Overlap concentration

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polysaccharide-based nanogels offer a wide range of chemical compositions and are of great interest due to their biodegradability, biocompatibility, non-toxicity, and their ability to display pH, temperature, or enzymatic response. In this work, we synthesized monodisperse and tunable pH-sensitive nanogels by crosslinking, through reductive amination, chitosan and partially oxidized maltodextrins, by keeping the concentration of chitosan close to its overlap concentration, i.e. in the dilute and semi-dilute regime. The chitosan/maltodextrin nanogels presented sizes ranging from 63 ± 9 to 279 ± 16 nm, showed quasi-spherical and cauliflower-like morphology, reached a ζ-potential of +36 ± 2 mV and maintained a colloidal stability for up to 7 weeks. It was found that the size and surface charge of nanogels depended both on the oxidation degree of maltodextrins and chitosan concentration, as well as on its degree of acetylation and protonation, the latter tuned by pH. The pH-responsiveness of the nanogels was evidenced by an increased size, owed to swelling, and ζ-potential when pH was lowered. Finally, maltodextrin-chitosan biocompatible nanogels were assessed by cell viability assay performed using the HEK293T cell line.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs), wherein a drug is molecularly dispersed in a polymer, can improve physical stability and oral bioavailability of poorly soluble drugs. Risk of drug crystallization is usually averted using high polymer concentrations. However, we demonstrated recently that the overlap concentration, C*, of polymer in drug melt is the minimum polymer concentration required to maintain drug in the amorphous state following rapid quench. This conclusion was confirmed for several drugs mixed with poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP). Here we assess the solid-state stability of ASDs formulated with a variety of polymers and drugs and at various polymer concentrations (C) and molecular weights (MWs). We further test the hypothesis that degree of drug crystallization decreases with increasing C/C* and vanishes when C>C*, where C* depends on polymer MW and strength of drug-polymer interaction.
    METHODS: We test our hypothesis with ASDs consisting of ketoconazole admixed with polyacrylic acid, polymethacrylic acid and poly (methacrylic acid-co-ethyl acrylate); and felodipine admixed with PVP and poly (vinylpyrrolidone-co-vinyl acetate). Values of C* for polymers in molten drug are rheologically determined. Crystallization behavior is assessed by measuring enthalpy of fusion, ΔHf  and by X-ray diffraction.
    RESULTS: We confirm that ΔHf/ΔHf, C = 0 = f(C/C∗), and essentially no crystallization occurs when C>C*.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings will aid researchers in designing or selecting appropriate polymers to inhibit crystallization of poorly soluble drugs. This research also suggests that C* as determined by rheology can be used to compare drug-polymer interactions for similar molecular weight polymers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of the study was to characterize raw aqueous extracts from Plantago ovata husk in terms of molecular chain mass, osmotic, hydrodynamic, and rheological properties. The raw extracts used in this study have not been yet investigated in the indicated research area. Determination of the molecular weight of the chains present in the extract was performed by gel permeation chromatography (GPC). Osmotic properties were characterized using membrane osmometry. Rheological properties were investigated via classical rotational rheology with normal force measurements, as well as less common but equally important measurements of extensional viscosity. Two types of chains with an average molecular mass of 200 and 1780 kDa were found. The values of the first virial coefficient (B2) indicate the predominance of biopolymer-biopolymer interactions. The hydrodynamic radius established at 25 and 30 °C was 74 and 67 nm, respectively, and lower than at 40 °C (>600 nm). The first critical concentration was determined: c*=0.11 g·dL-1. The dominance of negative normal force values resulting from the formation of a pseudo-gel structure of the heteroxylates was demonstrated. Extensional viscosity measurement results revealed that the studied extracts cannot be treated as simple shear-thinning fluids, as indicated by shear flow, but should be considered as viscoelastic fluids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An essential prerequisite for successful solution blow spinning (SBS) is the presence of effective molecular entanglements of polymers in the solution. However, the fabrication of biopolymer fibers is not as straightforward as synthetic polymers. Particularly for biopolymers such as pectin, molecular entanglements are essential but insufficient for successful spinning through the SBS production method. Such a challenge is due to the biopolymer\'s complex nature. However, incorporating an easily spinnable polymer precursor, such as polyacrylonitrile (PAN), to pectin effectively enabled the production of fibers from the SBS process. In this process, PAN-assisted pectin nanofibers are produced with average diameters ranging from 410.75 ± 3.73 to 477.09 ± 6.60 nm using a feed flow rate of 5 ml h-1, air pressure of 3 bars, syringe tip to collector distance at 30 cm, and spinning time of 10 min. PAN in DMSO solvent at different volume ratios (i.e. 35%-55% v/v) was critical in assisting pectin to produce nanofibers. The addition of a high molecular weight polymer, PAN, to pectin also improved the viscoelasticity of the solution, eventually contributing to its successful SBS process. Furthermore, the composite SBS-spun fibers obtained suggest that its formation is concentration-dependent.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Herein it is reported how the overlap concentration (C*) can be used to overcome crosslinking due to diol impurities in commercial PEG, allowing for the synthesize of bottlebrush polymers with good control over molecular weight. Additionally, PEG-based bottlebrush networks are synthesized via ROMP, attaining high conversions with minimal sol fractions (<2%). The crystallinity and mechanical properties of these networks are then further altered by solvent swelling with phosphate buffer solution (PBS) and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium ethyl sulfate/DCM cosolvents. The syntheses reported here highlight the potential of the bottlebrush network architecture for use in the rational design of new materials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of whey protein isolate (WPI) fibrils entanglement on the stability and loading capacity of WPI fibrils-stabilized Pickering emulsion. The results of rheology and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) showed the overlap concentration (C*) of WPI fibrils was around 0.5 wt.