Outpatient Clinics, Hospital

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Depressive disorders are among the common mental health conditions in the general outpatient setting and affect patients\' load and treatment outcomes. People who suffer from depression frequently consult general practitioners and prefer to attribute their symptoms to physical illness rather than mental illness. Little is known about the magnitude and associated factors of depression among patients attending general outpatient services in Somalia. The study aimed at determining the prevalence and associated factors of depression among them.
    METHODS: This is an institution-based cross-sectional study among randomly selected 422 patients who attended general outpatient services of two hospitals in Mogadishu. We applied three standardized instruments, such as the Somali version of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), the Oslo Social Support Scale (OSSS-3), and the Perceived Stress Scale-10 (PSS-10). We analyzed data using the statistical software SPSS version 29. We calculated prevalence and its 95% Confidence Interval (CI) and identified associated factors by bivariate and Multivariate analysis. We considered the association significant when p value is < 0.05.
    RESULTS: The prevalence of depression symptoms was found to be 55% (95% CI 50-60%). The result also showed that 55.0% were females, 50.7% were aged between 26 and 44 years, 44.3% were single, 29.9% achieved tertiary education, and 44.3% were unemployed. Multivariate analysis established that age of between 26 and 44 years (aOR = 2.86, 95%CI:1.30-6.29, p = 0.009), being separated/divorced (aOR = 2.37, 95%CI: 1.16-4.82, p = 0.018), income level of ≤$100 (aOR = 3.71, 95% CI:1.36-10.09, p = 0.010), and high stress levels (aOR = 20.06, 95%CI:7.33-54.94, p < 0.001) were independent factors that significantly associated with depressive symptoms.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study found high levels of depression among patients attending outpatient clinics, with age, marital status, education level, income level, family history of psychiatry disorder, and stress level being key predictors. Regular screening among patients in outpatient clinics and proper referral are crucial in ensuring that those at high risk of depression are managed effectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To assess the level of satisfaction expressed for services rendered in the public health sector to clients who were seen at outpatient departments (OPDs) and primary healthcare (PHC) facilities in Al-Qassim Health Cluster in Saudi Arabia.
    METHODS: This study used a comparative cross-sectional study design, and data were obtained as secondary data from The Patient\'s Experience Platform. Data analysis was carried out using Stata (version 16), and the significance level was 5%.
    RESULTS: In comparing the mean satisfaction in 9 domains, statistically significantly higher means for the PHC facilities than the OPDs were seen across 7 domains: patients navigating health facilities (p=0.008), nursing services (p<0.001), physicians\' services (p=0.004), radiological services (p<0.001), personal issues (p=0.003), the pharmacy (p=0.005), and general experience (p=0.036).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study\'s findings are significant. They indicate that client satisfaction with services at PHC facilities was significantly higher than with services at hospital OPDs in Al-Qassim region. This underscores the need to improve the quality of services provided at OPDs to bring them to the same level as those provided by PHC facilities. Policymakers and implementers should, therefore, sustain efforts to make OPDs and PHC facilities more desirable for clients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Outpatient letters are an essential communication tool in healthcare. Yet doctors receive little training on letter writing and what details recipients consider important. We surveyed 106 hospital doctors and 63 general practitioners (GPs), identifying differences in each group\'s preferences; GPs preferred more structured, detailed letters. Opportunities for feedback, formal templates and advanced software systems can improve communication in outpatient clinics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To evaluate the efficiency and cost-benefit of the manual and intelligent venous blood sampling in outpatient area. The hospital selected had two branches with the outpatient area in Branch A using manual venous blood sampling as the control group and the outpatient area in Branch B using intelligent venous blood sampling as the experimental group. Analyze the differences between the two groups in operation time, cost-benefit, and service efficiency through on-site investigation and project cost methods. Compared with manual venous blood sampling, intelligent venous blood sampling project is more optimized with shorter operation time and higher nursing service efficiency. But both groups have negative returns. The intelligent venous blood sampling process is more optimized, combined with dynamic job implementation, resulting in lower labor costs and higher job service efficiency compared to manual venous blood sampling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in significant changes in the delivery of health care services such as attendance of scheduled outpatient hospital appointments. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on the rate and predictors of missed hospital appointment in the Sultanate of Oman.
