• 文章类型: Journal Article
    The second part of this CME article discusses sunscreen regulation and safety considerations for humans and the environment. First, we provide an overview of the history of the United States Food and Drug Administration\'s regulation of sunscreen. Recent Food and Drug Administration studies clearly demonstrate that organic ultraviolet filters are systemically absorbed during routine sunscreen use, but to date there is no evidence of associated negative health effects. We also review the current evidence of sunscreen\'s association with vitamin D levels and frontal fibrosing alopecia, and recent concerns regarding benzene contamination. Finally, we review the possible environmental effects of ultraviolet filters, particularly coral bleaching. While climate change has been shown to be the primary driver of coral bleaching, laboratory-based studies suggest that organic ultraviolet filters represent an additional contributing factor, which led several localities to ban certain organic filters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The continuous growth of roots depends on their ability to maintain a balanced ratio between cell production and cell differentiation at the tip. This process is regulated by the hormonal balance of cytokinin and auxin. However, other important regulators, such as plant folates, also play a regulatory role. In this study, we investigated the impact of the folate precursor para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) on root development. Using pharmacological, genetic, and imaging approaches, we show that the growth of Arabidopsis thaliana roots is repressed by either supplementing the growth medium with PABA or overexpressing the PABA synthesis gene GAT-ADCS. This is associated with a smaller root meristem consisting of fewer cells. Conversely, reducing the levels of free root endogenous PABA results in longer roots with extended meristems. We provide evidence that PABA represses Arabidopsis root growth in a folate-independent manner and likely acts through two mechanisms: (i) the G2/M transition of cell division in the root apical meristem and (ii) promoting premature cell differentiation in the transition zone. These data collectively suggest that PABA plays a role in Arabidopsis root growth at the intersection between cell division and cell differentiation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The marine bacterium Vibrio fischeri initiates symbiotic colonization of its squid host, Euprymna scolopes, by forming and dispersing from a biofilm dependent on the symbiosis polysaccharide locus (syp). Historically, genetic manipulation of V. fischeri was needed to visualize syp-dependent biofilm formation in vitro, but recently, we discovered that the combination of two small molecules, para-aminobenzoic acid (pABA) and calcium, was sufficient to induce wild-type strain ES114 to form biofilms. Here, we determined that these syp-dependent biofilms were reliant on the positive syp regulator RscS, since the loss of this sensor kinase abrogated biofilm formation and syp transcription. These results were of particular note because loss of RscS, a key colonization factor, exerts little to no effect on biofilm formation under other genetic and medium conditions. The biofilm defect could be complemented by wild-type RscS and by an RscS chimera that contains the N-terminal domains of RscS fused to the C-terminal HPT domain of SypF, the downstream sensor kinase. It could not be complemented by derivatives that lacked the periplasmic sensory domain or contained a mutation in the conserved site of phosphorylation, H412, suggesting that these cues promote signaling through RscS. Lastly, pABA and/or calcium was able to induce biofilm formation when rscS was introduced into a heterologous system. Taken together, these data suggest that RscS is responsible for recognizing pABA and calcium, or downstream consequences of those cues, to induce biofilm formation. This study thus provides insight into signals and regulators that promote biofilm formation by V. fischeri. IMPORTANCE Bacterial biofilms are common in a variety of environments. Infectious biofilms formed in the human body are notoriously hard to treat due to a biofilm\'s intrinsic resistance to antibiotics. Bacteria must integrate signals from the environment to build and sustain a biofilm and often use sensor kinases that sense an external signal, which triggers a signaling cascade to elicit a response. However, identifying the signals that kinases sense remains a challenging area of investigation. Here, we determine that a hybrid sensor kinase, RscS, is crucial for Vibrio fischeri to recognize para-aminobenzoic acid and calcium as cues to induce biofilm formation. This study thus advances our understanding of the signal transduction pathways leading to biofilm formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Drug resistance in malaria parasites necessitates the development of new antimalarial drugs with unique mechanisms of action. In the present research work, the PABA conjugated 1,3,5-triazine derivatives were designed as an antimalarial agent.
    METHODS: In this present work, a library of two hundred-seven compounds was prepared in twelve different series such as [4A (1-23), 4B(1-22), 4C(1-21), 4D(1-20), 4E(1-19), 4F(1-18), 4G(1-17), 4H(1-16), 4I(1-15), 4J(1-13), 4K(1-12) and 4L(1-11) ] respectively using different primary and secondary aliphatic and aromatic amines. Ten compounds were ultimately selected through in silico screening. They were synthesized by conventional and microwave-assisted methods followed by in vitro antimalarial evaluations performed in chloroquine-sensitive (3D7) and resistant (DD2) strains of P. falciparum.
    RESULTS: The docking results showed that compound 4C(11) had good binding interaction with Phe116, Met55 (-464.70 kcal/mol) and Phe116, Ser111 (-432.60 kcal/mol) against wild (1J3I) and quadruple mutant (1J3K) type of Pf-DHFR. Furthermore, in vitro, antimalarial activity results indicated that compound 4C(11) showed potent antimalarial activity against chloroquine-sensitive (3D7) and chloroquine-resistant (Dd2) strain of P. falciparum along with IC50 (14.90 μg mL-1) and (8.30 μg mL-1).
