
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album Linn.) is one of the most problematic weeds associated with crops worldwide due to its fast-growing, high fecundity, and wide tolerance to various conditions. Meanwhile, C. album is also an herbaceous vegetable plant, and the leaves and young shoots of this plant are considered nutritious in the human diet (Aman et al. 2016). In September 2023, C. album plants exhibiting yellowing, stunted growth, and extensive galled root symptoms were collected from a yam field in Fengqiu (34°54\'24\"N; 114°34\'57\"E), Henan Province, China. At the selected sampling site, we randomly selected 100 C. album plants, and the disease incidence was 73% on a 0.67-ha field. A RKN species belonging to the genus Meloidogyne was found, comprising an average of 550 second-stage juveniles (J2s) from 100 g of the 10 to 30 cm soil layer. The J2s were isolated from fresh soil with a Baermann funnel. C. album roots were thoroughly washed with tap water and dissected. Nematodes at different stages were collected and morphologically identified. Females and egg masses were obtained by dissecting galls. Females were white with a protruding neck, globular to pear-shaped. The perineal patterns of females predominantly exhibited a pronounced dorsal arch, characterized by either a square or trapezoid shape, lacking obvious lateral lines. Males isolated from root galls were vermiform, annulated, and showed a trapezoidal labial region, including a high head cap that was concaved at the center of the top end in lateral view. J2s were distinguished by the conspicuous, round stylet knobs, and they had wrinkled tails with a hyaline region and an obtuse tip. Morphological measurements are described in the supplementary material. All features were consistent with the morphological characteristics of Meloidogyne incognita (Eisenback and Hirschmann 1981). Identification was accomplished with subsequent species-specific PCR and sequencing analysis. The genomic DNA of 10 individual females was extracted, and the molecular identification was carried out with M. incognita-specific primers Mi-F/Mi-R, and Inc-K14-F/Inc-K14-R (Meng et al. 2004; Randig et al. 2002). PCR amplification generated 955 and 399 bp fragments for the analyzed samples, respectively, and the amplicons were confirmed by sequence analyses. The sequences were deposited in GenBank under accession number PP836070 and PP836071. BLASTn searches showed 100% identity with available GenBank M. incognita sequences (accession no. MK410954, OQ427638). To verify reproduction on C. album, 10 healthy plants (30 days old) grown in pots with sterilized soil were inoculated with 1,000 M. incognita J2s under greenhouse conditions (light/dark: 16 h/8 h, temperature: 25-28°C). Five uninoculated plants were used as negative control. Two months after inoculation, stunted growth and root-galling symptoms were observed similar to those in field, whereas control plants remained symptomless. Many root galls and egg masses were observed in all inoculated plants. The root galling index (scale of 0 to 10; Poudyal et al. 2005) was ~7 and nematode reproduction factor (final population density/initial population density) was 5.3. The morphological features of the nematodes reisolated from root tissue closely match the description of M. incognita, fulfilling Koch\'s postulates. The pathogenicity test was carried out twice with similar results. M. incognita is an emerging disease of economic importance in many crop plants worldwide, and may cause serious economic losses (Phani et al. 2021). This widely distributed C. album plant is likely a reservoir for the pathogen and serves as an alternate host for nematodes. The findings are significant for the integrated management practices of RKNs, particularly for crops that are infested with C. album. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the nematode parasitizing C. album in China. The development of effective short- and long-term control procedures is urgently needed for managing M. incognita.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Simulation-based education (SBE) provides enactive experiences for learners. This project explores the utility of SBE in GUM training.
    METHODS: Phase 1 was a qualitative survey of GUM trainees across the UK exploring their views on SBE. Phase 2 involved roll-out of SBE to new GUM trainees. Feedback was subsequently obtained.
