
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organotin compounds (OTs) are well studied in various environmental compartments, with a critical focus on the water column as their primary entry point into aquatic ecosystems. In this context, a method for the analysis of organotin (OTs) in water using silicone rubber-based passive sampling was optimized, validated, and field-tested. Validation covered crucial parameters, including the limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), accuracy, precision, linearity, and matrix effect. The method was shown to be robust (R2 ≥ 0.99), with recoveries between 70.2 and 114.6%, and precise (CV < 12.8%) (N = 3). LODCw and LOQCw were ≤15 and ≤ 48 pg Sn L-1, respectively, for TBT and TPhT. The matrix effect showed to be low (>-20% ME < 20%) for all OTs but TPhT (69.4%). The silicone rubber-water partition coefficients (Log Ksr,w) were estimated at 3.37 for MBT, 3.77 for DBT, 4.17 for TBT, 3.49 for MPhT, 3.83 for DPhT, and 4.22 for TPhT. During the field study carried out between October 2021 and February 2022 at the entrance of the Port of Santos navigation channel (Southeastern Brazil), sampling rates ranged between 4.1 and 4.6 L d-1, and the equilibrium was achieved for MBT, DBT, MPhT, and DPhT after ∼45 days of deployment. The freely dissolved concentrations varied between 134 and 165 pg Sn L-1 for TBT, 388 and 610 pg Sn L-1 for DBT, and 1114 and 1509 pg Sn L-1 for MBT, while MPhT, DPhT, and TPhT were below the limit of detection. Results pointed out that J-FLEX® rubber-based passive sampling is a suitable and reliable alternative method for the continuous monitoring of OTs in the water column.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organotins have been widely used in various industrial applications. This study investigated the structure-activity relationship as inhibitors of human, pig, and rat gonadal 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (3β-HSD). Human KGN cell, pig, and rat testis microsomes were utilized to assess the inhibitory effects of 18 organotins on the conversion of pregnenolone to progesterone. Among them, diphenyltin, triethyltin, and triphenyltin exhibited significant inhibitory activity against human 3β-HSD2 with IC50 values of 114.79, 106.98, and 5.40 μM, respectively. For pig 3β-HSD, dipropyltin, diphenyltin, triethyltin, tributyltin, and triphenyltin demonstrated inhibitory effects with IC50 values of 172.00, 100.19, 87.00, 5.75, and 1.65 μM, respectively. Similarly, for rat 3β-HSD1, dipropyltin, diphenyltin, triethyltin, tributyltin, and triphenyltin displayed inhibitory activity with IC50 values of 81.35, 43.56, 55.55, 4.09, and 0.035 μM, respectively. They were mixed inhibitors of pig and rat 3β-HSD, while triphenyltin was identified as a competitive inhibitor of human 3β-HSD2. The mechanism underlying the inhibition of organotins on 3β-HSD was explored, revealing that they may disrupt the enzyme activity by binding to cysteine residues in the catalytic sites. This proposition was supported by the observation that the addition of dithiothreitol reversed the inhibition caused by all organotins except for triethyltin, which was partially reversed. In conclusion, this study provides valuable insights into the structure-activity relationship of organotins as inhibitors of human, pig, and rat gonadal 3β-HSD. The mechanistic investigation suggests that these compounds likely exert their inhibitory effects through binding to cysteine residues in the catalytic sites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Food has regularly been proven to be a key source of exposure to environmental pollutants, drawing attention to the dietary exposure risks of contaminants to mammals with significant daily food intake. Here, the levels of six organotin compounds (OTs) in 18 fish (n = 310), three cephalopods (n = 50), and one shrimp (n = 34) from the Lingdingyang (LDY) and west four region (WFR) of the Pearl River Estuary (PRE) and their dietary exposure risks to Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins and humans were first investigated. Total OT levels ranged from 3.84 to 901. 48 ng/g wet weight (ww) in 22 prey species from the LDY, and from 14.37 to 1364.64 ng/g ww in 19 species from the WFR. The LDY marine species generally accumulated higher butyltin levels but lower phentyltin levels than those in the WFR. All species have a phenyltin degradation index <1 and over 60 % of the sampled species have a butyltin degradation index <1, suggesting the PRE marine species might be exposed to the fresh discharge of OTs. A total of nine marine species exceeded the threshold levels of OT intake for adverse health effects on human juveniles by consumption, all 22 marine species posed high dietary risks to the PRE humpback dolphins. Moreover, probabilistic risk assessment using Monte Carlo simulation revealed that the probabilities of RQ values associated with WFR OT exposure higher than 1 were 18.87 % for human adults, 40.55 % for human juveniles, 100 % for both humpback dolphin adults and humpback dolphin juveniles. Our results highlighted the potentially high dietary exposure risks of OTs to marine mammals and residents in the PRE.