Peptide Chain Initiation, Translational

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recycling of 40S ribosomal subunits following translation termination, entailing release of deacylated tRNA and dissociation of the empty 40S from mRNA, involves yeast Tma20/Tma22 heterodimer and Tma64, counterparts of mammalian MCTS1/DENR and eIF2D. MCTS1/DENR enhance reinitiation (REI) at short upstream open reading frames (uORFs) harboring penultimate codons that confer heightened dependence on these factors in bulk 40S recycling. Tma factors, by contrast, inhibited REI at particular uORFs in extracts; however, their roles at regulatory uORFs in vivo were unknown. We examined effects of eliminating Tma proteins on REI at regulatory uORFs mediating translational control of GCN4 optimized for either promoting (uORF1) or preventing (uORF4) REI. We found that the Tma proteins generally impede REI at native uORF4 and its variants equipped with various penultimate codons regardless of their Tma-dependence in bulk recycling. The Tma factors have no effect on REI at native uORF1 and equipping it with Tma-hyperdependent penultimate codons generally did not confer Tma-dependent REI; nor did converting the uORFs to AUG-stop elements. Thus, effects of the Tma proteins vary depending on the REI potential of the uORF and penultimate codon, but unlike in mammals, are not principally dictated by the Tma-dependence of the codon in bulk 40S recycling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alginate lyases (ALys) whose degrading products, alginate oligosaccharides, exhibit various outstanding biochemical activities have aroused increasing interest of researchers in the marine bioresource field. However, their predominant sourcing from marine bacteria, with limited yields and unclear genetic backgrounds, presents a challenge for industrial production. In this study, ALys (Aly01) from Vibrio natriegens SK 42.001 was expressed in Bacillus subtilis (B. subtilis), a nonpathogenic microorganism recognized as generally safe (GRAS). This accomplishment was realized through a comprehensive strategy involving vector and host selection, promoter and signal peptide screening, and engineering of the ribosome binding site (RBS) and the N-terminal coding sequence (NCS). The optimal combination was identified as the pP43NMK and B. subtilis WB600. Among the 19 reported strong promoters, PnprE exhibited the best performance, showing intracellular enzyme activities of 4.47 U/mL. Despite expectations, dual promoter construction did not yield a significant increase. Further, SPydhT demonstrated the highest extracellular activity (1.33 U/mL), which was further improved by RBS/NCS engineering, reaching 4.58 U/mL. Finally, after fed-batch fermentation, the extracellular activity reached 18.01 U/mL, which was the highest of ALys with a high molecular weight expressed in B. subtilis. These findings are expected to offer valuable insights into the heterologous expression of ALys in B. subtilis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Translation initiation is a highly regulated step needed for protein synthesis. Most cell-based mechanistic work on translation initiation has been done using non-stressed cells growing in medium with sufficient nutrients and oxygen. This has yielded our current understanding of \'canonical\' translation initiation, involving recognition of the mRNA cap by eIF4E1 followed by successive recruitment of initiation factors and the ribosome. Many cells, however, such as tumor cells, are exposed to stresses such as hypoxia, low nutrients or proteotoxic stress. This leads to inactivation of mTORC1 and thereby inactivation of eIF4E1. Hence the question arises how cells translate mRNAs under such stress conditions. We study here how mRNAs are translated in an eIF4E1-independent manner by blocking eIF4E1 using a constitutively active version of eIF4E-binding protein (4E-BP). Via ribosome profiling we identify a subset of mRNAs that are still efficiently translated when eIF4E1 is inactive. We find that these mRNAs preferentially release eIF4E1 when eIF4E1 is inactive and bind instead to eIF3d via its cap-binding pocket. eIF3d then enables these mRNAs to be efficiently translated due to its cap-binding activity. In sum, our work identifies eIF3d-dependent translation as a major mechanism enabling mRNA translation in an eIF4E-independent manner.