PKA, protein kinase A

PKA,蛋白激酶 A
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Calcium plays a fundamental role in various signaling pathways and cellular processes in the human organism. In the nervous system, voltage-gated calcium channels such as L-type calcium channels (LTCCs) are critical elements in mediating neurotransmitter release, synaptic integration and plasticity. Dysfunction of LTCCs has been implicated in both aging and Alzheimer\'s Disease (AD), constituting a key component of calcium hypothesis of AD. As such, LTCCs are a promising drug target in AD. However, due to their structural and functional complexity, the mechanisms by which LTCCs contribute to AD are still unclear. In this review, we briefly summarize the structure, function, and modulation of LTCCs that are the backbone for understanding pathological processes involving LTCCs. We suggest targeting molecular pathways up-regulating LTCCs in AD may be a more promising approach, given the diverse physiological functions of LTCCs and the ineffectiveness of LTCC blockers in clinical studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Toxoplasma gondii is a common zoonotic protozoan pathogen adapted to intracellular parasitism in many host cells of diverse organisms. Our previous work has identified 18 cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE) proteins encoded by the parasite genome, of which 11 are expressed during the lytic cycle of its acutely-infectious tachyzoite stage in human cells. Here, we show that ten of these enzymes are promiscuous dual-specific phosphodiesterases, hydrolyzing cAMP and cGMP. TgPDE1 and TgPDE9, with a Km of 18 μM and 31 μM, respectively, are primed to hydrolyze cGMP, whereas TgPDE2 is highly specific to cAMP (Km, 14 μM). Immuno-electron microscopy revealed various subcellular distributions of TgPDE1, 2, and 9, including in the inner membrane complex, apical pole, plasma membrane, cytosol, dense granule, and rhoptry, indicating spatial control of signaling within tachyzoites. Notably, despite shared apical location and dual-catalysis, TgPDE8 and TgPDE9 are fully dispensable for the lytic cycle and show no functional redundancy. In contrast, TgPDE1 and TgPDE2 are individually required for optimal growth, and their collective loss is lethal to the parasite. In vitro phenotyping of these mutants revealed the roles of TgPDE1 and TgPDE2 in proliferation, gliding motility, invasion and egress of tachyzoites. Moreover, our enzyme inhibition assays in conjunction with chemogenetic phenotyping underpin TgPDE1 as a target of commonly-used PDE inhibitors, BIPPO and zaprinast. Finally, we identified a retinue of TgPDE1 and TgPDE2-interacting kinases and phosphatases, possibly regulating the enzymatic activity. In conclusion, our datasets on the catalytic function, physiological relevance, subcellular localization and drug inhibition of key phosphodiesterases highlight the previously-unanticipated plasticity and therapeutic potential of cyclic nucleotide signaling in T. gondii.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a devastating disease affecting approximately 1 in every 3,500 male births worldwide. Multiple mutations in the dystrophin gene have been implicated as underlying causes of DMD. However, there remains no cure for patients with DMD, and cardiomyopathy has become the most common cause of death in the affected population. Extensive research is under way investigating molecular mechanisms that highlight potential therapeutic targets for the development of pharmacotherapy for DMD cardiomyopathy. In this paper, the authors perform a literature review reporting on recent ongoing efforts to identify novel therapeutic strategies to reduce, prevent, or reverse progression of cardiac dysfunction in DMD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cardiometabolic disease (CMD), characterized with metabolic disorder triggered cardiovascular events, is a leading cause of death and disability. Metabolic disorders trigger chronic low-grade inflammation, and actually, a new concept of metaflammation has been proposed to define the state of metabolism connected with immunological adaptations. Amongst the continuously increased list of systemic metabolites in regulation of immune system, bile acids (BAs) represent a distinct class of metabolites implicated in the whole process of CMD development because of its multifaceted roles in shaping systemic immunometabolism. BAs can directly modulate the immune system by either boosting or inhibiting inflammatory responses via diverse mechanisms. Moreover, BAs are key determinants in maintaining the dynamic communication between the host and microbiota. Importantly, BAs via targeting Farnesoid X receptor (FXR) and diverse other nuclear receptors play key roles in regulating metabolic homeostasis of lipids, glucose, and amino acids. Moreover, BAs axis per se is susceptible to inflammatory and metabolic intervention, and thereby BAs axis may constitute a reciprocal regulatory loop in metaflammation. We thus propose that BAs axis represents a core coordinator in integrating systemic immunometabolism implicated in the process of CMD. We provide an updated summary and an intensive discussion about how BAs shape both the innate and adaptive immune system, and how BAs axis function as a core coordinator in integrating metabolic disorder to chronic inflammation in conditions of CMD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuroimmune communication plays a crucial role in maintaining homeostasis and promptly responding to any foreign insults. Sympathetic nerve fibres are innervated into all the lymphoid organs (bone marrow, thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes) and provide a communication link between the central nervous system (CNS) and ongoing immune response in the tissue microenvironment. Neurotransmitters such as catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine) bind to adrenergic receptors present on most immune and non-immune cells, establish a local neuroimmune-communication system, and help regulate the ongoing immune response. The activation of these receptors varies with the type of receptor-activated, target cell, the activation status of the cells, and timing of activation. Activating adrenergic receptors, specifically β-adrenergic signalling in immune cells leads to activation of the cAMP-PKA pathway or other non-canonical pathways. It predominantly leads to immune suppression such as inhibition of IL-2 secretion and a decrease in macrophages phagocytosis. This review discusses the expression of different adrenergic receptors in various immune cells, signalling, and how it modulates