    RESULTS: Twenty-three participants were surveyed in phase 1. When asked to rate the relevance of SBE to curriculum competencies on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = not relevant, 5 = highly relevant), the highest ratings (score ≥4) were for proctoscopy (4.1), IUD insertion (4.1), SDI removal (4.1), SDI insertion (4.0), and punch biopsy (4.0). All curriculum items scored ≥3. Eighty-three percent (n = 19) felt SBE will improve clinician confidence and competence. Following introduction of SBE, participants fed back on the relevance of the session. All 5 respondents rated the session ≥4 for addressing their clinical and curriculum goals. All respondents rated the session ≥4 for improving clinician confidence and competence. The session received an overall rating of 5, and respondents similarly rated 5 for more sessions.
    CONCLUSIONS: Trainees recognise the value of simulated learning experiences and its role in improving procedural competence and addressing bespoke human factor skills relevant to GUM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fritillaria unibracteata Hsiao et K. C. Hsia is a recognized source of \'Chuanbeimu\' in the \'Chinese Pharmacopoeia\'. In China, its bulbs have been used as a traditional herbal cough remedy for about 2,000 years. Surveys for fungal diseases were conducted in Xiaojin and Songpan, Sichuan Province, the primary cultivation region of F. unibracteata, with an area of 150 acres, in May and July 2022. Rust was found in almost all areas and incidence ranged from 5% to 80% in all study areas. Diseased leaves displayed yellow spots on the upper side, and raised buff, golden, or fuscous waxy pustules on the lower side. In severe cases, the infection extended to the stems and petioles, leading to wilting and death of plant. Spermogonia, aecia, and telia were mainly found on the underside of leaves. Spermogonia were scattered among the aecia and exhibited a range of colors from honey-yellow to chestnut-brown. They had a cross-sectional diameter of 94.4 to 214.3 µm height and 94.2 to 197.5 µm in width (n=30). They were nearly spherical, embedded in the host tissue, and had distinct periphysis at the pores. Aecia were hemispherical, initially white, with the peridium later turning yellowish-brown and opening via a central pore. Aeciospores were pale yellow, finely and closely verrucose, measuring 20.6 to 34.1 × 18.4 to 30.1 µm with a cell wall thickness of 1.5 to 2.4 µm (n=51). Prior to plants wilting, elongated telia were observed, gradually exposed, then finally opening through longitudinal cracks in the epidermis. Teliospores were unicellular, dark brown, oblong to oval, and solitary on stems, measuring 24.7 to 38.2 × 19.2 to 27.8 µm (n=130) with a wall thickness of 1.6 to 3.1 µm, with a low hyaline papilla at the apex and were moderately rugose with longitudinal parallel ridges. The characteristics align with previous descriptions of Uromyces aecidiiformi (Rees, 1917, Zhuang, 2005). The primer pair LR0R (Moncalvo et al., 1995)/LR5 (Vilgalys & Hester, 1990) was utilized for amplifying and sequencing the large subunit of the nuclear ribosomal RNA genes from strains IS909-3 and IS1816 (GenBank PQ008482, PQ008483). The obtained sequences showed a high similarity of 99.9% to 100% similarity to strains U1023 and UBC19 of U. aecidiiformis in RustHubb (KR0014142 and PUN23000)( Kaishian et al., 2024). Through examination of morphology, host range, and sequence similarity, we determined the rust species to be U. aecidiiformis. Pathogenicity testing was conducted by spraying a suspension of aeciospores (1×105 spores/mL in 0.05% Tween 20 solution) on six healthy four-year-old F. unibracteata plants indoors in May 2023. The plants were allowed to grow under natural conditions, where the diurnal temperature ranged from 9 to 20℃, with an average temperature of 14℃, which is conducive to the growth of F. unibracteata. Another six seedlings were sprayed with 0.05% Tween 20 solution as controls. After three weeks, all infected plants showed symptoms similar to those seen in the field, while control plants remained symptom-free. Microscopic examination and sequencing confirmed that the pathogen morphology was consistent between the field and the inoculation, meeting Koch\'s postulates. Although U. aecidiiformis has been previously reported to cause rust of F. pallidiflora and F. ussuriensis(Zhuang, 1989, Zhuang, 2005), this is the first report of U. aecidiiformis causing rust on F. unibracteata in China. This pathogen significantly reduces the yield and quality of Chuanbeimu, highlighting the importance of effectively identifying and controlling it.