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organotin compounds (OTCs) are a commercially important group of organometallic compounds of tin used globally as polyvinyl chloride stabilizers and marine antifouling biocides. Worldwide use of OTCs has resulted in their ubiquitous presence in ecosystems across all the continents. OTCs have metabolic and endocrine disrupting effects in marine and terrestrial organisms. Thus, harmful OTCs (tributyltin) have been banned by the International Convention on the Control of Harmful Antifouling Systems since 2008. However, continued manufacturing by non-member countries poses a substantial risk for animal and human health. In this study, structural binding of common commercial OTCs, tributyltin (TBT), dibutyltin (DBT), monobutyltin (MBT), triphenyltin (TPT), diphenyltin (DPT), monophenyltin (MPT), and azocyclotin (ACT) against sex-steroid nuclear receptors, androgen receptor (AR), and estrogen receptors (ERα, ERβ) was performed using molecular docking and MD simulation. TBT, DBT, DPT, and MPT bound deep within the binding sites of AR, ERα, and Erβ, showing good dock score, binding energy and dissociation constants that were comparable to bound native ligands, testosterone and estradiol. The stability of docking complex was shown by MD simulation of organotin/receptor complex with RMSD, RMSF, Rg, and SASA plots showing stable interaction, low deviation, and compactness of the complex. A high commonality (50-100%) of interacting residues of ERα and ERβ for the docked ligands and bound native ligand (estradiol) indicated that the organotin compounds bound in the same binding site of the receptor as the native ligand. The results suggested that organotins may interfere with the natural steroid/receptor binding and perturb steroid signaling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper evaluates the coexistence risks of triphenyltin (TPT) and norfloxacin (NOR) to aquatic organisms in the aquatic environment. Carp (Cyprinus carpio) was used as the test organism, the control and exposure groups (1 μg/L TPT), 1 mg/L (NOR), 1 μg/LTPT+1 mg/LNOR (TPT_NOR)) were set up according to the environmental concentration in the severely polluted area for 42 days. The single/combined toxic effects of TPT and NOR on aquatic organisms were evaluated by analyzing carp brain transcriptome sequencing, gut microbiota structure, and detection of biochemical indicators and RT-qPCR. Our results show that TPT and NOR induce lipid metabolism disorder in carp brain tissue, affecting the metabolism of cytochrome P450 to exogenous substances, and NOR also induces immunosuppression in carp. Long-term exposure to TPT combined with NOR amplifies the monotoxicity of TPT or NOR on lipid metabolism and immunosuppression in carp, induces immune dysfunction in brain tissue and changes in gut microbiota structure. However, TPT_NOR has no obvious neurotoxicity on the brain, but it can inhibit the level of intestinal MDA. This highlights that co-exposure of TPT and NOR amplifies metabolic disorders and immunosuppressive functions in carp.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marine mammals often accumulate high levels of environmental contaminants, even those that are globally regulated regarding usage, raising concerns about their health status. Here, we conducted the first investigation of tissue distribution, spatiotemporal trends, and potential risks of six organotin compounds (OTs) in Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (n = 101) from the northern South China Sea during 2003-2021. We detected the highest level of hepatic triphenyltin in these humpback dolphins compared with the results reported in cetaceans globally, and the liver accumulated the highest OT concentrations than other analyzed tissues. Despite the downward trend of butyltins in humpback dolphins after the global ban on the use of OTs as antifouling paints, levels of phenyltins have continued to increase over the past 20 years, suggesting that the other applications of phenyltins in South China remain prevalent. In vitro and in vivo analyses revealed that tissue-relevant doses of OTs could induce agonistic effects on the dolphin peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ as a master regulator of lipid homeostasis and altered the dolphin fatty acid profiles. Our results highlight the lipid-disrupting effects of current OT exposure in humpback dolphins and emphasize the need for further efforts to eliminate OT contamination in South China.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated if the exposure to tributyltin (TBT), a chemical used worldwide in boat antifouling paints, could result in metabolic disturbances in the blue crab Callinectes sapidus. After the exposure to TBT 100 or 1000 ng.L-1 for 48 and 96 h, hemolymph and tissues were collected to determine the concentration of metabolites and lipid peroxidation. The levels of glucose, lactate, cholesterol, and triglycerides in the hemolymph were not affected by TBT exposure. Hemolymph protein and heart glycogen increased in the crabs exposed to TBT 1000 for 96 h. Anterior gills protein and lipoperoxidation decreased after 96 h in all groups. These results suggest that C. sapidus can maintain energy homeostasis when challenged by the TBT exposure for 48 h and that metabolic alterations initiate after 96 h.