
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present investigation reported that FYM application in different seasons influenced root, shoot, and seedling length, straw K, vigour index-I, nutrient uptake, grain, and stover yield of pearl millet significantly (P < 0.05) and followed the order: both seasons > kharif > rabi. Applying FYM in both seasons resulted in higher N, P, and K content in pearl millet grain (1.99%, 0.17%, and 0.37%, respectively) followed by kharif season application (1.93, 0.16, and 0.35%, respectively). Applying 15 t FYM ha-1 significantly increased the grain N (13.19%), P (63.16%), K (22.29%), protein (13.56%), stover N (32.76%), P (46.66%) and root length (29.83%) over FYM0. After 50 cropping cycles, continuous application of FYM15, FYM10, and FYM5 significantly improved vigour index-I by 52.85, 39.26, and 23.63% over no FYM, respectively. Applying 120 kg N ha-1 significantly increased N (6.38%), P (15.89%), and protein (6.03%) content, germination (5.91%), and vigour indexes (24.52 to 30.91%) of pearl millet grain over no fertilizer N. The treatment FYM15 × N120 increased the seedling length of pearl millet by 30.54 over N120 and 11.08% over FYM15 alone, respectively. Adding FYM either during both seasons or in the kharif season along with fertilizer N proved superior in improving the quality and yield of pearl millet.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hybrid Pennisetum, a top biomass energy source, faces usage limitations because of its scarce lactic acid bacteria and high fiber content. This study assessed the influence of rumen fluid pretreatment on hybrid Pennisetum\'s silage, with focus on silage duration and rumen fluid effects on quality and fiber decomposition. Advanced third-generation sequencing was used to track microbial diversity changes and revealed that rumen fluid considerably enhanced dry matter, crude protein, and water-soluble carbohydrates, thus improving fermentation quality to satisfactory pH levels (3.40-3.67). Ideal results, including the highest fiber breakdown and enzymatic efficiency (47.23 %), were obtained with 5 % rumen fluid in 60 days. The addition of rumen fluid changed the dominant species, including Paucilactobacillus vaccinostercus (0.00 % vs. 18.21 %) and Lactiplantibacillus plantarum (21.03 % vs. 47.02 %), and no Enterobacter was detected in the high-concentration treatments. Moreover, strong correlations were found between specific lactic acid bacteria and fermentation indicators, revealing the potential of achieving efficient and economically beneficial hybrid Pennisetum production.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The yield of pearl millet, a resilient cereal crop crucial for African food security, is severely impacted by the root parasitic weed Striga hermonthica, which requires host-released hormones, called strigolactones (SLs), for seed germination. Herein, we identify four SLs present in the Striga-susceptible line SOSAT-C88-P10 (P10) but absent in the resistant 29Aw (Aw). We generate chromosome-scale genome assemblies, including four gapless chromosomes for each line. The Striga-resistant Aw lacks a 0.7 Mb genome segment containing two putative CARLACTONOIC ACID METHYLTRANSFERASE1 (CLAMT1) genes, which may contribute to SL biosynthesis. Functional assays show that P10CLAMT1b produces the SL-biosynthesis intermediate methyl carlactonoate (MeCLA) and that MeCLA is the precursor of P10-specific SLs. Screening a diverse pearl millet panel confirms the pivotal role of the CLAMT1 section for SL diversity and Striga susceptibility. Our results reveal a reason for Striga susceptibility in pearl millet and pave the way for generating resistant lines through marker-assisted breeding or direct genetic modification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: A total of 544 significant marker-trait associations and 286 candidate genes associated with total protein and 18 amino acids were identified. Thirty-three candidate genes were found near the strong marker trait associations (- log10P ≥ 5.5). Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) is largely grown as a subsistence crop in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. It serves as a major source of daily protein intake in these regions. Despite its importance, no systematic effort has been made to study the genetic variations of protein and amino acid content in pearl millet germplasm. The present study was undertaken to dissect the global genetic variations of total protein and 18 essential and non-essential amino acids in pearl millet, using a set of 435 K Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) and 161 genotypes of the Pearl Millet Inbred Germplasm Association Panel (PMiGAP). A total of 544 significant marker-trait associations (at P < 0.0001; - log10P ≥ 4) were detected and 23 strong marker-trait associations were identified using Bonferroni\'s correction method. Forty-eight pleiotropic loci were found in the genome for the studied traits. In total, 286 candidate genes associated with total protein and 18 amino acids were identified. Thirty-three candidate genes were found near strongly associated SNPs. The associated markers and the candidate genes provide an insight into the genetic architecture of the traits studied and are going to be useful in breeding improved pearl millet varieties in the future. Availabilities of improved pearl millet varieties possessing higher protein and amino acid compositions will help combat the rising malnutrition problem via diet.