Oil palm

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oil palm is a versatile oil crop with numerous applications. Significant progress has been made in applying histological techniques in oil palm research in recent years. Whole genome sequencing of oil palm has been carried out to explain the function and structure of the order genome, facilitating the development of molecular markers and the construction of genetic maps, which are crucial for studying important traits and genetic resources in oil palm. Transcriptomics provides a powerful tool for studying various aspects of plant biology, including abiotic and biotic stresses, fatty acid composition and accumulation, and sexual reproduction, while proteomics and metabolomics provide opportunities to study lipid synthesis and stress responses, regulate fatty acid composition based on different gene and metabolite levels, elucidate the physiological mechanisms in response to abiotic stresses, and explain intriguing biological processes in oil palm. This paper summarizes the current status of oil palm research from a multi-omics perspective and hopes to provide a reference for further in-depth research on oil palm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Root-specific or preferential promoters are essential to genetically modify plants with beneficial root traits. We have characterised the promoter from an oil palm metallothionein gene (EgMT) and performed a serial 5\' deletion analysis to identify the region(s) essential for transgenes expression in roots. Stable functional characterisation of tobacco transgenic lines using the T1 generation showed that a deletion construct, designated as RSP-2D (1107 bp), directed strong GUS expression at all stages of root development, particularly in mature roots. Other constructs, RSP-2A (2481 bp) and RSP-2C (1639 bp), drove GUS expression in roots with an intensity lower than RSP-2D. The promoter activity was also detectable in seed pods and immature seeds, albeit at lower levels than CaMV35S. The promoter activity may also be induced by wounding as intact GUS staining was observed at the flower- and leaf-cutting sites of T1 samples carrying either RSP-2C or RSP-2D constructs. The promoter sequence contains cis-acting elements that may act as negative regulators and be responsible for root specificity. The results further indicated that the 5\' UTR and ATATT sequences are essential for strong promoter activity. This study highlights the potential of RSP-2D promoter as a tool for modifying root traits through genetic engineering.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Indonesia is the world\'s third largest cocoa producer, but production is decreasing since 2011. We revisited cocoa farmers for an environmental assessment in Luwu Timur, Sulawesi, 7 months after a socio-economic survey on cocoa certification outcomes and observed many cocoa plantations being converted into oil palm and maize. Including our field data as well as secondary data on commodity prices and yields, we outline reasons for cocoa conversion, potential consequences for biodiversity, and assess the future outlook for the Indonesian cocoa sector. Low cocoa productivity, volatile cocoa prices and higher revenue for oil palm, among others, drive land-use change. If shade trees are cut during cocoa conversion, it may have negative implications for biodiversity. Solutions to low soil fertility, omnipresent pests and diseases, and stable producer prices are needed to increase profitability of cocoa and prevent conversion of cocoa agroforests to oil palm monocultures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is a typical tropical oil crop with a temperature of 26-28 °C, providing approximately 35% of the total world\'s vegetable oil. Growth and productivity are significantly affected by low-temperature stress, resulting in inhibited growth and substantial yield losses. To comprehend the intricate molecular mechanisms underlying the response and acclimation of oil palm under low-temperature stress, multi-omics approaches, including metabolomics, proteomics, and transcriptomics, have emerged as powerful tools. This comprehensive review aims to provide an in-depth analysis of recent advancements in multi-omics studies on oil palm under low-temperature stress, including the key findings from omics-based research, highlighting changes in metabolite profiles, protein expression, and gene transcription, as well as including the potential of integrating multi-omics data to reveal novel insights into the molecular networks and regulatory pathways involved in the response to low-temperature stress. This review also emphasizes the challenges and prospects of multi-omics approaches in oil palm research, providing a roadmap for future investigations. Overall, a better understanding of the molecular basis of the response of oil palm to low-temperature stress will facilitate the development of effective breeding and biotechnological strategies to improve the crop\'s resilience and productivity in changing climate scenarios.