PCR duplicates

PCR 重复
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Parameters adversely affecting the contiguity and accuracy of the assemblies from Illumina next-generation sequencing (NGS) are well described. However, past studies generally focused on their additive effects, overlooking their potential interactions possibly exacerbating one another\'s effects in a multiplicative manner. To investigate whether or not they act interactively on de novo genome assembly quality, we simulated sequencing data for 13 bacterial reference genomes, with varying levels of error rate, sequencing depth, PCR and optical duplicate ratios.
    RESULTS: We assessed the quality of assemblies from the simulated sequencing data with a number of contiguity and accuracy metrics, which we used to quantify both additive and multiplicative effects of the four parameters. We found that the tested parameters are engaged in complex interactions, exerting multiplicative, rather than additive, effects on assembly quality. Also, the ratio of non-repeated regions and GC% of the original genomes can shape how the four parameters affect assembly quality.
    CONCLUSIONS: We provide a framework for consideration in future studies using de novo genome assembly of bacterial genomes, e.g. in choosing the optimal sequencing depth, balancing between its positive effect on contiguity and negative effect on accuracy due to its interaction with error rate. Furthermore, the properties of the genomes to be sequenced also should be taken into account, as they might influence the effects of error sources themselves.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Library preparation protocols for most sequencing technologies involve PCR amplification of the template DNA, which open the possibility that a given template DNA molecule is sequenced multiple times. Reads arising from this phenomenon, known as PCR duplicates, inflate the cost of sequencing and can jeopardize the reliability of affected experiments. Despite the pervasiveness of this artefact, our understanding of its causes and of its impact on downstream statistical analyses remains essentially empirical. Here, we develop a general quantitative model of amplification distortions in sequencing data sets, which we leverage to investigate the factors controlling the occurrence of PCR duplicates. We show that the PCR duplicate rate is determined primarily by the ratio between library complexity and sequencing depth, and that amplification noise (including in its dependence on the number of PCR cycles) only plays a secondary role for this artefact. We confirm our predictions using new and published RAD-seq libraries and provide a method to estimate library complexity and amplification noise in any data set containing PCR duplicates. We discuss how amplification-related artefacts impact downstream analyses, and in particular genotyping accuracy. The proposed framework unites the numerous observations made on PCR duplicates and will be useful to experimenters of all sequencing technologies where DNA availability is a concern.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) has dramatically improved the flexibility and outcomes of cancer research and clinical trials, providing highly sensitive and accurate high-throughput platforms for large-scale genomic testing. In contrast to whole-genome (WGS) or whole-exome sequencing (WES), targeted genomic sequencing (TS) focuses on a panel of genes or targets known to have strong associations with pathogenesis of disease and/or clinical relevance, offering greater sequencing depth with reduced costs and data burden. This allows targeted sequencing to identify low frequency variants in targeted regions with high confidence, thus suitable for profiling low-quality and fragmented clinical DNA samples. As a result, TS has been widely used in clinical research and trials for patient stratification and the development of targeted therapeutics. However, its transition to routine clinical use has been slow. Many technical and analytical obstacles still remain and need to be discussed and addressed before large-scale and cross-centre implementation. Gold-standard and state-of-the-art procedures and pipelines are urgently needed to accelerate this transition. In this review we first present how TS is conducted in cancer research, including various target enrichment platforms, the construction of target panels, and selected research and clinical studies utilising TS to profile clinical samples. We then present a generalised analytical workflow for TS data discussing important parameters and filters in detail, aiming to provide the best practices of TS usage and analyses.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: RNA-seq and small RNA-seq are powerful, quantitative tools to study gene regulation and function. Common high-throughput sequencing methods rely on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to expand the starting material, but not every molecule amplifies equally, causing some to be overrepresented. Unique molecular identifiers (UMIs) can be used to distinguish undesirable PCR duplicates derived from a single molecule and identical but biologically meaningful reads from different molecules.