    METHODS: A retrospective single-centre analysis was conducted to determine the effect of COVID-19 on missed hospital appointments at various clinics at The Royal Hospital (tertiary referral hospital) in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. The study population included scheduled face-to-face and virtual appointments between January 2019 and March 2021. Logistic regression models were used with interaction terms (post COVID-19) to assess changes in the predictors of missed appointments.
    RESULTS: A total of 34, 3149 scheduled appointments was analysed (320,049 face-to-face and 23,100 virtual). The rate of missed face-to-face hospital appointments increased from 16.9% pre to 23.8% post start of COVID-19, particularly in early pandemic (40.5%). Missed hospital appointments were more frequent (32.2%) in virtual clinics (post COVID-19). Increases in missed face-to-face appointments varied by clinic (Paediatrics from 19.3% pre to 28.2% post; Surgery from 12.5% to 25.5%; Obstetrics & Gynaecology from 8.4% to 8.5%). A surge in the frequency of missed appointments was seen during national lockdowns for face-to-face and virtual appointments. Most predictors of missed appointments did not demonstrate any appreciable changes in effect (i.e., interaction term not statistically significant). Distance of patient residence to the hospital revealed no discernible changes in the relative effect pre and post COVID-19 for both face-to-face and virtual clinic appointments.
    CONCLUSIONS: The rate of missed visits in most clinics was directly impacted by COVID-19. The case mix of patients who missed their appointments did not change. Virtual appointments, introduced after start of the pandemic, also had substantial rates of missed appointments and cannot be viewed as the single approach that can overcome the problem of missing hospital appointments.






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    文章类型: Observational Study
    BACKGROUND: Sleep health indicates how well an individual or population sleeps. Good sleep health is characterized by subjective satisfaction, sustained alertness during waking hours, appropriate timing, high efficiency, and adequate duration. Poor sleep health is associated with many short-term and long-term health consequences. There are limited data on the pattern of sleep health in Nigeria. Against this backdrop, we embarked on this study to determine the Pattern of Sleep Health among patients attending the Adult Neurology clinic in a Federal Teaching Hospital, in Abakaliki, Nigeria.
    METHODS: This is a cross-sectional observational hospital-based study undertaken at the Adult Neurology clinic of the Alex Ekwueme Federal University Teaching Hospital Abakaliki, Nigeria from July to September 2022.
    RESULTS: Out of the 267 patients recruited for the study, 19% had good sleep health with SATED scores of 8 to 10 while 81% had poor sleep health. The absence of alcohol abuse, cigarette smoking, and neurological diagnosis were statistically associated with poor sleep health with no sex and age predilection. The mean sleep duration was 7.5± 1.5 hours (male = 7.6 hours, female = 7.3 hours, 18- 64 years= 7.4 hours, ≥ 65 years =7.9 hours). Timing of sleep (mean= 0.97) was the least rated while sleep satisfaction (mean= 1.54) was the best-rated sleep dimension.
    CONCLUSIONS: Sleep health is very poor amongst patients attending the adult Neurology clinic at Abakaliki Nigeria and it is associated with smoking, absence of alcohol abuse, and neurological diagnosis.
    BACKGROUND: La santé du sommeil indique à quel point un individu ou une population dort. Une bonne santé du sommeil se caractérise par une satisfaction subjective, une vigilance soutenue pendant les heures d\'éveil, un timing approprié, une efficacité élevée et une durée adéquate. Une mauvaise santé du sommeil est associée à de nombreuses conséquences sanitaires à court et à long terme. Il existe des données limitées sur le schéma de santé du sommeil au Nigéria. Dans ce contexte, nous avons entrepris cette étude pour déterminer le schéma de santé du sommeil parmi les patients fréquentant la clinique de neurologie pour adultes dans un hôpital d\'enseignement fédéral à Abakaliki, Nigeria.