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Whilst chatbots for mental health are becoming increasingly prevalent, research on user experiences and expectations is relatively scarce and also equivocal on their acceptability and utility. This paper asks how people formulate their understandings of what might be appropriate in this space. We draw on data from a group of non-users who have experienced a need for support, and so can imagine self as therapeutic target-enabling us to tap into their imaginative speculations of the self in relation to the chatbot other and the forms of agency they see as being at play; unconstrained by a specific actual chatbot. Analysis points towards ambiguity over some key issues: whether the apps were seen as having a role in specific episodes of mental health or in relation to an ongoing project of supporting wellbeing; whether the chatbot could be viewed as having a therapeutic agency or was a mere tool; and how far these issues related to matters of the user\'s personal qualities or the specific nature of the mental health condition. A range of traditions, norms and practices were used to construct diverse expectations on whether chatbots could offer a solution to cost-effective mental health support at scale.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the majority of medical journals having a rejection rate of >80% of submitted manuscripts, it does come as a shock and as grief to the author who great expectations before submission. Though the majority of literature available does mention how to overcome the lacunae in the manuscript before considering resubmission in another journal, none addresses the mental agony and setback the author faces and the way to overcome this setback. Every author should develop immunity and also be adequately mentally prepared to overcome this misery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: South Asian gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBM) in the United States have been persistently overlooked in HIV research and programming. To address this limitation, this article describes their HIV-related knowledge, risk perception, and minority stressors, with a focus on identifying variations between American-born individuals and immigrants.
    METHODS: Participants were recruited from April-July 2022 through social media advertising and peer referral and surveyed about their sociodemographic and HIV-related behavioral characteristics. Previously validated scales were used to assess their HIV-related knowledge, risk perception, disclosure of sexual identity, experienced homophobia, and perceived racism within the sexual and gender minority community. Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon tests were conducted to compare those born in the United States and those born abroad.
    RESULTS: Of the 112 participants, 26 (23.21%) were American-born individuals and 86 (76.79%) were immigrants. Despite similar levels of sexual risk behaviors, such as having multiple male sex partners, engaging in condomless anal sex, and using alcohol or drugs immediately before or during sex, immigrants had lower levels of HIV-related knowledge (p = .0480) and risk perception (p = .0114) compared to American-born individuals. Immigrants were also less likely to have disclosed their sexual identity to family, friends, and society compared to American-born individuals (p = .0004). No differences were identified with respect to experiences of homophobia (p = .2303) or perceptions of racism (p = .4011).
    CONCLUSIONS: Comprehensive HIV prevention efforts that address the social and cultural norms of South Asian GBM in the United States are needed.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Studies have suggested a strong association between depression and poor outcomes following various orthopaedic surgeries. However, depression\'s impact on complications following open reduction/internal fixation (ORIF) of trimalleolar fractures has not been elucidated. Therefore, this study aimed to determine whether depression is associated with higher rates of readmissions and medical complications following ORIF of trimalleolar fractures.
    METHODS: A database query from January, 2020, through March, 2021, identifying adults who underwent trimalleolar ORIF generated 50 154 patients. Those with depression were matched 1:1 to controls without depression by age, sex, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, anxiety, and other prominent comorbidities. Primary endpoints compared 90-day all-cause readmissions and medical complications. Odds ratios (ORs) of the effect of depression on readmissions and medical complications were calculated.
    RESULTS: Patients with depression who underwent ORIF of trimalleolar fractures had significantly higher odds of being readmitted within 90 days of the initial procedure (OR: 1.37; P < .0001). Ninety-day odds of developing medical complications were significantly higher (OR: 4.61; P < .0001) in patients with depression compared with patients within the control group.
