Ocular motility disorders

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome is a rare neurological condition characterized by opsoclonus, myoclonus, ataxia, irritability, and sleep disturbances. In pediatric patients, symptoms usually start between 16 and 18 months of age; opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome presentation in children under 6 months is rare. Approximately 50% of cases are associated with neuroblastoma. We report an early onset presentation of opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome in a previously healthy, 3-month-old female infant. The diagnostic workup revealed no abnormalities. The patient underwent monthly cycles of dexamethasone pulses and intravenous immunoglobulin with a favorable response. After a few months, the patient presented intermittent opsoclonus before the next scheduled pulse so from the 9th cycle onwards, the intravenous immunoglobulin dose was increased to 2 g/kg. After 9 months of treatment, she was diagnosed with a latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Due to this infection, dexamethasone pulses were discontinued, and intravenous immunoglobulin treatment was maintained with clinical improvement The patient received 18 intravenous immunoglobulin cycles, leaving her with a score of one on the Mitchell-Pike scale. Developmental milestones have been attained according to age. Despite the range of therapeutic options for managing opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome described in the literature, the efficacy of these available therapies needs to be better established. A modified upfront approach with dexamethasone and intravenous immunoglobulin could be an option in settings where rituximab is unavailable.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Convergence Insufficiency (CI) is the most prevalent oculomotor dysfunction of binocular vision that negatively impacts quality of life when performing visual near tasks. Decreased resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC) is reported in the CI participants compared to binocularly normal control participants. Studies report that therapeutic interventions such as office-based vergence and accommodative therapy (OBVAT) can improve CI participants\' clinical signs, visual symptoms, and task-related functional activity. However, longitudinal studies investigating the RSFC changes after such treatments in participants with CI have not been conducted. This study aimed to investigate the neural basis of OBVAT using RSFC in CI participants compared to the placebo treatment to understand how OBVAT improves visual function and symptoms.
    METHODS: A total of 51 CI participants between 18 and 35 years of age were included in the study and randomly allocated to receive either 12 one-hour sessions of OBVAT or placebo treatment for 6 to 8 weeks (1 to 2 sessions per week). Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging and clinical assessments were evaluated at baseline and outcome for each treatment group. Region of interest (ROI) analysis was conducted in nine ROIs of the oculomotor vergence network, including the following: cerebellar vermis (CV), frontal eye fields (FEF), supplementary eye fields (SEF), parietal eye fields (PEF), and primary visual cortices (V1). Paired t-tests assessed RSFC changes in each group. A linear regression analysis was conducted for significant ROI pairs in the group-level analysis for correlations with clinical measures.
    RESULTS: Paired t-test results showed increased RSFC in 10 ROI pairs after the OBVAT but not placebo treatment (p < 0.05, false discovery rate corrected). These ROI pairs included the following: Left (L)-SEF-Right (R)-V1, L-SEF-CV, R-SEF-R-PEF, R-SEF-L-V1, R-SEF-R-V1, R-SEF-CV, R-PEF-CV, L-V1-CV, R-V1-CV, and L-V1-R-V1. Significant correlations were observed between the RSFC strength of the R-SEF-R-PEF ROI pair and the following clinical visual function parameters: positive fusional vergence and near point of convergence (p < 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: OBVAT, but not placebo treatment, increased the RSFC in the ROIs of the oculomotor vergence network, which was correlated with the improvements in the clinical measures of the CI participants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Sudden ocular dyskinesia is usually associated with ophthalmic diseases and rarely with cerebrovascular diseases. This is a rare case of a patient with a sudden onset of ocular dyskinesia due to occlusion of the anterior inferior cerebellar artery and the spiral modiolar artery. This article describes eye movement disorders associated with cerebrovascular disease, aiming to improve our understanding of cerebrovascular diseases and improve the ability of early diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
    METHODS: A 52-year-old man presented with acute pontine cerebral infarction 2 days before presentation. The main symptoms were the inability to adduct and abduct the left eyeball, the ability to abduct but not adduct the right eyeball, and horizontal nystagmus during abduction. Cranial computed tomography in our emergency department suggested cerebral infarction, and magnetic resonance imaging examination after admission confirmed the diagnosis of acute pontine cerebral infarction.