    RESULTS: We have incorporated UMIs into RNA-seq and small RNA-seq protocols and developed tools to analyze the resulting data. Our UMIs contain stretches of random nucleotides whose lengths sufficiently capture diverse molecule species in both RNA-seq and small RNA-seq libraries generated from mouse testis. Our approach yields high-quality data while allowing unique tagging of all molecules in high-depth libraries.
    CONCLUSIONS: Using simulated and real datasets, we demonstrate that our methods increase the reproducibility of RNA-seq and small RNA-seq data. Notably, we find that the amount of starting material and sequencing depth, but not the number of PCR cycles, determine PCR duplicate frequency. Finally, we show that computational removal of PCR duplicates based only on their mapping coordinates introduces substantial bias into data analysis.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    The trade-offs of using single-digest vs. double-digest restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq) protocols have been widely discussed. However, no direct empirical comparisons of the two methods have been conducted. Here, we sampled a single population of Gulf pipefish (Syngnathus scovelli) and genotyped 444 individuals using RAD-seq. Sixty individuals were subjected to single-digest RAD-seq (sdRAD-seq), and the remaining 384 individuals were genotyped using a double-digest RAD-seq (ddRAD-seq) protocol. We analysed the resulting Illumina sequencing data and compared the two genotyping methods when reads were analysed either together or separately. Coverage statistics, observed heterozygosity, and allele frequencies differed significantly between the two protocols, as did the results of selection components analysis. We also performed an in silico digestion of the Gulf pipefish genome and modelled five major sources of bias: PCR duplicates, polymorphic restriction sites, shearing bias, asymmetric sampling (i.e., genotyping fewer individuals with sdRAD-seq than with ddRAD-seq) and higher major allele frequencies. This combination of approaches allowed us to determine that polymorphic restriction sites, an asymmetric sampling scheme, mean allele frequencies and to some extent PCR duplicates all contribute to different estimates of allele frequencies between samples genotyped using sdRAD-seq versus ddRAD-seq. Our finding that sdRAD-seq and ddRAD-seq can result in different allele frequencies has implications for comparisons across studies and techniques that endeavour to identify genomewide signatures of evolutionary processes in natural populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: PCR amplification is an important step in the preparation of DNA sequencing libraries prior to high-throughput sequencing. PCR amplification introduces redundant reads in the sequence data and estimating the PCR duplication rate is important to assess the frequency of such reads. Existing computational methods do not distinguish PCR duplicates from \"natural\" read duplicates that represent independent DNA fragments and therefore, over-estimate the PCR duplication rate for DNA-seq and RNA-seq experiments.
    RESULTS: In this paper, we present a computational method to estimate the average PCR duplication rate of high-throughput sequence datasets that accounts for natural read duplicates by leveraging heterozygous variants in an individual genome. Analysis of simulated data and exome sequence data from the 1000 Genomes project demonstrated that our method can accurately estimate the PCR duplication rate on paired-end as well as single-end read datasets which contain a high proportion of natural read duplicates. Further, analysis of exome datasets prepared using the Nextera library preparation method indicated that 45-50% of read duplicates correspond to natural read duplicates likely due to fragmentation bias. Finally, analysis of RNA-seq datasets from individuals in the 1000 Genomes project demonstrated that 70-95% of read duplicates observed in such datasets correspond to natural duplicates sampled from genes with high expression and identified outlier samples with a 2-fold greater PCR duplication rate than other samples.
    CONCLUSIONS: The method described here is a useful tool for estimating the PCR duplication rate of high-throughput sequence datasets and for assessing the fraction of read duplicates that correspond to natural read duplicates. An implementation of the method is available at https://github.com/vibansal/PCRduplicates .