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transpiration efficiency (TE), the biomass produced per unit of water transpired, is a key trait for crop performance under limited water. As water becomes scarce, increasing TE would contribute to increase crop drought tolerance. This study is a first step to explore pearl millet genotypic variability for TE on a large and representative diversity panel. We analyzed TE on 537 pearl millet genotypes, including inbred lines, test-cross hybrids, and hybrids bred for different agroecological zones. Three lysimeter trials were conducted in 2012, 2013 and 2015, to assess TE both under well-watered and terminal-water stress conditions. We recorded grain yield to assess its relationship with TE. Up to two-fold variation for TE was observed over the accessions used. Mean TE varied between inbred and testcross hybrids, across years and was slightly higher under water stress. TE also differed among hybrids developed for three agroecological zones, being higher in hybrids bred for the wetter zone, underlining the importance of selecting germplasm according to the target area. Environmental conditions triggered large Genotype x Environment (GxE) interactions, although TE showed some high heritability. Transpiration efficiency was the second contributor to grain yield after harvest index, highlighting the importance of integrating it into pearl millet breeding programs. Future research on TE in pearl millet should focus (i) on investigating the causes of its plasticity i.e. the GxE interaction (ii) on studying its genetic basis and its association with other important physiological traits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: A genetic linkage map representing the pearl millet genome was constructed with SNP markers. Major and stable QTL associated with flowering, number of productive tillers, ear head length, and test weight were mapped on chromosomes 1 and 3. Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) is a major cereal and fodder crop in arid and semi-arid regions of Asia and Africa. Agronomic traits are important traits in pearl millet breeding and genetic and environmental factors highly influence them. In the present study, an F9 recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from a cross between PT6029 and PT6129 was evaluated for agronomic traits in three environments. Utilizing a genotyping by sequencing approach, a dense genetic map with 993 single nucleotide polymorphism markers covering a total genetic distance of 1035.4 cM was constructed. The average interval between the markers was 1.04 cM, and the seven chromosomes varied from 115.39 to 206.72 cM. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping revealed 35 QTL for seven agronomic traits, and they were distributed on all pearl millet chromosomes. These QTL individually explained 11.35 to 26.71% of the phenotypic variation, with LOD values ranging from 2.74 to 5.80. Notably, four QTL (qDFF1.1, qNPT3.1, qEHL3.1, and qTW1.1) associated with days to fifty percent flowering, the number of productive tillers, ear head length, and test weight were found to be major and stable QTL located on chromosomes 1 and 3. Collectively, our results provide an important base for understanding the genetic architecture of agronomic traits in pearl millet, which is useful for accelerating the genetic gain toward crop improvement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Whole-grain pearl millet is a nutritious cereal source of dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and bioactive compounds. It offers health benefits such as glycemic control and satiety. Extrusion cooking for diverse formulations, including beverages, can alter its chemical composition, impacting the nutritional value. This study aimed to evaluate the sensory acceptability of an extruded millet flour beverage and its acute effects on glycemic index (GI), glycemic and insulinemic response, food intake, and subjective appetite sensations in euglycemic and eutrophic adults.
    METHODS: This is an acute, single-blind, randomized, controlled, cross-over clinical study comprising 14 euglycemic and eutrophic adults. Initially, beverages based on whole extruded millet flour were developed, and sensorially and chemically analyzed. Next, a clinical trial was conducted with participants undergoing four sessions and consuming one of the following options: extruded millet beverage, a maltodextrin control beverage, or a glucose solution administered in two separate sessions. Blood glucose, insulin, and appetite responses were assessed over a 2-h period, in addition to determining the GI of the beverages and analyzing food intake in the 24 h following each session.