    METHODS: This patient was ultimately diagnosed with acute pontine cerebral infarction.
    METHODS: He received aspirin, clopidogrel, and butylphthalide, as well as acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine.
    RESULTS: After 10 days of treatment, the patient\'s paralysis of the eye muscles improved significantly.
    CONCLUSIONS: Eye movement disorders are sometimes an early warning sign of impending vertebrobasilar ischemic stroke. Patients with acute ischemic stroke who have early detection of oculomotor disturbances should be promptly imaged, as missed diagnosis may lead to serious consequences or even death. It provided us with a new diagnostic idea.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    Internuclear ophthalmoparesis (INO) is a horizontal eye movement disorder that is associated with a lesion at the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF). One-and-a-half syndrome occurs when the lesion involves the MLF and the ipsilateral abducens nuclei or the paramedian pontine reticular formation (PPRF) in the dorsomedial tegmentum of the pons. When the lesion is large enough, the fascicles of the facial nerve (CNVII) can also be involved, resulting in an ipsilateral facial nerve palsy. In combination with one-and-a-half syndrome, this condition becomes eightand- a- half syndrome (EHS). Here, we describe a unique case of EHS in a 72-year-old male with multiple ischemic stroke risk factors who presented with INO, conjugate gaze palsy, ipsilateral facial palsy, and a transient contralateral hemiparesis. Recognizing this pattern of neurologic deficits improves localization of the lesion, prevents misdiagnosis of Bell\'s Palsy, and expedites proper treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    METHODS: The click phenomenon occurs when an acquired mechanical restriction of the elevation in adduction of the eye or of the extension of the finger/thumb, is forcefully overcome. The common cause is a nodule either of the superior oblique tendon posterior to the trochlea in the case of a Jaensch-Brown syndrome or of the digital flexor tendon anterior to the A1 annular pulley in the case of a trigger finger. Both locations share similar anatomical conditions for the development of the nodule and the pathomechanism of the click.
    RESULTS: From these identical findings in the eye and the hand in small children it can be assumed that the results from the studies of the hand in newborns and infants with a trigger thumb/finger are also applicable to the situation of the eye. 1. This motility disorder is not congenital. This is most likely due to an incomplete development at the time of birth of the sliding factors needed for a free passage of the tendon through the trochlea and the A1 annular pulley. 2. A distinction must be made between stages 0-3: stage 0 = no more restriction of the motility and no click phenomenon; stage 1 = forced active extension/elevation possible; stage 2 = only passive extension/elevation, each with a click phenomenon; stage 3 = no extension/elevation possible and no click phenomenon. 3. In most cases in early childhood there is a spontaneous complete recovery (75% after 6-7 years). In the eye this spontaneous course can only limitedly be shortened with motility exercises in combination with segmental occlusion.
    CONCLUSIONS: The click phenomenon is a symptom of stages 1 and 2 of an acquired mechanical restriction of the elevation in adduction of the eye or the extension of the finger/thumb. It should not be called a syndrome.
    UNASSIGNED: KRANKHEITSBILD: Zu einem „Klick-Phänomen“ kommt es beim forcierten Überwinden einer erworbenen mechanischen Einschränkung der Hebung in Adduktion beim Auge bzw. Strecken des Fingers/Daumens bei der Hand. Die gemeinsame Ursache ist ein Knoten: Beim Auge hinter der Trochlea; der Hand vor dem Ringband A1. Wobei es zu dem „Klick“ über den gleichen Pathomechanismus kommt.
    UNASSIGNED: Aufgrund dieser identischen Befunde beim Auge und der Hand kann bei kleinen Kindern angenommen werden, dass die durch Studien bei der Hand bei Neugeborenen und kleinen Kindern mit einem „Trigger thumb/finger“ gewonnenen Erkenntnisse auch auf die Situation beim Auge zutreffen: 1. Im frühen Kindesalter kommt es zu dieser Motilitätsstörung nicht kongenital. Hierzu kommt es höchstwahrscheinlich durch bei der Geburt noch nicht voll entwickelte Gleitverhältnisse, die für eine glatte Passage der Sehne durch die Trochlea/das Ringband A1 erforderlich sind. 2. Bei dieser Motilitätsstörung muss zwischen den Stadien 0–3 unterschieden werden: Stadium 0 = keine Einschränkung der Motilität und kein „Klick-Phänomen“ mehr; Stadium 1 = forciert aktiv; Stadium 2 = nur passiv Strecken/Hebung möglich – mit jeweils einem „Klick-Phänomen“; Stadium 3 = kein Strecken/Hebung möglich und kein „Klick-Phänomen“. 3. Bei den meisten frühkindlichen Fällen kommt es ohne Therapie (75 % nach 6 bis 7 Jahren) zu einer spontanen vollständigen Rückbildung: Was beim Auge nur begrenzt durch Motilitätsübungen in Kombination mit einer Sektorokklusion verkürzt werden kann.