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Basal Stem Rot (BSR), caused by Ganoderma spp., is one of the most important emerging diseases of oil palm in Colombia and is so far restricted to only two producing areas in the country. However, despite the controls established to prevent its spread to new areas, containment has not been possible. This study aimed to understand BSR\'s propagation mechanisms and related environmental conditions by measuring Ganoderma basidiospores\' concentrations at various heights using four 7-day Burkard volumetric samplers in a heavily affected plantation. Meteorological data, including solar radiation, temperature, humidity, precipitation, and wind speed, were also recorded. Analysis revealed higher basidiospore concentrations below 4 m, peaking at 02:00 h, with increased levels towards the study\'s end. Spore concentrations were not directly influenced by temperature, humidity, or precipitation, but showed higher releases during drier periods. A significant correlation was found between wind speed and spore concentration, particularly below 1.5 m/s, though higher speeds might aid long-distance pathogen spread. This study highlights the complexity of BSR propagation and the need for continued monitoring and research to manage its impact on Colombia\'s oil palm industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phytophthora palmivora, a hemibiotrophic oomycete, causes diseases in several economically important tropical crops, such as oil palm, which it is responsible for a devastating disease called bud rot (BR). Despite recent progress in understanding host resistance and virulence mechanisms, many aspects remain unknown in P. palmivora isolates from oil palm. Model pathosystems are useful for understanding the molecular interactions between pathogens and hosts. In this study, we utilized detached leaves and whole seedlings of Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 to describe and evaluate the infection process of three P. palmivora isolates (CPPhZC-05, CPPhZC-04, CPPhZOC-01) that cause BR in oil palm. Two compatible isolates (CPPhZC-05 and CPPhZOC-01) induced aqueous lesions at 72 h post-inoculation (hpi), with microscopic visualization revealing zoospore encysting and appressorium penetration at 3 hpi, followed by sporangia generation at 72 hpi. In contrast, an incompatible isolate (CPPhZC-04) exhibited cysts that could not penetrate tissue, resulting in low leaf colonization. Gene expression of ten P. palmivora infection-related genes was quantified by RT-qPCR, revealing overexpression in compatible isolates, but not in the incompatible isolate. Additionally, key genes associated with salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA), and ethylene (ET) in Arabidopsis exhibited regulation during interaction with the three isolates. These findings demonstrate that P. palmivora can infect Arabidopsis Col-0, and variability is observed in the interaction between Arabidopsis-Col-0 and P. palmivora isolates. Establishing this pathosystem is expected to enhance our understanding of P. palmivora\'s pathology and physiology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AP2/ERF transcription factor genes play an important role in regulating the responses of plants to various abiotic stresses, such as cold, drought, high salinity, and high temperature. However, less is known about the function of oil palm AP2/ERF genes. We previously obtained 172 AP2/ERF genes of oil palm and found that the expression of EgAP2.25 was significantly up-regulated under salinity, cold, or drought stress conditions. In the present study, the sequence characterization and expression analysis for EgAP2.25 were conducted, showing that it was transiently over-expressed in Nicotiana tabacum L. The results indicated that transgenic tobacco plants over-expressing EgAP2.25 could have a stronger tolerance to salinity stress than wild-type tobacco plants. Compared with wild-type plants, the over-expression lines showed a significantly higher germination rate, better plant growth, and less chlorophyll damage. In addition, the improved salinity tolerance of EgAP2.25 transgenic plants was mainly attributed to higher antioxidant enzyme activities, increased proline and soluble sugar content, reduced H2O2 production, and lower MDA accumulation. Furthermore, several stress-related marker genes, including NtSOD, NtPOD, NtCAT, NtERD10B, NtDREB2B, NtERD10C, and NtP5CS, were significantly up-regulated in EgAP2.25 transgenic tobacco plants subjected to salinity stress. Overall, over-expression of the EgAP2.25 gene significantly enhanced salinity stress tolerance in transgenic tobacco plants. This study lays a foundation for further exploration of the regulatory mechanism of the EgAP2.25 gene in conferring salinity tolerance in oil palm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    <b>Background and Objective:</b> The prioritisation of oil palm studies involves the exploration of novel bacterial isolates as possible agents for suppressing <i>Ganoderma