Parentage Testing

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the realm of DNA testing with legal implications, the reliability and precision of genetic markers play a pivotal role in confirming or negating paternity claims. This study aimed to assess the potential utility of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) gene polymorphism through massively parallel sequencing (MPS) technology as robust forensic markers for parentage testing involving genetic deficiencies. It sought to redefine the significance of HLA genes in this context. Data on autosomal short tandem repeat (aSTR) mutational events across 18 paternity cases involving 16 commonly employed microsatellite loci were presented. In instances where traditional aSTR analysis failed to establish statistical certainty, kinship determination was pursued via HLA genotyping, encompassing the amplification of 17 linked HLA loci. Within the framework of this investigation, phase-resolved genotypes for HLA genes were meticulously generated, resulting in the definition of 34 inherited HLA haplotypes. An impressive total of 274 unique HLA alleles, which were classified at either the field 3 or 4 level, were identified, including the discovery of four novel HLA alleles. Likelihood ratio (LR) values, which indicated the likelihood of the observed data under a true biological relationship versus no relationship, were subsequently calculated. The analysis of the LR values demonstrated that the HLA genes significantly enhanced kinship determination compared with the aSTR analysis. Combining LR values from aSTR markers and HLA loci yielded conclusive outcomes in duo paternity cases, showcasing the potential of HLA genes and MPS technology for deeper insights and diversity in genetic testing. Comprehensive reference databases and high-resolution HLA typing across diverse populations are essential. Reintegrating HLA alleles into forensic identification complements existing markers, creating a potent method for future forensic analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parentage testing is crucial for forensic DNA analysis, using short tandem repeats (STRs). Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with high minor allele frequency (MAF) are promising for human identification. This study aimed to develop SNP markers for parentage testing in the Taiwanese population and compare their accuracy with STRs. The TPMv1 SNP microarray (714,457 SNPs) was used to screen 180,000 Taiwanese individuals and analyze the SNP data using PLINK. After quality control, allelic distribution, and MAF considerations, a set of SNPs with significant inheritance information was selected. Parentage testing was conducted on 355 single parent-child pairs using both STRs and SNPs, employing three kinship algorithms: identity by descent, kinship-based inference for genome-wide association studies, and the combined paternity index/probability of paternity (CPI/PP). An Affymetrix signature probe for kinship testing (ASP) was also used. Based on the quality control and selection criteria, 176 SNPs with MAF > 0.4995 were selected from the Taiwanese population. The CPI/PP results calculated using SNPs were consistent with the STR results. The accuracy of the SNPs used in the single-parent-child parentage testing was > 99.99%. The set of 176 SNPs had a higher identification rate in the single parent-child parentage test than in the ASP. The CPI/PP value calculated using 176 SNPs was also more accurate than that calculated using ASP. Our findings suggest that these 176 SNPs could be used for single-parent-child parentage identification in the Taiwanese population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Uniparental disomy (UPD) is a rare type of chromosomal aberration that may hinder the analysis of kinship during forensic identification. Here, we investigated these genetic findings to avoid false exclusions during parentage testing. Thirty-nine fluorescently labeled, autosomal short tandem repeats (STR) were amplified in three cases, to detect parent-child relationships. Twenty-three fluorescently labeled Y-chromosome STRs were also employed. These were subjected to capillary electrophoresis. The parentage index was calculated by the bipartite or tripartite model. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) microarrays were performed to further investigate the genetic mechanisms. The conclusions supported the biological mother-child relationship in three cases. However, in all cases, the alleged father and child had three autosomal STR markers, constrained to a single chromosome, which did not conform to Mendelian inheritance rules. The genotyping of 23 Y-chromosome STRs did not reveal any violations of Mendelian law. The combination of STR profiling and SNP microarrays suggested that two children had maternal UPD of chromosome 7, whilst one had UPD of chromosome 2. After excluding the three incompatible loci, the conclusions supported the biological father-child relationship in all cases. The same results were obtained when parentage testing of trios was used. Uniparental disomy may complicate the judgment of kinship in parentage testing. The possibility of UPD should be considered when incompatible STR loci are found on the same chromosome. Genetic evidence obtained through additional molecular techniques can provide better interpretation of kinship in the presence of UPD and avoid false exclusions of biological relationships.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microsatellite markers (MS) have been widely used for parentage verification in most of the livestock species over the past decades mainly due to their high polymorphic information content. In the genomic era, the spread of genotype information as single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) has raised the question to effectively use SNPs also for parentage testing. Despite the clear advantages of SNP panels in terms of cost, accuracy, and automation, the transition from MS to SNP markers for parentage verification is still very slow and, so far, only routinely applied in cattle. A major difficulty during this transition period is the need of SNP data for parents and offspring, which in most cases is not yet feasible due to the genotyping cost. To overcome the unavailability of same genotyping platform during the transition period, in this study we aimed to assess the feasibility of a MS imputation pipeline from SNPs in four native sheep dairy breeds: Comisana (N = 331), Massese (N = 210), Delle Langhe (N = 59) and Sarda (N = 1003). Those sheep were genotyped for 11 MS and with the Ovine SNP50 Bead Chip. Prior to imputation, a quality control (QC) was performed, and SNPs located within a window of 2 Mb from each MS were selected. The core of the developed pipeline was made up of three steps: (a) storing of both MS and SNP data in a Variant Call Format file, (b) masking MS information in a random sample of individuals (10%), (c) imputing masked MS based on non-missing individuals (90%) using an imputation program. The feasability of the proposed methodology was assessed also among different training - testing split ratio, population size, number of flanking SNPs as well as within and among breeds. The accuracy of the MS imputation was assessed based on the genotype concordance as well as at parentage verification level in a subset of animals in which assigned parents\' MS were available. A total of 8 MS passed the QC, and 505 SNPs were located within the ±2 Mb window from each MS, with an average of 63 SNPs per MS. The results were encouraging since when excluding the worst imputed MS (OARAE129), and regardless on the analyses performed (within and across breeds) for all breeds, we achieved an overall concordance rate over 94%. In addition, on average, the imputed offspring MS resulted in equivalent parentage outcome in 94% of the cases when compared to verification using original MS, highlighting both the feasibility and the eventual practical advantage of using this imputation pipeline.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the usability single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for parentage testing of horse breeds in Korea.
    METHODS: The genotypes of 93 horse samples (38 Thoroughbred horses, 17 Jeju horses, 20 Quarter horses, and 18 American miniature horses) were determined using 15 microsatellite (Ms) markers (AHT4, AHT5, ASB2, ASB17, ASB23, CA425, HMS1, HMS2, HMS3, HMS6, HMS7, HTG4, HTG10, LEX3, and VHL20) and 101 SNP markers.
    RESULTS: Paternity tests were performed using 15 Ms markers and 101 SNP markers in Thoroughbred horses and Quarter horses. AHT5, ASB2, ASB17, ASB23, CA425, HMS7, HTG10, and LEX3 did not follow Mendelian inheritance in Thoroughbred horses, whereas in Quarter horses, only AHT4, ASB2, and HMS2 showed Mendelian inheritance, consequently, paternity was not established. Meanwhile, 31 markers, including MNEc_2_2_ 2_98568918_BIEC2_502451, in Thoroughbred horses, and 30 markers, including MNEc_ 2_30_7430735_BIEC2_816793, in Quarter horses did not conform with Mendelian inheritance and therefore, could not be used for establishing parentage.