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The identification of thousands of variants across the genomes and their accurate genotyping are crucial for estimating the genetic parameters needed to address a host of molecular ecological and evolutionary questions. With rapid advances of massively parallel high-throughput sequencing technologies, several methods have recently been developed to access genomewide data on population variation. One of the most successful and widely used techniques relies on the combination of restriction enzymes and sequencing-by-synthesis: restriction-site-associated DNA sequencing (RADSeq). We developed a new, more time- and cost-efficient double-digest RAD paired-end protocol (quaddRAD) that simplifies and speeds up the identification of PCR duplicates and permits large-scale multiplexing. Assessing its performance on a technical data set, we also applied the quaddRAD method on population samples of a Neotropical cichlid fish lineage (Archocentrus centrarchus) to assess its genetic structure and demographic history. While we identified allopatric interlake genetic divergence, most likely driven by drift, no signature of sympatric divergence was detected. This differs from what has been observed in the clade of Midas cichlids (Amphilophus citrinellus spp.), another cichlid lineage that inhabits the same lakes and shares a similar demographic history, but has evolved into small-scale adaptive radiations via sympatric speciation. We demonstrate that quaddRAD is a robust and efficient method for genotyping a massive number and widely overlapping set of loci with high accuracy. Furthermore, the results on A. centrarchus open new research avenues providing an ideal system to investigate genome-level mechanisms that could alter the speciation potential of different but closely related cichlid lineages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tag-Seq is a high-throughput approach used for discovering SNPs and characterizing gene expression. In comparison to RNA-Seq, Tag-Seq eases data processing and allows detection of rare mRNA species using only one tag per transcript molecule. However, reduced library complexity raises the issue of PCR duplicates, which distort gene expression levels. Here we present a novel Tag-Seq protocol that uses the least biased methods for RNA library preparation combined with a novel approach for joint PCR template and sample labeling. In our protocol, input RNA is fragmented by hydrolysis, and poly(A)-bearing RNAs are selected and directly ligated to mixed DNA-RNA P5 adapters. The P5 adapters contain i5 barcodes composed of sample-specific (moderately) degenerate base regions (mDBRs), which later allow detection of PCR duplicates. The P7 adapter is attached via reverse transcription with individual i7 barcodes added during the amplification step. The resulting libraries can be sequenced on an Illumina sequencer. After sample demultiplexing and PCR duplicate removal with a free software tool we designed, the data are ready for downstream analysis. Our protocol was tested on RNA samples from predator-induced and control Daphnia microcrustaceans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Double-digested RADseq (ddRADseq) is a NGS methodology that generates reads from thousands of loci targeted by restriction enzyme cut sites, across multiple individuals. To be statistically sound and economically optimal, a ddRADseq experiment has a preliminary design stage that needs to consider issues related to the selection of enzymes, particular features of the genome of the focal species, possible modifications to the library construction protocol, coverage needed to minimize missing data, and the potential sources of error that may impact upon the coverage. We present ddradseqtools, a software package to help ddRADseq experimental design by (i) the generation of in silico double-digested fragments; (ii) the construction of modified ddRADseq libraries using adapters with either one or two indexes and degenerate base regions (DBRs) to quantify PCR duplicates; and (iii) the initial steps of the bioinformatics preprocessing of reads. ddradseqtools generates single-end (SE) or paired-end (PE) reads that may bear SNPs and/or indels. The effect of allele dropout and PCR duplicates on coverage is also simulated. The resulting output files can be submitted to pipelines of alignment and variant calling, to allow the fine-tuning of parameters. The software was validated with specific tests for the correct operability of the program. The correspondence between in silico settings and parameters from ddRADseq in vitro experiments was assessed to provide guidelines for the reliable performance of the software. ddradseqtools is cost-efficient in terms of execution time, and can be run on computers with standard CPU and RAM configuration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Puritz et al. provide a review of several RADseq methodological approaches in response to our \'Population Genomic Data Analysis\' workshop (Sept 2013) review (Andrews & Luikart 2014). We agree with Puritz et al. on the importance for researchers to thoroughly understand RADseq library preparation and data analysis when choosing an approach for answering their research questions. Some of us are currently using multiple RADseq protocols, and we agree that the different methods may offer advantages in different cases. Our workshop review did not intend to provide a thorough review of RADseq because the workshop covered a broad range of topics within the field of population genomics. Similarly, neither the response of Puritz et al. nor our comments here provide sufficient space to thoroughly review RADseq. Nonetheless, here we address some key points that we find unclear or potentially misleading in their evaluation of techniques.