    CONCLUSIONS: These PABA-substituted 1,3,5-triazine compounds could be exploited to develop a new class of Pf-DHFR inhibitors as a lead candidate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, a structurally guided pharmacophore hybridization strategy is used to combine the two key structural scaffolds, para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), and 1,3,5 triazine in search of new series of antimalarial agents. A combinatorial library of 100 compounds was prepared in five different series as [4A (1-22), 4B (1-21), 4 C (1-20), 4D (1-19) and 4E (1-18)] using different primary and secondary amines, from where 10 compounds were finally screened out through molecular property filter analysis and molecular docking study as promising PABA substituted 1,3,5-triazine scaffold as an antimalarial agent. The docking results showed that compounds 4A12 and 4A20 exhibited good binding interaction with Phe58, IIe164, Ser111, Arg122, Asp54 (-424.19 to -360.34 kcal/mol) and Arg122, Phe116, Ser111, Phe58 (-506.29 to -431.75 kcal/mol) against wild (1J3I) and quadruple mutant (1J3K) type of Pf-DHFR. These compounds were synthesized by conventional as well as microwave-assisted synthesis and characterized by different spectroscopic methods. In-vitro antimalarial activity results indicated that two compounds 4A12 and 4A20 showed promising antimalarial activity against chloroquine-sensitive (3D7) and chloroquine-resistant (Dd2) strains of Plasmodium falciparum with IC50 (1.24-4.77 μg mL-1) and (2.11-3.60 μg mL-1). These hybrid PABA substituted 1,3,5-triazine derivatives might be used in the lead discovery towards a new class of Pf-DHFR inhibitors.Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A series of twenty alkyl derivatives (2-21) of 4-amino benzoic acid (1, PABA) have been prepared using potassium carbonate and opportune alkylating agents under simple and mild reaction conditions. Compounds (16-21) are reported for the first time. Electron impact mass spectrometry (EIMS), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and Proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) spectroscopic techniques were adopted for the characterization of these analogues. In the present study, the cytotoxic screening of sixteen compounds (3, 5-11, 13 and 15-21) was also achieved against lung (NCI-H460) and oral squamous carcinoma (CAL-27) cell lines. Compound 20 has shown magnificent inhibitory properties against NCI-H460 cell line (IC50 15.59 and 20.04 µM, respectively) at a lower dose than that of the control (cisplatin; IC50 21.00 µM). One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) have been performed to determine the reliability of current data through statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biosyntheses of para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) and its downstream folic acid metabolites are essential for one-carbon metabolism in all life forms and the targets of sulfonamide and trimethoprim antibiotics. In this study, we identified and characterized two genes (pabA and pabBC) required for PABA biosynthesis in Listeria monocytogenes. Mutants in PABA biosynthesis were able to grow normally in rich media but not in defined media lacking PABA, but growth was restored by the addition of PABA or its downstream metabolites. PABA biosynthesis mutants were attenuated for intracellular growth in bone marrow-derived macrophages, produced extremely small plaques in fibroblast monolayers, and were highly attenuated for virulence in mice. PABA biosynthesis genes were upregulated upon infection and induced during growth in broth in a strain in which the master virulence regulator, PrfA, was genetically locked in its active state (PrfA*). To gain further insight into why PABA mutants were so attenuated, we screened for transposon-induced suppressor mutations that formed larger plaques. Suppressor mutants in relA, which are predicted to have higher levels of (p)ppGpp, and mutants in codY, which is a GTP-binding repressor of many biosynthetic genes, partially rescued the plaque defect but, notably, restored the capacity of the mutants to escape from phagosomes and induce the polymerization of host cell actin. However, these suppressor mutant strains remained attenuated for virulence in mice. These data suggest that even though folic acid metabolites exist in host cells and might be available during infection, de novo synthesis of PABA is required for L. monocytogenes pathogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The marine bacterium Vibrio fischeri efficiently colonizes its symbiotic squid host, Euprymna scolopes, by producing a transient biofilm dependent on the symbiosis polysaccharide (SYP). In vitro, however, wild-type strain ES114 fails to form SYP-dependent biofilms. Instead, genetically engineered strains, such as those lacking the negative regulator BinK, have been developed to study this phenomenon. Historically, V. fischeri has been grown using LBS, a complex medium containing tryptone and yeast extract; supplementation with calcium is required to induce biofilm formation by a binK mutant. Here, through our discovery that yeast extract inhibits biofilm formation, we uncover signals and underlying mechanisms that control V. fischeri biofilm formation. In contrast to its inability to form a biofilm on unsupplemented LBS, a binK mutant formed cohesive, SYP-dependent colony biofilms on tTBS, modified LBS that lacks yeast extract. Moreover, wild-type strain ES114 became proficient to form cohesive, SYP-dependent biofilms