    CONCLUSIONS: The possibility of replacing Ms markers with SNP markers for paternity testing in horses was confirmed. However, further research using more samples is necessary.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Individual identification and paternity testing are important for avoiding inbreeding in the management of small populations of wild and domestic animals. In horse racing industries, they are extremely important for identifying and registering individuals and doping control to ensure fair competition. In this study, we constructed an individual identification panel for horses by using insertion and deletion (INDEL) markers. The panel included 39 INDEL markers selected from a whole-genome INDEL database. Genotyping of 89 Thoroughbreds showed polymorphisms with minor allele frequencies (MAFs) of 0.180-0.489 in all markers. The total probability of exclusion for paternity testing, power of discrimination, and probability of identity were 0.9994271269, >0.9999999999, and 0.9999999987, respectively. The panel was applied to 13 trios (sires, dams, and foals), and no contradictions were observed in genetic inheritance among the trios. When this panel was applied to the trios (52 trios) containing false fathers, an average of 7.3 markers excluded parentage relationships. In addition, genomic DNA extracted from the urine of six horses was partially genotyped for 39 markers, and 6-28 markers were successfully genotyped. The newly constructed panel has two advantages: a low marker mutation rate compared with short tandem repeats and a genotyping procedure that is as simple as short tandem repeat typing compared with single nucleotide variant typing. This panel can be applied for individual identification, paternity determination, and urine-sample identification in Thoroughbred horses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pigeons played a major role in communication before the invention of the telephone and the telegraph, as well as in wars, where they were used to carry information and orders over long distances. Currently, numerous sports competitions and races are held with their participation, and their breeding is demanding not only for breeders, but also for the birds themselves. Therefore, an analysis of the genetic structure of racing pigeons kept in Poland was undertaken on the basis of 16 microsatellite markers, as well as the evaluation of the microsatellite panel recommended by ISAG. For this purpose, Bayesian clustering, a dendrogram, and Principal Coordinate Analysis were conducted. In addition, statistical analysis was performed. Based on this research, it was observed that racing pigeons are genetically mixed, regardless of their place of origin. Moreover, genetic diversity was estimated at a relatively satisfactory level (Ho = 0.623, He = 0.684), and no alarmingly high inbreeding coefficient was observed (F = 0.088). Moreover, it was found that the panel recommended by ISAG can be successfully used in Poland for individual identification and parentage testing (PIC = 0.639, CE-1P = 0.9987233, CE-2P = 0.9999872, CE-PP = 0.99999999).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In kinship tests, the investigating of the forensic STRs usually provides decisive information to resolve relationship cases. We describe a parentage case with 3 genetic incompatibilities (D6S1043, D18S51 and D2S1338) between the child and alleged parent. With 90 STR loci and 100 SNP loci, the massively parallel sequencing (MPS)-based genotyping results support the certainty of parentage, and the mismatched alleles were considered to be mutations. MPS can provide additional allele sequence structures that can be used to infer the origins of the mutations. SNPs as supplementary markers can provide effective information to give an unequivocal statement of the parentage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Short tandem repeat (STR) markers have been widely used in forensic paternity testing and individual identification, but the STR mutation might impact on the forensic result interpretation. Importantly, the STR mutation rate was underestimated due to ignoring the \"hidden\" mutation phenomenon in most similar studies. Considering this, we use Slooten and Ricciardi\'s restricted mutation model based on big data to obtain more accurate mutation rates for each marker. In this paper, the mutations of 20 autosomal STRs loci (D3S1358, D1S1656, D13S317, Penta E, D16S539, D18S51, D2S1338, CSF1PO, Penta D, TH01, vWA, D21S11, D6S1043, D7S820, D5S818, TPOX, D8S1179, D12S391, D19S433, and FGA; The restricted model does not include the correction factor of D6S1043, this paper calculates remaining 19 STR loci mutation rates) were investigated in 28,313 (Total: 78,739 individuals) confirmed parentage-testing cases in Chinese Han population. As a result, total 1665 mutations were found in all loci, including 1614 one-steps, 34 two-steps, 8 three-steps, and 9 nonintegral mutations. The loci-specific average mutation rates ranged from 0.00007700 (TPOX) to 0.00459050 (FGA) in trio\'s and 0.00000000 (TPOX) to 0.00344850 (FGA) in duo\'s. We analyzed the relationship between mutation rates of the apparent and actual, the trio\'s and duo\'s, the paternal and maternal, respectively. The results demonstrated that the actual mutation rates are more than the apparent mostly, and the values of μ1\"/μ2\"(apparent) are also greater than μ1/μ2 (actual) commonly (μ1\", μ1; μ2\", μ2 are the mutation rates of one-step and two-step). Therefore, the \"hidden\" mutations are identified. In addition, the mutations rates of trio\'s and duo\'s, the paternal and maternal, exhibit significant difference. Next, those mutation data are used to do a comparison with the studies of other Han populations in China, which present the temporal and regional disparities. Due to the large sample size, some rare mutation events, such as monozygotic (MZ) mutation and \"fake four-step mutation\", are also reported in this study. In conclusion, the estimation values of actual mutations are obtained based on big data, they can not only provide basic data for the Chinese forensic DNA and population genetics databases, but also have important significance for the development of forensic individual identification, paternity testing and genetics research.
