Olfactory Cortex

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Subjective cognitive decline (SCD) is a high-risk population in the preclinical stage of Alzheimer\'s disease (AD), and olfactory dysfunction is a risk factor for dementia progression. The present study aimed to explore the patterns of functional connectivity (FC) changes in the olfactory neural circuits during olfactory stimulation in SCD subjects. A total of 56 SCD subjects and 56 normal controls (NCs) were included. All subjects were assessed with a cognitive scale, an olfactory behavior test, and olfactory task-based functional magnetic resonance imaging scanning. The FC differences in olfactory neural circuits between the two groups were analyzed by the generalized psychophysiological interaction. Additionally, we calculated and compared the activation of brain regions within the olfactory neural circuits during odor stimulation, the volumetric differences in brain regions showing FC differences between groups, and the correlations between neuroimaging indicators and olfactory behavioral and cognitive scale scores. During odor stimulation, the FC between the bilateral primary olfactory cortex (bPOC) and the right hippocampus in the SCD group was significantly reduced; while the FC between the right hippocampus and the right frontal cortex was significantly increased in the SCD group. The bPOC of all subjects showed significant activation, but no significant difference in activation between groups was found. No significant differences were observed in the volume of the brain regions within the olfactory neural circuits or in olfactory behavior between groups. The volume of the bPOC and right frontal cortex was significantly positively correlated with olfactory identification, and the volume of the right frontal cortex and right hippocampus was significantly correlated with cognitive functions. Furthermore, a significant correlation between the activation of bPOC and the olfactory threshold was found in the whole cohort. These results suggested that while the structure of the olfactory neural circuits and olfactory behavior in SCD subjects remained stable, there were significant changes observed in the FC of the olfactory neural circuits (specifically, the POC-hippocampus-frontal cortex neural circuits) during odor stimulation. These findings highlight the potential of FC alterations as sensitive imaging markers for identifying high-risk individuals in the early stage of AD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social recognition is essential for the formation of social structures. Many times, recognition comes with lesser exploration of familiar animals. This lesser exploration has led to the assumption that recognition may be a habituation memory. The underlying memory mechanisms and the thereby acquired cortical representations of familiar mice have remained largely unknown, however. Here, we introduce an approach directly examining the recognition process from volatile body odors among male mice. We show that volatile body odors emitted by mice are sufficient to identify individuals and that more salience is assigned to familiar mice. Familiarity is encoded by reinforced population responses in two olfactory cortex hubs and communicated to other brain regions. The underlying oxytocin-induced plasticity promotes the separation of the cortical representations of familiar from other mice. In summary, neuronal encoding of familiar animals is distinct and utilizes the cortical representational space more broadly, promoting storage of complex social relationships.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The olfactory system plays crucial roles in perceiving and interacting with their surroundings. Previous studies have deciphered basic odor perceptions, but how information processing in the olfactory system is associated with learning and memory is poorly understood. In this review, we summarize recent studies on the anatomy and functional dynamics of the mouse olfactory learning pathway, focusing on how neuronal circuits in the olfactory bulb (OB) and olfactory cortical areas integrate odor information in learning. We also highlight in vivo evidence for the role of the lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC) in olfactory learning. Altogether, these studies demonstrate that brain regions throughout the olfactory system are critically involved in forming and representing learned knowledge. The role of olfactory areas in learning and memory, and their susceptibility to dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases, necessitate further research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Humans naturally integrate signals from the olfactory and intranasal trigeminal systems. A tight interplay has been demonstrated between these two systems, and yet the neural circuitry mediating olfactory-trigeminal (OT) integration remains poorly understood. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), combined with psychophysics, this study investigated the neural mechanisms underlying OT integration. Fifteen participants with normal olfactory function performed a localization task with air-puff stimuli, phenylethyl alcohol (PEA; rose odor), or a combination thereof while being scanned. The ability to localize PEA to either nostril was at chance. Yet, its presence significantly improved the localization accuracy of weak, but not strong, air-puffs, when both stimuli were delivered concurrently to the same nostril, but not when different nostrils received the two stimuli. This enhancement in localization accuracy, exemplifying the principles of spatial coincidence and inverse effectiveness in multisensory integration, was associated with multisensory integrative activity in the primary olfactory (POC), orbitofrontal (OFC), superior temporal (STC), inferior parietal (IPC) and cingulate cortices, and in the cerebellum. Multisensory enhancement in most of these regions correlated with behavioral multisensory enhancement, as did increases in connectivity between some of these regions. We interpret these findings as indicating that the POC is part of a distributed brain network mediating integration between the olfactory and trigeminal systems. PRACTITIONER POINTS: Psychophysical and neuroimaging study of olfactory-trigeminal (OT) integration. Behavior, cortical activity, and network connectivity show OT integration. OT integration obeys principles of inverse effectiveness and spatial coincidence. Behavioral and neural measures of OT integration are correlated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Olfaction is influenced by contextual factors, past experiences, and the animal\'s internal state. Whether this information is integrated at the initial stages of cortical odour processing is not known, nor how these signals may influence odour encoding. Here we revealed multiple and diverse non-olfactory responses in the primary olfactory (piriform) cortex (PCx), which dynamically enhance PCx odour discrimination according to behavioural demands. We performed recordings of PCx neurons from mice trained in a virtual reality task to associate odours with visual contexts to obtain a reward. We found that learning shifts PCx activity from encoding solely odours to a regime in which positional, contextual, and associative responses emerge on odour-responsive neurons that become mixed-selective. The modulation of PCx activity by these non-olfactory signals was dynamic, improving odour decoding during task engagement and in rewarded contexts. This improvement relied on the acquired mixed-selectivity, demonstrating how integrating extra-sensory inputs in sensory cortices can enhance sensory processing while encoding the behavioural relevance of stimuli.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nasal chemosensation is considered the evolutionarily oldest mammalian sense and, together with somatosensation, is crucial for neonatal well-being before auditory and visual pathways start engaging the brain. Using anatomical and functional approaches in mice, we reveal that odor-driven activity propagates to a large part of the cortex during the first postnatal week and enhances whisker-evoked activation of primary whisker somatosensory cortex (wS1). This effect disappears in adult animals, in line with the loss of excitatory connectivity from olfactory cortex to wS1. By performing neonatal odor deprivation, followed by electrophysiological and behavioral work in adult animals, we identify a key transient regulation of nasal chemosensory information necessary for the development of wS1 sensory-driven dynamics and somatosensation. Our work uncovers a cross-modal critical window for nasal chemosensation-dependent somatosensory functional maturation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Persistent auditory verbal hallucinations (pAVHs) and olfactory identification impairment are common in schizophrenia (SCZ), but the neuroimaging mechanisms underlying both pAVHs and olfactory identification impairment are unclear. This study aimed to investigate whether pAVHs and olfactory identification impairment in SCZ patients are associated with changes in cortical thickness.