when grown in tTBS supplemented with both calcium and the vitamin para-aminobenzoic acid (pABA); neither molecule alone was sufficient, indicating that this phenotype relies on coordinating two cues. pABA/calcium supplementation also inhibited bacterial motility. Consistent with these phenotypes, cells grown in tTBS with pABA/calcium were enriched in transcripts for biofilm-related genes and predicted diguanylate cyclases, which produce the second messenger cyclic-di-GMP (c-di-GMP). They also exhibited elevated levels of c-di-GMP, which was required for the observed phenotypes, as phosphodiesterase overproduction abrogated biofilm formation and partially rescued motility. This work thus provides insight into conditions, signals, and processes that promote biofilm formation by V. fischeri. IMPORTANCE Bacteria integrate environmental signals to regulate gene expression and protein production to adapt to their surroundings. One such behavioral adaptation is the formation of a biofilm, which can promote adherence and colonization and provide protection against antimicrobials. Identifying signals that trigger biofilm formation and the underlying mechanism(s) of action remain important and challenging areas of investigation. Here, we determined that yeast extract, commonly used for growth of bacteria in laboratory culture, inhibits biofilm formation by Vibrio fischeri, a model bacterium used for investigating host-relevant biofilm formation. Omitting yeast extract from the growth medium led to the identification of an unusual signal, the vitamin para-aminobenzoic acid (pABA), that when added together with calcium could induce biofilm formation. pABA increased the concentrations of the second messenger, c-di-GMP, which was necessary but not sufficient to induce biofilm formation. This work thus advances our understanding of signals and signal integration controlling bacterial biofilm formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chlamydia trachomatis lacks the canonical genes required for the biosynthesis of p-aminobenzoate (pABA), a component of essential folate cofactors. Previous studies revealed a single gene from C. trachomatis, the CT610 gene, that rescues Escherichia coli ΔpabA, ΔpabB, and ΔpabC mutants, which are otherwise auxotrophic for pABA. CT610 shares low sequence similarity to nonheme diiron oxygenases, and the previously solved crystal structure revealed a diiron active site. Genetic studies ruled out several potential substrates for CT610-dependent pABA biosynthesis, including chorismate and other shikimate pathway intermediates, leaving the actual precursor(s) unknown. Here, we supplied isotopically labeled potential precursors to E. coli ΔpabA cells expressing CT610 and found that the aromatic portion of tyrosine was highly incorporated into pABA, indicating that tyrosine is a precursor for CT610-dependent pABA biosynthesis. Additionally, in vitro enzymatic experiments revealed that purified CT610 exhibits low pABA synthesis activity under aerobic conditions in the absence of tyrosine or other potential substrates, where only the addition of a reducing agent such as dithiothreitol appears to stimulate pABA production. Furthermore, site-directed mutagenesis studies revealed that two conserved active site tyrosine residues are essential for the pABA synthesis reaction in vitro Thus, the current data are most consistent with CT610 being a unique self-sacrificing enzyme that utilizes its own active site tyrosine residue(s) for pABA biosynthesis in a reaction that requires O2 and a reduced diiron cofactor.IMPORTANCE Chlamydia trachomatis is the most reported sexually transmitted infection in the United States and the leading cause of infectious blindness worldwide. Unlike many other intracellular pathogens that have undergone reductive evolution, C. trachomatis is capable of de novo biosynthesis of the essential cofactor tetrahydrofolate using a noncanonical pathway. Here, we identify the biosynthetic precursor to the p-aminobenzoate (pABA) portion of folate in a process that requires the CT610 enzyme from C. trachomatis We further provide evidence that CT610 is a self-sacrificing or \"suicide\" enzyme that uses its own amino acid residue(s) as the substrate for pABA synthesis. This work provides the foundation for future investigation of this chlamydial pABA synthase, which could lead to new therapeutic strategies for C. trachomatis infections.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The silver/poly(3-aminophenyl boronic acid)/sodium alginate nanogel (Ag@PABA-SA) was fabricated through green, in situ chemical oxidative polymerization method. 3-Aminophenyl boronic acid (APBA) served as the room temperature reductant of AgNO3 which acted as an oxidant towards the polymerization of APBA to its conducting polymeric form (PABA). Importantly with SA present, PABA will bind to hydroxyl groups of SA through covalent bonding to generate PABA-SA semi-interpenetrating network, on which AgNPs were concomitantly deposited. This results highly stable, dispersed polymer based AgNPs. The morphology, size, surface charge, composition and thermal stability of nanogel was characterized by UV-vis, Raman and FTIR spectroscopy, TEM, FESEM, EDX, XRD, DLS and zeta potential analysis, TGA and DTG. The Ag@PABA-SA nanogel was investigated as colorimetric probe towards H2O2 detection. Wide linearity from 5 to 1000 μM H2O2, with low limit of detection of 1.0 μM in addition to satisfactory precision (< 3.5 %) and recovery (95-105 %) and high selectivity was achieved.