    CONCLUSIONS: Patients with depression undergoing trimalleolar ORIF face an increased risk of readmission and multiple postoperative complications. Orthopaedic surgeons should factor depression into their preoperative evaluation, given the already high burden of complications following ORIF of trimalleolar fractures.
    UNASSIGNED: Level III: Retrospective cohort study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In the past 3 decades, thyroid cancer research has surged, becoming the leading topic in clinical thyroidology. Despite this, there\'s a lack of data identifying key articles, authors, and journals. This study aims to provide insights for authors, physicians, and research labs by highlighting the most influential journals, authors, and research topics in thyroid cancer.
    METHODS: A comprehensive search was conducted using the Scopus database, employing the medical subject heading (MeSH) terms \"Thyroid\" and \"Cancer\" in the titles, abstracts, or keywords of articles. The search was limited to English articles in academic medicine journals published between January 1993 and December 2021.
    RESULTS: The search yielded 21 472 articles across 3076 journals, authored by 13 974 senior authors. The number of journals publishing on thyroid cancer expanded from 29 in 1993 to 733 in 2021, marking an average annual growth of 14%. Article output on the topic increased from 54 in the initial year to 1580 by 2021, with an annual growth rate of 16%. A thematic analysis revealed 369 articles mentioning \"BRAF\" since 2004, 479 articles on \"ultrasound\" techniques, 325 on \"ablation\" methods, and 453 articles focusing on \"genetics\" in thyroid cancer. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism emerged as the most prolific, publishing 1017 articles over the 29-year period.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study guides resource allocation towards impactful journals for thyroid cancer researchers, helps identify key contributors for collaboration or mentorship, and provides a framework for similar analyses in other fields.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Only in the past decade have skeletal stem cells (SSCs), a cell type displaying formal evidence of stemness and serving as the ultimate origin of mature skeletal cell types such as osteoblasts, been defined. Here, we discuss a pair of recent reports that identify that SSCs do not represent a single cell type, but rather a family of related cells that each have characteristic anatomic locations and distinct functions tailored to the physiology of those sites. The distinct functional properties of these SSCs in turn provide a basis for the diseases of their respective locations. This concept emerges from one report identifying a distinct vertebral skeletal stem cell driving the high rate of breast cancer metastasis to the spine over other skeletal sites and a report identifying two SSCs in the calvaria that interact to mediate both physiologic calvarial mineralization and pathologic calvarial suture fusion in craniosynostosis. Despite displaying functional differences, these SSCs are each united by shared features including a shared series of surface markers and parallel differentiation hierarchies. We propose that this diversity at the level of SSCs in turn translates into a similar diversity at the level of mature skeletal cell types, including osteoblasts, with osteoblasts derived from different SSCs each displaying different functional and transcriptional characteristics reflecting their cell of origin. In this model, osteoblasts would represent not a single cell type, but rather a family of related cells each with distinct functions, paralleling the functional diversity in SSCs.
    Only in the past decade have the stem cells in the skeleton been identified. Here, we discuss a pair of recent reports that identify that skeletal stem cells are actually a family of related cells that each have distinct locations and functions. These site-specific skeletal stem cells account for the signature diseases occurring in different regions of the skeleton. Specifically, one of these stem cells forms the spine and establishes that this stem cell drives the high rate of breast cancer metastasis to the spine over other skeletal sites. There are also at least two skeletal stem cells in the flat bones of the skull, with mutations alerting how these two stem cells “talk” to each other serving as a cause for disorders of premature skull fusion. Despite displaying differences in their function, these stem cells are each united by shared features including a partially shared series marker genes. We also here propose that this diversity at the level of skeletal stem cells translates into a similar diversity in mature skeletal cell types, including osteoblasts. In this model, osteoblasts are not a single cell type, but rather a family of related cells each with distinct functions.