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RNA pseudoknots play a crucial role in various cellular functions. Established pseudoknots show significant variation in both size and structural complexity. Specifically, three-stemmed pseudoknots are characterized by an additional stem-loop embedded in their structure. Recent findings highlight these pseudoknots as bacterial riboswitches and potent stimulators for programmed ribosomal frameshifting in RNA viruses like SARS-CoV2. To investigate the possible presence of functional three-stemmed pseudoknots in human mRNAs, we employed in-house developed computational methods to detect such structures within a dataset comprising 21,780 full-length human mRNA sequences. Numerous three-stemmed pseudoknots were identified. A selected set of 14 potential instances are presented, in which the start codon of the mRNA is found in close proximity either upstream, downstream, or within the identified three-stemmed pseudoknot. These pseudoknots likely play a role in translational initiation regulation. The probability of their existence gains support from their ranking as the most stable pseudoknot identified in the entire mRNA sequence, structural conservation across homologous mRNAs, stereochemical feasibility as demonstrated by structural modeling, and classification as members of the CPK-1 pseudoknot family, which includes many well-established pseudoknots. Furthermore, in four of the mRNAs, two or three closely spaced or tandem three-stemmed pseudoknots were identified. These findings suggest the frequent occurrence of three-stemmed pseudoknots in human mRNAs. A stepwise co-transcriptional folding mechanism is proposed for the formation of a three-stemmed pseudoknot structure. Our results not only provide fresh insights into the structures and functions of pseudoknots but also unveil the potential to target pseudoknots for treating human diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Viruses can selectively repress the translation of mRNAs involved in the antiviral response. RNA viruses exploit the Grb10-interacting GYF (glycine-tyrosine-phenylalanine) proteins 2 (GIGYF2) and eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) homologous protein 4EHP to selectively repress the translation of transcripts such as Ifnb1, which encodes the antiviral cytokine interferon-β (IFN-β). Herein, we reveal that GIGYF1, a paralog of GIGYF2, robustly represses cellular mRNA translation through a distinct 4EHP-independent mechanism. Upon recruitment to a target mRNA, GIGYF1 binds to subunits of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3) at the eIF3-eIF4G1 interaction interface. This interaction disrupts the eIF3 binding to eIF4G1, resulting in transcript-specific translational repression. Depletion of GIGYF1 induces a robust immune response by derepressing IFN-β production. Our study highlights a unique mechanism of translational regulation by GIGYF1 that involves sequestering eIF3 and abrogating its binding to eIF4G1. This mechanism has profound implications for the host response to viral infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The poly(A) tail plays an important role in maintaining mRNA stability and influences translation efficiency via binding with PABP. However, the impact of poly(A) tail length on mRNA translation remains incompletely understood. This study explores the effects of poly(A) tail length on human translation. We determined the translation rates in cell lysates using mRNAs with different poly(A) tails. Cap-dependent translation was stimulated by the poly(A) tail, however, it was largely independent of poly(A) tail length, with an exception observed in the case of the 75 nt poly(A) tail. Conversely, cap-independent translation displayed a positive correlation with poly(A) tail length. Examination of translation stages uncovered the dependence of initiation and termination on the presence of the poly(A) tail, but the efficiency of initiation remained unaffected by poly(A) tail extension. Further study unveiled that increased binding of eRFs to the ribosome with the poly(A) tail extension induced more efficient hydrolysis of peptidyl-tRNA. Building upon these findings, we propose a crucial role for the 75 nt poly(A) tail in orchestrating the formation of a double closed-loop mRNA structure within human cells which couples the initiation and termination phases of translation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Translation initiation at alternative start sites can dynamically control the synthesis of two or more functionally distinct protein isoforms from a single mRNA. Alternate isoforms of the developmental transcription factor CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein α (C/EBPα) produced from different start sites exert opposing effects during myeloid cell development. This choice between alternative start sites depends on sequence features of the CEBPA transcript, including a regulatory uORF, but the molecular basis is not fully understood. Here, we identify the factors that affect C/EBPα isoform choice using a sensitive and quantitative two-color fluorescent reporter coupled with CRISPRi screening. Our screen uncovered a role