immune cell function and contributes to health and diseases. Understanding the neuroimmune communication through adrenergic receptor signalling in immune cells could help to design better strategies to control inflammation and autoimmunity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aging is by far the most prominent risk factor for Alzheimer\'s disease (AD), and both aging and AD are associated with apparent metabolic alterations. As developing effective therapeutic interventions to treat AD is clearly in urgent need, the impact of modulating whole-body and intracellular metabolism in preclinical models and in human patients, on disease pathogenesis, have been explored. There is also an increasing awareness of differential risk and potential targeting strategies related to biological sex, microbiome, and circadian regulation. As a major part of intracellular metabolism, mitochondrial bioenergetics, mitochondrial quality-control mechanisms, and mitochondria-linked inflammatory responses have been considered for AD therapeutic interventions. This review summarizes and highlights these efforts.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aging leads to cognitive impairments characterized by reduced hippocampal functions that are associated with impairment of long-term potentiation of CA1 synapses. Here, we assessed the safety and efficacy of modified (-)-gallocatechin gallate (GCG)-enriched green tea extract (HTP-GTE) in ameliorating the cognitive dysfunctions in late middle-aged murine model. We developed a novel HTP-GTE that was enriched with GCG via epimerization that involved heating. We compared the effects of oral administrations of conventional green tea and HTP-GTE in young and aged male C57/BL6 mice, and examined the changes in the hippocampal functions related to aging process. The functional outcome was assessed by the electrophysiological experiments to measure the long-term potentiation (LTP). HTP-GTE improved the age-related cognitive impairments via restoring long-term synaptic plasticity. We also identified that GCG was the main active component responsible for the HTP-GTE effect. The main molecular pathway in ameliorating the age-related cognitive dysfunctions involved protein kinase A (PKA) which was shown to be modulated by HTP-GTE. Thus, HTP-GTE has a therapeutic potential as a dietary supplement which may aid to rescue the impaired cognitive functions at the early phase of aging process through the modulation of LTP threshold.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cyclic GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS)-stimulator of interferon genes (STING) signaling exert essential regulatory function in microbial-and onco-immunology through the induction of cytokines, primarily type I interferons. Recently, the aberrant and deranged signaling of the cGAS-STING axis is closely implicated in multiple sterile inflammatory diseases, including heart failure, myocardial infarction, cardiac hypertrophy, nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases, aortic aneurysm and dissection, obesity, etc. This is because of the massive loads of damage-associated molecular patterns (mitochondrial DNA, DNA in extracellular vesicles) liberated from recurrent injury to metabolic cellular organelles and tissues, which are sensed by the pathway. Also, the cGAS-STING pathway crosstalk with essential intracellular homeostasis processes like apoptosis, autophagy, and regulate cellular metabolism. Targeting derailed STING signaling has become necessary for chronic inflammatory diseases. Meanwhile, excessive type I interferons signaling impact on cardiovascular and metabolic health remain entirely elusive. In this review, we summarize the intimate connection between the cGAS-STING pathway and cardiovascular and metabolic disorders. We also discuss some potential small molecule inhibitors for the pathway. This review provides insight to stimulate interest in and support future research into understanding this signaling axis in cardiovascular and metabolic tissues and diseases.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Metabolic homeostasis requires dynamic catabolic and anabolic processes. Autophagy, an intracellular lysosomal degradative pathway, can rewire cellular metabolism linking catabolic to anabolic processes and thus sustain homeostasis. This is especially relevant in the liver, a key metabolic organ that governs body energy metabolism. Autophagy\'s role in hepatic energy regulation has just begun to emerge and autophagy seems to have a much broader impact than what has been appreciated in the field. Though classically known for selective or bulk degradation of cellular components or energy-dense macromolecules, emerging evidence indicates autophagy selectively regulates various signaling proteins to directly impact the expression levels of metabolic enzymes or their upstream regulators. Hence, we review three specific mechanisms by which autophagy can regulate metabolism: A) nutrient regeneration, B) quality control of organelles, and C) signaling protein regulation. The plasticity of the autophagic function is unraveling a new therapeutic approach. Thus, we will also discuss the potential translation of promising preclinical data on autophagy modulation into therapeutic strategies that can be used in the clinic to treat common metabolic disorders.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pyroptosis is the process of inflammatory cell death. The primary function of pyroptosis is to induce strong inflammatory responses that defend the host against microbe infection. Excessive pyroptosis, however, leads to several inflammatory diseases, including sepsis and autoimmune disorders. Pyroptosis can be canonical or noncanonical. Upon microbe infection, the canonical pathway responds to pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), while the noncanonical pathway responds to intracellular lipopolysaccharides (LPS) of Gram-negative bacteria. The last step of pyroptosis requires the cleavage of gasdermin D (GsdmD) at D275 (numbering after human GSDMD) into N- and C-termini by caspase 1 in the canonical pathway and caspase 4/5/11 (caspase 4/5 in humans, caspase 11 in mice) in the noncanonical pathway. Upon cleavage, the N-terminus of GsdmD (GsdmD-N) forms a transmembrane pore that releases cytokines such as IL-1β and IL-18 and disturbs the regulation of ions and water, eventually resulting in strong inflammation and cell death. Since GsdmD is the effector of pyroptosis, promising inhibitors of GsdmD have been developed for inflammatory diseases. This review will focus on the roles of GsdmD during pyroptosis and in diseases.