    UNASSIGNED: Das „Klick-Phänomen“ ist ein Symptom beim Stadium 1 und 2 der erworbenen mechanischen Einschränkung der Hebung in Adduktion bzw. Strecken des Fingers/Daumens. Es ist kein „Syndrom“, nach dem diese Motilitätsstörung bezeichnet werden kann.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND Parinaud oculoglandular syndrome is a unilateral granulomatous palpebral conjunctivitis associated with preauricular, submandibular, and cervical lymphadenopathies. Several infectious diseases can cause Parinaud oculoglandular syndrome, usually with a conjunctival entry. The most common underlying pathology is cat scratch disease, followed by the oculoglandular form of tularemia. Diagnosis is usually a serious challenge as these infections are themselves rare. On the other hand, Parinaud oculoglandular syndrome may be a rare manifestation of more common disorders (eg, tuberculosis, syphilis, mumps, herpes simplex and Epstein-Barr virus, adenovirus, Rickettsia, Sporothrix, Chlamydia infections). CASE REPORT We present the case of a 66-year-old man with granulomatous conjunctivitis and ipsilateral preauricular, submandibular, and upper cervical lymphadenopathies following a superficial corneal injury. Although the systematic amoxicillin/clavulanic acid and metronidazole antibiotic therapy started immediately at admission, the suppuration of the lymph nodes required surgical drainage. Based on his anamnesis (sheep breeding; a twig scratching his eye 2 days before the initial attendance) and symptoms, a zoonosis, namely the oculoglandular form of tularemia, was suspected, empiric ciprofloxacin therapy was administered, and the patient recovered without sequelae. The Francisella tularensis infection was eventually confirmed by microagglutination serologic assay. CONCLUSIONS If Parinaud oculoglandular syndrome is diagnosed and cat scratch fever as the most common etiology is not likely, other zoonoses, especially the oculoglandular form of tularemia, should be suspected. Serology is the most common laboratory method of diagnosing tularemia. Empiric fluoroquinolone (ciprofloxacin) or aminoglycoside (gentamicin or streptomycin) antibiotic therapy should be started immediately at the slightest suspicion of oculoglandular tularemia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Saccadic oscillations (SOs) mostly occur spontaneously, but can be occasionally triggered by various stimuli. To determine clinical characteristics and underlying mechanisms of triggered SOs, we analyzed the clinical features and quantitative eye-movement recordings of six new patients and 10 patients in the literature who exhibited with triggered SOs. Eleven of the 16 patients (69%) had a lesion involving cerebellum and/or brainstem such as cerebellar degeneration, cerebellitis, or cerebellar infarction. The other causes were vestibular migraine (n = 2), multiple sclerosis (n = 1), Krabbe disease (n = 1), and idiopathic (n = 1). Vestibular stimulation was the most common trigger (n = 11, 69%), followed by removal of visual fixation (n = 4, 25%), hyperventilation (n = 1), light (n = 1), and blink (n = 1). The types of triggered SOs were varied which included ocular flutter (n = 13), opsoclonus (n = 3), vertical SOs (n = 2), and macrosaccadic oscillations (n = 1). Three patients exhibited downbeat nystagmus either before (n = 1) or after (n = 2) the onset of SOs. The frequency of triggered SOs ranged from 4 to 15 Hz, and oscillations with smaller amplitudes had higher frequencies and smaller peak velocities. SOs can be triggered by the modulation of unstable saccadic neural networks through vestibular and visual inputs in lesions of the brainstem and cerebellum.





