
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The innervation of the antennal heart of the cockroach Periplaneta americana was studied with immunocytochemical techniques on both the light and electron microscopic levels. The antennal heart is innervated by two efferent systems, both using one biogenic amine in combination with neuropeptides. In one, we found co-localization of serotonin with proctolin and allatostatin. These fibers most likely originate from paired neurons located in the suboesophageal ganglion. In the second system, we found octopamine co-localized with the short neuropeptide F. The source of this second system is dorsal unpaired median (DUM) neurons, also located in the suboesophageal ganglion. The possible effects of these neuromediators on different targets are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aminergic nuclei in mammals are generally composed of relatively small numbers of cells with broad projection patterns. Despite the gross similarity of many individual neurons, recent transcriptomic, anatomic and behavioral studies suggest previously unsuspected diversity. Smaller clusters of aminergic neurons in the model organism Drosophila melanogaster provide an opportunity to explore the ramifications of neuronal diversity at the level of individual cells. A group of approximately 10 tyraminergic/octopaminergic neurons innervates the female reproductive tract in flies and has been proposed to regulate multiple activities required for fertility. The projection patterns of individual neurons within the cluster are not known and it remains unclear whether they are functionally heterogenous. Using a single cell labeling technique, we show that each region of the reproductive tract is innervated by a distinct subset of tyraminergic/octopaminergic cells. Optogenetic activation of one subset stimulates oviduct contractions, indicating that the cluster as a whole is not required for this activity, and underscoring the potential for functional diversity across individual cells. Using whole cell patch clamp, we show that two adjacent and morphologically similar cells are tonically inhibited, but each responds differently to injection of current or activation of the inhibitory GluCl receptor. GluCl appears to be expressed at relatively low levels in tyraminergic/octopaminergic neurons within the cluster, suggesting that it may regulate their excitability via indirect pathways. Together, our data indicate that specific tyraminergic/octopaminergic cells within a relatively homogenous cluster have heterogenous properties and provide a platform for further studies to determine the function of each cell.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reproduction is paramount to animals. For it to be successful, a coordination of social behavior, physiology, and gamete production is necessary. How are social cues perceived and how do they affect physiology and gametogenesis? While females, ranging from insects to mammals, have provided multiple insights about this coordination, its existence remains largely unknown in males. Here, by using the Drosophila male as a model, we describe a phenomenon by which the availability of potential mating partners triggers an activation state on the stem cell populations of the testis, boosting spermatogenesis. We reveal its reliance on pheromonal communication, even in the absence of mating or other interactions with females. Finally, we identify the interorgan communication signaling network responsible-muscle-secreted tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α)/Eiger and neuronally secreted octopamine trigger, respectively, the Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway and a change in calcium dynamics in the cyst stem cells. As a consequence, germ line stem cells increase their proliferation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In insects, biogenic amines function as neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, and neurohormones, influencing various behaviors, including those related to reproduction such as response to sex pheromones, oogenesis, oviposition, courtship, and mating. Octopamine (OA), an analog of the vertebrate norepinephrine, is synthesized from the biogenic amine tyramine by the enzyme tyramine β-hydroxylase (TβH). Here, we investigate the mechanisms and target genes underlying the role of OA in successful reproduction in females of Rhodnius prolixus, a vector of Chagas disease, by downregulating TβH mRNA expression (thereby reducing OA content) using RNA interference (RNAi), and in vivo and ex vivo application of OA. Injection of females with dsTβH impairs successful reproduction at least in part, by decreasing the transcript expression of enzymes involved in juvenile hormone biosynthesis, the primary hormone for oogenesis in R. prolixus, thereby interfering with oogenesis, ovulation and oviposition. This study offers valuable insights into the involvement of OA for successful reproduction in R. prolixus females. Understanding the reproductive biology of R. prolixus is crucial in a medical context for controlling the spread of the disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To visualize the cellular and subcellular localization of neuromodulatory G-protein-coupled receptors in Drosophila, we implement a molecular strategy recently used to add epitope tags to ionotropic receptors at their endogenous loci. Leveraging evolutionary conservation to identify sites more likely to permit insertion of a tag, we generated constitutive and conditional tagged alleles for Drosophila 5-HT1A, 5-HT2A, 5-HT2B, Oct β 1R, Oct β 2R, two isoforms of OAMB, and mGluR The conditional alleles allow for the restricted expression of tagged receptor in specific cell types, an option not available for any previous reagents to label these proteins. We show expression patterns for these receptors in female brains and that 5-HT1A and 5-HT2B localize to the mushroom bodies (MBs) and central complex, respectively, as predicted by their roles in sleep. By contrast, the unexpected enrichment of Octβ1R in the central complex and of 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A to nerve terminals in lobular columnar cells in the visual system suggest new hypotheses about their functions at these sites. Using an additional tagged allele of the serotonin transporter, a marker of serotonergic tracts, we demonstrate diverse spatial relationships between postsynaptic 5-HT receptors and presynaptic 5-HT neurons, consistent with the importance of both synaptic and volume transmission. Finally, we use the conditional allele of 5-HT1A to show that it localizes to distinct sites within the MBs as both a postsynaptic receptor in Kenyon cells and a presynaptic autoreceptor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Helicoverpa armigera exhibits extensive variability in feeding habits and food selection. Neuronal regulation of H. armigera feeding behavior is primarily influenced by biogenic amines such as Tyramine (TA) and Octopamine (OA). The molecular responses of H. armigera to dietary challenges in the presence of TA or OA