boninense</i>. The objective of this study was to evaluate and characterise the potential of rhizospheric bacteria, obtained from the rhizosphere of oil palm plants, in terms of their ability to demonstrate anti-<i>Ganoderma </i>activity. <b>Materials and Methods:</b> The study began by employing a dual culture technique to select hostile bacteria. Qualitative detection was performed to assess the antifungal activity, as well as the synthesis of chitinase and glucanase, from certain isolates. The candidate strains were molecularly identified using 16S-rRNA ribosomal primers, specifically the 27F and 1492R primers. <b>Results:</b> The findings of the study indicated that the governmental plantation exhibited the highest ratio between diazotroph and indigenous bacterial populations in comparison to the other sites. Out of a pool of ninety bacterial isolates, a subset of twenty-one isolates demonstrated the ability to impede the development of <i>G. boninense</i>, as determined using a dual culture experiment. Twenty-one bacterial strains were found to exhibit antifungal activity. Nine possible bacteria were found based on the sequence analysis. These bacteria include <i>Burkholderia territorii</i> (RK2, RP2, RP3, RP5), <i>Burkholderia stagnalis</i> (RK3), <i>Burkholderia cenocepacia</i> (RP1), <i>Serratia marcescens</i> (RP13) and <i>Rhizobium multihospitium</i> (RU4). <b>Conclusion:</b> The findings of the study revealed that a significant proportion of the bacterial population exhibited the ability to perform nitrogen fixation, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) production and phosphate solubilization. However, it is worth noting that <i>Rhizobium multihospitium</i> RU4 did not demonstrate the capacity for phosphate solubilization, while <i>B. territory</i> RK2 did not exhibit IAA production.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The chloroplast genome has the potential to be genetically engineered to enhance the agronomic value of major crops. As a crop plant with major economic value, it is important to understand every aspect of the genetic inheritance pattern among Elaeis guineensis individuals to ensure the traceability of agronomic traits.
    UNASSIGNED: Two parental E. guineensis individuals and 23 of their F1 progenies were collected and sequenced using the next-generation sequencing (NGS) technique on the Illumina platform. Chloroplast genomes were assembled de novo from the cleaned raw reads and aligned to check for variations. The sequences were compared and analyzed with programming language scripting and relevant bioinformatic softwares. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci were determined from the chloroplast genome.
    UNASSIGNED: The chloroplast genome assembly resulted in 156,983 bp, 156,988 bp, 156,982 bp, and 156,984 bp. The gene content and arrangements were consistent with the reference genome published in the GenBank database. Seventy-eight SSRs were detected in the chloroplast genome, with most located in the intergenic spacer region.The chloroplast genomes of 17 F1 progenies were exact copies of the maternal parent, while six individuals showed a single variation in the sequence. Despite the significant variation displayed by the male parent, all the nucleotide variations were synonymous. This study show highly conserve gene content and sequence in Elaeis guineensis chloroplast genomes. Maternal inheritance of chloroplast genome among F1 progenies are robust with a low possibility of mutations over generations. The findings in this study can enlighten inheritance pattern of Elaeis guineensis chloroplast genome especially among crops\' scientists who consider using chloroplast genome for agronomic trait modifications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oil palm cultivation has improved living standards and alleviated the poverty of many smallholder farmers. However, challenges such as climate change, aging palms and negative sentiments in the major markets, threaten the wellbeing of and raise the question on smallholder farmers\' resilience, which remains poorly understood. Using primary data from Indonesia, the largest palm oil producer in the world, we measure and evaluate the resilience of oil palm smallholder farmers using the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach. Our results revealed five classes of smallholders with different levels of resilience: vulnerable, economically and socially constrained, low-skilled, semi-secure and adaptive smallholders. The farmers in the least resilient group are majorly older local farmers, who established oil palm plantations independently. Meanwhile, the most resilient group is dominated by smallholders who participated in the migration program, and in the past, received support from the government to start oil palm plantations. Our study highlights the heterogeneity of smallholders\' livelihood resilience and the need for inclusive and tailored interventions for the various classes of smallholder farmers to establish sustainable communities.





