PC, plasma cells

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hepatitis B liver infection is caused by hepatitis B virus (HBV) and represents a major global disease problem when it becomes chronic, as is the case for 80-90% of vertical or early life infections. However, in the vast majority (>95%) of adult exposures, the infected individuals are capable of mounting an effective immune response leading to infection resolution. A good understanding of HBV dynamics and the interaction between the virus and immune system during acute infection represents an essential step to characterize and understand the key biological processes involved in disease resolution, which may help to identify potential interventions to prevent chronic hepatitis B. In this work, a quantitative systems pharmacology model for acute hepatitis B characterizing viral dynamics and the main components of the innate, adaptive, and tolerant immune response has been successfully developed. To do so, information from multiple sources and across different organization levels has been integrated in a common mechanistic framework. The final model adequately describes the chronology and plausibility of an HBV-triggered immune response, as well as clinical data from acute patients reported in the literature. Given the holistic nature of the framework, the model can be used to illustrate the relevance of the different immune pathways and biological processes to ultimate response, observing the negligible contribution of the innate response and the key contribution of the cellular response on viral clearance. More specifically, moderate reductions of the proliferation of activated cytotoxic CD8+ lymphocytes or increased immunoregulatory effects can drive the system towards chronicity.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The intestinal mucosa harbors the largest population of antibody (Ab)-secreting plasma cells (PC) in the human body, producing daily several grams of immunoglobulin A (IgA). IgA has many functions, serving as a first-line barrier that protects the mucosal epithelium from pathogens, toxins and food antigens (Ag), shaping the intestinal microbiota, and regulating host-commensal homeostasis. Signals induced by commensal colonization are central for regulating IgA induction, maintenance, positioning and function and the number of IgA(+) PC is dramatically reduced in neonates and germ-free (GF) animals. Recent evidence demonstrates that the innate immune effector molecules tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) are required for IgA(+) PC homeostasis during the steady state and infection. Moreover, new functions ascribed to PC independent of Ab secretion continue to emerge, suggesting that PC, including IgA(+) PC, should be re-examined in the context of inflammation and infection. Here, we outline mechanisms of IgA(+) PC generation and survival, reviewing their functions in health and disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The germinal center (GC) is a dynamic microenvironment where antigen (Ag)-activated B cells rapidly expand and differentiate, generating plasma cells (PC) that produce high-affinity antibodies. Precise regulation of survival and proliferation of Ag-activated B cells within the GC is crucial for humoral immune responses. The follicular dendritic cells (FDC) are the specialized stromal cells in the GC that prevent apoptosis of GC-B cells. Recently, we reported that human GC-B cells consist of CD9+ and CD9- populations and that it is the CD9+ cells that are committed to the PC lineage. In this study, we investigated the functional role of CD9 on GC-B cells. Tonsillar tissue section staining revealed that in vivo CD9+ GC-B cells localized in the light zone FDC area. Consistent this, in vitro CD9+ GC-B cells survived better than CD9- GC-B cells in the presence of HK cells, an FDC line, in a cell-cell contact-dependent manner. The frozen tonsillar tissue section binding assay showed that CD9+ GC-B cells bound to the GC area of tonsillar tissues significantly more than the CD9- GC-B cells did and that the binding was significantly inhibited by neutralizing anti-integrin β1 antibody. Furthermore, CD9+ cells bound to soluble VCAM-1 more than CD9- cells did, resulting in activation and stabilization of the active epitope of integrin β1. All together, our data suggest that CD9 on GC-B cells contributes to survival by strengthening their binding to FDC through the VLA4/VCAM-1 axis.