%. When the concentration was higher than C*, the fibrils became compact and entangled in solution due to a small cross-sectional radius of gyration value (1.18 nm). The interfacial behavior was evaluated by interfacial adsorption and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). As the fibril concentration increased from 0.1 wt.% to 1.25 wt.%, faster adsorption kinetics (from 0.13 to 0.21) and lower interfacial tension (from 11.85 mN/m to 10.34 mN/m) were achieved. CLSM results showed that WPI fibrils can effectively absorb on the surface of oil droplets. Finally, the microstructure and in vitro lipolysis were used to evaluate the effect of fibrils entanglement on the stability of emulsion and bioaccessibility of nobiletin. At C* concentration, WPI fibrils-stabilized Pickering emulsions exhibited excellent long-term stability and were also stable at various pHs (2.0-7.0) and ionic strengths (0-200 mM). WPI fibrils-stabilized Pickering emulsions after loading nobiletin remained stable, and in vitro digestion showed that these Pickering emulsions could significantly improve the extent of lipolysis (from 36% to 49%) and nobiletin bioaccessibility (21.9% to 62.5%). This study could provide new insight into the fabrication of food-grade Pickering emulsion with good nutraceutical protection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Scattering functions of sodium sulfonated polystyrene (NaPSS) star-branched polyelectrolytes with high sulfonation degrees were measured from their salt-free aqueous solutions, using the Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) technique. Whatever the concentration c, they display two maxima. The first, of abscissa q₁*, is related to a position order between star cores and scales as q₁* ∝ c1/3. The second, of abscissa q₂*, is also observed in the scattering function of a semi-dilute solution of NaPSS linear polyelectrolytes. In the dilute regime (c < c*, non-overlapping stars), peak abscissa does not depend on concentration c and is just an intramolecular characteristic associated with the electrostatic repulsion between arms of the same star. In the semi-dilute regime, due to the star interpenetration, the scattering function ⁻ through the peak position, reflects repulsion between arms of the same star or of different stars. The c threshold between these distinct c-dependencies of q₂* in the dilute and semi-dilute regimes is estimated as c*. Just as simple is the measurement of the geometrical radius R of the star obtained from the q₁* value at c* through the relation 2R = 2π/q₁*. By considering NaPSS stars of the same functionality with different degrees of polymerization per arm Na, we find R scaling linearly with Na, suggesting an elongated average conformation of the arms. This is in agreement with theoretical predictions and simulations. Meanwhile the value of q₂* measured in the dilute regime does not allow any inhomogeneous counterion distribution inside the stars to be revealed.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hydrogels prepared from poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) are widely applied in tissue engineering, especially those derived from a combination of functional multi-arm star PEG and linear crosslinker, with an expectation to form a structurally ideal network. However, the poor mechanical strength still renders their further applications. Here we examined the relationship between the dynamics of the pre-gel solution and the mechanical property of the resultant hydrogel in a system consisting of 4-arm star PEG functionalized with vinyl sulfone and short dithiol crosslinker. A method to prepare mechanically strong hydrogel for cartilage tissue engineering is proposed. It is found that when gelation takes place at the overlap concentration, at which a slow relaxation mode just appears in dynamic light scattering (DLS), the resultant hydrogel has a local maximum compressive strength ∼20 MPa, while still keeps ultralow mass concentration and Young\'s modulus. Chondrocyte-laden hydrogel constructed under this condition was transplanted into the subcutaneous pocket and an osteochondral defect model in SCID mice. The in vivo results show that chondrocytes can proliferate and maintain their phenotypes in the hydrogel, with the production of abundant extracellular matrix (ECM) components, formation of typical chondrocyte lacunae structure and increase in Young\'s modulus over 12 weeks, as indicated by histological, immunohistochemistry, gene expression analyses and mechanical test. Moreover, newly formed hyaline cartilage was observed to be integrated with the host articular cartilage tissue in the defects injected with chondrocytes/hydrogel constructs. The results suggest that this hydrogel is a promising candidate scaffold for cartilage tissue engineering.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The formulation of dilute, transparent ophthalmic emulsions (eye drops) with long shelf lives is a challenge because of the tendency of the emulsion droplets to aggregate, particularly in the presence of the water-soluble polymers typically used in eye drops. While many functions of eye drops, such as lubricity and residence time in the eye, are promoted by high concentrations of high molecular weight water-soluble polymers, emulsified lipids and drugs aggregate in the eye drop bottle if the polymer concentration is above the critical flocculation concentration (CFC). The purpose is to develop a simple approach to predict the CFC for polymers based on information readily available in the literature. High molecular weight guar was hydrolyzed to give a series of guar samples spanning a wide range of average molecular weights. The CFC values and critical viscosity concentrations were measured as functions guar properties, using electrophoresis, dynamic light scattering and rheology measurements. The higher the guar molecular weight, the lower was the CFC, the maximum concentration that can be tolerated in the eye drop formulation. The guar CFC values were approximately equal to the overlap concentrations where guar molecules start to overlap in solution. We propose that the CFC can be estimated for any water-soluble polymer using the polymer molecular weight and the readily available Mark-Houwink parameters, thus providing a design rule for ophthalmic emulsions.





