal fluid to elucidate how the activities in the gut lumen are further partitioned. Our findings challenge conventional wisdom, underscoring the significant contribution of the hindgut, which accounts for approximately one-fifth of cellulase and xylanase activity. Particle-associated enzymes, potentially of bacterial origin, dominate hindgut digestion, akin to symbiotic strategies observed in select termites and passalid beetles. Our study sheds new light on the digestive prowess of panesthiine cockroaches, providing invaluable insights into the evolution of wood-feeding insects and their remarkable adaptability to challenging, nutrient-poor substrates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microglia, the innate immune cell of the central nervous system, play significant roles in brain development, maintenance, homeostasis, and neuroinflammation. Although numerous methods have been developed to isolate microglia from embryonic or postnatal mouse brains, still major difficulties exist in isolating microglia from adult mice, often resulting in low yield and risk of cellular activation. Therefore, there is a need for a more efficient method to isolate pure and high-yield microglia from adult mice to study various neurodegenerative diseases. The aim of this study was to develop a fully functional protocol for the isolation of microglia by comparing different protocols. We investigated the efficacy of three protocols in terms of cell yield, purity, cellular activation, cellular aging, and migration properties and proposed the modified protocol (PROTOCOL 1), which provides an optimal yield of functional microglial cells with a minimum of material and equipment and allows young researchers with little experience to isolate microglia and helps them to delve deeper into the world of neuroscience.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Isolation of both lymphocytes and myogenic cells from muscle tissue is required for elucidating the cellular and molecular mechanisms of muscle regeneration. Here, we aimed to establish an optimal method obtaining a high yield of lymphocytes during muscle regeneration. After the muscle injury, we observed higher infiltration of lymphocytic cells in the muscle on day 3 after injury. Then, we compared two different white blood cell isolation methods, the Percoll gradient and CD45-magnetic bead methods, to assess the percentage and number of T and B cells. Flow cytometry analysis showed that the CD45-magnetic bead method has a better efficiency in isolating CD4+, CD8+ T cells, and B cells from injured muscle tissues of wild-type and mdx mice than that by the Percoll gradient method. Moreover, we found that the CD45-negative fraction from wild-type and mdx mice includes myogenic cells. In conclusion, we report that the CD45-magnetic bead method is suitable to isolate T and B cells during muscle regeneration with higher purity and yield and can also isolate myogenic cells within the same sample. This method provides a technical basis for further studies on muscle regeneration, involving lymphocytes and muscle cells, with a wide range of clinical applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    African swine fever virus is a cytolytic virus that leads to the apoptosis of both cultured cells and primary macrophages. Cell culture supernatants of virus-infected cells are routinely used for virological and immunological studies, despite differences in the biological behavior between such preparations and highly purified virus. In addition, more recent data suggests that exosomes containing viral proteins may be secreted from infected cells. While African swine fever virus can be purified through a number of methods, in our hands Percoll provides the most robust method of separating virus from cellular contaminants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    (1) Background: When red blood cells are centrifuged in a continuous Percoll-based density gradient, they form discrete bands. While this is a popular approach for red blood cell age separation, the mechanisms involved in banding were unknown. (2) Methods: Percoll centrifugations of red blood cells were performed under various experimental conditions and the resulting distributions analyzed. The age of the red blood cells was measured by determining the protein band 4.1a to 4.1b ratio based on western blots. Red blood cell aggregates, so-called rouleaux, were monitored microscopically. A mathematical model for the centrifugation process was developed. (3) Results: The red blood cell band pattern is reproducible but re-centrifugation of sub-bands reveals a new set of bands. This is caused by red blood cell aggregation. Based on the aggregation, our mathematical model predicts the band formation. Suppression of red blood cell aggregation reduces the band formation. (4) Conclusions: The red blood cell band formation in continuous Percoll density gradients could be explained physically by red blood cell aggregate formation. This aggregate formation distorts the density-based red blood cell age separation. Suppressing aggregation by osmotic swelling has a more severe effect on compromising the RBC age separation to a higher degree.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitochondria are the power houses of eukaryotic cells. These organelles contain various oxidoreductase complexes. Electron transfer from different reducing equivalents channeled via these complexes drives proton translocation across the inner mitochondrial membrane, leading to ATP generation. Plant mitochondria contain alternative NAD(P)H dehydrogenases, alternative oxidase, and uncoupling protein, and TCA cycle enzymes are located in their matrix. Apart from ATP production, mitochondria are also involved in synthesis of vitamins and cofactors and participate in fatty acid, nucleotide, photorespiratory, and antioxidant metabolism. Recent emerging evidence suggests that mitochondria play a role in redox signaling and generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. For mitochondrial studies, it is essential to isolate physiologically active mitochondria with good structural integrity. In this article, we explain a detailed procedure for isolation of mitochondria from various heterotrophic tissues, such as germinating chickpea seeds, potato tubers, and cauliflower florets. This procedure requires discontinuous Percoll gradient centrifugation and can give a good yield of mitochondria, in the range of 4 to 8 mg per 50 g tissue with active respiratory capacity. After MitoTracker staining, isolated mitochondria can be visualized by using a confocal microscope. The structure of mitochondria can be monitored by scanning electron microscopy. © 2021 Wiley Periodicals LLC. Basic Protocol 1: Isolation of mitochondria from germinating chickpea seeds, potato tubers, and cauliflower florets Basic Protocol 2: Quantification of mitochondrial protein concentration by Bradford assay Basic Protocol 3: Quantification of mitochondrial respiration using single-channel free-radical analyzer Basic Protocol 4: Staining of mitochondria and confocal imaging Basic Protocol 5: Visualization of isolated mitochondria under scanning electron microscope.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to assess the performance of formalin ethyl acetate (FEA)/modified Ziehl-Neelsen (MZN), and percoll technique/MZN for the diagnosis of cryptosporidiosis among asymptomatic children compared to ELISA coproantigen. The study was conducted on 100 children in a rural area in Kafr El-Sheikh governorate. Stool samples were collected and examined by the three techniques. Microscopic examination revealed the presence of acid-fast stained oocysts and non-acid fast ghost oocysts. The overall prevalence rate was 7% with an infection intensity of 1-5 oocysts/oil immersion field. FEA/MZN technique showed the highest diagnostic performance (5%) with 71.4% sensitivity and 98% negative predictive value (NPV) compared to the other techniques. ELISA revealed 3% prevalence, 42.9% sensitivity and 96% NPV. Percoll/MZN gave the lowest prevalence, sensitivity and NPV (1%, 14.29% and 93.9% respectively). Agreement fluctuated between moderate and poor regarding FEA/MZN versus ELISA and percoll/MZN versus both techniques. In conclusion, FEA/MZN gave the top diagnostic performance, yet it missed some positive cases. Its combination with ELISA coproantigen might prove beneficial for Cryptosporidium diagnosis. Percoll technique needs more validation by modifying the density gradient, speed of centrifugation, and staining methods.