    METHODS: In this study, cortical thickness was investigated in 78 SCZ patients with pAVHs (pAVH group), 58 SCZ patients without AVHs (non-AVH group), and 83 healthy controls (HC group) using 3T magnetic resonance imaging. The severity of pAVHs was assessed by the Auditory Hallucination Rating Scale. Olfactory identification deficits were assessed using the Odor Stick Identification Test for Japanese (OSIT-J). In addition, the relationship between the severity of pAVHs and olfactory identification disorder and cortical thickness abnormalities was determined.
    RESULTS: Significant reductions in cortical thickness were observed in the right medial orbital sulcus (olfactory sulcus) and right orbital sulcus (H-shaped sulcus) in the pAVH group compared to both the non-AVH and HC groups (P < .003, Bonferroni correction). Furthermore, the severity of pAVHs was found to be negatively correlated with the reduction in cortical thickness in the olfactory sulcus and H-shaped sulcus. Additionally, a decrease in cortical thickness in the olfactory sulcus showed a positive correlation with the OSIT-J scores (P < .05, false discovery rate correction).
    CONCLUSIONS: Cortical thickness abnormalities in the olfactory sulcus may be a common neuroimaging mechanism for pAVHs and olfactory identification deficits in SCZ patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sampling behaviors have sensory consequences that can hinder perceptual stability. In olfaction, sniffing affects early odor encoding, mimicking a sudden change in odor concentration. We examined how the inhalation speed affects the representation of odor concentration in the main olfactory cortex. Neurons combine the odor input with a global top-down signal preceding the sniff and a mechanosensory feedback generated by the air passage through the nose during inhalation. Still, the population representation of concentration is remarkably sniff invariant. This is because the mechanosensory and olfactory responses are uncorrelated within and across neurons. Thus, faster odor inhalation and an increase in concentration change the cortical activity pattern in distinct ways. This encoding strategy affords tolerance to potential concentration fluctuations caused by varying inhalation speeds. Since mechanosensory reafferences are widespread across sensory systems, the coding scheme described here may be a canonical strategy to mitigate the sensory ambiguities caused by movements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fluctuations in olfactory sensitivity are widely known to occur during pregnancy and may be responsible for hyperemesis gravidarum. These changes are thought to be caused by structural and functional alterations in neurons in response to marked changes of the hormonal milieu. In this study, we examined changes in neurons in the olfactory cortex during pregnancy and after delivery in rats. Dendritic spine densities were measured in the piriform cortex (PIR) and posterolateral cortical amygdala (COApl), which are involved in olfaction. The results showed increased numbers of dendritic spines in the PIR in mid-pregnancy and in the COApl during early and late pregnancy, but not in the motor area of the cerebral cortex, indicating a correlation with changes in olfactory sensitivity during pregnancy. Immunohistochemical analysis of expression of ovarian hormone receptors in these brain regions revealed a decrease in the number of estrogen receptor α-positive cells during pregnancy in the PIR and during pregnancy and the postpartum period in the COApl. Regarding pregnancy-related peptide hormones, oxytocin receptors were expressed in the PIR and COApl, while prolactin receptors were not found in these regions. Accordingly, oxytocin-containing neurites were distributed in both regions. These results suggest that the balance of these hormonal signals has an effect on olfactory sensitivity in pregnant females.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dysfunctional sensory systems, including altered olfactory function, have recently been reported in patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Disturbances in olfactory processing can potentially result from gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic synaptic abnormalities. The specific molecular mechanism by which GABAergic transmission affects the olfactory system in ASD remains unclear. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate selected components of the GABAergic system in olfactory brain regions and primary olfactory neurons isolated from Shank3-deficient (-/-) mice, which are known for their autism-like behavioral phenotype. Shank3 deficiency led to a significant reduction in GEPHYRIN/GABAAR colocalization in the piriform cortex and in primary neurons isolated from the olfactory bulb, while no change of cell morphology was observed. Gene expression analysis revealed a significant reduction in the mRNA levels of GABA transporter 1 in the olfactory bulb and Collybistin in the frontal cortex of the Shank3-/- mice compared to WT mice. A similar trend of reduction was observed in the expression of Somatostatin in the frontal cortex of Shank3-/- mice. The analysis of the expression of other GABAergic neurotransmission markers did not yield statistically significant results. Overall, it appears that Shank3 deficiency leads to changes in GABAergic synapses in the brain regions that are important for olfactory information processing, which may represent basis for understanding functional impairments in autism.