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Four new carboxylates complexes with general formula R2SnL2 and R3SnL, where R = n-butyl (1, 3), methyl (2, 4) and L = 4-Chlorophenoxyacetate, were synthesized in significant yields. FT-IR analysis revealed a chelating (1 and 2) and a bridging bidentate (3 and 4) coordination modes for the carboxylate ligand in solid state which was further confirmed by the single crystal X-ray analysis of complex 4. The NMR data (1H, 13C and 119Sn) revealed a higher coordination number around the tin center in R2SnL2 (1 and 2) compared to R3SnL (3 and 4). A close matching was observed between the experimental and calculated structures (obtained at B3LYP/6-31G* + LANL2DZ basis set). Quantum chemical analysis indicates that the carboxylate moiety has the major contribution in the formation of filled and unfilled orbitals as well as in ligand to ligand intramolecular charge transfer during the electronic transitions. The cytotoxicity data of the screened compounds evaluated against lung cancer cell line (A549) and normal lung fibroblast cell line (MRC-5) revealed that 1, 3 and 4 have shown dose dependent cytotoxic effects while HL and 2 have shown steady and low cytotoxic activities. The antibacterial activity of complexes 1-4 is higher than that of HL. Molecular docking study showed an intercalation binding mode for complex 3 with DNA (docking score = -3.6005) involving four polar interactions. Complex 3 docking with tubulin (PDB ID 1SA0) with colchicine as a target protein resulted in three polar interactions (docking score -5.2957). Further, the docking analysis of the HL and 1-4 has shown an adequate interactions with the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, nucleocapsid protein and human angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE2).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Three peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor paralogues (PPARα, -β and -γ) are currently recognized in vertebrate genomes. PPARγ is known to modulate nutrition, adipogenesis and immunity in vertebrates. Natural ligands of PPARγ have been proposed; however, the receptor also binds synthetic ligands such as endocrine disruptors. Two paralogues of PPARα and PPARβ have been documented in teleost species, a consequence of the 3R WGD. Recently, two PPARγ paralogue genes were also identified in Astyanax mexicanus. We aimed to determine whether the presence of two PPARγ paralogues is prevalent in other teleost genomes, through genomic and phylogenetic analysis. Our results showed that besides Characiformes, two PPARγ paralogous genes were also identified in other teleost taxa, coinciding with the teleost-specific, whole-genome duplication and with the retention of both genes prior to the separation of the Clupeocephala. To functionally characterize these genes, we used the European sardine (Sardina pilchardus) as a model. PPARγA and PPARγB display a different tissue distribution, despite the similarity of their functional profiles: they are unresponsive to tested fatty acids and other human PPARγ ligands yet yield a transcriptional response in the presence of tributyltin (TBT). This observation puts forward the relevance of comparative analysis to decipher alternative binding architectures and broadens the disruptive potential of man-made chemicals for aquatic species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organotin pollution in components of benthic ecosystems was investigated in 2019 in the Barents Sea (South shore, Kola Peninsula) and the Fram Strait (Icefjord, Svalbard Archipelago). Six species of organotin compounds (OTs), including monobutyltin, dibutyltin, tributyltin, tetrabutyltin, triphenyltin and tricyclohexyltin, were measured in the surface sediments, bivalve molluscs (Ciliatocardium ciliatum, Macoma calcarea, Chlamys islandica) and macrophyte algae (Saccharina latissima, Palmaria palmata, Ulvaria obscura, Fucus serratus, Fucus distichus). The results obtained showed moderate contamination of the studied samples with OTs. The total content of six tin compounds was in the ranges 35-139 ng g-1, 13-108 ng g-1 and 2.9-75 ng g-1 (dry weight) in the samples of sediments, bivalves and algae, respectively. In most cases, the concentrations of tributyltin in bottom sediments and mollusc tissues did not exceed the established international regulations. The degradation indices analysis of butyl tin derivatives indicated the active transformation of tributyltin and tetrabutyltin in bottom sediments and macrophyte algae and the accumulation of these compounds in the soft tissues of molluscs. The sediment and mollusc concentrations of OTs measured in this study were comparable to those reported for other areas of the Arctic region.