    RESULTS: The extruded millet flour strawberry-flavored beverage had the best sensory acceptance and was classified as having as high GI. Consumption of the extruded millet beverage showed similar glycemic and insulinemic responses, as well as appetite control and food intake of the subjects, when compared with consumption of the maltodextrin control beverage.
    CONCLUSIONS: Intake of the extruded millet beverage maintained glycemic and insulinemic responses, appetite control, and food intake in euglycemic and eutrophic subjects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Co-digestion has been considered a promising method to improve methane yield. The effect of the proportion of dominant substrate on the performance and microbial community of anaerobic digestion of Pennisetum hybrid (PH) and livestock waste (LW) was investigated. An obvious synergistic effect was obtained with an increase of 15.20%-17.45% in specific methane yield compared to the predicted value. Meanwhile, the dominant substrate influenced the relational model between methane yield enhancement rate and mixture ratio. For the LW-dominant systems, a parabolic model between enhancement rate and mixture ratio was observed with a highest value of 392.16 mL/g VS achieved at a PH:LW ratio of 2:8. While a linear pattern appeared for PH-dominant systems with the highest methane yield of 307.59 mL/g VS. Co-digestion selectively enriched the relative abundance of Clostridium_sensu_stricto_1, Terrisporobacter, Syntrophomonas, Methanosarcina and Methanobacterium, which boosted the performance of hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis and methanogenesis processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Excessive phosphorus (P) levels can disrupt nutrient balance in plants, adversely affecting growth. The molecular responses of Pennisetum species to high phosphorus stress remain poorly understood. This study examined two Pennisetum species, Pennisetum americanum × Pennisetum purpureum and Pennisetum americanum, under varying P concentrations (200, 600 and 1000 µmol·L- 1 KH2PO4) to elucidate transcriptomic alterations under high-P conditions. Our findings revealed that P. americanum exhibited stronger adaption to high-P stress compared to P. americanum× P. purpureum. Both species showed an increase in plant height and leaf P content under elevated P levels, with P. americanum demonstrating greater height and higher P content than P. americanum× P. purpureum. Transcriptomic analysis identified significant up- and down-regulation of key genes (e.g. SAUR, GH3, AHP, PIF4, PYL, GST, GPX, GSR, CAT, SOD1, CHS, ANR, P5CS and PsbO) involved in plant hormone signal transduction, glutathione metabolism, peroxisomes, flavonoid biosynthesis, amino acid biosynthesis and photosynthesis pathways. Compared with P. americanum× P. purpureum, P. americanum has more key genes in the KEGG pathway, and some genes have higher expression levels. These results contribute valuable insights into the molecular mechanisms governing high-P stress in Pennisetum species and offer implications for broader plant stress research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Millets, owing to their rich nutritional and low-to-moderate glycemic index values, are termed superfoods; however, some anti-nutritional factors, such as tannins, limit the absorption of micro and macronutrients. Non-thermal processing technologies, such as fermentation, can improve nutrient content and reduce these anti-nutritional factors.
    METHODS: The effect of a controlled submerged fermentation of whole grain sorghum, pearl millet, and dehusked Kodo millet using mixed lactic acid bacteria (LAB) culture in tofu whey-based media on the proximate, antioxidant, tannin content, vitamin B, amino acids profile and estimated glycemic index (eGI) of different millets were evaluated.
    RESULTS: The protein content (2-12.5%), carbohydrate content (2-13.6%), antioxidant activity (3-49%), vitamin B complex, amino acid profile (89-90%), and eGI of whole grain sorghum, pearl millet, and dehusked Kodo millet improved due to LAB-assisted submerged fermentation. In contrast, fat (4-15%), ash (56-67%), crude fiber (5-34%), minerals, tannin and resistant starch content decreased due to LAB fermentation.
    CONCLUSIONS: Controlled LAB fermentation can improve the nutritional quality of sorghum and millets while reducing anti-nutritional factors. This non-thermal process can be adopted industrially to produce more palatable and nutritionally superior millet products.