    UNASSIGNED: Il s\'agissait d\'une étude observationnelle transversale réalisée à la clinique de neurologie pour adultes de l\'hôpital universitaire fédéral Alex Ekwueme àAbakaliki, Nigeria, de juillet à septembre 2022.
    UNASSIGNED: Sur les 267 patients recrutés pour l\'étude, 19 % avaient une bonne santé du sommeil avec des scores SATED de 8 à 10, tandis que 81 % avaient une mauvaise santé du sommeil. L\'absence d\'abus d\'alcool, de tabagisme et de diagnostic neurologique était statistiquement associée à une mauvaise santé du sommeil, sans prédilection pour le sexe et l\'âge. La durée moyenne du sommeil était de 7,5 ± 1,5 heures (homme = 7,6 heures, femme = 7,3 heures, 18-64 ans = 7,4 heures, ≥ 65 ans = 7,9 heures). Le timing du sommeil (moyenne = 0,97) était la dimension la moins bien notée, tandis que la satisfaction du sommeil (moyenne = 1,54) était la dimension la mieux notée.
    CONCLUSIONS: La santé du sommeil est très mauvaise chez les patients fréquentant la clinique de neurologie pour adultes à Abakaliki, au Nigéria, et elle est associée au tabagisme, à l\'absence d\'abus d\'alcool et au diagnostic neurologique.
    UNASSIGNED: :Santé du sommeil, Clinique de neurologie,Abakaliki, Nigeria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study assessed feasibility and psychometric properties of the Hebrew parent version of the Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC-17), aiming to improve treatment access for children and adolescents with behavioral and mental needs through early screening. The PSC-17 and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) were filled in the waiting room, at three ambulatory clinics in a tertiary pediatric center, by 274 parents using a tablet or their cellphone. Demographic and clinical data were retrieved from patients\' files. PSC results were compared to SDQ results and assessed vis-a-vis a psychiatric diagnosis, determined previously and independently by trained pediatric psychiatrists for 78 pediatric patients who attended these clinics. Construct and discriminant validity of the PSC-17 Hebrew version were good. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values are presented. The PSC-17 (Hebrew version) was found to be a feasible tool for mental health screening at pediatric ambulatory care clinics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: COVID-19 accelerated healthcare changes, introducing various telehealth services. Work is needed to determine the suitability of telemedicine in the post-pandemic era.
    OBJECTIVE: To explore perceptions and experiences of telemedicine among patients and providers (clinicians and health administrators) who were involved in telemedicine appointments in hospital outpatient clinics in 2020-2022.
    METHODS: Qualitative study: semi-structured interviews were conducted with 37 participants (16 patients and 21 providers) in various hospital specialist outpatient clinics in a New South Wales local health district.
    RESULTS: Patients were generally satisfied with telemedicine consultations, especially during COVID restrictions, because of the convenience of accessing care from home and minimising the risk of COVID exposure. However, patients considered that the inability to receive a physical examination was a significant disadvantage of telemedicine. Providers had ambivalent perceptions and expressed concerns about mis- and under-diagnoses because of the inability to conduct physical examinations. They considered telemedicine suitable for review appointments but noted an associated increased workload and stressed the need for sustainable funding models (Medicare items). Both patients and providers recognised the need for education/training and better integration of telemedicine platforms into existing infrastructure to facilitate an optimal hybrid model of care.
    CONCLUSIONS: Despite expressing some concerns over its limitations, patients valued telemedicine for its convenience and for meeting their needs during the pandemic. While acknowledging that patients experienced some benefits from telemedicine, clinicians expressed concerns about potential missed diagnoses, uncertain clinical outcomes and lack of administrative and technological infrastructure. The ultimate test of telemedicine will be its impact on clinical outcomes versus longstanding models of in-person care.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Editorial