of the ribosome rescue factor PELOTA (PELO) in promoting the expression of the longer C/EBPα isoform by directly removing inhibitory unrecycled ribosomes and through indirect effects mediated by the mechanistic target of rapamycin kinase. Our work uncovers further links between ribosome recycling and translation reinitiation that regulate a key transcription factor, with implications for normal hematopoiesis and leukemogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In budding yeast, the integrity of both the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes relies on dual-targeted isoforms of the conserved Pif1 helicase, generated by alternative translation initiation (ATI) of PIF1 mRNA from two consecutive AUG codons flanking a mitochondrial targeting signal. Here, we demonstrate that ribosomal leaky scanning is the specific ATI mechanism that produces not only these, but also novel, previously uncharacterized Pif1 isoforms. Both in-frame, downstream AUGs as well as near-cognate start codons contribute to the generation of these alternative isoforms. This has crucial implications for the rational design of genuine separation-of-function alleles and provides an explanation for the suboptimal behaviour of the widely employed mitochondrial- (pif1-m1) and nuclear-deficient (pif1-m2) alleles, with mutations in the first or second AUG codon, respectively. We have taken advantage of this refined model to develop improved versions of these alleles, which will serve as valuable tools to elucidate novel functions of this helicase and to disambiguate previously described genetic interactions of PIF1 in the context of nuclear and mitochondrial genome stability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genes are the basic units of protein synthesis in organisms, and accurately identifying the translation initiation site (TIS) of genes is crucial for understanding the regulation, transcription, and translation processes of genes. However, the existing models cannot adequately extract the feature information in TIS sequences, and they also inadequately capture the complex hierarchical relationships among features. Therefore, a novel predictor named CapsNet-TIS is proposed in this paper. CapsNet-TIS first fully extracts the TIS sequence information using four encoding methods, including One-hot encoding, physical structure property (PSP) encoding, nucleotide chemical property (NCP) encoding, and nucleotide density (ND) encoding. Next, multi-scale convolutional neural networks are used to perform feature fusion of the encoded features to enhance the comprehensiveness of the feature representation. Finally, the fused features are classified using capsule network as the main network of the classification model to capture the complex hierarchical relationships among the features. Moreover, we improve the capsule network by introducing residual block, channel attention, and BiLSTM to enhance the model\'s feature extraction and sequence data modeling capabilities. In this paper, the performance of CapsNet-TIS is evaluated using TIS datasets from four species: human, mouse, bovine, and fruit fly, and the effectiveness of each part is demonstrated by performing ablation experiments. By comparing the experimental results with models proposed by other researchers, the results demonstrate the superior performance of CapsNet-TIS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Small RNAs (sRNAs) and riboswitches represent distinct classes of RNA regulators that control gene expression upon sensing metabolic or environmental variations. While sRNAs and riboswitches regulate gene expression by affecting mRNA and protein levels, existing studies have been limited to the characterization of each regulatory system in isolation, suggesting that sRNAs and riboswitches target distinct mRNA populations. We report that the expression of btuB in Escherichia coli, which is regulated by an adenosylcobalamin (AdoCbl) riboswitch, is also controlled by the small RNAs OmrA and, to a lesser extent, OmrB. Strikingly, we find that the riboswitch and sRNAs reduce mRNA levels through distinct pathways. Our data show that while the riboswitch triggers Rho-dependent transcription termination, sRNAs rely on the degradosome to modulate mRNA levels. Importantly, OmrA pairs with the btuB mRNA through its central region, which is not conserved in OmrB, indicating that these two sRNAs may have specific targets in addition to their common regulon. In contrast to canonical sRNA regulation, we find that OmrA repression of btuB is lost using an mRNA binding-deficient Hfq variant. Together, our study demonstrates that riboswitch and sRNAs modulate btuB expression, providing an example of cis- and trans-acting RNA-based regulatory systems maintaining cellular homeostasis.