    短串联重复序列(short tandem repeat, STR)已广泛用于法医学亲子鉴定和个体识别中,但STR的突变可能会影响其结果的解释。在大多数类似研究中,由于忽略“隐性”突变现象,STR的突变率被低估。鉴于此,为获得更加准确的STR实际突变率,本研究使用Slooten与Ricciardi提出的有限突变模型和大规模数据,对28,313例(78,739个体)中国北京汉族已确认亲生关系的亲子鉴定案的20个常染色体STR基因座(D3S1358、D1S1656、D13S317、Penta E、D16S539、D18S51、D2S1338、CSF1PO、Penta D、TH01、vWA、D21S11、D6S1043、D7S820、D5S818、TPOX、D8S1179、D12S391、D19S433和FGA;由于有限突变模型中未包含D6S1043的矫正参数,因此本文实际计算其余19个STR基因座的突变率)进行了调查。结果发现,所有基因座均存在突变现象,总计发生1665个突变事件,包括1614个一步突变,34个两步突变,8个三步突变和9个非整步突变。基因座特异性的平均实际突变率在三联体中为0.00007700 (TPOX)~0.00459050 (FGA),在二联体中为0.00000000 (TPOX)~0.00344850(FGA)。此外,本研究还分析了表面和实际突变率、三联体和二联体突变率、父源和母源的突变率之间的关系。研究表明,实际突变率多大于表面突变率,而且μ1”/μ2” (表面突变率)的比值通常也大于μ1/μ2 (实际突变率) (μ1”,μ1; μ2”, μ2分别是一步和两步的突变率),即更多的“隐性”突变被释放出来。而且父源和母源的三联体和二联体的突变率也有存在差异。随后,将这些突变率数据与已发表的中国其他汉族人口的相关研究进行比较,展现出了STR突变率的时间与区域差异。由于样本量大,本研究中还报告了一些少见的突变事件,例如同卵双胞胎突变和“假四步突变”等。综上所述,本研究通过大量数据获得了接近真实的STR突变率的估计值,不仅可为中国法医DNA数据库和群体遗传学数据库提供重要的基础数据,也对开展法医学个体识别、亲权鉴定和遗传学研究具有重要的意义。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Genetic testing for pedigree accuracy is critical for managing genetic diversity in North American (NA) yak ( Bos grunniens), a population expanded mostly from imported zoological park specimens.  DNA testing also enhances species conservation by identifying recent B. taurus F1 hybrid ancestors (within three generations).  Biallelic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) can accomplish either task, but increases the marker count and costs necessary to achieve both.  Our aim was to identify novel, multifunctional, triallelic yak SNPs (tySNPs), with each having two alleles for yak parentage testing, and a third allele for identifying recent cattle introgression.  Methods:  Genome sequences were aligned to the cattle UMD3.1 assembly and SNPs were screened for 1) heterozygosity in a NA and a Chinese yak, 2) a third allele at high frequency in cattle, and 3) flanking sequences conserved in both species.  Subsequently, tySNPs were filtered for unique alignment to the haplotype-resolved F1 yak assembly.  Allele frequencies were estimated in a subset of 87 tySNPs by genotyping 170 NA yak. Results:  We identified 610 autosomal tySNPs, distributed in 441 clusters with 5 Mb average genome spacing.  The average NA yak minor allele frequency was high (0.296), while average introgressed cattle alleles were low (0.004).  In simulations with tySNPs, 28 were sufficient for globally-unique animal identification (P I=5.81x10 -12), 87 were able to exclude 19 random bulls from parentage at the 99% level without using the dam\'s genotype (P E=5.3x10 -4), and 87 were able to detect F1 hybridization events after three generations of yak backcrosses (1/16th B. taurus germplasm). Conclusions:  Identifying animals, determining parentage and detecting recent hybridization events was efficient with as few as 87 tySNPs.  A similar triallelic approach could be used with other bottlenecked Bos species that hybridize with cattle, such as NA plains bison ( B. bison).