have yet to be studied. This investigation dissects the impact of OA and TA on H. armigera feeding choices and behaviors under non-host nutritional stress. It has been observed that feeding behavior remains unaltered during the exogenous administration of OA and TA through an artificial diet (AD). Ingestion of higher OA or TA concentrations leads to increased mortality. OA and TA treatment in combination with host and non-host diets results in the induction of feeding and higher locomotion toward food, particularly in the case of TA treatment. Increased expression of markers, prominin-like, and tachykinin-related peptide receptor-like transcripts further assessed increased locomotion activity. Insects subjected to a non-host diet with TA treatment exhibited increased feeding and overexpression of the feeding indicator, the Neuropeptide F receptor, and the feeding regulator, Sulfakinin, compared with other conditions. Expression of sensation and biogenic amine synthesis genesis elevated in insects fed a non-host diet in combination with OA or TA. Metabolomics analysis revealed a decreased concentration of the feeding behavior elicitor, dopamine, in insects fed a non-host diet containing TA. This work highlights the complex interplay between biogenic amine functions during dietary stress and suggests the role of tyramine in feeding promotion under stressed conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Octopamine, the functional analog of noradrenaline, modulates many different behaviors and physiological processes in invertebrates. In the central nervous system, a few octopaminergic neurons project throughout the brain and innervate almost all neuropils. The center of memory formation in insects, the mushroom bodies, receive octopaminergic innervations in all insects investigated so far. Different octopamine receptors, either increasing or decreasing cAMP or calcium levels in the cell, are localized in Kenyon cells, further supporting the release of octopamine in the mushroom bodies. In addition, different mushroom body (MB) output neurons, projection neurons, and dopaminergic PAM cells are targets of octopaminergic neurons, enabling the modulation of learning circuits at different neural sites. For some years, the theory persisted that octopamine mediates rewarding stimuli, whereas dopamine (DA) represents aversive stimuli. This simple picture has been challenged by the finding that DA is required for both appetitive and aversive learning. Furthermore, octopamine is also involved in aversive learning and a rather complex interaction between these biogenic amines seems to modulate learning and memory. This review summarizes the role of octopamine in MB function, focusing on the anatomical principles and the role of the biogenic amine in learning and memory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, we designed an artificial pathway composed of tyramine β-hydroxylase (TBH) and phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT) for the biosynthesis of both octopamine and synephrine. As most TBH and PNMT originate from eukaryotic animals and plants, the heterologous expression and identification of functional TBH and PNMT are critical for establishing the pathway in mode microorganisms like Escherichia coli. Here, three TBHs were evaluated, and only TBH from Drosophila melanogaster was successfully expressed in the soluble form in E. coli. Its expression was promoted by evaluating the effects of different expression strategies. The specific enzyme activity of TBH was optimized up to 229.50 U·g-1, and the first step in the biosynthetic pathway was successfully established and converted tyramine to synthesize 0.10 g/L of octopamine. Furthermore, the second step to produce synephrine from octopamine was developed by screening PNMT, enhancing enzyme activity, and optimizing reaction conditions, with a maximum synephrine production of 2.02 g/L. Finally, based on the optimization of the reaction conditions for each individual reaction, the one-pot cascade reaction for synthesizing synephrine from tyramine was constructed by combining the TBH and PNMT. The synthetic synephrine reached 30.05 mg/L with tyramine as substrate in the two-step enzyme cascade system. With further optimization and amplification, the titers of octopamine and synephrine were increased to 0.45 and 0.20 g/L, respectively, with tyramine as substrate. This work was the first achievement of the biosynthesis of octopamine and synephrine to date.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Octopamine (OA), analogous to norepinephrine in vertebrates, is an essential monoamine neurotransmitter in invertebrates that plays a significant role in various biological functions, including olfactory associative learning. However, the spatial and temporal dynamics of OA in vivo remain poorly understood due to limitations associated with the currently available methods used to detect it. To overcome these limitations, we developed a genetically encoded GPCR  activation-based (GRAB) OA sensor called GRABOA1.0. This sensor is highly selective for OA and exhibits a robust and rapid increase in fluorescence in response to extracellular OA. Using GRABOA1.0, we monitored OA release in the Drosophila mushroom body (MB), the fly\'s learning center, and found that OA is released in response to both odor and shock stimuli in an aversive learning model. This OA release requires acetylcholine (ACh) released from Kenyon cells, signaling via nicotinic ACh receptors. Finally, we discovered that OA amplifies aversive learning behavior by augmenting dopamine-mediated punishment signals via Octβ1R in dopaminergic neurons, leading to alterations in synaptic plasticity within the MB. Thus, our new GRABOA1.0 sensor can be used to monitor OA release in real time under physiological conditions, providing valuable insights into the cellular and circuit mechanisms that underlie OA signaling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hungry animals need compensatory mechanisms to maintain flexible brain function, while modulation reconfigures circuits to prioritize resource seeking. In Drosophila, hunger inhibits aversively reinforcing dopaminergic neurons (DANs) to permit the expression of food-seeking memories. Multitasking the reinforcement system for motivation potentially undermines aversive learning. We find that chronic hunger mildly enhances aversive learning and that satiated-baseline and hunger-enhanced learning require endocrine adipokinetic hormone (AKH) signaling. Circulating AKH influences aversive learning via its receptor in four neurons in the ventral brain, two of which are octopaminergic. Connectomics revealed AKH receptor-expressing neurons to be upstream of several classes of ascending neurons, many of which are presynaptic to aversively reinforcing DANs. Octopaminergic modulation of and output from at least one of these ascending pathways is required for shock- and bitter-taste-reinforced aversive learning. We propose that coordinated enhancement of input compensates for hunger-directed inhibition of aversive DANs to preserve reinforcement when required.





